Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Michael was in my dream last night! He was talking and I got to interact with him a bit, but it was kinda sad. Here's how it went

I was in Neverland with another girl. Michael was there too. The ranch just looked like a larger version of my backyard. Michael's appearance looked like around the late 90s/early 2000s. He was of course wearing his same old red shirt, black pants, and black fedora. I never really could see his face, but it was Michael all right. He looked a bit sad, but also determined. He was trying to fix Neverland up because it wasn't what it used to be. The girl and I noticed that some sections of the land looked different, so we asked Michael about it. We found out Michael had loaned some of this land to this company, and he was paying them, so it was taking away from Neverland. He walked around the different areas and spread his hands apart. He said, “Here, here and here.” Referring to the different sections of land that were removed. The girl and I were feeling really sorry for Michael and we were worried about what might happen to Neverland. Michael said something like, “As long as kids are before me, it will stay alive.” Then he said to us “Go look for some seeds.” I guess this was so he could start growing new trees or plants. So we went roaming around looking for seeds. I found what looked like a coconut husk. I took it and smashed it on the ground. Inside was a walnut. I picked it up and said to Michael, “I found a walnut.” He took it and opened the shell, and I think he put the nut in his pocket. Then he said “Go look for some more.”. I think the girl was talking about how there used to be so many flowers here, and I woke up.

Even though the dream was kind of sad, I think it's one of the best ones I've had in a while.
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Michael was in my dream last night! He was talking and I got to interact with him a bit, but it was kinda sad. Here's how it went

I was in Neverland with another girl. Michael was there too. The ranch just looked like a larger version of my backyard. Michael's appearance looked like around the late 90s/early 2000s. He was of course wearing his same old red shirt, black pants, and black fedora. I never really could see his face, but it was Michael all right. He looked a bit sad, but also determined. He was trying to fix Neverland up because it wasn't what it used to be. The girl and I noticed that some sections of the land looked different, so we asked Michael about it. We found out Michael had loaned some of this land to this company, and he was paying them, so it was taking away from Neverland. He walked around the different areas and spread his hands apart. He said, “Here, here and here.” Referring to the different sections of land that were removed. The girl and I were feeling really sorry for Michael and we were worried about what might happen to Neverland. Michael said something like, “As long as kids are before me, it will stay alive.” Then he said to us “Go look for some seeds.” I guess this was so he could start growing new trees or plants. So we went roaming around looking for seeds. I found what looked like a coconut husk. I took it and smashed it on the ground. Inside was a walnut. I picked it up and said to Michael, “I found a walnut.” He took it and opened the shell, and I think he put the nut in his pocket. Then he said “Go look for some more.”. I think the girl was talking about how there used to be so many flowers here, and I woke up.

Even though the dream was kind of sad, I think it's one of the best ones I've had in a while.

Aw, thanks for sharing your dream. It does sound quite sad actually :cry:
Neverland being all empty and poor Michael trying to fix it up. Sweet that you were helping.

I'm still waiting for a Michael dream, haven't had one in what feels like forever.
It's kinda weird because I've been feeling really similar lately.
I have "road rage" issues when I drive - actually I'm better than I used to be. Recently when I cussed out another driver (my window rolled up) I thought of Michael and started crying and said "Michael, I'm not as nice as you!! Maybe you don't like me?" Also, I have other things -- not good with kids, I don't understand them and don't know how to talk to them (I have one older sis). I was raised really prejudice, when I was younger, but now I've changed. But for some reason I've been wondering if Michael would like me. It's upsetting!!
Then I think about my good qualities, and try to talk myself into -- yes he would like me! Michael probably wasn't perfect, no one is, but still I hope he would like me!
I know exactly what you mean! (and I sometimes have bad road rage I also am not good with kids...but I have my one girl, Lyssa. She's the one exception, haha. I love her to death...but omg it's been a learning and growing experience having a child. Sometimes I'm just SO impatient and get so frustrated with her...that I end up yelling more than I should. I hate that. I am so trying to work on it...and Michael has certainly helped to inspire me in that area. But anyway, I remember him saying at one point that he couldn't stand to see when parents would get frustrated with their kids a little even in grocery stores...just cause it's a touchy subject for I can't help but feel like he may not like me because of stuff like that. True that nobody is perfect, and the point is that we all try to be better...and so I hope that overshadows all the "flaws" we may still be working with. I actually brought up this issue to my psychic friend during our last reading - and she said that Michael doesn't judge us as harshly as we do...that he sees the TRUE spirit in everyone. So I hope that's true. He mentioned that once in one of Bonnie's channels too...that he sees our true selves.

