Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Cool, thanks for sharing your passions, Mrs.Music!
So sorry to hear you were bullied :( bad times.
LOL at the phrase you used about you being real scared when you signed up to professional singing classes. I would just be like :blush: all the time . But well done you for just feeling the fear and doing it.

So amazing that you already know what you wanna do and are following it through.
I wish you every success in the world :hug:
Haha yeah I was so scared and still it's hard to really believe you can do it, but ah's so strongly alive that I just can't even ignore it! It's strange to have this 'I need to do it' constantly going around it your head.
But awww, thankyou so much! :huggy:
I couldn't agree more with this statement. The energy you put out really makes a HUGE difference. It's the basic Law of Attraction in the Universe. Personal example for me, I was 20 and had just had a baby. I was single, living with my parents, and had no money. My parents kept stressing how I needed to work and get a car and into my own place. I saw this as impossible...especially since the idea of leaving my daughter at home to go work broke my heart. Then, I had come across the movie "The Secret" which teaches the law of attraction. After that, I just set it in my mind that I was going to get what I wanted. It WAS possible, because I believed it was. I started a design business working from home, and within a few months had a car (fully paid for in cash), and within another few months was in my very first house. If that's not amazing I don't know what is. Another quick example of how our THOUGHTS and feelings that often times I will be feeling tired of my work. I get in these bouts where I'm just sick of designing. When this happens, clients literally stop coming in...because my energy is pushing the work away. (and I've seen this happen time and time again) Just this month, it was my first time ever struggling to make rent. I had $500 in my account and had to make $600 rent within a week, plus be prepared for other bills to come out...and there were just no clients. I decided I had to pull my energy together and get excited about work again...and just trust and know that the money would come. Here I am a week and a half later with $2,000 in my account. Your energy is powerful stuff, guys.

See this is what I find really fascinating - how much thoughts can influence your reality. I don't know if you've heard of the water experiments by Masaru Emoto. It shows how thinking in a certain way can actually affect the molecular structure of water. For example, negative thoughts makes the water respond differently compared to positive thoughts. You can read about it here
Had a weird mixture of dreams last night. Couldn't remember any of them really in any great detail. I think Michael might of flashed by in the them. However, one bit I could remember was that someone was on a rollercoaster or something and they stopped breathing, and people were screaming where is the defibrilator but there wasn't one. And I think it was my job to ensure all the rides had these defibrilators installed after this had happened. I thought it had something to do with like ..the investigation into MJ.. the fact there were no apparent defibrilators..but who knows. It was very odd and I felt sad when I woke up.

Anyhoooo, moving on. ^thanks for that CaptainEoLove85. Very interesting read.
That kinda idea links in with something I'm gonna add. A while ago I went to see a comedian and his show was very philosophical about life. He talked about how we as humans spend to much time trying to hard to create perfect memories, rather than living in the moment and things like this. He mentioned something interesting though, about creating your own reality. It's a book by, I believe, Richard Bach called Illusions. There is a part in the book when, basically, a man imagines a blue feather, he thinks about it all the time, and suddenly it appears in his life. It's all about how people can create they own reality. But it's an interesting idea of how our thoughts can help shape our reality.
I haven't read the book, but this is something which I just remembered and thought I'd share it here.

L.O.V.E. to all :heart:
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Ok, I haven't read a lot of pages since and before the meditation. Just read them :)
One reason is, I'm afraid if I read too many dreams that would maybe influence my dreams, you know what I mean? Something like 'Oh she had such a nice dream - I want it too' :D And I'm a lazy writer, although I LOOOOOVE to talk LOL

But lately I researched some stuff about meditation and the connection to astral projection because some days ago I had the expierence that I mentioned here when I posted the first time again. I was very relaxed, when suddenly I had this feeling I would be weightless and kind of floating. I liked that feeling but I was also scared, but heart beat very fast and my temperature was increasing, I remember that my legs especially felt very hot. I tried to hold that feeling instead of stopping because of fear, but it was going away after about 1 minute, I think I also remember that I didn't hear the usual sounds of my environment. But anyway, I did some research on forum which scared me a bit because I read some posts of people who did experiments to not also see what's going to happen but they also said they met creatures from the shadow, people without faces, angry people and they also tried to see themselves in the mirror and stuff. Well, bit OT. Aaaaanyway, I thought I needed some scientic prove or facts, I found some tests from the 70's in where people really had this abilities but they were rather rare and I read that the feeling of OBE (out-of-body-expierence) is because you are in an aware state of mind and you are actually drifting into the dreamland, that's why you have visions and hear people talking. Ok, why am I telling that? This totally discouraged me. I really want to believe in spirituality 100 %, but I don't know, I'm looking for facts that it's real, that I'm not crazy, that everything, the small things that happens aren't caused because I'm schizophrenic in reality like scientic websites claim that people who have that skills are only ....schizophrenic. I don't know why I'm actually saying this but I kind of had to, I have no one around me to talk about spiritual stuff. But reading here again encouraged me a bit again.. and of course our cool meditation expierences.

