Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Drinking a whole pot of green tea right now. It has theanine (relaxes the mind) and caffeine (keeps one awake), so hopefully I won't drift off to sleep in half an hour and can focus. Or have to pee five minutes into it, lol. I always say... tea rhymes with pee! Nevermind, TMI, lol.
Uh-oh...I've just drunk like 3 cups of tea. :lol: But I just pee'd so I hope I can hold it 'til I'm done meditating. Hahahahaha. What a convo.
Thanks for the good luck wish!

Gonna find me a song to get into the vibe....guess it's gonna be Planet Earth again, and guess Imma try out Cry this time. Last time I listened to it I had such an enormous energy floating in, I felt SO much aware of what's around me and yet so far away from this earth.
And gonna try your meditation tips - hope it helps!:)

Already having sizzling sounds in my ears....hmm.
Right, I think I'm gonna go and "get ready" now. See you all soon hopefully! :flowers:
Hey guys! This time around went rather fast for me...I had my daughter all setup to watch a movie with me before I realized it was meditation time! So I was feeling a little jittery but I managed to focus and get there. Even though it was short it was really great...I didn't want to go. I've got to get this movie going now though so I will properly reply and report later. Hugs all around! :group: Looking forward to seeing what everyone experienced later!
Aaargh, it was so hard for me to concentrate :( There was some noise outside my apartment, people screaming in the street... So annoying.

Anyway, after about 5 mn I managed to relax a bit more, I was thinking about all of you and started to feel a tingling in several parts of my body!! First in the back of my head, then in my fingers, then on the tip of my tongue (very weird!!) and then in my feet. It lasted maybe 30 secs/1 mn and then it stopped. Also saw something like a flash of light (very quickly) at one point (right before all the tingling, actually) in front of my left eye.

But I was too distracted, had a hard time focusing... Oh well, better luck next time ;)

Can't wait to hear how it went for you guys :)
Wow, that was really good! I done it for about 15 minutes, and suprisingly didn't have too much trouble concentrating. After about 5 minutes I noticed this kind of white flashing light, which lasted about 10 minutes, followed by a cold sensation that started on my face and then worked it's way down my body. I'm pretty sure at some point I saw a door, and some stairs. Anyway, now It's finished I feel really postive, and my feels really fluttery, if that makes sense? I really felt a lot of positive energy during it! Can't wait to hear from everyone else!
hey guys, I just want to say thanks for everyone who put forth that energy into it. I really felt it :)
I had quite an emotional experience...I don't want to go into detail but I'd like to share some of the main messages I felt:
1. LOVE. (Of course..!) There were two parts to this: First, being willing to give love to all around us, but not because we want to receive it in return. I really felt that...I guess just expressing love and not expecting anything from it. Second, to accept love from others, and to realise that you deserve it. I don't know if this was directed at me or just a general idea, but I feel compelled to share it. I also got the message that as long as we are giving love, we're all united. With each other, and with Michael.
2. Life. If there's something you want to do but feel held back, just go for it. I don't know if that means anything specific to anybody, but I felt that too... choose life.

I hope y'all don't think I'm crazy, lol. These are just the emotions/thoughts that came to me. I feel lighter :)
Hmm.., It was hard for me to concentrate this time, but I felt tingling on the side of my right foot when I was trying to imagine you guys...I was imagining us in a beautiful green meadow just sitting there so peaceful.. And I also felt like someone was poking my back :lol: At one point this image in my head showed Michael on the side of a lake with a child beside him and then he picked up a water lily and showed it to the child ..
Whew, it took me so long to get into it. Like I settled myself down. But there was all these distractions I was like aaah.
I had an annoying like pinching sensation on my shin. Then I felt like an electric shock type thing on my right arm. And now it's really warm, like running from my hand up to my elbow.
I saw a door, with white light glowing through it. But I couldn't focus enough to see through it :lol:
My left side, a felt a cold breeze on this side.
Saw a house, randomly like in the middle of nowhere, I was in a field which was covered in hay. Never seen it before in my life.
Ermm, lots of white when I had my eyes shut, other colours too mixing in, purple I think?

No face this time though. But heyho, wasn't putting too many expectations on it. Was great feeling though. As soon as it was time to meditate, my butterflies disappeared and I felt calm.
I haven't read others' stuff yet. Just came here and wrote. So here goes...