Elise - nice dream! Just to be interacting with Michael like that, sounds lovely.
amygrace, that's good to know! I guess, for me, I see Michael as really sweet and loving to all people, and I feel guilty about my behavior. I do need to "make a change", but it's not easy, sometimes I get so mad.
It's kinda weird because I've been feeling really similar lately.
I have "road rage" issues when I drive - actually I'm better than I used to be. Recently when I cussed out another driver (my window rolled up) I thought of Michael and started crying and said "Michael, I'm not as nice as you!! Maybe you don't like me?" Also, I have other things -- not good with kids, I don't understand them and don't know how to talk to them (I have one older sis). I was raised really prejudice, when I was younger, but now I've changed. But for some reason I've been wondering if Michael would like me. It's upsetting!!
Then I think about my good qualities, and try to talk myself into -- yes he would like me! Michael probably wasn't perfect, no one is, but still I hope he would like me!

I know exactly what you mean! (and I sometimes have bad road rage I also am not good with kids...but I have my one girl, Lyssa. She's the one exception, haha. I love her to death...but omg it's been a learning and growing experience having a child. Sometimes I'm just SO impatient and get so frustrated with her...that I end up yelling more than I should. I hate that. I am so trying to work on it...and Michael has certainly helped to inspire me in that area. But anyway, I remember him saying at one point that he couldn't stand to see when parents would get frustrated with their kids a little even in grocery stores...just cause it's a touchy subject for I can't help but feel like he may not like me because of stuff like that. True that nobody is perfect, and the point is that we all try to be better...and so I hope that overshadows all the "flaws" we may still be working with. I actually brought up this issue to my psychic friend during our last reading - and she said that Michael doesn't judge us as harshly as we do...that he sees the TRUE spirit in everyone. So I hope that's true. He mentioned that once in one of Bonnie's channels too...that he sees our true selves.

Elise - nice dream! Just to be interacting with Michael like that, sounds lovely.

amygrace, that's good to know! I guess, for me, I see Michael as really sweet and loving to all people, and I feel guilty about my behavior. I do need to "make a change", but it's not easy, sometimes I get so mad.

Yes, I agree, sometimes I feel Michael doesn't like/love me either but then again I think that he isn't judgemental and that he adores his fans. :wub::wub:
I know exactly what you mean! (and I sometimes have bad road rage I also am not good with kids...but I have my one girl, Lyssa. She's the one exception, haha. I love her to death...but omg it's been a learning and growing experience having a child. Sometimes I'm just SO impatient and get so frustrated with her...that I end up yelling more than I should. I hate that. I am so trying to work on it...and Michael has certainly helped to inspire me in that area. But anyway, I remember him saying at one point that he couldn't stand to see when parents would get frustrated with their kids a little even in grocery stores...just cause it's a touchy subject for I can't help but feel like he may not like me because of stuff like that. True that nobody is perfect, and the point is that we all try to be better...and so I hope that overshadows all the "flaws" we may still be working with. I actually brought up this issue to my psychic friend during our last reading - and she said that Michael doesn't judge us as harshly as we do...that he sees the TRUE spirit in everyone. So I hope that's true. He mentioned that once in one of Bonnie's channels too...that he sees our true selves.
Know what you mean, been feeling like that too often. Before Michael's death I already tried to live up so much to that high standard of being a good person in which he inspired me a lot, and that only got even further after his death.
I often feel guity when I'm again cursing a lot or having argues with my family and say things out of angryness which weren't necessary.
Or also when I try to live my dreams and get dissapointed for something that doesn't work out that time, I blame it on myself for not working hard enough.

But you's a good thing actually, I think. Other people don't have these high boundaries set and motivating factor to live up to that perfect human being....we're already sooo much further than those who don't at all.

