Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I wonder if it was Heal the World? Do you remember at all? At one point we sang a bit of that in mine. For me it was in the cafeteria before we flew up into the sky like Peter Pan, lol. But well, meadow, Neverland, field... maybe the location doesn't matter because it's influenced by our thoughts, but what happened is the important part. I remember last month amygrace and I both saw us all in a circle with a spot in the circle for Michael. For her it was in a meadow, for me in a nondescript white room. But otherwise same type of experience :)

I really don't remember :( I try to but it's gone. I just remember that we happily sang it.

That's true, could be possible that the location doesn't matter as long as we expierence something similar or the same. Can't wait to do the next group meditation. Maybe we will find out more about it, if the happenings stay similar/the same in the future.

Thank you from me too for showing all the matches :)
When I arrived at the "cafeteria" he was sitting there alone like he was waiting for us, lol. And when I said that we didn't plan/expect to come to him, he said like, "There's not a better time, right?" So in some weird way it felt like "ok, I'll meet you all there". But I don't want that to set up an expectation for the future, you know. Like we all say "let's go see Michael again" and then what if we don't or try too hard? I think it's best we consider this practice, learning... to better meditation skills, like that. So I just take it as a wonderful surprise if MJ is there :wub: When he looked into my eyes... omg. It was like "yes, everything's ok, I know what you feel and things are totally cool between us, I love you" ... that kind of feeling. It was all rather loving and calm. Last time we seemed more excitable, lol.

I thought I saw a cafeteria, but that actually was my imagination LOL. Cos it looked similar to the cafeteria from scrubs :doh:
Aw, cool that he was just waiting there for us and what he said.
I think that it's best to take it as it comes. Sometimes MJ might be able to meet us, but other times not? I think I was trying way too hard to like "see" something. I was really focussing on the image of holding hands etc. I was like please I want to connect to these people and frantically listed in my head everyone on this thread...

I mean, we never intended to meet with Michael, we never said we're meditating to specifically contact him, or wanting to see him, so I think yeah, like you say, I think if we consider these experiments our practice sessions and stuff. It's just an added bonus if the man himself shows up :wub:
I thought I saw a cafeteria, but that actually was my imagination LOL. Cos it looked similar to the cafeteria from scrubs :doh:
LOL. I never watch Scrubs, so don't know what it looks like. In mine (and the dream I had of it) it reminds me of my elementary school cafeteria. I wonder if I can find some pics like it...
Hey guys I'm back! I could hardly focus on the movie I was still buzzing from the meditation experience wishing I didn't have to go! Anyway, it's been so fun reading over everyones experiences!

Neeve - really great message... thank you for sharing that!

My meditation wasn't quite like everyone elses. There was one link with Mrs. Music and one link with mjbunny though. I started out half expecting to see us all gathering in a white space again or something....but immediately felt like we were inside somewhere. I got a flash of the cafeteria and thought oh...we're meeting here, interesting. Then the cafeteria went away and suddenly I was "out" of it for a minute...(probably because there was an eyelash in my eye that was distracting me. lol) anyway after a few seconds of being out I was in again and realized we were all on a train! A good ole fashioned train. My mind immediately wanted to think "you're making this up Amy" so I cleared myself and just remained open and the train just kept coming up. I saw me and other girls just sitting on benches in a circle in the train. Very relaxed and chill just talking. We were passing time chatting while we waited for a few other girls to come. After a couple minutes the train started moving. I kept thinking "where the heck are we going? do we even have a destination? is this just a 'ride through space' or what?"... I felt a kind of excitement in not knowing. I looked out the window a couple times and thought we passed the usual "meditation meadow" at one point. Suddenly we had arrived somewhere and walked out of the train...I looked around and (this is where it matches Mrs. Music a bit) I saw beautifully vibrant green grass, a bright blue sky, and then...a kind of ferris wheel thing. We were in Neverland! Only it wasn't on was like a preserved energetic replica of that Neverland, just on the spiritual realm. I was so excited and it was so beautiful...I just kept thinking, I never want to leave here! Then I think I saw Michael in the distance. Again, my brain wanted to think that Michael didn't "have time" for this...but I felt a surprised feeling at the same time that felt like "wow, we weren't even expecting to see him and he came anyway!" Everyone was just getting comfortable and hugging and talking when I heard my daughter in the next room yell for me so I knew it was movie time and I had to go. So that was that!

