Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Kira said:
I think we just need and want more spirituality in our lives and to know that we're here for something and that we're trying to make a difference instead of just going through the motions... But having that constant need can be devastating too cause if it's not fulfilled, then you may feel like you're not worth anything
I know exactly what you mean. I often feel that way...that my life has become a sort of "treadmill". Though I'm very blessed, I really want to be contributing MORE. I really want to help people on a deeper level. I'm only 25 and yet I often feel like time is ticking away too fast and it drives me crazy that I haven't fully gotten on my "path" yet. Because for me, I know what I want, I know how I want to give back, I know I'm fully capable and yet I haven't been able get to it yet due to certain circumstances. It makes me feel worthless to just sit here not reaching my full potential. "All in due time" I guess.

8701girl said:
i remember just wanting to feel his presence. I remeber like holding me arms together and just i guess showing him how i needed his touch. But i dont think he came to me though
Aw...hope he comes to you next time!

CaptainEoLove85 said:
I think I also agree that the learning process doesn't stop when you enter the afterlife. I think the afterlife probably gets idealized (eg. you get everything you ever wanted when you're there.) But I kind of doubt it's anything like that. An afterlife like that wouldn't be very rich and fulfilling IMO. But I guess it is human to always have those needs. The glass will never ever be full as long as there is desire. Imagine not having the "want" of something at all. I don't know if that feeling disappears after death, but it's interesting to think about.
That would really suck I think, to get on the other side and all the sudden all your desires are met. How BORING would existence be? But it's an interesting topic...desires. Because if you look into heavy "spiritual mastery" teachings from monks and stuff...some will talk about progressing to a point where you have no desires. That you recognize desires as a constant chase that leads to disappointment. That you become fulfilled just by being connected to Source. It's weird stuff. I like to think it's all crap Just because of the last guy I dated. He was really into that stuff...he was over-the-top spiritual, considered himself a spiritual master. He always told me how he would kill his desires each day. But with him never wanting anything, he was SO BORED all the time. It was all he ever complained about. That Earth was so boring. He hated life completely. He just existed, and found joy in nothing. What an awful way to live.
Wow, that was deep! See that's why I love this thread so much. It's not just about "psychics channeling Michael" (;)), it's so much deeper than that. We touch on so many spiritual and self-growth aspects here. I hereby declare that this thread is good for the soul! :D

Totally agree with this, Kira. I'm really enjoying reading everyone's thoughts on like life itself. Although I must admit, my brain is going into overdrive :lol:
I'm really glad that this thread is here, cos it helps me to understand all things spiritual, I'm learning so much from you guys.

I'm gonna voice my concerns, similar to all your thoughts on 9 til 5 etc. I'm only young, I'm at uni, and when I'm 21, I'll be finished and out into the big bad world. But I get scared. I know what I want to do, but like some of you said, I don't wanna be stuck doing a 9 til 5 job, especially one I don't wanna do cos then it's like, life just ticks by and you just fall into a mundane routine. But I mean, I know I'm only young, so it'll probably figure itself out, I'm not exactly committed to a career yet...

I like the fact that life gives us challenges, cos if everything was handed out to us on a plate we wouldn't grow physically, mentally or spiritually. Sometimes I think of life as like a game and that helps me :lol: cos I tend to get highly stressed out about things, which has bad effects on my health. But then I think that, you know, life is all about how we want to enjoy it, what we put into it. We all came into the world the same way, and we will leave it the same way. I guess it's just about playing the big ol'game of life.
It seems a shame to waste such a beautiful thing as LIVING on just focusing on our existence, cos then all the beautiful moments pass us by.
I guess we become too wrapped up in what is expected of us, rather than focusing on what we truly want.