And we all have our flaws - even Michael. What matters in the end is that we know what it's about! :huggy:
Michael was in my dream last night! He was talking and I got to interact with him a bit, but it was kinda sad. Here's how it went.......Even though the dream was kind of sad, I think it's one of the best ones I've had in a while.
A bit sad, but at least you saw him in your dream :) Last night I thought MJ was in an early dream, but I just couldn't remember. Then I had this weird and very vivid dream that went on and on like an epic. I was helping a guy get to some event or something, and I realized when I woke up that the guy FELT like Michael to me (and at one point was even wearing the shiny silver outfit from the Scream video), but the whole time it was actually a former co-worker of mine, lol. WTH? This particular guy, who like many of my old American coworkers are friends of mine on Facebook, isn't like a close friend, but I consider him a nice person and we say hi occasionally. The dream wasn't a sex dream in any way at all. It was just a close friendship kind of thing. At one point in this dream we had this intense but very wow moment looking into each other's eyes (eyes that were bigger than his in reality), like recognizing the soul on some level, and when I woke up I kept thinking... this was supposed to be Michael! And I'm like... did my brain just make an MJ dream into something else? I'm so annoyed now :lol:

And we all have our flaws - even Michael. What matters in the end is that we know what it's about! :huggy:
Aw, you guys, I think you're being too hard on yourselves. Michael wasn't a saint (although I know we almost talk/feel like that sometimes, lol) and in any case, he had friends who were much less saintly :lol:, so I hardly think he's going to count you out for too many uses of the 'F' word ;) But I think it's wonderful that he inspires us all to be better. I know that everyone on the other side could certainly bitch at me about a few big faults. But we all have them, now don't we? What's important is what's in our heart today (not how bad we were yesterday), what we've learned and if we take that to try to change for the better. If you believe in reincarnation, I guess that's why it takes like a thousand lifetimes or longer to completely stop being a jealous, hateful, swearing, drinking, violent, gluttonous, lustful, greedy jerk :lol: :group:

And on this topic I want to share something that happened Sunday night. There were posts about this idea (would MJ like me, have I done something wrong, etc), which made my mind go there as well. So I was lying in bed, hubby already conked out next to me, and I just cried. I was thinking about how anytime I share stories like this one coming up with you guys or when I made the prayer website, etc, how it's absolutely not for ego purposes. It's really for love (or pure psychic research, just to try to figure out how it all works, lol). I'm not a selfless angel, but as I get older and also when it comes to MJ, I'm quite clear in myself about motivations and when it comes to Michael and healing the world and fellow fans... I mean, I know what's in my heart. I'm often quite concerned with "Do I post this?" "Do I say this on the site?" that ok with MJ? And I was thinking: on the Other Side they've got to know why we do things, right? And I was looking through tears at my bedroom door I said in my mind in a very emotional way, "Michael, you do KNOW who am I inside, don't you???" At that moment I thought I saw a large bluish light orb-like spot flash on the door for a second, but figured it was just my eyes. I then repeated, "Oh Michael, you do KNOW, don't you???" Right at that second, I kid you not one tiny bit... the little powder container on my nightstand moved about 3 inches as it 'fell' at a sideways angle across the hairbrush next to it!!! It must've been at a bit of an angle in this box I have next to the bed, but it had been exactly that way since before I went to bed and for the whole hour or longer that I was lying there!!! And that whole time I'd been lying there on my side facing the door, I'd been absolutely still. I had barely moved a muscle for a good half hour (because I was depressed and crying and trying to avoid pulling my earphone out -- was listening to the Oxford speech at low volume) and I certainly had NOT bumped the nightstand! I wasn't even close enough to do it! And the baby powder MOVED. I mean... what are the chances???? Right at that moment???? And how did it move??? And why then??? Instead of disbelieving it and trying to chalk it up to an odd coincidence, at that moment I just smiled with tears and accepted it as an answer. The answer: Yes. He knows. :cry: :heart: :)

So don't worry so much, you guys :angel:
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jfleenor said:
I see Michael as really sweet and loving to all people, and I feel guilty about my behavior. I do need to "make a change", but it's not easy, sometimes I get so mad.
Yeah I hear you...glad I'm not alone in this anyway.