I wanna do it again! :p

Elise - thank you for the compliment! x

mjbunny said:
amygrace - Wow, thanks for posting the song vid It's really a wonderful song and you've got such a great voice. So this is one of those songs that falls into one's lap, right? Way cool. My husband wanted me to tell you also that he really loves your voice. He said it's got great tone, nice and clear and he enjoyed listening. And he's a German, so almost pathologically critical about everything
Thanks girl. And just fell into my lap. Usually I have to really think about my songs, but with this I'd just take a moment to completely clear my mind...and lyrics would just show up. It was interesting. Glad to get a German's approval too :lol:

mjbunny said:
Oh, amygrace -- forgot something. We have MJ sounds on the computer set for Windows actions, lolol, so anytime I turn the volume up from the taskbar Michael goes "hee-hee!" So there were a couple of "hee-hee's" added to your song when we listened it. Rock on.
^ amygrace, very interesting. And for me personally, I'm like whoaaa because of the dream I had this morning. I was flying next to a bus (which was also like a train -- it was a long train/bus vehicle thing) through pastel clouds on my way to see MJ. So it was the first thing I thought of, even though it has nothing to do with the meditation.

What you said about the train, how it kept coming up... that's when I always know to go with something too. For me tonight it was the forest at the beginning that kept doing that. Maybe there was a train station nearby, lolol. Oh, and you saw us sitting on benches on the train after the cafeteria. In my cafeteria this time there were bench seats (like picnic style seating), but we gals sat on the floor, so probably not much of a connection. I love the idea of an energetic version of Neverland. I've seen a ferris wheel and stuff before in meditations. I'd love to think it's real on some level! :) Ah heck, probably is!

I also find it interesting that you left the meditation at that point because later (like approaching 15 minutes in) I noticed there were only like 3 or 4 of us still there and I wondered "Is amygrace still here?" and you weren't ;) And I wonder about CyberJackson, because I swear she was there or peeked in for a moment, but hasn't written anything yet.
Man I'm so sad I didn't get to be a part of this.
We'll do it again, don't worry :yes: If we keep practicing, maybe in like 5 years we'll be able to have full conversations 'over there' and remember it word for word, lolol. I felt kind of like you do after the last major love prayer. My darn neighbors were blasting their bass and I couldn't concentrate.
Man I'm so sad I didn't get to be a part of this.

Aw :hug:
I'm sure you were there, in the group the girls were describing. I'm sure we all were.
I didn't have anything this intense, so don't worry girl.
We were all a part of it, just some of us percieved what others didn't. There is always next time.

amy, your experience sounds really awesome btw!
^ amygrace, very interesting. And for me personally, I'm like whoaaa because of the dream I had this morning. I was flying next to a bus (which was also like a train -- it was a long train/bus vehicle thing) through pastel clouds on my way to see MJ. So it was the first thing I thought of, even though it has nothing to do with the meditation.
I definitely saw pastel clouds too! How cool! I wonder why there would even be transportation like this That's one thing that made me think "am I imagining this?" because I know we could instantly be somewhere by thought. So why take a train? :lol:

What you said about the train, how it kept coming up... that's when I always know to go with something too. For me tonight it was the forest at the beginning that kept doing that. Maybe there was a train station nearby, lolol. Oh, and you saw us sitting on benches on the train after the cafeteria. In my cafeteria this time there were bench seats (like picnic style seating), but we gals sat on the floor, so probably not much of a connection.
I get the sense that not all of us came together on this one...but were nearby. It seemed like maybe we separated off in groups...with people that aren't even in this thread of course, as there's not enough of us here to make a real big group. Maybe some of us went into other "dream groups" - like with other fans or friends that were sleeping during the time.

I love the idea of an energetic version of Neverland. I've seen a ferris wheel and stuff before in meditations. I'd love to think it's real on some level! :) Ah heck, probably is!
What made me particularly happy about seeing this spiritualized Neverland, was that it gave me this realization that all the things we think we've "lost" we really haven't. Of course Neverland is still here on Earth but like... everything that it was meant to be, in all it's magic, still existed. It was almost like a time travel...but putting away the concept that there is no time really. Everything that ever did and ever will exist, is existing. There is an everlasting spiritual makeup of everything. I don't know if that makes sense or not. :p

I also find it interesting that you left the meditation at that point because later (like approaching 15 minutes in) I noticed there were only like 3 or 4 of us still there and I wondered "Is amygrace still here?" and you weren't ;) And I wonder about CyberJackson, because I swear she was there or peeked in for a moment, but hasn't written anything yet.
Yeah that's cool too...very in tune!