I think when we pass over to the afterlife, we keep on learning but maybe it becomes a more concentrated form of learning? (I had a point to make but I forgot, it got all jumbled up in my brain :doh: )

Hmm, sorry if this is all blah. I have a hard time trying to express things in a concise way and just end up chucking stuff in randomly :lol:
I feel and I think the same way. That was just a moment of anger against myself and this whole situation.
Because I would never ever be able to stop loving him, even if I try with all of my strength. :wub:

I understand. Exactly, and sure, who'd want to stop loving him? *a hee hee*

Well said, Neeve! Couldn't agree more. :)

This is SO me, too. My biggest problem is that I'm never satisfied and always feel like I'm wasting this life I was given... Right now it's like, what's the point of having a 9 to 5 job that bores me to death? Is that what life's all about? Am I "condemned" to that? I mean I'm certainly not better than anyone else so why should I wish for something else but I don't know... I think we all have this need to feel like we're growing, to feel like we're contributing something worthy to society and I don't think life's worth living if you're not doing anything worthy with it (duh! lol). I know it's up to us to do things differently and "make a change" but sometimes it can feel like everything is stifling you and preventing you from fulfilling your potential... Or maybe those are just excuses. Or maybe, maybe I'm just scared of finally becoming an adult (hmm, I'm 29, about time LOL) with a real job who's given up on her dreams... I don't wanna become that person. I still wanna be this big kid with dreams in her head (*feels like singing Michael's song "Dreamer"*:D). But I also gotta work LOL I know both things aren't incompatible though, thankfully ;)

I think we just need and want more spirituality in our lives and to know that we're here for something and that we're trying to make a difference instead of just going through the motions... But having that constant need can be devastating too cause if it's not fulfilled, then you may feel like you're not worth anything, like you don't deserve to be here. And that's kinda where I'm at (don't you guys worry about me though, I'm not suicidal or anything ;))... So it's all about finding the right balance between the "mundane" stuff and the spiritual stuff we need in order to feel complete.

I'm gonna voice my concerns, similar to all your thoughts on 9 til 5 etc. I'm only young, I'm at uni, and when I'm 21, I'll be finished and out into the big bad world. But I get scared. I know what I want to do, but like some of you said, I don't wanna be stuck doing a 9 til 5 job, especially one I don't wanna do cos then it's like, life just ticks by and you just fall into a mundane routine. But I mean, I know I'm only young, so it'll probably figure itself out, I'm not exactly committed to a career yet...

I like the fact that life gives us challenges, cos if everything was handed out to us on a plate we wouldn't grow physically, mentally or spiritually. Sometimes I think of life as like a game and that helps me :lol: cos I tend to get highly stressed out about things, which has bad effects on my health. But then I think that, you know, life is all about how we want to enjoy it, what we put into it. We all came into the world the same way, and we will leave it the same way. I guess it's just about playing the big ol'game of life.
It seems a shame to waste such a beautiful thing as LIVING on just focusing on our existence, cos then all the beautiful moments pass us by.
I guess we become too wrapped up in what is expected of us, rather than focusing on what we truly want.

I think when we pass over to the afterlife, we keep on learning but maybe it becomes a more concentrated form of learning? (I had a point to make but I forgot, it got all jumbled up in my brain :doh: )

Hmm, sorry if this is all blah. I have a hard time trying to express things in a concise way and just end up chucking stuff in randomly :lol:

I'm replying to both of you here.....and I totally agree. Too many people get caught up in the status quo, what's EXPECTED of them, and push aside their true ambitions and desires. And if you try to follow your dreams, you will find people who are threatened by that, and who are bitter for not doing it themselves, who will try to tell you not to do it. But life is for living. Of course there are people who want a 9-5 job, and that's great for them. But if you want something different, you have to go for it. Michael never ever listened to the people who told him he couldn't do it. It's all about listening to your heart and doing what truly fulfils you. If it doesn't work out, at least you know, and you will have learned from that. I have really learned that truly focusing on something and believing that you will get there, makes it work. It's amazing...when you start concentrating on doing something, and making the effort, things start to fall into place. The universe is fascinating, and I do believe that sending vibes or energy (or whatever you want to call it) really makes a difference. That's my two cents anyway! :)
I've known my purpose from the day I was born and will live to get there until the day I die.

