Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Welcome to WhoAmI! :)

Darlingdear -- you heard "Elizabeth" as well? Interesting.

Yeah, MJ was about to begin a story and he started with Elizabeth..but then it ended lol. But I could hear him say that. But yah interesting we both got that. Maybe we might get a continuation sometime.

Guys, I miss Michael so much today. :cry: I've been pretty disconnected to him for awhile...that I haven't felt much. But today, I really really miss him. Every photo just breaks my heart and I feel my soul desperately wanting to reach out to be near him or just to see him smile again. I feel like a part of me is missing today. (sigh)

Hope everyone is doing well. x

Sorry to hear that.
I felt like that yesterday night before I went to sleep. I just want him back and especially for his children's sake. Poor babies. :(

I'm sure you will begin to feel him again soon, amy. Keep your chin up.
We're all here for you.
Thanks Louise, mjbunny and amygrace and hugs all round!

I know he can be angry, I just think that he would be sensitive to people's pain and I don't think he would take it out on fans in the way the video portrayed. I dunno.. I just doesn't feel right.

Sorry you're feeling down. When I feel like that, seeing him smiling is the worst for me. I'm not going to go into that because it's depressing :(.

I love your siggy, btw. I always stop at it when I'm looking through the threads. So adorable! :wub:

I'd love to try meditating with all of you next time. Thank you for the offers.
Thank you for the welcome!

Take your time. There's no rush. When you come up with the finished product, you could record a rough take of your vocals and when I come up with something for it or record what you have in mind for it, you can redo a proper take.

That way you can have the option to put up a youtube video if you're feeling up to it. I know that can be a terrifying thing to do. I had some bad quality band stuff up there but I took most of it down. I have yet to upload an acoustic video though. I'll work up the courage someday!

When is your gig? Are you singing with a band or on your own?

Sorry I feel like I'm after bombarding you! No pressure, really!
Yeah great idea, I'll definitely do that and I would love to be able to put up a vid properly so this is a perfect way. Now I'd love to see some of your work, got a link of something that's still online? :D

I'm singing with a pianist and some other people as well, luckily. I wouldn't manage to do a whole gig on my own now, haha. It's coming Tuesday. And no you're not bombarding me, thanks for the interest! ;)

Guys, I miss Michael so much today. :cry: I've been pretty disconnected to him for awhile...that I haven't felt much. But today, I really really miss him. Every photo just breaks my heart and I feel my soul desperately wanting to reach out to be near him or just to see him smile again. I feel like a part of me is missing today. (sigh)

Hope everyone is doing well. x
Aw I'm sorry you feel that way dear...:( Interesting how we all often report the same feelings, I've had struggles this week as well..more than usual. It's so strange, one time I'm feeling just numb about it, second moment I'm in disbelieve, one after extremely sad and so it goes. *sigh* Can't even describe the right words of how I miss him.
Think I'm gonna have a major breakdown this week...on Thursday I'm leaving to London (second try) for the exhibition and the meetup with MJJC people. Gonna be a verrrry confronting event I guess.

Anyways, now I'm talking about me again...sorry. Stay strong girl...we're here for you. :heart:

I'm off to catch some sleep....much love for all of you! :huggy:
Sorry to hear that.
I felt like that yesterday night before I went to sleep. I just want him back and especially for his children's sake. Poor babies. :(
I'm sure you will begin to feel him again soon, amy. Keep your chin up.
We're all here for you.
Thanks darling.. I do feel like he's close today...and maybe that's what's making me miss him so much more, because he feels so close but so far away. :cry: I just want to grab him...pull him back through the dimensions and give him a hug.

WhoAmI said:
Sorry you're feeling down. When I feel like that, seeing him smiling is the worst for me. I'm not going to go into that because it's depressing :sad:.
Ugh I know. There's this incredibly super adorable gif of him smiling that I stumbled upon today and while it makes me fall in love with him all over again it just pains me to watch it! I love him with every fiber of my being but he's not here! Damnit damnit. :(

I love your siggy, btw. I always stop at it when I'm looking through the threads. So adorable! :wub:
Aw thanks

Mrs. Music said:
Aw I'm sorry you feel that way dear...:sad: Interesting how we all often report the same feelings, I've had struggles this week as well..more than usual. It's so strange, one time I'm feeling just numb about it, second moment I'm in disbelieve, one after extremely sad and so it goes. *sigh* Can't even describe the right words of how I miss him.
Think I'm gonna have a major breakdown this week...on Thursday I'm leaving to London (second try) for the exhibition and the meetup with MJJC people. Gonna be a verrrry confronting event I guess.

