Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I have a few suggestions that might help. I'm not a master at it by any means, but I have been working on it for years. When you first start out meditating the mind chatter is usually the big problem. And the more stressful one's life is at the moment, of course the more difficult it is for everyone. One thing to consider is that meditation doesn't have to be total silence of the mind. Our brains are always chattering, so it's next to impossible to shut it all out. Instead it's more about focus. Focusing the thoughts on something, directing your mind to think about one thing instead of all the little thoughts that keep popping up. Once you get fairly good at that, it's a springboard to more complex meditations.

Try starting out with something totally, totally simple. Think of your favorite shape. Just a 2-dimensional shape, like a circle, a heart, a square, whatever. And a color. Be clear about what color, nothing complex. Like if you chose a pink heart, close your eyes and try to visualize nothing but a big pink heart in front of you. Just see it in your mind (don't expect to see anything visually, it's just an idea, a daydream). Whenever your mind starts to go off on some tangent (which it will, over and over, lol), go back to the heart. Just look at it, see the color, the shape. Keep forcing your thoughts back to it. When you can hold that without too many interruptions, try something else. You can go to a 'real' 3-D object like a candle flame or an apple in as much detail as you can imagine. The goal is to hold this in your mind with minimal brain chatter for as long as you can. A minute, two, five minutes... whatever you can work up to. I won't say it's easy, lol, but it's the key. If visuals alone aren't doing it for you, try adding a chant of some kind. That works wonderfully. Chant anything that's constructive (in your mind or outloud). "I can focus, yes I can" or something religious or "la la la la" in a particular rhythm, lol. It doesn't matter what, just that you're focused on it. One that I find works is to focus on the breath with sound, so it's like a breath chant. Each time you breathe out think of a sound (I like "la" ... I find it easy, but of course the classic is "om'). And while focusing on your image, pay attention to each breath and softly or even silently make the sound as you exhale. The more you work on this, the easier it will become over time and you'll find it's less difficult to push the chatty thoughts away. Hope that helps :)
Oh thanks for this - very useful! Will try this out too, I do some sort of that but not so specifically, mostly go with my own flow and try to focus on the ticking of the clock or something.

Haha and wtf....awesomely hilarious dream you had, could totally picture that! :lmao:
:lmao: mjbunny! Your dream. Hahaha. That woman licking his pant leg, socks and shoes. Freud would have a field day.
At least you had a dream of him which was nice. Thanks for sharing.

Yeah, so the meditation is this Saturday? Awesome. Can't wait.

:hysterical: @ mjbunny's dream! Classic!!!!! ..ahh wow! Did you happen to eat something spicy before you went to bed?:rofl: Thank you for posting that..I needed that!;D

What time Sat is everyone planning to meditate? And how do we go about it? Lemmie know! I gotta go to bed now. Love you all!
^ Same time as before, like we do for the major love prayer? That's what we did last time, so that's 22:00 in the UK, 5pm Eastern/2pm Pacific? It works for me. You guys?

Oh, I had an MJ dream last night. I posted it in the Dreams thread. Reposting here because I thought you'd all find it ... I don't know... weirdly amusing?...

Sounds like the dream of someone who had spent too much time in the manhood thread. :lol:
Wow mjbunny, wild dream ya had there. :lol:

I'm all set for the meditation Saturday...same time as we did last time. Yay!

Alyssa - thanks for posting the new vid! It was interesting. Part of me is starting to feel a little skeptical about Bonnie lately though...or rather, something is feeling "off". I go to her message board on her website often, and there's just been some drama going on there... which, isn't Bonnie's fault of course, but like...she originally made a post about Cherokee Billie asking for money from fans... which so many (myself included) were behind her in feeling that what Cherokee is doing is WRONG. But then a couple weeks later Bonnie made ANOTHER post about it...and that's where it started to feel weird for me. She seems really upset over Cherokee, which I get...but I dunno, it felt like it should've been an issue for her to raise up once so people knew about it, and then just let it roll off her shoulders... not something to focus on. I mean the kind of issue came up again in this last channel... which kind of "debunks" what other psychics may be doing...which true, what some other "psychics" are doing is taking advantage...but it all just kinda seems "too much" to me. I dunno...she still says stuff that seems very much like Michael and like she would be the perfect person to "represent" him...but some other stuff is feeling iffy. Then again, we're all human... maybe she's just dealin' with her own stuff too.
Wow mjbunny, wild dream ya had there. :lol:

I'm all set for the meditation Saturday...same time as we did last time. Yay!