Mrs. Music said:
But you's a good thing actually, I think. Other people don't have these high boundaries set and motivating factor to live up to that perfect human being....we're already sooo much further than those who don't at all.

And we all have our flaws - even Michael. What matters in the end is that we know what it's about!
You know, I do agree...that at least we ACKNOWLEDGE our faults and try to better ourselves. I think that really counts for something. I know Michael had his flaws too...but damn he sure had a lot more good points than I do. lol.

mjbunny said:
I said in my mind in a very emotional way, "Michael, you do KNOW who am I inside, don't you???" At that moment I thought I saw a large bluish light orb-like spot flash on the door for a second, but figured it was just my eyes. I then repeated, "Oh Michael, you do KNOW, don't you???" Right at that second, I kid you not one tiny bit... the little powder container on my nightstand moved about 3 inches as it 'fell' at a sideways angle across the hairbrush next to it!!!
Wow, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing! I do hope he knows my inner self and how I try. :cry:

Tinkerbell2 said:
He seems so far away lately ...
You're not alone in feeling this. Hope you and I and everyone in this thread feels him closer soon.

Much love to everyone. :group:
Hello my lovelies :hug:

Just read through the thread.
Guys, don't be so hard on yourselves. Although I admit I do sometimes do the same things. But you know, we're all human at the end of the day, and it's just human nature. Don't worry :hug:

mjbunny, that orb experience. Wow. Sounds really cool :) thanks for sharing it.

I feel average today. I decided to watch Ghost but it made me sad (obviously). I think it's quite beautiful how they portray the spirits leaving the body and going into the light. But also made me want to be like Oda Mae :lol:, to be able to hear Michael would be ace. But if I could do that, I guess then I'd want to see him etc.etc.

tink - Michael does seem far away doesn't he? :cry:
I hope he isn't.

I'm still waiting for ma MJ dream, maybe it will be a huge crescendo of a dream involving Michael :lol: building up to something...probs not. Ah well, I'll keep positive.

L.O.V.E. to all of you in this thread :heart: :hug:
Hi, guys. How you doing? Nothing to report here, but I don't think Michael would be judging anyone either. He's the unconditional lover, and I'm sure that hasn't changed. Although I also wonder sometimes what he thinks of me too. We are our own worst critics, it's true.

Wishing you guys much L.O.V.E and happiness. :huggy:
Hey guys! I was reading your comments and I was thinking that you shouldn't be that hard on yourselves :nono:, we are human beings and we all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and try every day to be a better person , that's what really counts :)

About me , well , it's been a sad day :( one of the most popular singers in my country has passed yesterday , even though I wasn't a fan I can't help to feel this way , he was a great man.What is wrong with this world? Why all the good people is leaving?
I was meditating the other day and I heard a woman's voice just randomly whisper "Kevin"


Who was she but most importantly, who the heck is Kevin? :mello:

The only Kevin I know is Kevin from the movie 'Home Alone'. LOL.
OK so I have to post this! Something happened about a week ago and I need to tell someone, and what better place to do it in than in here?

Been reading up on crystals, angels, and spiritual stuff lately..and Michael of course. This is NOT a dream by the way. Anywho.. my hubby and I came home the other day and went into the kitchen. I had one of those water bottles (the tops that you have to pull up to drink), and I set it on the counter (there was no cap on the top by the way). It was about half full. MY hubby was putting some groceries away and was nowhere near my bottle of water. I turned my back for like 5 secs to take my coat off and put it on the couch. I turned back around and there on the counter my bottle of water standing perfectly still UPSIDE DOWN on the counter!!:bugeyed I was just standing there looking down at it with my mouth open. The water was perfectly still!:ermm:

My hubby turned around and said what's wrong? I pointed at the bottle. I asked him "Did you do this?" He said "No." I thought he was messing with me and I said "That's not funny, did you do that?!" His eyes got all wide and was kind of freaked out and swore he didn't touch it. :blink:

So I grabbed it and stood there freaked out. I looked at my hubby and was in disbelief. He took it and tried to balance it back to where it was..and couldn't do it. It just kept toppling over.I WISH I WOULD HAVE TAKEN A PICTURE BEFORE I GRABBED IT!:doh:

We didn't say much about it and I haven't really told anyone. Then just a few days ago I was sitting on my couch watching TV, and my head was lent back on the cushion. My hubby was in the bathroom. Something pushed the cushion forward quickly and my head popped forward a bit and it startled me! I yelled for my hubby and he was in the bathroom!:unsure:

Stuff has been happening around me in the past week or so..and I'm beginning to notice things. Please someone tell me that I'm not crazy. Things like this used to happen to me when I was little, but it's been so long.:eek: What do I do???
I was meditating the other day and I heard a woman's voice just randomly whisper "Kevin"


Who was she but most importantly, who the heck is Kevin? :mello:

The only Kevin I know is Kevin from the movie 'Home Alone'. LOL.

Wow, cyberjackson! :eek: How weird?! :blink: Thank you for sharing. :hug:

Ok so, it's kinda random, but the past few days when I've been in my room, I keep smelling like, the smell when a candle is just blown out. I've not had a candle in my room for a while so it couldn't be because I've actually had one in my room. It's like, I just seem to notice it randomly, and when I do, it's really strong. Just thought I'd share with you. :heart:
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Flor - Sorry to hear about the passing of that man :( :hug:

DanceofZenab - lol, kevin from home alone. That's kind of random that you heard that voice saying that? But really cool too. Maybe in your meditation you should ask who he is or something? Or maybe you might meet someone called Kevin soon :lol:

cyberjackson - whoa :bugeyed thanks for sharing though.

Louise - That's interesting, sometimes I get random smells around me too, like sometimes it a cigarette type smell and I don't smoke. But that's really cool too, thanks for sharing it with us :)

As for me. Still nada.
DanceofZenab - lol, kevin from home alone. That's kind of random that you heard that voice saying that? But really cool too. Maybe in your meditation you should ask who he is or something? Or maybe you might meet someone called Kevin soon :lol:

:lol: I swear, I wasn't even scared, I was really confused. I was like "Kevin? Kevin? Who is Kevin? :mello:" I've never met a single Kevin in my life! :lol:

I thought, maybe the woman is my spirit guide or something then I thought "But then who the hell is Kevin?" :doh:

If I ever meet a Kevin I'm gonna be like :

":wild::wild: We were meant to meet!! It's in my destiny! :wild: I know!! :wild:"

Kevin : :mello:...:unsure:.

:lol: I swear, I wasn't even scared, I was really confused. I was like "Kevin? Kevin? Who is Kevin? :mello:" I've never met a single Kevin in my life! :lol:

I thought, maybe the woman is my spirit guide or something then I thought "But then who the hell is Kevin?" :doh:

If I ever meet a Kevin I'm gonna be like :

":wild::wild: We were meant to meet!! It's in my destiny! :wild: I know!! :wild:"

Kevin : :mello:...:unsure:.



Yeah I was going to suggest that this woman you heard could of been your spirit guide.

Please let us know if you find out who this Kevin is haha. I want to know. I'm so nosey :D
baha, destiny. It could be. Definately keep that name in mind...
I would of been really confused too. I was as confused when that face came through. Gah, it still drives me crazy when I try and find out who it was. If only someone told me their name, or tink, since we both saw the same face.
In the middle night I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom, and when I went back to bed and closed my eyes , I saw these eyes staring at me., There were two pairs of eyes that were staring at me, but they were gone after two seconds .. It was very creepy...
In the middle night I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom, and when I went back to bed and closed my eyes , I saw these eyes staring at me., There were two pairs of eyes that were staring at me, but they were gone after two seconds .. It was very creepy...

I had a similar thing a few nights ago. I had my eyes shut, just pondering thing, and these eyes appeared and I immediately thought of the dangerous album cover eyes. I just thought I was tired...
I was meditating the other day and I heard a woman's voice just randomly whisper "Kevin"
That was my first thought too... a spirit guide? Or yeah, maybe destiny, lol. Someday when you meet Kevin you'll understand ;) You've really never known anyone with that name? Wow. Maybe it's more common in America (?) because I've known several Kevins. Or maybe the first consonant didn't come through right and it was actually "heaven" or "seven" or something. About a month ago I heard what I thought was a woman's voice whisper "goodbye" to me while meditating. WTH? Goodbye? Who are you?! Still don't know. I'd had a dream a couple of night before that about an old childhood friend I'd kind of forgotten. Now I wonder if she died or something.

cyberjackson -- :bugeyed That is definitely, um.... impressive. What do you think happened? I mean, we can assume it was something beyond the physical realm, right? It's too weird not to be, lol. And then again with the pillow. Did it scare you? Did you feel a presence? Has anyone in your family passed recently or have you been trying hard to talk with someone 'over there' (ok, Michael is probably a given right... I know... we all are)? Have you lived there a long time without incident or is it a new place? Have you recently become serious about meditation or anything? Sometimes when our energy opens up more some strange things can occur. Sorry about the questions... just asking to try to figure out more about the situation.

My mom's lived in the same house for a couple of years and... oh, when was that... early December, I think... she had walked into the kitchen and suddenly a stack of papers across the room just FLEW off the counter, like a windgust had hit them... blowing them off several feet. There was no wind, nothing. Then later that day something literally flew out of a cabinet and across the room. Kind of wigged her out. No obvious reason. About that same time we here in Germany had our door suddenly fling open while watching Ghosts one night (wrote about it here in the thread). No matter how hard I've tried I've never gotten the door to do it again. It would simply have to be opened by someone. No explanation. But again... we weren't scared. This is just curious.

Ok so, it's kinda random, but the past few days when I've been in my room, I keep smelling like, the smell when a candle is just blown out. I've not had a candle in my room for a while so it couldn't be because I've actually had one in my room. It's like, I just seem to notice it randomly, and when I do, it's really strong. Just thought I'd share with you. :heart:
We got that so often this summer! Some people said they smelled perfume when they thought Michael was around. I never smelled perfume, but I often got the candle smell with seemingly no source. Just like that... like someone had just blown out candles. But that was only in like July-August. One thing to consider... hot electrical wires can sometimes smell a bit like candles if they're melting/burning at first. It's probably not the source, but just something to keep in mind if it happens again.

In the middle night I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom, and when I went back to bed and closed my eyes , I saw these eyes staring at me., There were two pairs of eyes that were staring at me, but they were gone after two seconds .. It was very creepy...

I had a similar thing a few nights ago. I had my eyes shut, just pondering thing, and these eyes appeared and I immediately thought of the dangerous album cover eyes. I just thought I was tired...
Ok, weird and weird :cheeky: I'll look out for any eyes that show up now, though, lol.
That was my first thought too... a spirit guide? Or yeah, maybe destiny, lol. Someday when you meet Kevin you'll understand ;) You've really never known anyone with that name? Wow. Maybe it's more common in America (?) because I've known several Kevins. Or maybe the first consonant didn't come through right and it was actually "heaven" or "seven" or something. About a month ago I heard what I thought was a woman's voice whisper "goodbye" to me while meditating. WTH? Goodbye? Who are you?! Still don't know. I'd had a dream a couple of night before that about an old childhood friend I'd kind of forgotten. Now I wonder if she died or something.

I was thinking of Michael went it happened so if it was heaven but came out wrong, it would be a nice thought. To kind of say - Heaven, Michael is in Heaven.
Gah. I just got really excited a few minutes ago. Having read about the smell of candles being blown out ...I smelt it. I was freaking out with excitement like omg, omg. smelling so much, sniffing around where I'm sitting. I checked it wasn't something on fire lol, like my laptop cable. Check, check, check. But then when I went downstairs to ask my mother if she had been burning candles, turns out she had.

Boooo. Just when I thought I was getting something :lol:
Gah. I just got really excited a few minutes ago. Having read about the smell of candles being blown out ...I smelt it. I was freaking out with excitement like omg, omg. smelling so much, sniffing around where I'm sitting. I checked it wasn't something on fire lol, like my laptop cable. Check, check, check. But then when I went downstairs to ask my mother if she had been burning candles, turns out she had.

Boooo. Just when I thought I was getting something :lol:




Maybe next time! :better:
I had a similar thing a few nights ago. I had my eyes shut, just pondering thing, and these eyes appeared and I immediately thought of the dangerous album cover eyes. I just thought I was tired...

Wow , first we see a face with no eyes.. And then we see eyes .. :O