Anyways, now I'm talking about me again...sorry. Stay strong girl...we're here for you. :heart:
Thanks Bianca :huggy: Good luck with the exhibition...I don't think I could take going to something like that now!
Now I'd love to see some of your work, got a link of something that's still online? :D

This is a rough version of one of the newer songs. We finished it since but I didn't get a chance to update it. Actually I have a few to upload. I had forgotten about them :scratch:

Sorry bout the crappy video. The drummer threw it together :drums: (
Welcome to the thread WhoAmI. This is my favorite thread to come too as well. Everyone's so kind to each other. :)

Amy, I've been feeling disconnected from Michael for the past couple of weeks too. He feels so far away. I haven't had any experiences I would consider "significant" for a while. Just the occasional dream here and there. I hope he's watching over all the victims in Haiti right now. It's so terrible over there. :(

Mrs. Music, good luck with your music. :)
Thanks Captain! :doh: (closest thing I could get to a salute)

Time for bed I think :yawn:

Night all!
Well, I'm back from writing yet another song about Michael. lol. Seriously all my songs have been inspired by him since he died...he just brings up such emotion in me. This one tonight was a great release for how much I miss him. :cry:

Btw amygrace, your song is beautiful. Did you start with a left handed guitar? I'm left handed too but I started playing on a 30 year old right handed acoustic that was in my grannies house and I couldn't change the strings around because one of the machine heads had broken off! I'm really bad at left handed guitar. I do try from time to time but it's painful to listen to!
Thank you! And yes I started on a left handed guitar...I can't imagine trying to learn on a right handed one! As soon as I decided I wanted to learn I ordered my lefty which is what is in the vid. :)

CaptainEoLove85 said:
Amy, I've been feeling disconnected from Michael for the past couple of weeks too. He feels so far away. I haven't had any experiences I would consider "significant" for a while.
Yeah I've definitely been there, done that. He suddenly felt close today though...maybe it's because I've been working hard on a website the past couple days that is all about him. Or, maybe I'm just extra sensitive about him today. I just miss him terribly! :cry:

Well I'm headin' to bed. Goodnight everyone...blessed Michael dreams to all!
Yeah great idea, I'll definitely do that and I would love to be able to put up a vid properly so this is a perfect way. Now I'd love to see some of your work, got a link of something that's still online? :D

I'm singing with a pianist and some other people as well, luckily. I wouldn't manage to do a whole gig on my own now, haha. It's coming Tuesday. And no you're not bombarding me, thanks for the interest! ;)

I'm off to catch some sleep....much love for all of you! :huggy:

Good luck Mrs.Music !! :huggy: Sing your heart out with L.O.V.E ! :D :heart:
Sorry I haven't been in for a few comp was having trouble! I have to go to work now..but I'll come back later and catch up! Missed you guys!:) I had a dream and MJ was in it..but can't remember it. All I know is he was in it. :scratch: See you guys later! :cheeky:
Also, I agree about the last video from Bonnie. It felt like there was an angry tone to it...which, I think Michael can be angry where he's at - but this just didn't feel like him. It felt a little bit like a "blow off" too. Like saying "you guys need to move on, I am... and if you need me, don't ask for me...just listen to my music". That was my first impression anyway...I didn't like it.
That was a good way of explaining kind of what I felt after listening, yeah. I mean, one doesn't have to take it that harshly, but it felt that way to me.

Think I'm gonna have a major breakdown this week...on Thursday I'm leaving to London (second try) for the exhibition and the meetup with MJJC people. Gonna be a verrrry confronting event I guess.
Yeah, it would be cool to hear you performing sometime ;) Oh wow, I can imagine the feeling of going to the exhibition. I really wanted to, though. I feel disappointed that I can't go. Just can't afford to go to London at this point. But I know it would be difficult. Definitely a day for tears :(

This is a rough version of one of the newer songs. We finished it since but I didn't get a chance to update it. Actually I have a few to upload.
Well, I liked it:) Is it just me, or was it a bit grungy? I'm from Seattle, I should add, lol. Sounded a bit grunge inspired, but then I'm old and don't know anymore how to classify anything. But anyway, I liked it!

Yeah I've definitely been there, done that. He suddenly felt close today though...maybe it's because I've been working hard on a website the past couple days that is all about him. Or, maybe I'm just extra sensitive about him today. I just miss him terribly! :cry:
I have times when I miss him like crazy and feel sad and other times when I'm kind of numb to it. It's funny, though, that you should mention feeling close while working on your site. (We'll get to see it when it's done, right? :)) I've had the same experience at times. Nothing much the last couple of days, though. But I'm not feeling neglected. Haiti needs all the attention.