Well, I have to say that this time was nothing like last time for me. I did had the sensation several times of people around me a bit, though. Interesting. I think I found everyone quite quickly, but I didn't have strong visuals like before. For the first few minutes it was all just kind of blurry, like one minute I thought I was in the group and the next I wasn't. I don't know if everything that happened in my meditation was just my mind wandering. Ah well, that's why it's an experiment, right? ;) I listened to the same theta meditation track as last time, put the light down low, etc. So I tried...

I noticed many of you there by your user names, but it was like no one knew where to go or what to do. At one point it was as if we were in a forest, or standing on the edge of a clearing near a forest. The forest was actually kind of vivid. But then it changed to the 'meditation set' of the Scream video, a glimpse of the meadow with a tree again, then the cafeteria. I 'heard' someone say the word cafeteria, like we'd decided on that? So we went there, it was very white/bright and I saw Michael (wearing black) sitting at one of the cafeteria tables. He smiled, like he'd been waiting for us and called us "my girls" or something, lolol. We then sat on the floor, like a group of kids. Not in a circle this time, just like kids having a story read to them. Michael was standing up or sitting on top of the table, lol. I just had impressions of him and like he was individually talking with each of us somehow, but it's not very vivid. All except one point when I felt like I'd reached up for his hand and he squatted down and looked into my eyes and I saw his quite vividly. But the whole time I'm like... ah, I'm just making this up.

I think I said at one point, "We're weren't expecting to come here to see you right now, so I don't know..." And he replied along the lines of "There's not a better time, right? ;)" I don't know... it was all fuzzy. It felt like someone wanted to sing, so we sang a bit of HTW. Then I had a blip of Peter Pan and it was like we were flying into the sky? LOL, I know :rolleyes2: And then were in a cloudy place (like in the sky) and I wondered who else was actually still there. I asked "Is amygrace still here?" and I didn't see her. It felt like half the group had already left. (This was about 12 minutes after the hour.) Then I decided to try to give us something to remember, so I tried to get everyone's attention. I won't say what... I'll see if anyone noticed and writes about it, lolol. The last thing I remember were the words "Tom Sneddon". WTH? Weird way to end it.

Hope you all had something cool happen :angel: P.S. Wanted to add that I feel fine afterwards as well. It just felt emotionally like... hanging out with friends? No stress, just quite calm really.
Had a pretty weird one this time....can't really explain what it was...sort of like a story I was telling myself but in this future time. I walked inside a ranch (pretty sure it was Neverland) and saw a circus, lots of yellow stripes and red details, sun was shining, lots of people around and then I saw Michael welcoming me. I continued telling myself that story of what was happening, like it was some sort of fairytale. Walked around here and there, seeing people that were great in the past...Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, a lot of kids, Elizabeth Taylor, and a few others that I can't remember. Then I asked Michael what I was doing there, he said that everyone is celebrating being in heaven.:mello:
So I asked...why am I in heaven? He said 'you've passed', I asked 'what year did I die?!', he said '2034'. And that's when I freaked out a little and got a bit out of the meditation. He couldn't tell me why or how I died and so I walked on, he was holding my hand and showed me around. I asked him if he remembered his passing and if he knew how I felt..he knew all of it and he said that time didn't matter, he still felt everything, all the love he ever felt. He tried to comfort me and told me I would love it in that place. I hold his other hand and then I just kissed him on the mouth. LOL...felt so vivid. But the atmosphere was it was in the 50's or something....very powerful colours, sky very blue, lots of moving from birds, a river, trees, wind. I started singing and dancing as well...twirling around with my white skirt. Saw no one of you guys around though, I asked people if they knew where you guys where but there was no one around I knew like I know now.
But then my laptop got in sleeping mode so it was buzzing and that 'woke me up'.:scratch:

Yet I still don't know if this is really meditating or just my oversensitive imagination....though it's coming all in like...too fast for my mind to come up with it, so that it must've been something. When I started it I sat like Michael sits in that picture of Scream and hold my hands the same way...thought it might be interesting hahaha, just tried it out. My hands got really hot though! Other thing is that - again - he looked like in Remember The Time. Now I'm beginning to think if that 'Remember The Time' is like a strange coincidence or sth. :lol:

But okay - long enough now. Curious what you guys had!
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I tried to join in. After 2 minutes, people began shouting. Sigh.

But I DID get tingles in my leg.
Had a pretty weird one this time....can't really explain what it was...sort of like a story I was telling myself but in this future time. I walked inside a ranch (pretty sure it was Neverland) and saw a circus, lots of yellow stripes and red details, sun was shining, lots of people around and then I saw Michael welcoming me. I continued telling myself that story of what was happening, like it was some sort of fairytale. Walked around here and there, seeing people that were great in the past...Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, a lot of kids, Elizabeth Taylor, and a few others that I can't remember. Then I asked Michael what I was doing there, he said that everyone is celebrating being in heaven.:mello:
So I asked...why am I in heaven? He said 'you've passed', I asked 'what year did I die?!', he said '2034'. And that's when I freaked out a little and got a bit out of the meditation. He couldn't tell me why or how I died and so I walked on, he was holding my hand and showed me around. I asked him if he remembered his passing and if he knew how I felt..he knew all of it and he said that time didn't matter, he still felt everything, all the love he ever felt. He tried to comfort me and told me I would love it in that place. I hold his other hand and then I just kissed him on the mouth. LOL...felt so vivid. But the atmosphere was it was in the 50's or something....very powerful colours, sky very blue, lots of moving from birds, a river, trees, wind. Saw no one of you guys around though, I asked people if they knew where you guys where but there was no one around I knew like I know now.
But then my laptop got in sleeping mode so it was buzzing and that 'woke me up'.:scratch:

Yet I still don't know if this is really meditating or just my oversensitive imagination....though it's coming all in like...too fast for my mind to come up with it, so that it must've been something. When I started it I sat like Michael sits in that picture of Scream and hold my hands the same way...thought it might be interesting hahaha, just tried it out. My hands got really hot though! Other thing is that - again - he looked like in Remember The Time. Now I'm beginning to think if that 'Remember The Time' is like a strange coincidence or sth. :lol:

But okay - long enough now. Curious what you guys had!

Omg. What if you looked into the future? :mello:

I hope you enjoyed your kiss with MJ and it's nice to see he's okay. :D
Wow, cool experiences everyone! I definitley remember walking up some stairs to a door, and for some reason my heart was pounding as I opened it. :lol: I remember I then opened the door, and could hear various people chatting amongst each other. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing you guys and was greeting you all. Then once again I saw this white pulsating light. :scratch:
I love reading about what you've all experienced. It all sounds so great. Especially those of you that saw Michael :wub:
I think I was overthinking everything regretably.
Again I didn't really get anything detailed like you guys mentioned. I did it for about 10 minutes. I felt pretty high energy before and now it feels like that energy has been depleted afterward. I felt tingling/buzzing all over my body. I think I saw that white flash some of you mentioned once, and there was one point for a couple of seconds I felt like the area of where the third eye is was lightly touched, and also on my left cheek a couple of times.

I didn't see much again. I might have seen some faces. Looked like everyone had their eyes closed. Then near the end I might have seen a side profile of Michael, looking as how he did recently with long hair. But it could have been my imagination too. So, that's all I got. Better than nothing I guess.

Mrs. Music, that's freaky. You found out when you'd die? :bugeyed
For me it went pretty fast. I was totally shocked that I just meditated for about 10 minutes. Anyway, I try to remember (and hope I didn't make up too much).

I felt this positive energy too. It was all warm and I saw sunlight and we were outside, feeling good, loved. It was sunny and I remember blue sky, sun flowers.
When we met Michael we sat like mjbunny said, just that Michael stand, because we were outside, but we were sitting like little girls waiting for a story. He answered question, but oh - I don't remember what, it seemed too far away to register and it went kind of fast too.
But now that thing that made me laugh...

I hold his other hand and then I just kissed him on the mouth.
by Mrs. Music

We were all hugging him, saying goodbye and I saw that the girl in front of him gave him a kiss on his mouth. LOL :lol: I was surprised to see that. :D Aaawww that was you Mrs. Music LOL

Oh just one thing, last words, Michael said we need to change for us, feeling better, our behaviour, as well as for the world - but could have been my mind too.

When Michael was gone, we were still standing there, waiting, we didn't want to go and we were thinking where to go, I tried to count fast how many people were there at my meditation, and it was 6, 7 with me - is that correct- would be cool :D,... some left but I was still there with I dunno. Someone told me it seems it's time to go since some left, oh and btw, we hugged each other too to say goodbye and don't know if I hugged everyone since some left already... so that was my expierence :)
It's cool a lot of people mention sitting in a circle. After we had all greeted each other, I saw us all sitting in a circle, with Michael in the middle. :wub:
It's cool a lot of people mention sitting in a circle. After we had all greeted each other, I saw us all sitting in a circle, with Michael in the middle. :wub:

I just remembered something, before we sat down. And before MJ actually came, we were holding hands, starting to build a circle and singing and then in the next moment Michael was with us inside the circle, then leading us, still holding hands and then we sat down, like I wrote it in my previous post :)
Mrs Music... LOL about the kiss on the mouth. I've done that in meditations before as well. Then I'm like... omg, can't believe I just did that! Sorry, Michael! :lol: Trippy about your "2034" and heaven thing, though. What the...?

I'm trying to keep track of everyone's experiences... so Louise saw us sitting in a circle with MJ in the middle (like last time), and FunkeyJay and I saw us sitting in front of him, like girls waiting for a story (which amazes me that this matched up -- lol, in mine he called us "my girls", hehe, and also in Tinkerbell's she saw MJ showing a child a waterlilly). And soooo many of us saw white or flashes of white light. For me it was in the cafeteria... it was very white... white floors, ceilings, tables, bright light. Oh, and Funkeyjay ... I also saw what was left of our group hugging before we left ;) Forgot to mention that part. I'm intrigued about the door and/or stairs that Louise and darlingdear saw (with light glowing through it -- was that the meadow/cafeteria/Neverland place where we met Michael?) And btw, like CaptainEO's image of MJ in profile & Mrs Music's experience... MJ had long hair for me as well, sort of like the Scream vid style or straighter early/mid 90's hair. Also intrigued by the nature moments we had... meadows, trees, a forest, water (river or lake), the field covered by hay, etc. And Neeve's experience... the message of LOVE, being united, etc. Also way cool. Maybe you didn't see/imagine visuals, but just got the message :) Sorry for you, DanceofZenab, that you got distracted. Well, we'll do it again, so there's a next time! Can't wait to hear more stories.... like amygrace's and whoever else is writing at this moment or participated and hasn't yet written.... :angel: :heart:
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I just remembered something, before we sat down. And before MJ actually came, we were holding hands, starting to build a circle and singing and then in the next moment Michael was with us inside the circle, then leading us, still holding hands and then we sat down, like I wrote it in my previous post :)
I wonder if it was Heal the World? Do you remember at all? At one point we sang a bit of that in mine. For me it was in the cafeteria before we flew up into the sky like Peter Pan, lol. But well, meadow, Neverland, field... maybe the location doesn't matter because it's influenced by our thoughts, but what happened is the important part. I remember last month amygrace and I both saw us all in a circle with a spot in the circle for Michael. For her it was in a meadow, for me in a nondescript white room. But otherwise same type of experience :)
I'm just amazed at how it's all interlinking, thanks mjbunny for mapping it all out for us :lol:
It's a shame I couldn't see Michael this time, maybe earlier when I saw him, that was it for today lol. Oh well, like I said, I didn't expect too much, so I guess next time, I'll see what happens.

But still, it's all so amazing. I wonder if Michael actually sets aside time for this and joins us, I mean, going by all your experiences it seems like a definite possibility.

My arm is still very hot, where I felt that electric shock thing, just fyi.
Thanks for doing that, mjbunny. It's great seeing how everything fits in with each other's experiences. :wub:I feel so happy right now though, I have done since I finished the meditation. :)
But still, it's all so amazing. I wonder if Michael actually sets aside time for this and joins us, I mean, going by all your experiences it seems like a definite possibility. My arm is still very hot, where I felt that electric shock thing, just fyi.
When I arrived at the "cafeteria" he was sitting there alone like he was waiting for us, lol. And when I said that we didn't plan/expect to come to him, he said like, "There's not a better time, right?" So in some weird way it felt like "ok, I'll meet you all there". But I don't want that to set up an expectation for the future, you know. Like we all say "let's go see Michael again" and then what if we don't or try too hard? I think it's best we consider this practice, learning... to better meditation skills, like that. So I just take it as a wonderful surprise if MJ is there :wub: And it was all rather loving and calm. Last time we seemed more excitable, lol.
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