To my meditation in general. When I close my eyes I see flashes of light almost all of the time, in a dark room. I checked my pulse to see if it has anything to do with it, but nope. So, I don't know. It already starts when I'm praying (but not in a religious way, it's more like a talk and begging for protection to the higher source) there are already the flashes. And I wish I'd remember the words I hear then. I don't remember them. It's kind of normal to me, I first heard it about 2005. I was hearing it for longer and then suddenly one night, I was falling asleep and I remember hearing something like jazz music, it sounded so good and then it was like I totally woke up, everything changed to its normal sound and I was like "WTH?" I thought I was going crazy! I really thought that it's only a matter of time till I'm going to the nuthouse lol Good to hear that (some of) you share the same expierences.

I don't know why I'm so chatty now when one of my first sentences of this post werre "I'm a lazy writer" LOL and now I'm telling like my whole life story :lol: - I blame it on the coffee :D

Can someone who meditates and see visions please answer this for me?

When I was a little girl, I remember closing my eyes and just seeing fireworks of colours : red, green, blue, yellow, purple.

Does this mean I have it in me or something?
And how do I improve to be able to see how I saw as a child?

Just wanted to let you know that you reminded me of it, I saw them too as child. I liked this colours so much that something to make me see them again I pressed on my eyes, sounds brutal... but I was crazy about this colours! And I always wanted to see them, natural or in a brutal way LOL

cyberjackson, tinkerbell, mjbunny - the bottle story, seeing eyes in the dark and the moving baby powder.... it's all so... whooaa!! scary, shocking and very interesting. I think I'd freak out!! Especially seeing this eyes, I think I wouldn't be able to open my eyes at night for a long time. I was very scared of the dark for many years, I'm happy that I'm able to open my eyes when I'm in my bed at night.

I'm currently watching something strange in my apartment too, my chain/necklace of MJ actually, but before I report I wanna make sure that there's no logical explanation for it. It's acting strange and only at night, it's hanging on my shelf and there's definitely no wind in my apartment... anyway... I need to watch it more closely again!

I couldn't agree more with this statement. The energy you put out really makes a HUGE difference. It's the basic Law of Attraction in the Universe.
...Your energy is powerful stuff, guys.

I love your story, it's inspiring!!
I love the Secret too, 'though I'm unfortunately not using it currently. When my friend told me first about it I thought it's this wishy washy pseudo 'thinking positive' blabla ... oh yeah, last year... well 2008 I was thinking a bit different especially because my grandmother died.
I was reading it a few months ago and when I read it it wasn't that new to me. I knew positive thinking would pay out and I'd believe in something it would work out somehow. But after reading it and knowing the methods I really tried it on a few little things - and it worked!! The one little story I remember was when my mum wanted to bring me to the uni and there was much traffic and builing lots and I asked my mum if she's thinking "I don't have time, I don't have time" the whole time and she said "Yes". I told her to think "I have enough time, we are gonna make it, I'm gonna make it, I have enough time" but she didn't do it because she isn't a positive thinker at all unfortunately. So I told her to stop thinking LOL and let me to the thinking to show that the Secret really works. So I visualized the time we'd arrive, I said we have enough time, etc... and suddenly all the cars turned left or right, traffic jam was gone... I was laughing so hard, that I had tears in my eyes, because I could NOT believe what just happened. And my mum was smiling all over her face too but still she couldn't admit what she just saw (she has unfortunately some issues, positive thinking and saying someone else was right) but she was smiling and laughing too. And guess what? We arrived to that time I visualized :D
Another example. And unfinished one, unfortunately. I wanted to try it big and 'ordered' 10,000 € from the universe. I was acting like it's on its way, just a matter of time. I even wrote that check you can print out on the Secret homepage and every day for some time I looked at it, acting like 'it's on its way'. I even acting like bills would be credit. And I never questioned that it would come or how it could come, because that was a matter of the universe. And guess what happened in december? Someone that knows that I like to make entertaining videos send me a link to german contest with the prize of 10,000 €. But now the sad part: I loved making videos, it was like my life - but since June 25th my creativity has left me. I have ideas but they are only half @$$ ideas and still I don't have the motivation to make any. Deadline was already. So, if I'd have won, it'd have been the perfect The Secret story :D