Wow, that is such an amazing thing to know, you are so lucky! I think so many of us are struggling to find our real purpose on this Earth. I think we all have something to accomplish here. And you're so blessed to know what you're here for. Would love it if you could share more about it with us but I can totally understand if that's something you wanna keep private ;)

I'm sorry you feel a bit defeated though, I know that can get you down and makes you feel unworthy....but rememer it will always pass. Everything happens for a reason and in the end you'll find the ultimate balance through it all and can be very proud of yourself.
LOL I could talk about being this type of person for hours, but anyway - hang on girl! :huggy:

Awww thanks girl :) Sometimes all it takes is someone to open your eyes on something... Thank you so much for caring :hug:

So many wonderful people here :)

I had bit of an mj dream last night but he wasnt like really in it though. I was like oustside somewhere and it was dark. The sky was dark but i could see sparks of green and i think purple in the sky and i was calling out for michael. I was saying "michael please if u can hear me let me know somehow" , i remember just wanting to feel his presence. I remeber like holding my arms together and just i guess showing him how i needed his touch. But i dont think he came to me though

Aww, like Amy said, I'm sure Michael will come to you next time, sweetie :)

I know exactly what you mean. I often feel that way...that my life has become a sort of "treadmill". Though I'm very blessed, I really want to be contributing MORE. I really want to help people on a deeper level. I'm only 25 and yet I often feel like time is ticking away too fast and it drives me crazy that I haven't fully gotten on my "path" yet. Because for me, I know what I want, I know how I want to give back, I know I'm fully capable and yet I haven't been able get to it yet due to certain circumstances. It makes me feel worthless to just sit here not reaching my full potential. "All in due time" I guess.

I totally know what you mean about life ticking away so freakin' fast. And I think the fact that I'm hitting the big 30 next year is really getting to me LOL Well the probem isn't really age in itself. I think age only becomes a problem when you feel like you haven't accomplished what you wanted, you know? I don't think I would mind turning 30 if I was feeling fulfilled in my life. On the contrary, I think I would embrace it and feel blessed & thankful for what I have. Well, I guess I got one year to accomplish all of these things and not feel like a complete failure when I hit 30 :lol: A song that comes to mind as I write all this is "Incomplete" by Alanis Morissette... Beautiful song.

Here are the lyrics:

One day I'll find relief
I'll be arrived
And I'll be friend to my friends who know how to be friends
One day I'll be at peace
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
One day I will be healed
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete

One day my mind will retreat
And I'll know God
And I'll be constantly one with her night dusk and day
One day I'll be secure
Like the women I see on their thirtieth anniversaries

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete

Ever unfolding
Ever expanding
Ever adventurous
And torturous
And never done

One day I will speak freely
I'll be less afraid
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
One day I will be faith-filled
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and home

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete

Seriously, do men ever worry about this type of stuff? LOL Sometimes I feel like it's just us girls over-thinking things, analyzing everything and never being satisfied LOL Well I think it's a good thing to question your life and have this desire to always move forward and grow. But sometimes I feel like being a man would be so much easier as they tend to worry much less than we do LMAO No offense to all the men in this thread lol ;)

And Amy, I already told you this but I sincerely see a lot of potential in you. You're very talented & creative, I'm sure there are many many great things & opportunities that will be coming your way very soon :) Keep working on your craft and believing in yourself and everything will work out eventually ;)

Just because of the last guy I dated. He was really into that stuff...he was over-the-top spiritual, considered himself a spiritual master. He always told me how he would kill his desires each day. But with him never wanting anything, he was SO BORED all the time. It was all he ever complained about. That Earth was so boring. He hated life completely. He just existed, and found joy in nothing. What an awful way to live.

Whoa... I'm guessing YOU broke up with him? lol ;) What a very sad way to live, indeed...

Hmm, sorry if this is all blah. I have a hard time trying to express things in a concise way and just end up chucking stuff in randomly :lol:

No, no, you actually made a lot of sense ;)

The thing is, years go by REALLY fast (understatement of the year, lol). And sometmes, it's easy to get lost and "waste" those precious years, especially when you're in your 20's and you think you got all the time in the world... I think it's important to be focused and to know what you want. But it's easier said than done.

In an ideal world, we'd all have a job that completely fulfills us. When that's not an option, I think it's essential to find other sources of fulfilment (arts, sports, family... And of course Michael with everything he taught us and shared with us :heart: ), otherwise you just die inside, little by little, day after day... Again, it's all about finding the right balance. It's not easy to achieve but it's worth fighting for :)

And regarding the afterlife... I'm sure there's lots & lots of learning going on on the other side ;)

*edit* Just saw your post, Neeve :)

I have really learned that truly focusing on something and believing that you will get there, makes it work. It's amazing...when you start concentrating on doing something, and making the effort, things start to fall into place.