Alyssa - thanks for posting the new vid! It was interesting. Part of me is starting to feel a little skeptical about Bonnie lately though...or rather, something is feeling "off". I go to her message board on her website often, and there's just been some drama going on there... which, isn't Bonnie's fault of course, but like...she originally made a post about Cherokee Billie asking for money from fans... which so many (myself included) were behind her in feeling that what Cherokee is doing is WRONG. But then a couple weeks later Bonnie made ANOTHER post about it...and that's where it started to feel weird for me. She seems really upset over Cherokee, which I get...but I dunno, it felt like it should've been an issue for her to raise up once so people knew about it, and then just let it roll off her shoulders... not something to focus on. I mean the kind of issue came up again in this last channel... which kind of "debunks" what other psychics may be doing...which true, what some other "psychics" are doing is taking advantage...but it all just kinda seems "too much" to me. I dunno...she still says stuff that seems very much like Michael and like she would be the perfect person to "represent" him...but some other stuff is feeling iffy. Then again, we're all human... maybe she's just dealin' with her own stuff too.

agree with ya there...and some of the stuff definitely sounds like things Michael would say, which is the feeling i get from all her videos. but more recently for some strange im starting to doubt her. i really wana believe her, cus like you said she would be the perfect person to represent Michael but somethings not right, i don't know what it is.
Not sure what to think about Bonnie's vid. But then I've never been convinced about her, just more like wondering.

Sometimes I feel like such a mess about the kinds of things she/MJ/whomever said in there, about moving on with our own lives. I would say that's a given, that we all have (presumably) years ahead of us and can't spend all our time obsessed with a loved one who's passed. But at the same time I'm not sure how good it is to almost put some kind of time limit on grief. You know, like it's been over 6 months now, so move on... as I'm sure some of us have heard from family, friends or coworkers. If you compare that to potentially years spent loving Michael, I don't think 7 months is some kind of crazy timespan to still have bad days with crying fits. I guess the important part is whether we're capable of living our lives (laughing, going places, maintaining relationships, etc) while continuing to go through this process, to figure out how he fits into our future now. How do we honor him, not forget him, continue to enjoy what he gave us, take what he taught us and do something with it, but not lose ourselves and give up our own lives in a desperate attempt to not let go? Sometimes I grapple with the thought of putting his pictures away and trying to "move on"... but what does that mean? That I have to pretend he isn't part of my life anymore? In the past year or so (including prior to June) I'd come to realize just how incredibly much he has been a part of my life all this time and how much I wanted him to be part of my future in even deeper ways. This happened at a point in my life (March onward) that was MJ 24/7 like it hadn't been for years. How do I turn that off and feel ok about it? And he's inspired us to try to change the world. Think how many fan projects there are! Am I being overly concerned with him instead of my own life if I keep Major Love Prayer alive for years? Or is that simply part of my own life then that also happens to be centered around Michael? I mean, what if Michael IS part of my own life and therefore I will think about him, feel about him and sometimes ask for guidance (from him?) in the future? Am I to feel that's wrong? That's I'm still obsessed and can't "let go"? All kinds of things (hospitals, charities, political movements, religions!) are inspired by a continuing bond with someone who's no longer living. Is that crazy? I guess this is something everyone goes through when they lose someone, right? And we still have a long road ahead... the police investigation, a possible trial, etc. Sorry for rambling on. Just blabbing outloud. I feel strange now. :mello:

P.S. And right now I'm remembering something from a recent meditation in which someone told me, well, basically: don't let other people's words, judgements or decisions about how you should feel or think affect you. If you feel something and the whole world thinks you're a nut, don't let the whole world make you believe what you feel is wrong. Use your brain, use your heart and go with what you know. In a nutshell, that was the msg. Wait, lol... in a nutshell would just be the quote from Hamlet: "To thine own self be true."
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mjbunny said:
I guess the important part is whether we're capable of living our lives (laughing, going places, maintaining relationships, etc) while continuing to go through this process, to figure out how he fits into our future now. How do we honor him, not forget him, continue to enjoy what he gave us, take what he taught us and do something with it, but not lose ourselves and give up our own lives in a desperate attempt to not let go?
I think you have it right here. I think overall, it's all about balance. It's not unhealthy or wrong for any of us to dedicate a certain piece of our lives to Michael, whether we do it now for a little while or forever through the rest of our lives. You just don't want Michael to become all you ever think about and invest in. He will always be a part of our lives, but not all of it. I think people's fear in not wanting to "let go" is really just a fear of forgetting. But letting go is really more about releasing the pain and the feeling of needing to control it all I think. We don't need to let go of Michael himself, because he never left and he'll always be a part of us. We simply need to be happy in our lives and not let pain consume us.
Yes, something about that doesn't seem right to me. Doesn't feel like Michael saying those words. Sounds like Bonnie just saying them trying to warn fans about the predators out there preying on fans. It seemed really odd to me. :mello:
See that's exactly what it felt like to maybe Bonnie is investing too much of her energy on other psychics that may be doing wrong, and so this was more from her than Michael. But I don't know...I've listened to it a couple times and the more I listen the more it starts to feel more real, like maybe my own opinions are getting in the way of the truth. But ultimately, I guess it doesn't matter. I'm starting to feel like if I want to know about Michael or hear from him, I need to do that with my own intuition in my own mind in my own time. I already knew this really, I just looked to Bonnie for more clear and direct messages. Now it's like I've been tested, that even after Bonnie continually giving messages that felt right in every way, I get something that feels off, and so the message is... listen to yourself, not others.
Bonnie has no reason to lie. She's not making a penny off of Michael like other physic's out there. Don't get me started on that Sky One seance......

I think she's real. She's helped police investigators with cases in the past and has even helped solved murder cases. If she were making money, then that would be a totally different issue, but she's not using Michael for money. She's posting these for FREE on youtube.
^I think Bonnie IS genuine, I've always felt that. But she's also human...and I think even the best of psychics can get caught up in their own stuff sometimes. As I previously said lately something has just felt "off" with her, even in the latest channel. This doesn't totally debunk her really, it just reminds me to always keep to my intuition. :)
amygrace- I think you have it right here. I think overall, it's all about balance. It's not unhealthy or wrong for any of us to dedicate a certain piece of our lives to Michael, whether we do it now for a little while or forever through the rest of our lives. You just don't want Michael to become all you ever think about and invest in. He will always be a part of our lives, but not all of it. I think people's fear in not wanting to "let go" is really just a fear of forgetting. But letting go is really more about releasing the pain and the feeling of needing to control it all I think. We don't need to let go of Michael himself, because he never left and he'll always be a part of us. We simply need to be happy in our lives and not let pain consume us.

Yes I agree with you. Sometimes it's hard not to think about him all the time. Especially now with this trial thing that will happen.:( I feel scared of letting go because he was all I had growing up. He helped me through a bad childhood. God if I could go back..and tell him one thing, I would tell him that he made my childhood happy, and life worth living.:cry: But now that he's gone it's hard to let go after "holding his hand" for so long. I know he is everywhere spiritually, but ya know...:( it takes a long while for some. I hope you guys know what I mean.

We do need to be happy and not let pain consume.
Hey guys! How is everyone?

Not sure what to think about Bonnie's vid. But then I've never been convinced about her, just more like wondering.

Sometimes I feel like such a mess about the kinds of things she/MJ/whomever said in there, about moving on with our own lives. I would say that's a given, that we all have (presumably) years ahead of us and can't spend all our time obsessed with a loved one who's passed. But at the same time I'm not sure how good it is to almost put some kind of time limit on grief. You know, like it's been over 6 months now, so move on... as I'm sure some of us have heard from family, friends or coworkers. If you compare that to potentially years spent loving Michael, I don't think 7 months is some kind of crazy timespan to still have bad days with crying fits. I guess the important part is whether we're capable of living our lives (laughing, going places, maintaining relationships, etc) while continuing to go through this process, to figure out how he fits into our future now. How do we honor him, not forget him, continue to enjoy what he gave us, take what he taught us and do something with it, but not lose ourselves and give up our own lives in a desperate attempt to not let go? Sometimes I grapple with the thought of putting his pictures away and trying to "move on"... but what does that mean? That I have to pretend he isn't part of my life anymore? In the past year or so (including prior to June) I'd come to realize just how incredibly much he has been a part of my life all this time and how much I wanted him to be part of my future in even deeper ways. This happened at a point in my life (March onward) that was MJ 24/7 like it hadn't been for years. How do I turn that off and feel ok about it? And he's inspired us to try to change the world. Think how many fan projects there are! Am I being overly concerned with him instead of my own life if I keep Major Love Prayer alive for years? Or is that simply part of my own life then that also happens to be centered around Michael? I mean, what if Michael IS part of my own life and therefore I will think about him, feel about him and sometimes ask for guidance (from him?) in the future? Am I to feel that's wrong? That's I'm still obsessed and can't "let go"? All kinds of things (hospitals, charities, political movements, religions!) are inspired by a continuing bond with someone who's no longer living. Is that crazy? I guess this is something everyone goes through when they lose someone, right? And we still have a long road ahead... the police investigation, a possible trial, etc. Sorry for rambling on. Just blabbing outloud. I feel strange now. :mello:

P.S. And right now I'm remembering something from a recent meditation in which someone told me, well, basically: don't let other people's words, judgements or decisions about how you should feel or think affect you. If you feel something and the whole world thinks you're a nut, don't let the whole world make you believe what you feel is wrong. Use your brain, use your heart and go with what you know. In a nutshell, that was the msg. Wait, lol... in a nutshell would just be the quote from Hamlet: "To thine own self be true."

I just wanted to agree with what you said. That's just it...when I hear Michael (if it is him) saying "move on", I feel like I'm letting him down because it still hurts me. But you're right, I think the point is being able to live our everyday lives and fulfil our own needs and ambitions without being controlled or destroyed by grief. I think that's the point. I dont think there's anything wrong with having bouts of sadness...that's part of overcoming grief. As long as it's not stopping you from living, I think it's healthy. And trying to put a limit on it will just make it worse.

I should be able to join in this meditation tomorrow! Did we say 10pm UK time? I'm back in Ireland at the moment. Are there any guidelines or are we just going to concentrate on Michael?
Thanks guys! It's good to be back!
Hey Neeve, yeah it's 10pm UK time.
Well, basically we just focus on "meeting up" with everyone in this thread, so like focus on connecting your higher self with all of us. Then just let your mind go with it, see where it takes you. Don't put too high an expectation on it cos I often find you'll end up asking why aren't I experiencing anything. Just keep it free, clear your mind and "watch". I think that's all? Does anyone else have anything to add?

Thanks alyssa for posting that vid from Bonnie.
I agree with what you all said, pretty much. A different vibe from this vid...

L.O.V.E. to all :heart:

p.s. Can't wait for the meditation tomorrow :)
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Hey Neeve, yeah it's 10pm UK time.
Well, basically we just focus on "meeting up" with everyone in this thread, so like focus on connecting your higher self with all of us. Then just let your mind go with it, see where it takes you. Don't put too high an expectation on it cos I often find you'll end up asking why aren't I experiencing anything. Just keep it free, clear your mind and "watch". I think that's all? Does anyone else have anything to add?

Thanks alyssa for posting that vid from Bonnie.
I agree with what you all said, pretty much. A different vibe from this vid...

L.O.V.E. to all :heart:

p.s. Can't wait for the meditation tomorrow :)
Exactly. No expectations. It's not about trying to find Michael. I would expect that we will not. We just want to see if we can meet up again, if we have the same types of experiences, etc. Like an experiment part 2 :) Yeah, so 10pm UK time (same time like the major love prayer) tomorrow/Saturday.
See that's exactly what it felt like to maybe Bonnie is investing too much of her energy on other psychics that may be doing wrong, and so this was more from her than Michael.
Now it's like I've been tested, that even after Bonnie continually giving messages that felt right in every way, I get something that feels off, and so the message is... listen to yourself, not others.
Just watched the vid and know what you mean, there's something a bit 'too much' in this whole thing with her and giving people a warning about fakers. Dunnow, the feeling I got from the last vids are different than I got from this's like I'm a bit numb about this one. Might be Bonnie too much talking out of herself than really focussing on Michael indeed. Hmmm.

I guess the important part is whether we're capable of living our lives (laughing, going places, maintaining relationships, etc) while continuing to go through this process, to figure out how he fits into our future now. How do we honor him, not forget him, continue to enjoy what he gave us, take what he taught us and do something with it, but not lose ourselves and give up our own lives in a desperate attempt to not let go? Sometimes I grapple with the thought of putting his pictures away and trying to "move on"... but what does that mean? That I have to pretend he isn't part of my life anymore? In the past year or so (including prior to June) I'd come to realize just how incredibly much he has been a part of my life all this time and how much I wanted him to be part of my future in even deeper ways.
Great words, mjbunny! Very very true. Especially loved this part, but just overall thanks for blubbing out loud. ;D I feel like this too and I think loving Michael and being a type of person where he has such a great affect on our lives, where he was and still is such a major part, is something that's not even possible to forget or can be banned out. This is so much larger than just LIFE....I've always felt like that, and even more now since June's amazing how much you can feel out of this world just by having such a great example, I feel him SO even only in experiences but just this whole atmosphere or sth. There's no one around me here who understands this...even if I tried to explain they wouldn't. Michael taught me these ways of thinking and it's hard for others to even get into that level and understand that bonding with Michael and this life I have. I'm so grateful for that. :cry:

Thought I was coping quite well, but there's such a hype still around...especially now I see Michael on TV everyday makes it hard. That 'Move Like MJ' stuff is starting here as well as another Michael-show, tonight they will air The Jackson Dynasty show, and I just finished watching Oprah's show on remembering Michael. Seeing that again made me miss him so much. Even after half a's still awkward to think I have a lifetime ahead without him really physically around.....that's soooo odd.:mello:

Anyway...wonder what the meditation might bring tomorrow!
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Even after half a's still awkward to think I have a lifetime ahead without him really physically around.....that's soooo odd.:mello:

I so know what you mean! It's such a weird feeling. :mellow:
Hey Neeve, yeah it's 10pm UK time.
Well, basically we just focus on "meeting up" with everyone in this thread, so like focus on connecting your higher self with all of us. Then just let your mind go with it, see where it takes you. Don't put too high an expectation on it cos I often find you'll end up asking why aren't I experiencing anything. Just keep it free, clear your mind and "watch". I think that's all? Does anyone else have anything to add?

Thanks alyssa for posting that vid from Bonnie.
I agree with what you all said, pretty much. A different vibe from this vid...

L.O.V.E. to all :heart:

p.s. Can't wait for the meditation tomorrow :)

Exactly. No expectations. It's not about trying to find Michael. I would expect that we will not. We just want to see if we can meet up again, if we have the same types of experiences, etc. Like an experiment part 2 :) Yeah, so 10pm UK time (same time like the major love prayer) tomorrow/Saturday.

thanks! looking forward to it!
wow...hello all :D I haven't been in this thread for a long time, since I took a break an dall...hope you are all well..I am looking forward to catching up with everything, as this was my fave thread :heart:

Yes I agree with you. Sometimes it's hard not to think about him all the time. Especially now with this trial thing that will happen.:( I feel scared of letting go because he was all I had growing up. He helped me through a bad childhood. God if I could go back..and tell him one thing, I would tell him that he made my childhood happy, and life worth living.:cry: But now that he's gone it's hard to let go after "holding his hand" for so long. I know he is everywhere spiritually, but ya know...:( it takes a long while for some. I hope you guys know what I mean.

We do need to be happy and not let pain consume.

:blink:eek:k so... I posted a couple of days ago about weird shit happening in my house recently... water bottle, couch cushion etc..

So I was just sitting here reading and watching celeb big bro...and all of the sudden a huge shadow or darkness just blanketed the living room!:ermm: All the lights were on..but there was this freakin' shadow or whatever! I am soo freaked out!!!!:bugeyed
that is freaky!! :shock: I had a load of stuff happening a while back...but I 'closed off' from it...I needed to clear my's hard to explain..

now I am trying to be 'open' again....
that is freaky!! :shock: I had a load of stuff happening a while back...but I 'closed off' from it...I needed to clear my's hard to explain..

now I am trying to be 'open' again....

Yea...that's exactly what's been happening to me!:blink: I can't explain anything..and my husband thinks I am ya know..:crazy