Whoa long post... I should really change my mood from 'angelic' to 'chatty' LOL
Amygrace and mjbunny - Sorry I haven't been on in a few days! I wanted to do the meditation..but I was late coming home that night!:( However, I was thinking at that time (just after 10pm).. "it's starting!" I was trying to think and concentrate about how it was going for you guys. I was wishing I was there.:angel: Then I was like, maybe they will hold another one soon? I was reeeaaally looking forward to it, and in the end felt I let myself and some of you down in not being there. I was trying to concentrate on you guys at that time, if that makes sense. :scratch:

I am still reading through posts and trying to catch up on everything. I am going to meditate tonight and try a bit harder than usual before I go to bed. I am trying to improve my meditations for the next group meditation. I really need to work on clearing my mind more..

Great experiences so far guys! I promise I'll join next time. Love you all... and God I MISS Michael!!!!

What's The Secret? I am curious....
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What's The Secret? I am curious....

The Secret is the Law of Attraction, it says that you can have anything you want to have if you use the methods correctly and work with positive energy as well as the universe. There's the book about it, but it's also available as film. I once (...or twice) saw it on YouTube as german version, so I think there must also be the english one. It's really worth watching it (even if it has some low points, but the general message is great!)
I've been reading the last 2 pages , and my thought was : Thanks god (and Amy !) we have this thread!!! lol After having a hard day , came here and read your opinions about life it's just refreshing!

*I do believe energy makes the world go round , it's all about energy and positive thoughts. An example : the other day , my sister was having her anual english test .The night before it , we were having dinner , and my dad asked her how was her feeling for the next day , she responded : "I already know I'm going to fail".I told her that if she thought like that , she was really going to fail , she was convincing herself that was going to happen.
And she failed.

*The mention of the book "the secret" , made me remember of a video called "the last lesson" from randy pausch. Have you seen it? Its so inspirational , I highly recommend it :)

Have a wonderful day :flowers:
FunkeyJay - Thank you for the info about The Secret. I'll have to check it out. Sounds very interesting and could be useful!

:(I am really down today..and want to have positive energy around me. More like I need the nice energy. I listen to Michael and read about him to cheer me up. I pray to God about my problems and everytime something just begins to go ok..something knocks me back and I'm left feeling depressed, angry, and just lifeless at times. Like to where I just don't care about anything anymore.:cry: I feel alone. I don't feel like me anymore. For some reason, the saying "Everything is shit" keeps running through my mind. I need to turn that around. I come here to this thread because it helps me and all of you are so nice and positive. Also everyone seems to just "connect" and understand eachother. I'm sorry it's a bit off topic, but I feel most comfy in this thread just to vent and share feelings. I don't want to bring anyone down..I want to be brought up to where you guys are. I want to smile again.:boohoo I dunno what else to say I'm rambling on.
Love you guys for listening..thanks.
:(I am really down today..and want to have positive energy around me. More like I need the nice energy. I listen to Michael and read about him to cheer me up. I pray to God about my problems and everytime something just begins to go ok..something knocks me back and I'm left feeling depressed, angry, and just lifeless at times. Like to where I just don't care about anything anymore.:cry: I feel alone. I don't feel like me anymore. For some reason, the saying "Everything is shit" keeps running through my mind. I need to turn that around. I come here to this thread because it helps me and all of you are so nice and positive. Also everyone seems to just "connect" and understand eachother. I'm sorry it's a bit off topic, but I feel most comfy in this thread just to vent and share feelings. I don't want to bring anyone down..I want to be brought up to where you guys are. I want to smile again.:boohoo I dunno what else to say I'm rambling on.
Love you guys for listening..thanks.

Aw, I'm really sorry to hear this cyberjackson. :hug: I know it's really hard sometimes :( . We're all here for you anytime, don't worry.
I hope you feel better soon :). I'm gonna send some positive, loving energy out later when I meditate. I know there's not a lot I can say, but anytime you feel down, you just come right back here. This thread, I find, is of great comfort during my :cry: days.