Last night I dreamt that I found something I had supposedly drawn when I was a kid. (I can't draw. I mean at all.) It was sort of like a holographic painting with multiple MJ's (I mean him, looking like mid-80's in a red jacket) floating in a standing position all over a room. Like picture a room with another MJ every 3 feet or so throughout the entire room, lol. What the? And then at the front right side of the pic was Michael standing with his arms around Brooke Shields (I think) on one side and another woman scantily dressed on the other side. And it was supposed to be like a joke... MJ da pimp with his hoez. :lol: Nooooo idea. Haven't even visited the macros thread for weeks. I was puzzled because I can't recall ever having the ability to draw or paint more than stick people. Then a bit later I saw some symbols in front of me like smilies (makes sense -- I added a new smiley set to the MLP forum last night before bed) and then something flashed, like a super bright light suddenly in the dream and I thought, "What was that?!" and woke up. Later in the morning I was dreaming about random stuff, and "someone" (?) woke me up by touching me. I mean I totally felt that someone was touching my side, my arm and hip like my hubby does to wake me up. As I woke up I thought... huh? He's home from work way early! But when I opened my eyes and rolled over there was nobody there. Weird. :mello:
I have times when I miss him like crazy and feel sad and other times when I'm kind of numb to it. It's funny, though, that you should mention feeling close while working on your site. (We'll get to see it when it's done, right? :)) I've had the same experience at times. Nothing much the last couple of days, though. But I'm not feeling neglected. Haiti needs all the attention.
Maybe he comes and checks up on projects that are about him? hehe I don't know. This site I'm working on though (which yes...everyone will see and I hope a lot of people do!) is really important in displaying and explaining who Michael really was. So I've asked a couple times for help in inspiring the correct words and leading me to the right info.

And then at the front right side of the pic was Michael standing with his arms around Brooke Shields (I think) on one side and another woman scantily dressed on the other side. And it was supposed to be like a joke... MJ da pimp with his hoez. :lol: Nooooo idea. Haven't even visited the macros thread for weeks.
lolol...awesome. Interesting how you woke up too...wonder who (if anyone) it was.

No Michael dreams for me last night...I don't think anyway. Alas.
Hey everyone! :hug: I haven't really got anything to report, but I just wanted to pop in and say hey. Hope everyone's ok.:hug:
This is a rough version of one of the newer songs. We finished it since but I didn't get a chance to update it. Actually I have a few to upload. I had forgotten about them :scratch:
Sorry bout the crappy video. The drummer threw it together :drums: (
Welcome WhoAmI! Feel free to butt in any time! You're right about this thread feeling like a whole different place! Some people in some of the other threads get into arguments and stuff..but here it just friendly as ever! I love the whole mjjcommunity don't get me wrong!:cheeky: Yea the group of fans in here are just amazing!

Amygrace - Thanks for the psychic info. I dunno if I would ever go in at least at the moment because, well I dunno why exactly.:thinking:I have a fear of things... but I am always interested in hearing what friends have to say about their readings. I have been reading about positive attraction and good ebergies and stuff. I have been lost in my feelings up and down. I really am trying to be positive and happy.. and trying not to get upset of little things. I sound like a:crazy.. but I feel like I am trying to "find myself", if that makes sense. I have been in a contemplative state for the last week or two. Been trying to meditate more, and be more open minded. Just trying to get in touch with everything and appreciate everything more. I am rambling!

I am loving this thread more and more!:D I reeeaaalllyyy have been missing Michael too btw.:sad2: Some of you have been feeling that way as well. SO strange how we all just feel the same things at the same times. Like since we have all met in this thread, like we are all connecting and feeling eachother's emotions. I am starting to realy believe that energies and love and thoughts can really be sent out and felt if you truly want it to.:angel: Keep the great posts comin!

My depression isn't as bad as it was the other I am hoping that I start feeling better. It's been a rollercoaster for me. I just wanna say a big thank you to everyone in here..I feel happy when I am here.:) L.O.V.E.
Aw, cyberjackson. :hug: I really love this thread too. Whenever I'm sad or stressed or whatever, coming in here instantly lifts my mood. :heart:
I'm not upset over Michael these days :mello:

But I have been loving him i.e. feeling love for him in my heart.

But some of you guys are really sad - what's wrong with me? :mello:
Thanks guys. We have been described as melodic rock. We would actually be one of the least heavy bands around where I live :lol:

The sound on that song is a bit muffled as it's rough. I'll upload a couple of lighter songs.