DanceofZenab - yes don't worry darlin! There will be more!

If we keep practicing, maybe in like 5 years we'll be able to have full conversations 'over there' and remember it word for word, lolol.
How cool would that be?! :punk:
I definitely saw pastel clouds too! How cool! I wonder why there would even be transportation like this
Wow. My dream this morning sounds like that part of your meditation -- how weird is that? And it brings up the issue of time... I mean, about there not being any. Maybe I dreamed this part 12 hours beforehand. I could never discount it. Who knows. Or that's the main way to get to Neverland II? You have to enter on the choo choo train, lolol. How Michael ;)

I get the sense that not all of us came together on this one...but were nearby. It seemed like maybe we separated off in groups...with people that aren't even in this thread of course, as there's not enough of us here to make a real big group. Maybe some of us went into other "dream groups" - like with other fans or friends that were sleeping during the time.
Interesting thought. I also felt it wasn't as cohesive as last time. It was more like... people blipping in and out of the picture. For me the whole thing was kind of fuzzy and changeable.

Yeah that's cool too...very in tune!
Well remember last month Mrs Music said she couldn't participate because her friend was supposed to pick her up to go to the airport at that time. But then while we were standing around waiting for everyone and wondering what we should do I looked up and thought like, "Oh, it's Mrs Music! Didn't think she'd make it!" And then turns out she had joined us for a few minutes. Way cool :yes:
Wow. My dream this morning sounds like that part of your meditation -- how weird is that? And it brings up the issue of time... I mean, about there not being any. Maybe I dreamed this part 12 hours beforehand.
Sounds like you did! Interesting
mjbunny said:
Or that's the main way to get to Neverland II? You have to enter on the choo choo train, lolol. How Michael ;)
:lol:... so very Michael indeed.

mjbunny said:
Well remember last month Mrs Music said she couldn't participate because her friend was supposed to pick her up to go to the airport at that time. But then while we were standing around waiting for everyone and wondering what we should do I looked up and thought like, "Oh, it's Mrs Music! Didn't think she'd make it!" And then turns out she had joined us for a few minutes. Way cool :yes:
Totally. I'm interested to see if miss CyberJackson comes back with any thoughts now.
Interesting thought. I also felt it wasn't as cohesive as last time. It was more like... people blipping in and out of the picture. For me the whole thing was kind of fuzzy and changeable.

Well, I notice a lot of you say the group kept getting smaller? I kept coming in and out of meditation lol, cos I just couldn't focus or get comfy..
Well, I notice a lot of you say the group kept getting smaller? I kept coming in and out of meditation lol, cos I just couldn't focus or get comfy..

I noticed that too actually. Like, people were popping in and out. :)
I just wanted to pop up here again and say that Bonnie channeling was genius again imo. First MJ said trough Bonnie that he was very concerned about fans who believe that he is still alive. This part about hoax websites I guess and I know from fact that many fans involved in this activities and they believe that Michael didn’t leave a physical world. This is how I get this part of this channeling.
The rest was very good too including privacy part. This one was not fake at all imo. Michael was always concerned about his privacy on many levels. Nothing had changed.Why it has to change? Another thing is about reading on him.. I just simply ignore all other mediums because it happens to be that I checked Bonnie and some other fans I am in personal contact with did too because many things Bonnie was talking about before just simply matched. So for me it still feels that Bonnie is very real. The part that fans have to move forward sounds a bit sad though. But what is the reality? I think that the reality is that it is hard to do but it is very true too. So I do not see anything wrong with this message.
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^^Thank you dear, you took the words out of my mouth. I just wish there was something that we could do to get rid of these people that are trying to make us have false hope in believing that he's "alive" when in reality he's not physically with us anymore. :(
Mrs. Music, that's freaky. You found out when you'd die? :bugeyed
Nah...I was shocked at that moment and got like, a bit out of it, but then I felt comfortable, and just thought....well...then it'd be 2034, hahah. I never feel I'm gonna live that long though, always had some sort of...feeling that I would die at an unnormal age. 2034 would make me 44...could be.:scratch:
Dunnow if I might have seen that or something but I think I can't get such a clear prediction through only meditating. It is confusing though, but like I said I still don't know how exactly it is my overimagination or the meditation that does it, but these kind of details make me think (or hope) it's overimagination.

I felt this positive energy too. It was all warm and I saw sunlight and we were outside, feeling good, loved. It was sunny and I remember blue sky, sun flowers.
But now that thing that made me laugh...
by Mrs. Music

We were all hugging him, saying goodbye and I saw that the girl in front of him gave him a kiss on his mouth. LOL :lol: I was surprised to see that. :D Aaawww that was you Mrs. Music LOL
Hahahahah no waaaay! How awesome is that! :lol: And read what I said about the environment? Rays of sun, blue sky, grass, flowers....almost all of us now told they had that too!

Mrs Music... LOL about the kiss on the mouth. I've done that in meditations before as well. Then I'm like... omg, can't believe I just did that! Sorry, Michael! :lol: Trippy about your "2034" and heaven thing, though. What the...?
Hahahahah I was thinking that as well, but Michael like...pouted his lips a bit or something...and so I was just assuming he wanted it.
This sounds awkward but yeah, I just didn't really think about it and just planted my lips and hell it was cool.... :lmao:
Don't know what that heaven & 2034 is...but read what I said to CaptainEoLove85, I think it looks more than it actually was. I'm just not gonna hang so much feeling in to it and just....hmm...'let it be'. It's too confusing to think about what it was, haha. I feel like this ->:mello:

Still I wonder why I haven't felt anything of you guys there....last time I did have that a bit, but not so vividly.
It's everytime only Michael I 'see' vividly....mehh!

Anyway, cool to read all of your experiences and how much similarities it has! Like everyone reporting being outside and cool, 'cuz last time we all reported it being a dark, spacy, like a cemetary. Ha! Curious if the ones who haven't told anything yet participated too.

Sorry for the ones who didn't get into it, better luck next time I hope.
Can some do me a huge favour and write a transcript of the new video pleaseee?

I can't watch or listen to it.

I love youuuuu.

P.S. It's okay, I'm reading it on the video, I can see it but can't hear it.
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Hahahahah I was thinking that as well, but Michael like...pouted his lips a bit or something...and so I was just assuming he wanted it.
This sounds awkward but yeah, I just didn't really think about it and just planted my lips and hell it was cool.... :lmao:

Aw, that made me laugh. How cool is that though?! :lol:

Thanks for the video btw. :)
I came upon Bonnie Vent some time ago, around a month or 2 and I have to say that after I listened to all her messages from Michael I felt really felt she was real, accurate, that it was really Michael. But on the other hand I can't be sure of anything until I get the proof myself. It hurts to feel this.

When I listened to her messages from him I simply felt it was him, also the first trance when Michael spoke through her, that was impressive, it's Michael's way of talking. I thought maybe she studied him, his personality, his way of talking...but then, that trance was on July 2nd, so in 2 weeks, for a person that supposedly doesn't know him as person and as character as we do,to know him as we do, it's hard to catch his way of talking and details.I don't know...

With this last message she posted I don't know what to say. I don't know what gives me the feeling there is something strange in it.I don't know if any of you came upon a so called psychic named Cherockee Billie, who had a blog on wordpress, poting messages from Michael. Well, that blog is now private because she wrote there that there is a "so called psychic" as she said, that sends her threat messages and so, and that "claims to have messages from Michael". She was talking about Bonnie Vent. First I have to say that this Cherokee Billie is so but so screaming fake from all pores that it blew me away to see how so many people could believe her. Her messages never sounded like Michael, they were all flowers and honey and sunshine like, I mean exactly what people would like to hear and for this to come back to her blog and gather more people who believe in what she says. Now her blog is private. She said that because of those threat messages she receives from Bonnie.

On one hand I can't believe everything 100% from Bonnie either because it will always be a percent of insecurity on this unless you talk to Michael on your own and prove it to yourself. But this last message of Bonnie doesn't sound strange considering what I told you about Cherokee?(some of you might know the story). Why would Michael say this through her? It sounds like a complot, sort of. Also that youtube channel that pretends to be Michael, you know about it I think, with messages that he will return and all. These 3 things make me think that there is something dirty around this, and that all these are bonded.

I believe in spirit life, I believe that death is not death after all after reading books written by scientists that reasearch this since the beginning of 1900. I believe in it, I had proofs of it. But I don't want to let someone abuse him or abuse of this situation. Bonnie might channeled Michael, ok, this is ok. The only thing that puts me thiking about the accuracy is her last message. Do you picture Michael saying "i'm moving forward and you should do the same"? I don't know, of course everyone is moving forward, cause the life moves forward not backwards, so does he, but I am sure and I can deffinitely say that after reading what scientists said about the life in spirit, it's not like they leave physical life and break all the bounds with the loved ones and that he wants to be forgotten. Some of them are around the loved ones always, they want to be around them and look upon them. Just we don't see them. It's so much to say about this, it's not enough space. I've read so much, researched so much, I had proofs and believe in it tottaly.
Death is not the end. It's just like a door: you go out from here and enter there. It's a matter of changing the material world with another one. And I am sure that Michael would never ever want us and everyone to move forwards from HIM. Maybe move forward with the life cause we don't have another choice, time goes forward. I think that if this message is really from him, then he wants to say that move forward with this fact, that he is there, and that the ones that claim to be him are all fake and not believe such things(some people believe them). I don't think he would ever mean by "Im moving forward" that he leaves us, or that we should leave him and live ou lives. I think he wanted to say that he continues to live there as well as we do here.

I say this from my heart and I tottaly mean it. I know you understand it better than anyone, cause we are all here living the same thing.
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Good morning guys :)

I've read your experiences and a lot of interesting things came out.

Almost all of you talked about the perception of people popping in and out , well in my case I came in and out like three times ,because I kept being interrupted...
Maybe because of that my meditation wasn´t a cohesive story , like some of yours , it was more like parts of something , mixed things.

At the beginning of the meditation, as soon as I closed my eyes , I started singing Heal the world to "get in the atmosphere".I didn't think this was important but someone also mentioned the song.

What I saw:

. At one point I saw myself sitting in a green field , like waiting for something or someone.It was a very quiet and peaceful place.

. I saw several times a white flashing light.

. In another moment I was flying or floating in a dark space calling your names.

What I felt:

. I didn't feel the buzzing in a specific part , it was in all the body.Like an energy coming from the sides and entering in me.At that point I felt a chill that made me shake.

. It was a warm energy , made me feel very light.

That all I remember right now. Have a good day everyone :hug:
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I just wanted to say thanks everyone for was a great experience for me, one that I needed, and I look forward to the next one!
New Session just added---Michael's warning to fans.

:cry: wow...I could imagine him speaking!! the first of her videos, that I saw many many pages ago when this thread was new...I was a bit skeptical....but this one....feels different.. :heart:

I just wanted to say thanks everyone for was a great experience for me, one that I needed, and I look forward to the next one!

I would absolutely love to try something like the meditation thing you all did :)
I had a dream of Michael sort . I dreamt of Michael silhouttes appearing near my bedroom window. I could see his silhouttes dancing behind my curtain .All l could recall is saying, Michael is that you? But no answer in return thats all. Before his passing this was never a problem having dreams of him. But now l dont know what to say.....
Bonnie might channeled Michael, ok, this is ok. The only thing that puts me thiking about the accuracy is her last message. Do you picture Michael saying "i'm moving forward and you should do the same"? I don't know, of course everyone is moving forward, cause the life moves forward not backwards, so does he, but I am sure and I can deffinitely say that after reading what scientists said about the life in spirit, it's not like they leave physical life and break all the bounds with the loved ones and that he wants to be forgotten. Some of them are around the loved ones always, they want to be around them and look upon them. Just we don't see them. It's so much to say about this, it's not enough space. I've read so much, researched so much, I had proofs and believe in it tottaly.
Death is not the end. It's just like a door: you go out from here and enter there. It's a matter of changing the material world with another one. And I am sure that Michael would never ever want us and everyone to move forwards from HIM. Maybe move forward with the life cause we don't have another choice, time goes forward. I think that if this message is really from him, then he wants to say that move forward with this fact, that he is there, and that the ones that claim to be him are all fake and not believe such things(some people believe them). I don't think he would ever mean by "Im moving forward" that he leaves us, or that we should leave him and live ou lives. I think he wanted to say that he continues to live there as well as we do here.

Good point, I think the same.
Maybe that phrase was just inaccurate from Bonnie, cuz it's sound like he pushing us away, which is hard to believe.
Of course, don't want his spirit to be disturbed and stuck in between cuz of us all, wishing him only Peace :yes: and full transition. Amen.
And those who still believe in hoax should move on and accept the fact that he is passed and living there.
Just hope he still will be able to keep an eye on us, to keep in touch, from time to time?
Michael is such a massive impact in our lives, he know how much he is loved. And now it's looks like the door is ready to be shut before your nose and you have only emptiness around.. That last message from Bonnie made me feel really confused :(
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