Keep the faith, keep smiling and keep your chin up!
:heart: :hug:
FunkeyJay - Thank you for the info about The Secret. I'll have to check it out. Sounds very interesting and could be useful!

:(I am really down today..and want to have positive energy around me. More like I need the nice energy. I listen to Michael and read about him to cheer me up. I pray to God about my problems and everytime something just begins to go ok..something knocks me back and I'm left feeling depressed, angry, and just lifeless at times. Like to where I just don't care about anything anymore.:cry: I feel alone. I don't feel like me anymore. For some reason, the saying "Everything is shit" keeps running through my mind. I need to turn that around. I come here to this thread because it helps me and all of you are so nice and positive. Also everyone seems to just "connect" and understand eachother. I'm sorry it's a bit off topic, but I feel most comfy in this thread just to vent and share feelings. I don't want to bring anyone down..I want to be brought up to where you guys are. I want to smile again.:boohoo I dunno what else to say I'm rambling on.
Love you guys for listening..thanks.
. L.O.V.E :heart: and :huggy: ...
Thank you Flor, Darlingdear, and Tinkerbell. I appreciate your understanding. I have to take a nap, but I'll come back on soon. Hopefuly some sleep will do me some good. Thanks again guys...:heart:
cyberjackson - you're welcome.
:huggy: I'm sorry to hear that you feeling sad, we all know how you feel, it's still hard and it'll always be, but we are here for you :huggy: Sending you much love and positive engery :heart:
CaptainEoLove85 said:
I don't know if you've heard of the water experiments by Masaru Emoto. It shows how thinking in a certain way can actually affect the molecular structure of water.
Yes! This is another perfect example of how our thoughts affect things. I first saw this experiment in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" (another great movie alongside the secret that goes into deeper thoughts about life, if anyone is interested) and I've read parts of the book. It really makes you more conscious about what kind of thoughts you are holding toward your body in particular...since our bodies are made up mostly of water.

darlingdear said:
There is a part in the book when, basically, a man imagines a blue feather, he thinks about it all the time, and suddenly it appears in his life.
That's manifestation for ya...what you think about you bring about! Thanks for mentioning the book...I've never read it. Will have to check it out.

FunkeyJay said:
scientic websites claim that people who have that skills are only ....schizophrenic.
Girl don't get discouraged reading stuff like this. Scientists jobs are to logically explain things...when in reality, some things just can't be explained. Some things aren't logical in our minds and our world...but yet they exist. You can only go by your own feelings and experiences. Trust your intuition and don't get caught up trying to figure out the "why" or "how" - those do not matter. The experience matters...what you take from it, matters. Keep going.

FunkeyJay said:
suddenly all the cars turned left or right, traffic jam was gone...
Hah...great story! Thanks for sharing. For people who don't believe in the Law of Attraction it's good to start out with little things like this and just sit back and watch the magic!

My very first experiment with the Secret was actual on attracting a guy...LOL. At the time the father of my baby whom I had just broken up with a few months prior - was bringing his new wife to our babies first birthday. I was heartbroken and crazy stressed. I didn't want to be at the party all alone - but I had no friends at the time and no prospects. So I just put out the energy...I will find a guy for the party! And a week later, a guy in my area - who was not only cute and LOVED kids - messaged me on myspace. We went on a couple dates and he agreed to be by my side at the party. This was all in 2 weeks time.

cyberjackson said:
I was reeeaaally looking forward to it, and in the end felt I let myself and some of you down in not being there. I was trying to concentrate on you guys at that time, if that makes sense.
Aw don't feel bad girl...sometimes other plans just get in the way, or you forget, or you fall asleep, or whatever else the case may happens! Even if you were not consciously aware though, your higher self still could've joined in...and I think it probably did, considering what mjbunny felt!