I'll be back tomorrow. Hope you all have a great night. Sorry I can't stay longer.
I have been lost in my feelings up and down. I really am trying to be positive and happy.. and trying not to get upset of little things. I sound like a:crazy.. but I feel like I am trying to "find myself", if that makes sense.
I know exactly what you mean. I've been going through the same thing, in coming out of intense depression mode. I've been really trying to "find myself" too.

Like since we have all met in this thread, like we are all connecting and feeling eachother's emotions.
That's definitely possible. I know I at least feel connected to you all in this thread...more so than others on the board. And I like that in this thread we can ask each other about our lives, without getting shut down for "going off topic". It's kind of turned into the all spiritual connected friendship and feeling thread. lol.

By the way, if anyone is interested, I put up a (SUPER ROUGH) draft of my song I wrote last night. It's particularly helpful to anyone who really "discovered" Michael after his death like I did. When I get missing Michael so much like I did yesterday, I also feel so depressed about just missing out on his life. :cry:

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. :group:
Lately, several things have been falling ... Like, yesterday, a candle fell off the shelf , and a couple of minutes later one more candle falls. And the next thing that fell was my mini portrait of a house on the side of my shelf , and it has stood there steady for a long time. I remember asking God this; "God, If Michael receives my and the other fans' messages could you please let a thing fall? And if I don't notice,Please, let the things fall until I notice , Please..." .. :angel:
Lately, several things have been falling ... Like, yesterday, a candle fell off the shelf , and a couple of minutes later one more candle falls. And the next thing that fell was my mini portrait of a house on the side of my shelf , and it has stood there steady for a long time. I remember asking God this; "God, If Michael receives my and the other fans' messages could you please let a thing fall? And if I don't notice,Please, let the things fall until I notice , Please..." .. :angel:
Sorry, but I just started cracking up imagining that every time MJ gets a message from a fan now something will fall down at your house :hysterical: Crash, thunk, plunk, crash. :doh: "OMG, what did I ask for?!" LOL :lmao:

By the way, if anyone is interested, I put up a (SUPER ROUGH) draft of my song I wrote last night. It's particularly helpful to anyone who really "discovered" Michael after his death like I did. When I get missing Michael so much like I did yesterday, I also feel so depressed about just missing out on his life.
WOW. (The link was just supposed to go to the lyrics, right?) Amazing. Really amazing lyrics. Very beautiful :boohoo:
Tinkerbell2- Lately, several things have been falling ... Like, yesterday, a candle fell off the shelf , and a couple of minutes later one more candle falls. And the next thing that fell was my mini portrait of a house on the side of my shelf , and it has stood there steady for a long time. I remember asking God this; "God, If Michael receives my and the other fans' messages could you please let a thing fall? And if I don't notice,Please, let the things fall until I notice , Please..." .. :angel:

Duuuude..:blink: That's a trip!

Amygrace -I know exactly what you mean. I've been going through the same thing, in coming out of intense depression mode. I've been really trying to "find myself" too.

That's definitely possible. I know I at least feel connected to you all in this thread...more so than others on the board. And I like that in this thread we can ask each other about our lives, without getting shut down for "going off topic". It's kind of turned into the all spiritual connected friendship and feeling thread. lol.

Thanks Amy.:huggy: It's good to know that you can relate. It's really hit me hard. My depression scares me sometimes.:( The word that comes to mind when it hits me is "despair". Like I cry at any moment and feel this sense of loneliness and just sadness. So when I come here, it makes me feel more comfortable and calm. When I listen to Michael or watch him, I feel joy again, and love, and feel a bit more alive. :cry:I wish he would visit me again. I bet he is very busy with all of us fans wanting to see him!

Yea this is the only thread that everyone just seems to mesh and no one bitching about being off topic! I love this thread!:)

:angel:"Michael, if you can hear me, please come visit us in our dreams tonight!":angel:
By the way, if anyone is interested, I put up a (SUPER ROUGH) draft of my song I wrote last night. It's particularly helpful to anyone who really "discovered" Michael after his death like I did. When I get missing Michael so much like I did yesterday, I also feel so depressed about just missing out on his life. :cry:
Ooooh great song, Amy. Beautiful! :clapping: I somehow can relate to what you feel, like...I've always been an admirer and he always was there since I was a child, but it's such another level now. Not even in the amount of love alone, just overall. Sometimes I feel like I also missed out on things, didn't look further into it, maybe didn't appreciate it enough, etc. Then I start to feel guilty for no good reason. :(
Very fascinating how that level of admiring him can go from one level to a complete other level, all in one day.....and how so many people all of a sudden feel the same. If there's one thing that's slightly positive out of all this is that we're connecting so well. Wonderful....this couldn't have happened with any other artist, it's his magic that does it. :heart:

On a side note; I'm babysitting at the moment at 3 kids, one of them is 8 months and she just started to cry real bad. So I went to take a look and she looked at me really scared, then I started to sing Someone In The Dark and she looked at me with big eyes, smiling, not looking away for one second. Then that made ME :boohoo:​
Sorry, but I just started cracking up imagining that every time MJ gets a message from a fan now something will fall down at your house :hysterical: Crash, thunk, plunk, crash. :doh: "OMG, what did I ask for?!" LOL :lmao:

WOW. (The link was just supposed to go to the lyrics, right?) Amazing. Really amazing lyrics. Very beautiful :boohoo:

:lol: You made me laugh :lol: :lmao: But Oh god , That would have been very scary if that happened... I didn't mean like every message , but you know , If he could hear us :)
Tinkerbell2 said:
I remember asking God this; "God, If Michael receives my and the other fans' messages could you please let a thing fall? And if I don't notice,Please, let the things fall until I notice , Please..."

mjbunny said:
WOW. (The link was just supposed to go to the lyrics, right?) Amazing. Really amazing lyrics. Very beautiful :boohoo:
Thank you! It was supposed to have a song player at the top too so you could listen. It probably didn't show for you 'cause I was using Quicktime code. I just updated it though so you should be able to see the player now. (though you may not want to listen rough as the track is some beats are off and my voice was very meh. lol)

cyberjackson said:
My depression scares me sometimes.:sad: The word that comes to mind when it hits me is "despair". Like I cry at any moment and feel this sense of loneliness and just sadness. So when I come here, it makes me feel more comfortable and calm. When I listen to Michael or watch him, I feel joy again, and love, and feel a bit more alive. :cry:I wish he would visit me again. I bet he is very busy with all of us fans wanting to see him!
Despair is the perfect word. It's interesting with Michael's music though...most the time any time I see him and hear his music it lifts me up so much and makes me instantly happy. But some times, like yesterday, it hurt so much to hear or see anything from him.

Mrs. Music said:
Ooooh great song, Amy. Beautiful! :clapping: I somehow can relate to what you feel, like...I've always been an admirer and he always was there since I was a child, but it's such another level now. Not even in the amount of love alone, just overall. Sometimes I feel like I also missed out on things, didn't look further into it, maybe didn't appreciate it enough, etc. Then I start to feel guilty for no good reason. :sad:
Thanks Bianca. :huggy:

Mrs. Music said:
Very fascinating how that level of admiring him can go from one level to a complete other level, all in one day.....and how so many people all of a sudden feel the same. If there's one thing that's slightly positive out of all this is that we're connecting so well. Wonderful....this couldn't have happened with any other artist, it's his magic that does it. :heart:
You said it! It's really astounding the change he brought up in everyone like overnight...even to those who the day before didn't really know much about him. It's like the whole world mourned for him...some didn't even know why. And what he left behind has brought so many together, and inspired such positive changes. True, no other artist could have made this kind of impact.

Mrs. Music said:
then I started to sing Someone In The Dark and she looked at me with big eyes, smiling, not looking away for one second. Then that made ME :boohoo:
Aww...that's so sweet.
ive been following bonnie vents conversations with michael since september and i am more than convinced this is really michael shes communicating with.
you just feel it so much that its him and sounds like him.
it brings me soooo much comfort.
Hi everyone :)

This thread moves so fast lol. But that's great.
Just scanned through it all now.
I agree with you all, this thread is so cool cos like we can talk about anything really, but somehow it all relates and we aren't heading off topic. I know I'm not making any sense, having one of those days where I'm like :doh: lol.

amy - Thanks for sharing your song with us! Really lovely too :heart:

tink - wow tink, that's incredible that the stuff falls off. I would like something like that too, although I'd be a bit..scared lol. But yaay, thanks for sharing :)

cyberjackson - agree with everything you said about the forum. Glad to hear this thread makes ya feel better, cos it makes me feel better too. It's a magical place. Like seriously lol. Michael will come visit you soon :)

Mrs.Music - Aw at you singing Someone In The Dark. That's so cute the kid stopped crying!

mjbunny - Weird about that someone waking you up..

mjgrl4ever - Yeah, those bonnie vids bring me comfort too. Aswell as this thread :angel:

I hope I didn't miss anyone/anyone's comments!
Again, nothing to report from me.