Exactly! You're so right, I truly believe that, too :) It's all about committing to something and making the effort to make it happen. :)
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I'm replying to both of you here.....and I totally agree. Too many people get caught up in the status quo, what's EXPECTED of them, and push aside their true ambitions and desires. And if you try to follow your dreams, you will find people who are threatened by that, and who are bitter for not doing it themselves, who will try to tell you not to do it. But life is for living. Of course there are people who want a 9-5 job, and that's great for them. But if you want something different, you have to go for it. Michael never ever listened to the people who told him he couldn't do it. It's all about listening to your heart and doing what truly fulfils you. If it doesn't work out, at least you know, and you will have learned from that. I have really learned that truly focusing on something and believing that you will get there, makes it work. It's amazing...when you start concentrating on doing something, and making the effort, things start to fall into place. The universe is fascinating, and I do believe that sending vibes or energy (or whatever you want to call it) really makes a difference. That's my two cents anyway! :)

I agree totally with what you said here. It's all about having fire in your belly to get out and do something. Like, what you say about concentrating and believing, is very, very true. A personal example of this for me is when I was back at school, learning French, I said to myself I'm gonna really try and make the best of this, learn it to the best of my ability. And my grades started going up & I enjoyed it cos I believed I could do it. I branched out to learn more languages..and now, languages are something I'm basing my career around.
& yeah, about the energy & vibes, totally believe this too. The universe and spirituality are an amazing force.
No, no, you actually made a lot of sense ;)

The thing is, years go by REALLY fast (understatement of the year, lol). And sometmes, it's easy to get lost and "waste" those precious years, especially when you're in your 20's and you think you got all the time in the world... I think it's important to be focused and to know what you want. But it's easier said than done.

In an ideal world, we'd all have a job that completely fulfills us. When that's not an option, I think it's essential to find other sources of fulfilment (arts, sports, family... And of course Michael with everything he taught us and shared with us :heart: ), otherwise you just die inside, little by little, day after day...Again, it's all about finding the right balance. It's not easy to achieve but it's worth fighting for :)

And regarding the afterlife... I'm sure there's lots & lots of learning going on on the other side ;)

lol, oh good, I thought I was just babbling.

I think we have the power as individuals to attain anything we set our minds to, it's just about beating down the haters (lol I know that's not concise way of putting it but ya know..) and believing YOU can do it. Just like Neeve said about Michael never listening to those who told him he couldn't do it - look at all the amazing things he did by listening to his own heart. Ain't nobody who can tell you you can't follow what's in your own heart :heart:
I think it's quite sad that people stop looking in their hearts for their true wants and desires. Is it fear? Fear that their own goals seem unobtainable? Or are people too comfortable with what they have, not wanting to upset the 'balance' they seemingly have created?

I agree with the sources of fufilment too. I think this also helps you to enjoy things and help you cultivate your talents, wherever they lie, and helps you maintain that balance.
So long as I can have lots of laughter in my life, I'll be happy :) I know that seems a bit idealistic buuut we can dream right..
I haven't had any dreams with Michael in them lately .. Well, I had one a few days ago.. But he was in it for like 10 seconds or less.. All I can remember us that Michael and I were standing in a studio and we had this white wall beside us .. I dreamt that Michael had a new music video coming up and I was going to be in it .. But suddenly , I don't know if this was the set for the music video, but I saw this bright green meadow with this big tree.. It was so bright and so beautiful ... As I was just standing there staring at the meadow it felt like there were cameras behind me .. I feel there was more to that dream, but I just can't remember .. L.O.V.E you all :huggy: :heart: I LOVE being in this thread... Thank you for this thread :)
I haven't had any dreams with Michael in them lately .. Well, I had one a few days ago.. But he was in it for like 10 seconds or less.. All I can remember us that Michael and I were standing in a studio and we had this white wall beside us .. I dreamt that Michael had a new music video coming up and I was going to be in it .. But suddenly , I don't know if this was the set for the music video, but I saw this bright green meadow with this big tree.. It was so bright and so beautiful ... As I was just standing there staring at the meadow it felt like there were cameras behind me .. I feel there was more to that dream, but I just can't remember .. L.O.V.E you all :huggy: :heart: I LOVE being in this thread... Thank you for this thread :)

Wow, cool dream, huh Tink. Being in an MJ music vid, awesome.
Maybe that meadow is the one the rest of the girls saw during dreams/meditations?
Hope you're well :heart: :hug:
darlingdear said:
(I had a point to make but I forgot, it got all jumbled up in my brain :doh: )
haha...this made me laugh. Happens to me all the time.