Flor said:
Thanks god (and Amy !) we have this thread!!! lol After having a hard day , came here and read your opinions about life it's just refreshing!
Aw :huggy: if I didn't start this thread someone else surely would have! I'm so grateful to have so many people here who are open to these kinds of discussions though...this has become my favorite place to be on the board. I don't know what I'd do without you guys! :heart:

Flor said:
*The mention of the book "the secret" , made me remember of a video called "the last lesson" from randy pausch. Have you seen it? Its so inspirational , I highly recommend it :)
I haven't heard of that video before...will look into it!

cyberjackson said:
I'm left feeling depressed, angry, and just lifeless at times. Like to where I just don't care about anything anymore. :cry: I feel alone. I don't feel like me anymore. For some reason, the saying "Everything is shit" keeps running through my mind.
Awe, love...this may not help you but I know the feeling. I have felt exactly like that SO often the past few months. It's no fun...and all you can do is just hang in there and ride it out. :better: Much love to you darlin'...I'll be sending you positive and healing vibes.
I'm so grateful to have so many people here who are open to these kinds of discussions though...this has become my favorite place to be on the board. I don't know what I'd do without you guys! :heart:
Same here, I absolutely love to be able to talk so openly about's very nice to read all of your stories and it helps me so much!
Just awesome and very comforting to get some support in being our way and to read you're not the only one.

For those that are feeling sad - hope you feel better soon and sending you positive thoughts!
Love to you all, keep comin'! :huggy:
So, I say all of this to say to those who are still struggling to figure out how to give always starts with one person. If you can help one person with the smallest thing -maybe tutor a child (whose family is struggling with money) and maybe do it for free. That child will never forget you. Be a mentor to one child, that Big brother or Big sister. Or maybe volunteer your time with animals. Or spend some time with an elderly person who is lonely at a nursing home...imagine the stories they have to share of when they were young, such wisdom you could gain. Find a homeless person on the street and make a list of things they could do to get them back on their feet. A shelter, free drug-rehab center, free internet usage at the Apple Store, and workforce centers that help with resume, job interview skills and free work clothes. Compile all this information on a paper and hand them the list, money for transportation ($5 or 10 bucks...or however much you can give) and leave an email address (make a new one) so they can update you on their progress. That would be cool.

It's the smallest things that makes a difference in this world and makes you feel so much better. I can honestly say that Michael lives in all of us (fans).

Thank you Gina_Marie for such a beautiful and inspiring post :) And yes, Michael DOES live in each and everyone of us, no doubt about that! And that's a beautiful thing to see.

OK I should go....flying back to the US tomorrow so I need to finish packing!

Hope you had a safe trip, Neeve :)

OMG, I don't think I could possibly comment on all these deep-thinking posts since I was last here yesterday, lol, or even keep them straight in my head :lol: I'm not feeling so great today (physically), so I'll just leave it for now with: right on, you guys :)

Going to go park myself on the couch for a movie with hubby...

Well this thread is so active these days (which is a great thing! ;)) that yeah, it can get a bit overwhelming, haha :D Hope you're feeling better, mjbunny! :hug:

Oh ofcourse, it may just sound a little weird though. :blush: I've just always had a very, very strong feeling that I need to sing. It's my life....

But last September - having enough of doing nothing, plus being so sad over Michael - I's time...I can do this. And then I found this organisation that were offering proffesional music classes, I signed up, overcame my fear (I was shitting all the colours of the rainbow - LOL, Dutch's being scared as hell), but turned out I got a lot compliments and so week having my first real gig. With others, but's a GIG and it's a step. Just hope I can continue this on the good foot.

Wow that's wonderful, Mrs Music!!! Way to go, girl :) Such an inspirational story too, like Amy's :) That's awesome, really. And I know you'll kick some serious a$$ @ your first gig! Make sure someone videotapes it so we can all watch you later on on YouTube, hehe :D ;) Good luck girl, I know you'll be great :) And never stop fighting for your dreams. You said it, you know what you were meant to do/be. And nothing/no one can stop you from becoming who you wanna be. It doesn't matter how long it'll take. As long as you believe in yourself and fight for what you want, you'll get there, no doubt about it :)

See this is what I find really fascinating - how much thoughts can influence your reality. I don't know if you've heard of the water experiments by Masaru Emoto. It shows how thinking in a certain way can actually affect the molecular structure of water. For example, negative thoughts makes the water respond differently compared to positive thoughts. You can read about it here

Thanks for the link! Sounds very interesting. Will check it out ASAP :)

Had a weird mixture of dreams last night. Couldn't remember any of them really in any great detail. I think Michael might of flashed by in the them. However, one bit I could remember was that someone was on a rollercoaster or something and they stopped breathing, and people were screaming where is the defibrilator but there wasn't one. And I think it was my job to ensure all the rides had these defibrilators installed after this had happened. I thought it had something to do with like ..the investigation into MJ.. the fact there were no apparent defibrilators..but who knows. It was very odd and I felt sad when I woke up.

Oh yeah, must have been quite disturbing... Never a nice feeling when you wake up after that kind of dream... Thanks for sharing.

:(I am really down today..and want to have positive energy around me. More like I need the nice energy. I listen to Michael and read about him to cheer me up. I pray to God about my problems and everytime something just begins to go ok..something knocks me back and I'm left feeling depressed, angry, and just lifeless at times. Like to where I just don't care about anything anymore.:cry: I feel alone. I don't feel like me anymore. For some reason, the saying "Everything is shit" keeps running through my mind. I need to turn that around. I come here to this thread because it helps me and all of you are so nice and positive. Also everyone seems to just "connect" and understand eachother. I'm sorry it's a bit off topic, but I feel most comfy in this thread just to vent and share feelings. I don't want to bring anyone down..I want to be brought up to where you guys are. I want to smile again.:boohoo I dunno what else to say I'm rambling on.
Love you guys for listening..thanks.

Aww cyberjackson, I know exactly how you feel. It'll get better, trust me. We're all here for each other and as everyone said, you know you can always come here and express how you feel, girl. You'll always find people supporting you here. This thread helps me a lot too, it's a great source of comfort. Hang in there and know that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel (as cheesy as that sounds, it's true!). Life is full of wonderful surprises. Take care, girl :hug:

amygrace said:
My very first experiment with the Secret was actual on attracting a guy...LOL. At the time the father of my baby whom I had just broken up with a few months prior - was bringing his new wife to our babies first birthday. I was heartbroken and crazy stressed. I didn't want to be at the party all alone - but I had no friends at the time and no prospects. So I just put out the energy...I will find a guy for the party! And a week later, a guy in my area - who was not only cute and LOVED kids - messaged me on myspace. We went on a couple dates and he agreed to be by my side at the party. This was all in 2 weeks time.

Aww, that's nice :) Not cool that the father of your child brought his wife to your daughter's first birthday though... Kinda insensitive on his part, IMO.

And FunkyJay, like Amy said, don't let yourself be discouraged by those who try to find a logical explanation to everything! Some things simply CANNOT be explained logically, whether they like it or not ;) Keep believing in what your heart & intuition tell you!

And yes, great traffic jam story! :D

BTW I'm sorry to hear you've kinda lost your inspiration since Michael left us :( I can totally understand that... Hopefully you'll manage to feel inspired again soon :hug:
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Kira, Amygrace, FunkeyJay, Mrs.Music, Darlingdear, Flor, Tinkerbell, and Louise - Thanks for all of your thoughts and comfort.:blush: It's nice to know that there are people out there who care. I gernerally am a happy person, but it's been so deep ;ately. After the new year I was really trying to start out fresh, but it's easier said than done I guess. I really need to work of being positive and not let the past get to me so much. I miss Michael a lot, and my hubby and I have been through some rough patches. I am homesick a lot (from California now living in the UK), and the list goes on. All of these things just pile up after a while. Thanks so much for listening and for the positive messages. Keep the LOVE alive and I hope to be feeling better soon. Maybe I'll see MJ in a dream or something. That would be a nice way to start things off..:) Bless you all and thank you very much.:give_heart:
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^ Will hope for you that you have a nice dream or anything someday soon girl!
Don't lose the hope, you'll get there....much love & take care! :flowers:

Wow that's wonderful, Mrs Music!!! Way to go, girl :) Such an inspirational story too, like Amy's :) That's awesome, really. And I know you'll kick some serious a$$ @ your first gig! Make sure someone videotapes it so we can all watch you later on on YouTube, hehe :D ;) Good luck girl, I know you'll be great :) And never stop fighting for your dreams. You said it, you know what you were meant to do/be. And nothing/no one can stop you from becoming who you wanna be. It doesn't matter how long it'll take. As long as you believe in yourself and fight for what you want, you'll get there, no doubt about it :)
Aww thanks so much Kira, haha! You're so sweet...really appreciate it. :huggy:
Just one of my best friends is coming to see the gig, so I'll ask her if she maybe can tape something, haha.
But I'll try to put something on YouTube or record something soon also, might be interesting....:)
Kira, Amygrace, FunkeyJay, Mrs.Music, Darlingdear, Flor, Tinkerbell, and Louise - Thanks for all of your thoughts and comfort.:blush: It's nice to know that there are people out there who care. I gernerally am a happy person, but it's been so deep ;ately. After the new year I was really trying to start out fresh, but it's easier said than done I guess. I really need to work of being positive and not let the past get to me so much. I miss Michael a lot, and my hubby and I have been through some rough patches. I am homesick a lot (from California now living in the UK), and the list goes on. All of these things just pile up after a while. Thanks so much for listening and for the positive messages. Keep the LOVE alive and I hope to be feeling better soon. Maybe I'll see MJ in a dream or something. That would be a nice way to start things off..:) Bless you all and thank you very much.:give_heart:

Awww anytime sweetheart :hug: Yeah sometimes everything keeps piling up and it feels like you can't get out of this "mess"... But you will. And when you do, you'll be an even stronger person. I hope things get better soon between you and your husband. Stay strong, girl. And know that you're not alone in this. Much love to you and to everyone else going through a rough patch :heart:
Thanks everyone for all the good wishes! I'm in JFK, trying to while away some time before my connecting flight. But guess what? They had TII on the plane from Ireland! I watched it (it was just my 2nd time) and of course laughed and sobbed my heart out. But it was good to see it again and to be reminded of Michael's message again.

I know this is off topic haha buuut, I speak French, German and Portuguese. Been learning French since I was 11. German since I was about 13, 14. I wanted to study Languages at uni, but instead am studying something else. I love speaking languages though it's one thing in life I love to do. It just feels right to follow this into a career or something. I want to go abroad after uni and teach kids languages, such as English (and keep up with the other languages) cos I want to help them get a start in a world where English is such an important language. Something like this would make me :D

Oo yeah, safe trip Neeve

cool!! I did French in school but haven't practised it in years..though I can usually understand it. I speak Irish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, some Italian, I can read Arabic but need to learn the actual language, lol....
Teaching English is a brilliant way to travel, and you really feel like you're doing something worthwhile. It's allowed me to live in Spain, Portugal and Costa Rica. you should definitely do it!
darlingdear said:
Not cool that the father of your child brought his wife to your daughter's first birthday though... Kinda insensitive on his part, IMO.
Tell me about it! That whole situation has been one of the most stressful situations in my life.

cyberjackson - hope you get a Michael dream soon...I know that certainly helps me feel better when I have those.

Mrs. Music said:
Just one of my best friends is coming to see the gig, so I'll ask her if she maybe can tape something, haha.
Yes! Do try and have your friend record the know we'd all love to see it!

Neeve said:
But guess what? They had TII on the plane from Ireland!
Oh how great! I always get so excited when I hear Michael's music or see pictures/video of him in public.
Thanks everyone for all the good wishes! I'm in JFK, trying to while away some time before my connecting flight. But guess what? They had TII on the plane from Ireland! I watched it (it was just my 2nd time) and of course laughed and sobbed my heart out. But it was good to see it again and to be reminded of Michael's message again.

cool!! I did French in school but haven't practised it in years..though I can usually understand it. I speak Irish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, some Italian, I can read Arabic but need to learn the actual language, lol....
Teaching English is a brilliant way to travel, and you really feel like you're doing something worthwhile. It's allowed me to live in Spain, Portugal and Costa Rica. you should definitely do it!

Wow that's awesome you could watch TII on the plane. Michael is with us aaalll the time :D

Oh wow! I adore Portuguese, my first boyfriend was Portuguese (weeell, Brazilian haha) so I picked some up from him, then I had lessoned and just love it.
I wanted to learn Arabic at uni, but they don't do it :( boo.

Yeah I really wanna get out and see the world ya know, and help out all the people I can. I know it seems idealistic, but I have thought about doing it for a while now. At least have in mind what I wanna do when I leave uni lol..
(Sorry for taking over this thread lol with this)

Wishing you a safe connecting flight :hug:
I wanted to learn Arabic at uni, but they don't do it :( boo.
Just had to quote this cause I really want to learn Egyptian Arabic this year! I hear it's real tough to learn but I hope I can do it. I'm planning on purchasing all the tapes and stuff in the spring. That stuff is expensive!

Yeah I really wanna get out and see the world ya know, and help out all the people I can.
Same here! That is my true passion and travel all around the world, helping people and raising awareness through my creative talents. day!
Just had to quote this cause I really want to learn Egyptian Arabic this year! I hear it's real tough to learn but I hope I can do it. I'm planning on purchasing all the tapes and stuff in the spring. That stuff is expensive!

Same here! That is my true passion and travel all around the world, helping people and raising awareness through my creative talents. day!

Oo, wow. Good luck with that! I'm sure you will do it.
Just as a side note, I love Egypt, especially Ancient Egypt. Love the idea of it all, really quite obsessed lol. That's why I love MJ's Remember the Time vid :wub:

Yeah, I really want to travel, to see the world and that. And what better way to do it with something I love doing like speaking languages, learning new things and being able to teach others. As well as helping to maintain MJ's legacy of spreading L.O.V.E. to everyone near and far :heart:

I'm on this thread cos I just saw such a scary film and I'm scared now haha.
I hope it doesn't induce nightmares :ninja:
CyberJackson -- see, I knew you were there for a moment on some level ;) I sent you a pm... I think it was yesterday.

I've read all the posts here :), but I'm just like.... ugh... I have no energy left to quote and respond today. Part of it is some virus I seem to be battling (I'm sooooo tired!) and the other part... ok, I have a confession: I've been cheating on you gals. :lol: LOL, I just mean that I've been putting what was left of my energy the last couple of days into some things for the prayer website and creating a forum for it because people wanted one. So I've spending my time at another forum, lol, and by the time I come here I'm like.... uhhhhhhh... c-a-n-'t -- t-h-i-n-k-- a-n-y-m-o-r-e :blink: Seriously. But just so you know, in case anything ever happens to MJJC (temporary server freakout, whatever) there's another place you can talk about all this nutty stuff... over at MLP

Oh, no MJ dreams that I can remember the last couple of nights.
darlingdear said:
I love Egypt, especially Ancient Egypt. Love the idea of it all, really quite obsessed lol. That's why I love MJ's Remember the Time vid :wub:
Same here! I've been told in a psychic reading before that I've had a past life in Egypt...which I've always sensed because I have such a connection with it.

darlingdear said:
I'm on this thread cos I just saw such a scary film and I'm scared now haha.
I hope it doesn't induce nightmares :ninja:
Haha...I've so done that before. Watched a scary movie then came in here to feel better. :lol:

mjbunny said:
I have a confession: I've been cheating on you gals. :lol: LOL, I just mean that I've been putting what was left of my energy the last couple of days into some things for the prayer website and creating a forum for it because people wanted one. So I've spending my time at another forum
cheating?!?!:dropdead:how could you?!!
lol...kidding. Seriously girl, spending time on creating a forum for the MLP is's a great idea in will be a great addition to the project. Good luck with it all! Once it's all settled though don't you duck out on us, ya hear?
Just as a side note, I love Egypt, especially Ancient Egypt. Love the idea of it all, really quite obsessed lol. That's why I love MJ's Remember the Time vid :wub:
Same here! I've been told in a psychic reading before that I've had a past life in Egypt...which I've always sensed because I have such a connection with it.
Me tooooooo! :bugeyed I could've written these posts exactly myself. Since I was a little kid I've always felt a strong bonding with the Ancient Egypt, and yes...I totally feel like I've had a past life in Egypt. Know so much about, learned so much's a crazy thing how you can feel so connected and dig up stuff and feel's a part of you.

How cool you've been told that by a psychic, Amy, would love to do something like that as well someday!

Funny 'cuz we were talking a while ago about that mentioning of Egypt through Bonnie's vid I guess it was...? And then I found that picture of TII where Michael was wearing a red leather Balmain jacket with an ankh, remember? Just two days later I found my ankh-necklace, don't know if you guys remember, and since then I've always been wearing it when I had important things to do...just rubbing it and thinking of Michael etc. That necklace became a sort 'Michael in a necklace with me'. :lol: But really comforting somehow.

I've read all the posts here :), but I'm just like.... ugh... I have no energy left to quote and respond today. Part of it is some virus I seem to be battling (I'm sooooo tired!) and the other part... ok, I have a confession: I've been cheating on you gals. :lol: LOL, I just mean that I've been putting what was left of my energy the last couple of days into some things for the prayer website and creating a forum for it because people wanted one. So I've spending my time at another forum, lol, and by the time I come here I'm like.... uhhhhhhh... c-a-n-'t -- t-h-i-n-k-- a-n-y-m-o-r-e :blink: Seriously. But just so you know, in case anything ever happens to MJJC (temporary server freakout, whatever) there's another place you can talk about all this nutty stuff... over at MLP
Aaaw how awesome that you're making a forum, really great you're doing so much effort for the MLP! :huggy:
And hope that virus is out soon! Let us know when it's there, def gonna take a look!
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