Neeve said:
The universe is fascinating, and I do believe that sending vibes or energy (or whatever you want to call it) really makes a difference.
I couldn't agree more with this statement. The energy you put out really makes a HUGE difference. It's the basic Law of Attraction in the Universe. Personal example for me, I was 20 and had just had a baby. I was single, living with my parents, and had no money. My parents kept stressing how I needed to work and get a car and into my own place. I saw this as impossible...especially since the idea of leaving my daughter at home to go work broke my heart. Then, I had come across the movie "The Secret" which teaches the law of attraction. After that, I just set it in my mind that I was going to get what I wanted. It WAS possible, because I believed it was. I started a design business working from home, and within a few months had a car (fully paid for in cash), and within another few months was in my very first house. If that's not amazing I don't know what is. Another quick example of how our THOUGHTS and feelings that often times I will be feeling tired of my work. I get in these bouts where I'm just sick of designing. When this happens, clients literally stop coming in...because my energy is pushing the work away. (and I've seen this happen time and time again) Just this month, it was my first time ever struggling to make rent. I had $500 in my account and had to make $600 rent within a week, plus be prepared for other bills to come out...and there were just no clients. I decided I had to pull my energy together and get excited about work again...and just trust and know that the money would come. Here I am a week and a half later with $2,000 in my account. Your energy is powerful stuff, guys.

Kira said:
I think age only becomes a problem when you feel like you haven't accomplished what you wanted, you know?
And great song by Alanis btw...I love her.

Kira said:
And Amy, I already told you this but I sincerely see a lot of potential in you. You're very talented & creative, I'm sure there are many many great things & opportunities that will be coming your way very soon :) Keep working on your craft and believing in yourself and everything will work out eventually ;)
Aw thanks hon. :huggy: I must turn around and say that YOU also need to believe in yourself and put your energy where it matters and things will work out for you too. Really.

Kira said:
Whoa... I'm guessing YOU broke up with him? lol ;) What a very sad way to live, indeed...
Hah...actually I didn't. But we never really officially "went out" anyway. was such a screwed up relationship. I don't know why I ever let him suck me into his ways of thinking. He challenged my self worth, my way of living, and well many other things. I guess you could say that relationship was chopped full of "lessons" :lol:
Wow, cool dream, huh Tink. Being in an MJ music vid, awesome.
Maybe that meadow is the one the rest of the girls saw during dreams/meditations?
Hope you're well :heart: :hug:

:huggy: If that is the meadow, then , wow ! I'm trying to push away the sadness , because Michael said we must smile and be happy :) It's hard sometimes though.. L.O.V.E :heart:
After that, I just set it in my mind that I was going to get what I wanted. It WAS possible, because I believed it was. I started a design business working from home, and within a few months had a car (fully paid for in cash), and within another few months was in my very first house. If that's not amazing I don't know what is.

Wow, amazing indeed!! Big KUDOS to you!! This is truly inspirational. Way to go, girl!! You can be proud of yourself :)

Aw thanks hon. :huggy: I must turn around and say that YOU also need to believe in yourself and put your energy where it matters and things will work out for you too. Really.

Aww thank you so much, girl :hug: You're so right. I really do need to focus and put my energy where it matters.

Hah...actually I didn't. But we never really officially "went out" anyway. was such a screwed up relationship. I don't know why I ever let him suck me into his ways of thinking. He challenged my self worth, my way of living, and well many other things. I guess you could say that relationship was chopped full of "lessons" :lol:

Well good thing you got out of that relationship! That type of person can really screw you up... But yeah I guess it was also a good life lesson lol ;)
You guys are truly great people. My goodness. I feel a lot of love here on this message board.

I too hate the whole 9 to 5 concept and having to enjoy life (retire) when you're old and don't have much life left in ya'. This world is kind of strange to have its citizens do this for a living.

But, I will do what I have to do to do what I want to do. (I know most of you guys have heard that saying before). I've been through a lot of crummy stuff in my life, but I'm Still Here! And that makes me happy and optimistic that I still have a chance to make a change in someone elses life. So, I say all of this to say to those who are still struggling to figure out how to give always starts with one person. If you can help one person with the smallest thing -maybe tutor a child (whose family is struggling with money) and maybe do it for free. That child will never forget you. Be a mentor to one child, that Big brother or Big sister. Or maybe volunteer your time with animals. Or spend some time with an elderly person who is lonely at a nursing home...imagine the stories they have to share of when they were young, such wisdom you could gain. Find a homeless person on the street and make a list of things they could do to get them back on their feet. A shelter, free drug-rehab center, free internet usage at the Apple Store, and workforce centers that help with resume, job interview skills and free work clothes. Compile all this information on a paper and hand them the list, money for transportation ($5 or 10 bucks...or however much you can give) and leave an email address (make a new one) so they can update you on their progress. That would be cool.

It's the smallest things that makes a difference in this world and makes you feel so much better. I can honestly say that Michael lives in all of us (fans).
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*edit* Just saw your post, Neeve :)

Exactly! You're so right, I truly believe that, too :) It's all about committing to something and making the effort to make it happen. :)

definitely! And it always helps me to meet people who feel the same way... there are too many negative people in the world.

I agree totally with what you said here. It's all about having fire in your belly to get out and do something. Like, what you say about concentrating and believing, is very, very true. A personal example of this for me is when I was back at school, learning French, I said to myself I'm gonna really try and make the best of this, learn it to the best of my ability. And my grades started going up & I enjoyed it cos I believed I could do it. I branched out to learn more languages..and now, languages are something I'm basing my career around.
& yeah, about the energy & vibes, totally believe this too. The universe and spirituality are an amazing force.

ooh and now I'm excited because I'm obsessed with languages....I just moved to Texas to start grad school in Linguistics....and I'm so happy...I was working towards it for so long and I just kept believing it was right for me, and it all came together...... :) What do you do???

I couldn't agree more with this statement. The energy you put out really makes a HUGE difference. It's the basic Law of Attraction in the Universe. Personal example for me, I was 20 and had just had a baby. I was single, living with my parents, and had no money. My parents kept stressing how I needed to work and get a car and into my own place. I saw this as impossible...especially since the idea of leaving my daughter at home to go work broke my heart. Then, I had come across the movie "The Secret" which teaches the law of attraction. After that, I just set it in my mind that I was going to get what I wanted. It WAS possible, because I believed it was. I started a design business working from home, and within a few months had a car (fully paid for in cash), and within another few months was in my very first house. If that's not amazing I don't know what is. Another quick example of how our THOUGHTS and feelings that often times I will be feeling tired of my work. I get in these bouts where I'm just sick of designing. When this happens, clients literally stop coming in...because my energy is pushing the work away. (and I've seen this happen time and time again) Just this month, it was my first time ever struggling to make rent. I had $500 in my account and had to make $600 rent within a week, plus be prepared for other bills to come out...and there were just no clients. I decided I had to pull my energy together and get excited about work again...and just trust and know that the money would come. Here I am a week and a half later with $2,000 in my account. Your energy is powerful stuff, guys.

That is an amazing and inspiring story!! wow, thanks for sharing!!!! That must've been hard to try and stay positive when all that was going on....
I love The Secret... there's so much in it. To be hoest I kind of feel it goes too far, saying that you cause all the bad things that happen to you by attracting bad things...I can see how that can be the case at times, but I don't think it;s fair to say people have only themselves to blame for illnesses, etc. But apart from that, it has some really powerful stuff....

OK I should go....flying back to the US tomorrow so I need to finish packing!

Love to all
Kira said:
Wow, amazing indeed!! Big KUDOS to you!! This is truly inspirational. Way to go, girl!! You can be proud of yourself :)
Thanks Kira. And to add, I know such amazing manifestations can be done by everyone here!

If you can help one person with the smallest thing -maybe tutor a child (whose family is struggling with money) and maybe do it for free. That child will never forget you. Be a mentor to one child, that Big brother or Big sister. Or maybe volunteer your time with animals. Or spend some time with an elderly person who is lonely at a nursing home...imagine the stories they have to share of when they were young, such wisdom you could gain.

It's the smallest things that makes a difference in this world and makes you feel so much better. I can honestly say that Michael lives in all of us (fans).
I quite agree. Beautiful post. Thank you!
That is an amazing and inspiring story!! wow, thanks for sharing!!!! That must've been hard to try and stay positive when all that was going on....
I love The Secret... there's so much in it. To be hoest I kind of feel it goes too far, saying that you cause all the bad things that happen to you by attracting bad things...I can see how that can be the case at times, but I don't think it;s fair to say people have only themselves to blame for illnesses, etc. But apart from that, it has some really powerful stuff....
I agree... some parts of The Secret were a little off. I mean, while I think we all need to take full responsibility for where our lives are at this point and that so much of what we have and experience is a result of not only our conscious thinking but our unconscious too, I also think there are some things that you can't help; that certain - what you may call "negative" - experiences/life lessons/whatever that come up, come up because they are a part of our life path and purpose... not because we didn't choose the "better" path. The bottom line of the Secret is truth though, as I previously explained my own examples of undeniable evidence that the Law of Attraction is real. The ultimate point is - think about what you WANT, not what you don't want. Always believe you can have what you want, know that you deserve it, and it shall be yours.
I agree... some parts of The Secret were a little off. I mean, while I think we all need to take full responsibility for where our lives are at this point and that so much of what we have and experience is a result of not only our conscious thinking but our unconscious too, I also think there are some things that you can't help; that certain - what you may call "negative" - experiences/life lessons/whatever that come up, come up because they are a part of our life path and purpose... not because we didn't choose the "better" path. The bottom line of the Secret is truth though, as I previously explained my own examples of undeniable evidence that the Law of Attraction is real. The ultimate point is - think about what you WANT, not what you don't want. Always believe you can have what you want, know that you deserve it, and it shall be yours.

you explained it perfectly...... :clapping: I agree.

OK I gtg....
I'm gonna go back and read all the posts, but welcome to the thread, Gina Marie! I loved your post. :heart:
I couldn't agree more with this statement. The energy you put out really makes a HUGE difference. It's the basic Law of Attraction in the Universe. Personal example for me, I was 20 and had just had a baby. I was single, living with my parents, and had no money. My parents kept stressing how I needed to work and get a car and into my own place. I saw this as impossible...especially since the idea of leaving my daughter at home to go work broke my heart. Then, I had come across the movie "The Secret" which teaches the law of attraction. After that, I just set it in my mind that I was going to get what I wanted. It WAS possible, because I believed it was. I started a design business working from home, and within a few months had a car (fully paid for in cash), and within another few months was in my very first house. If that's not amazing I don't know what is. Another quick example of how our THOUGHTS and feelings that often times I will be feeling tired of my work. I get in these bouts where I'm just sick of designing. When this happens, clients literally stop coming in...because my energy is pushing the work away. (and I've seen this happen time and time again) Just this month, it was my first time ever struggling to make rent. I had $500 in my account and had to make $600 rent within a week, plus be prepared for other bills to come out...and there were just no clients. I decided I had to pull my energy together and get excited about work again...and just trust and know that the money would come. Here I am a week and a half later with $2,000 in my account. Your energy is powerful stuff, guys.

Wow! Just to echo what everyone else has said. amy this is amazing. Really inspirational. Just amazing. How brave you are too.

If you can help one person with the smallest thing -maybe tutor a child (whose family is struggling with money) and maybe do it for free. That child will never forget you. Be a mentor to one child, that Big brother or Big sister. Or maybe volunteer your time with animals. Or spend some time with an elderly person who is lonely at a nursing home...imagine the stories they have to share of when they were young, such wisdom you could gain. Find a homeless person on the street and make a list of things they could do to get them back on their feet. A shelter, free drug-rehab center, free internet usage at the Apple Store, and workforce centers that help with resume, job interview skills and free work clothes. Compile all this information on a paper and hand them the list, money for transportation ($5 or 10 bucks...or however much you can give) and leave an email address (make a new one) so they can update you on their progress. That would be cool.

It's the smallest things that makes a difference in this world and makes you feel so much better. I can honestly say that Michael lives in all of us (fans).

Totally. I'm really trying this year to make a change. I really want to help more people. Especially children. Give them a chance in this world. Thanks for your post Gina, lovely.

ooh and now I'm excited because I'm obsessed with languages....I just moved to Texas to start grad school in Linguistics....and I'm so happy...I was working towards it for so long and I just kept believing it was right for me, and it all came together...... :) What do you do???

I know this is off topic haha buuut, I speak French, German and Portuguese. Been learning French since I was 11. German since I was about 13, 14. I wanted to study Languages at uni, but instead am studying something else. I love speaking languages though it's one thing in life I love to do. It just feels right to follow this into a career or something. I want to go abroad after uni and teach kids languages, such as English (and keep up with the other languages) cos I want to help them get a start in a world where English is such an important language. Something like this would make me :D

Oo yeah, safe trip Neeve
OMG, I don't think I could possibly comment on all these deep-thinking posts since I was last here yesterday, lol, or even keep them straight in my head :lol: I'm not feeling so great today (physically), so I'll just leave it for now with: right on, you guys :)

Going to go park myself on the couch for a movie with hubby...
darlingdear said:
Wow! Just to echo what everyone else has said. amy this is amazing. Really inspirational. Just amazing. How brave you are too.
Thank you darling!

mjbunny said:
OMG, I don't think I could possibly comment on all these deep-thinking posts since I was last here yesterday, lol, or even keep them straight in my head :lol: I'm not feeling so great today (physically), so I'll just leave it for now with: right on, you guys :)
Going to go park myself on the couch for a movie with hubby...
Haha... well enjoy your movie! Hope you get feeling better. :)

Mrs. Music said:
Everyone knows 'music is my religion' and stuff,'s all just a huge desire that's burning inside and I haven't been able to do anything with it yet. While at the other hand I just KNOW so 100% sure I can do's a strange thing to explain but it's so much alive in my everday life that I'm almost convinced I end up being a singer.
This is awesome...definitely don't ever give up or sell yourself short on singing if it's that much of a passion of yours. If you have the "knowing feeling" inside, believe in that always and act upon it. So that's what your whole first gig was about!...I hope you just keep going up and up, girl.

Mrs. Music said:
Wondering how many people actually think about these things, about how you can be able to just create the paths in life by yourself and how you can fulfill things. For some reason I always feel like walking in this world and seeing so many people with eyecaps on or something. Like I'm the only one who realizes things, sees things, hears things, thinks further, actually DOES I'm able to actually send out and receive signals without interference, while all the others still search for the right frequency.
I wonder about this too...and often feel the same way. Like I look at most people and just see such unawareness...about the life they really live, about the effect they have on others, the ways they create their life and reality, and they way they just accept what they are presented with. More and more I'm seeing people opening their eyes though...which I think is part of the "spiritual revolution" the whole planet will be marching into...or is already.
This is awesome...definitely don't ever give up or sell yourself short on singing if it's that much of a passion of yours. If you have the "knowing feeling" inside, believe in that always and act upon it. So that's what your whole first gig was about!...I hope you just keep going up and up, girl.

I wonder about this too...and often feel the same way. Like I look at most people and just see such unawareness...about the life they really live, about the effect they have on others, the ways they create their life and reality, and they way they just accept what they are presented with. More and more I'm seeing people opening their eyes though...which I think is part of the "spiritual revolution" the whole planet will be marching into...or is already.
I know and will definitely do that....thanks Amy, really appreciate it! :huggy: Kinda hard to just get this out like that...haha, it's so strange to talk about since it's mostly only going on in my own head and so little people know this.

It's exactly that unawareness indeed, was the word I was looking for, but it's true that more and more people look like getting there. At least I've already seen many more people who are the same way than I saw a few years ago.
Cool, thanks for sharing your passions, Mrs.Music!
So sorry to hear you were bullied :( bad times.
LOL at the phrase you used about you being real scared when you signed up to professional singing classes. I would just be like :blush: all the time . But well done you for just feeling the fear and doing it.

So amazing that you already know what you wanna do and are following it through.
I wish you every success in the world :hug:
OMG, I don't think I could possibly comment on all these deep-thinking posts since I was last here yesterday, lol, or even keep them straight in my head :lol: I'm not feeling so great today (physically), so I'll just leave it for now with: right on, you guys :)

Going to go park myself on the couch for a movie with hubby...

Aw, I hope you feel better soon :) :hug: