Merged: Psychics channel Michael

8701girl - What an odd dream, lol. Thanks for sharing :)

Your welcome :D

But i was wondering if u guys could help make out what that dream could mean..cuz im still trying 2 figure it out!!
Your welcome :D But i was wondering if u guys could help make out what that dream could mean..cuz im still trying 2 figure it out!!
Hmmm, well, it's usually the dreamer that's the best interpreter, but let's see... (Reposting your dream:)
I had a mj dream last was werid.
It was like i was around mjs gravesite and all around it were pics of him and one pic of him and his kids. I remember when i saw that pic with him & the kids , i was thinking WTF!!?? cuz u see the kids faces and i felt that was maybe gonna put them in danger. And then the next min i was like watching mj when he was in trial. He was wearing this black & red top, black pants and he had hes hair down. He was sitting with tom ( his lawyer) and mike was shouting at someone and the next thing i know, mike is on the floor like sort of grabbing tom ( his lawyer) and hes like holding on to him and seems afraid. Then i go bck to his gravesite and some guy is there falling to the ground looking sad. The guy is wearing a baseball cap and looks like ice cube ( the rapper) but i couldnt really work out who this guy was.
If we're going on the theory that symbolic dreams usually feature different aspects of yourself as characters... well, You saw the gravesite, but were worried about the pics of the kids. Of course this point is now moot since the whole world knows what they look like, but in the past it would have worried you. So perhaps it's like you know what happened, but part of you won't accept it and would rather live in the past when the worries weren't so horrific. Why you saw him at the trial, I don't know. Maybe 'Michael' seemed afraid and was holding on to T-Mez ... like yourself trying to hold on to this past scene (something recent and a strong memory when MJ was in danger), holding onto to someone strong who might be able to help or save you/Michael? Then the rapper at the crypt... the tough 'gangsta' part of you (the part that ain't 'fraid of sh*t) is even falling to the ground with this realization and sadness of what lies before 'him'. Well, that's a symbolic way of intepreting it, if that feels right to you. I tried :)
Hmmm, well, it's usually the dreamer that's the best interpreter, but let's see... (Reposting your dream:) If we're going on the theory that symbolic dreams usually feature different aspects of yourself as characters... well, You saw the gravesite, but were worried about the pics of the kids. Of course this point is now moot since the whole world knows what they look like, but in the past it would have worried you. So perhaps it's like you know what happened, but part of you won't accept it and would rather live in the past when the worries weren't so horrific. Why you saw him at the trial, I don't know. Maybe 'Michael' seemed afraid and was holding on to T-Mez ... like yourself trying to hold on to this past scene (something recent and a strong memory when MJ was in danger), holding onto to someone strong who might be able to help or save you/Michael? Then the rapper at the crypt... the tough 'gangsta' part of you (the part that ain't 'fraid of sh*t) is even falling to the ground with this realization and sadness of what lies before 'him'. Well, that's a symbolic way of intepreting it, if that feels right to you. I tried :)

Mmmmmm u could be right
Hahah..all these 'whoaa!' reactions on my thing from last night. 'Whoa' it was indeed! :lol:

:eek: woah!!! wonder what that vision means??

Could it be michael letting u know hes okay?
Could be! I was so awkward, so out of the blue. I was shocked for like 3 minutes, my heart beated so fast and I was thinking 'am I going crazy'? But then I looked at my screen again and saw that Tweet again and thought....ohmygod. :(
WOW, that is so cool! And OMG, you just totally reminded me of something I had forgotten about! Doh! :doh: A few days ago (I think the night of the 28th or 29th) I stayed up all night and hubby had an odd early shift, so I was alone. I was lying in bed talking to MJ outloud (which I rarely ever did before). It was just starting to get light in the bedroom (8am or something) and I decided to sleep, but I suddenly felt really emotional and closed my eyes and just ... oh... how do I say it... emoted with power from my heart?... "Michael, I LOVE YOU"... just...ohhhhhhh.... into wherever and when I opened my eyes I saw like... someone had just waved their hand in front of my face! Like my vision flickered like someone's hand moved in front of my eyes for a second. I'm not talking about the light in the room flickering, but like something was in front of my eyes blocking my vision completely for a second, like a hand waving over my face. I just smiled then, because I realized there's no 5-inch bug flying around my room in December, lol, so what else could it have been? :wub::angel:

Peter Pan... man. I got a new mp3 player a couple of weeks ago that holds more and so I loaded just tons of files onto it. One was Melissa Ethridge's 'Come to My Window'. I hadn't heard that for ages and now I've played it several times because it always makes me think now of Peter Pan (and thus Michael). It makes me think of us wanting so bad to dream of him, to see him, to feel him. But then, this song always made me think about MJ ~sigh~ (especially "I don't care what they think, I don't care what they say, What do they know about this love anyway?!") All I could find on youtube is a live version: (if you've never heard it, the original recording is better)

I had never actually read the book Peter Pan, so we bought it and started reading it at night this summer lying in bed, a few pages each night. (Still haven't finished, lol). A couple of times there'd be a big gust of wind or something and the curtain would fly in and the door would move as we were reading. We'd always say, "Michael?"... only half joking :cry:
Aw amazing experience, I know what you mean with that hand before your eyes! I have those 'feelings' very often, that you just KNOW there's something in front/beside of you that moves and it couldn't be anyone else or just a a bug indeed.

Never heard that song of Melissa Etheridge, but yeah...very fitting! There are so many songs which make me think of Michael now.
Ack I'm behind in posting in here! I've been really feeling BLAH lately...and just overall depressed. Still nothing to report...but loving reading everyone's experiences as usual! All your stories are the only "connection" I have with Michael lately. (sigh)...

I was TOTALLY thrilled to come here and find the link to that new clip though... OMG. I frikkin' LOVE that thing! It really brought some spark into my day...and made me feel some happiness about Michael as if he were here. I miss him so.
Oh I'm so sorry you're feeling depressed and having no experiences. Hope you'll feel better soon hun! :better:

Since 12 o'clock on December 31 I'm having this whole other energy around's so strange. I feel so calm, so powerful in what I want to accomplish. Been rethinking a bit of what happened to me the past year and I just feel this ones gonna be SO different than all those years before. How odd is that. :mello:

I realized I didn't feel any obvious sadness the past days about Michael...looks like I'm 'getting over it' or sth...but don't think that's the case. I'm still to this day very much in denial. Can't help it. But I'm glad I can enjoy him fully again..w/o hurting all the time.
Could be! I was so awkward, so out of the blue. I was shocked for like 3 minutes, my heart beated so fast and I was thinking 'am I going crazy'? But then I looked at my screen again and saw that Tweet again and thought....ohmygod. :(.

Why is it that everyone seems to get visions???

I cant seem 2 :(
Ack I'm behind in posting in here! I've been really feeling BLAH lately...and just overall depressed. Still nothing to report...but loving reading everyone's experiences as usual! All your stories are the only "connection" I have with Michael lately. (sigh)...

Aw, sorry to hear that you feel like that, amy :hug:
Hope you feel better soon

8701girl - Don't worry, I rarely get visions either. But just keep positive & keep trying :)
I had a dream about Michael last night.

We were sitting at a table, talking and he looked angry. lol. We were talking in a sneeky way - as if plotting against someone. He was pointing as well.

*prays it is tom sneddon*
amygrace & (was it darlingdear?) - Talked with my mom yesterday (she loved that your dad is a JD sound-alike, btw amy :lol:) and she said that when she did the major love prayer on Christmas she got a massive shot of pain through her head about 5 minutes in. Didn't you two have something like that too?? She said it was like ... wham... kind of front on the right side and then she had a headache afterwards. I had a shot of pain in my chest as the prayer began and then later had a headache with ringing ears for like 8 hours, lol. I wonder what's up with that...?? She doesn't normally meditate or anything, but it quite psychic. It makes me think again about the possibility of energy blocks. I always feel spirits the strongest along my right side, head, shoulder. I read before about a part of the brain near the right ear that seems to facilitate psychic experiences... I wonder if that has something to do with it. Was it on your right side as well?

It was me mjbunny :)

And Yes! It was a strong pain in the right side of the head ...
I had a dream with Michael in it .. : I was hiding behind some boxes and stuff , and suddenly i had a gun in my hand but for some reason i didn't want that gun and asked for another gun.. When i had got the gun i was asking for , I shot a person in front of me.. When I looked around I noticed that Michael was also hiding .. He had a black suit on and he looked like he did in the film "Men in black 2" .. The other persons including me had black suits on also.. It felt like we were a group with Michael as the leader like men in black or something and were after somebody .. I can't remember the person I shot in my dream , but It was so scary .. It was like being in an action movie .. :cry:
Mrs. Music said:
Oh I'm so sorry you're feeling depressed and having no experiences. Hope you'll feel better soon hun! :better:
darlingdear said:
Aw, sorry to hear that you feel like that, amy :hug:
Hope you feel better soon :heart:
Thanks girls :huggy:

Tinkerbell - wow, scary dream! Seems like you got the second half of DancofZenab's dream!
Hi everyone. I haven't read here much for a few days... need to do so as fast as possible.

Just wanted to share a dream before I start readin. It was more of nightmare when I took a nap yesterday. I dreamt that I needed to save Michael and his kids to be killed. There were like 4 men after them, but I can't remember Michael being with us, I just knew I needed to save them and I saw some people around me and we were like running away, hiding, climbing - I was kind of a superwoman with great ideas :p One of those 4 'killers' was meant to be killed in the end too because he 'changed sides'. But the end of my dream was that I didn't save Michael or his kids and I was devastated, shocked and disappointed in myself for not being able to and I think I said to myself that I didn't make it again, like it was a deja vu, like it wasn't the first time I didn't manage to save them.

About meditation, I think I'm improving. Did some of the medatition people ever expierenced to something like a lighted dot with closed eyes? Nothing big, just like a star from the distance. I mean, it's normal (I guess) that you see 'something' with closed eyes, especially after you turned off the light (hope you know what I mean). On Jan 1st (I wasn't drunk btw lol) I meditated and suddenly saw this bright white dot and I opened my eyes immediately and had goose bumps all over. I needed some minutes and continued with my meditation, later I saw Michael in it (but still I'm not sure about meditation, if I just make it up or if it's a real mediation, I need more practise). We were in my bedroom, but an empty bedroom with white walls, there was just a plant on the window sill (the window didn't look like in my bedroom though) and a chair on which Michael sat. I don't remember everything, just the sentence why I want to give it up and if I really want to give it up, he was rather serious. After a time he got up and moved towards the door and I sat on the chair, he turned around and told me to not sit on it and I immediately 'woke up'/opened my eyes because there was a noise in my room which scared the hell out of me because I was concentrated and totally into it. I tried to continue later but I didn't work.

And now I'll read the last xy pages... dunno how many :)
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I was just sitting downstairs watching TV and suddenly I felt this sudden sad energy around me, it was weird cos I hadn't been feeling particuarly sad prior to it. It just hit me like BAM. It kinda took me by surprise, and I felt a bit like, I dunno zoned out for a few seconds, if that makes sense. I didn't feel like me. Then when I got up it disappeared. hmm.
Why is it that everyone seems to get visions???

I cant seem 2 :(

I feel the same way, l have loved him since at the age of 5, still do. There are somethings l did which l suppose have come to his attention. He is not very happy with me. But Michael am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Thats the only explanation l can think of:(
LOL - I just realized that I edited my last post at 11:11 pm LOL... I guess I read too much about numerology here and pay extra attention (... although I have to admit, that it's not my first time paying extra attention to numbers :p)

Wow Mrs Music that sounded great, although it'd have scared the hell out of me first too. Was it at day time? Did it leave you with a good feeling? I think it's important to see with what feelings something leaves you.

About Peter Pan, well, I think it was in July and August, just twice so far, I had this feeling that someone was there and it spreaded happiness and positive energy in my whole bedroom, just this energy made me smile - laying in my dark bedroom, smiling LOL and I also had this feeling that this someone is flying around and is just very happy and my thoughts then were Michael and Peter Pan :)
I feel the same way, l have loved him since at the age of 5, still do. There are somethings l did which l suppose have come to his attention. He is not very happy with me. But Michael am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Thats the only explanation l can think of:(
I've oddly felt the same way thinking maybe Michael is not happy with me right now (just cause of some personal stuff I'm dealing with in my life). It could just be my "fear" coming through...I dunno. I just wish I was in a better spot overall...I miss him.

FunkeyJay said:
LOL - I just realized that I edited my last post at 11:11 pm last post was made at 11:11am. :p
Wow Mrs Music that sounded great, although it'd have scared the hell out of me first too. Was it at day time? Did it leave you with a good feeling? I think it's important to see with what feelings something leaves you.

About Peter Pan, well, I think it was in July and August, just twice so far, I had this feeling that someone was there and it spreaded happiness and positive energy in my whole bedroom, just this energy made me smile - laying in my dark bedroom, smiling LOL and I also had this feeling that this someone is flying around and is just very happy and my thoughts then were Michael and Peter Pan :)
No I was just about to go to bed, it was 1 in the night or something. I didn't actually feel anything about it, at first I was shocked...and like...what is this? Thought I was going crazy and just lay in bed feeling a bit numb and then I realized that it must've been something special since it couldn't have been anything else.

What a cute Peter Pan thing you had too!

I've oddly felt the same way thinking maybe Michael is not happy with me right now (just cause of some personal stuff I'm dealing with in my life). It could just be my "fear" coming through...I dunno. I just wish I was in a better spot overall...I miss him.
Aw don't say he's not happy with you guys...:( I'm sorry you have stuff going on though.
Hope things'll get better soon. If you ever need a talk you know where to find me. :hug:
I feel the same way, l have loved him since at the age of 5, still do. There are somethings l did which l suppose have come to his attention. He is not very happy with me. But Michael am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Thats the only explanation l can think of:(

I dont think michael is mad at u hun, i guess hes just trying as best as he can 2 get 2 fans. And also his sprit needs time to himself , so he can come 2 terms with his death.
It was me mjbunny :) And Yes! It was a strong pain in the right side of the head ...
Ah, ok, sorry... was too lazy to read through 10 pages to find it again, lol ;)

I had a dream about Michael last night. We were sitting at a table, talking and he looked angry. lol. We were talking in a sneeky way - as if plotting against someone. He was pointing as well. *prays it is tom sneddon*

I had a dream with Michael in it .. : I was hiding behind some boxes and stuff , and suddenly i had a gun in my hand but for some reason i didn't want that gun and asked for another gun.. When i had got the gun i was asking for , I shot a person in front of me.. When I looked around I noticed that Michael was also hiding .. He had a black suit on and he looked like he did in the film "Men in black 2" .. The other persons including me had black suits on also.. It felt like we were a group with Michael as the leader like men in black or something and were after somebody .. I can't remember the person I shot in my dream , but It was so scary .. It was like being in an action movie .. :cry:

It was more of nightmare when I took a nap yesterday. I dreamt that I needed to save Michael and his kids to be killed. There were like 4 men after them, but I can't remember Michael being with us, I just knew I needed to save them and I saw some people around me and we were like running away, hiding, climbing - I was kind of a superwoman with great ideas :p One of those 4 'killers' was meant to be killed in the end too because he 'changed sides'. But the end of my dream was that I didn't save Michael or his kids and I was devastated, shocked and disappointed in myself for not being able to and I think I said to myself that I didn't make it again, like it was a deja vu, like it wasn't the first time I didn't manage to save them.
CaptainEOLove's dream from Dec 27th - I was watching an old black and white movie with bloopers between these two ladies. Then I was in the movie, but I was at an old train station. Michael was there with some woman. He was wearing his fedora, but I couldn't tell what else he was wearing. They wanted me not to come because it was too dangerous. This crazy man was trying to kill them. But I went with them anyway. We maneuvered around the train station. Trains went by kicking up dust. The man had a gun and was pointing it at us. Then a little bit later we came across the guy again. He had tied himself to a pole and had a bomb strapped to his waist. Michael and the woman ushered me to run because the bomb could explode at any second. Then in a separate part of the dream, Michael seemed to be a spirit and he was allowed to see Katherine, his mother. It was like he wasn't allowed to see her until that moment. Katherine was holding a baby. It was Michael's new baby sister, so he went up to see her. Then I woke up with Smooth Criminal in my head
My dream from Dec 28 -- I fell back to sleep and had a really bad dream (you've been warned -- sorry) that just went on and on. Someone was trying to kill me and not just me, but other fans and people in MJ's family. :eek: It was like a big organized group, like organized crime or terrorists. At one point I was in a grocery store and let some kids eat some of my birthday cake (my birthday is close to Feb 13th, so that's two nights now dreaming about that timeframe) and some guys showed up, like hunting me. I couldn't figure out how they'd found me. Later I was in a very fancy hotel suite with my sister, my husband and some kids, including one incredibly adorable little girl about 6 years old with long brown curls. We were hiding out there, trying to warn other fans via Twitter & forums. Then many men showed up with guns and set off a b*mb or set the hotel on fire to try to flush us out so they could shoot us. It reminded me a lot of the Mumbai hotel attacks last year. It was so terrible. We were on about the 4th floor, too high to jump and there was no escape. I peeked down the hallway and I could see fire starting to drop from the ceiling near the elevators. We knew that as soon as we left the rooms they'd get us. I think we had to leave eventually and I got shot several times out on a sidewalk :( Highly creepy.
Ok, I'm not trying to freak out here, but does anyone else find this highly creepy? :bugeyed Hopefully it's just some symbolic thing. Like maybe some weird psychological feeling of a threat (leaving MJ in 2009? feeling in danger of going into a new year without him? I don't know... just grasping for an explanation). I just know my dream from Dec 28 was really vivid and totally scary. :unsure:

I KNOW I dreamt of Michael last night. I woke up at one point thinking, "That was Michael! Aggh, I have to remember this! Oh God, it's fading... agghghgh!" Poof ... gone. :doh: Then I slept for so long and today it's like I can't stay awake! This is so unusual. I keep falling asleep. What the heck? I feel like I've been drugged or something. Just so tired. I wonder if I'm needed in dreamland or something.

My sister called me today and asked if my husband and I were alright because she's had a really bad feeling the past few days, like something is going to happen (in the family or on the news). I told her that aside from being really tired, we're fine and I interestingly don't feel like that (oftentimes our weird feelings jive). She was going to call my mom next. (In my family, though, it's not unusual to get or make a call, "Are you alright? Ok, good. Calling everyone else now..." lol)

Oh, and earlier (I think it was about 10pm my time -- which is close to the time in darlingdear's post below) I was half-awake to eat something and I felt energy come around me, on both sides of me instead of just my right. I kept thinking of Michael and had a feeling from the energy like "hey, hey, I have to tell you something"... that kind of feeling, but I couldn't focus. Not sure who this was. Hope my family's alright. Apparently my Great Uncle (whom I didn't really personally know much) died Monday night from hitting his head after slipping on ice. Crazy. So 2009 took MJ and two members of my family. Hoping 2010 won't suck :(
I was just sitting downstairs watching TV and suddenly I felt this sudden sad energy around me, it was weird cos I hadn't been feeling particuarly sad prior to it. It just hit me like BAM. It kinda took me by surprise, and I felt a bit like, I dunno zoned out for a few seconds, if that makes sense. I didn't feel like me. Then when I got up it disappeared. hmm.

Wow, I'm just a bundle of :sun: tonight, :lol:
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About meditation, I think I'm improving. Did some of the medatition people ever expierenced to something like a lighted dot with closed eyes? Nothing big, just like a star from the distance. I mean, it's normal (I guess) that you see 'something' with closed eyes, especially after you turned off the light (hope you know what I mean). .....We were in my bedroom, but an empty bedroom with white walls, there was just a plant on the window sill (the window didn't look like in my bedroom though) and a chair on which Michael sat. I don't remember everything, just the sentence why I want to give it up and if I really want to give it up, he was rather serious. After a time he got up and moved towards the door and I sat on the chair, he turned around and told me to not sit on it and I immediately 'woke up'/opened my eyes because there was a noise in my room which scared the hell out of me because I was concentrated and totally into it. I tried to continue later but I didn't work.
Neat :) Yes, I see "lights" sometimes when meditating that don't make any sense. Sometimes it's like colors moving around in wavy patterns, sometimes like someone's shining a bright white light at my eyes (which in reality would look red through the eyelids, not white, so this obviously isn't a truly visual thing going on). :D The way you described your meditation experience with seeing the room and Michael and the chair and such... that's along the same lines as mine. It's like going on a mind journey in a meditation. I don't believe that everything we perceive in this state is necessarily 100% 'real' in the literal sense, but you can definitely have conversations/info-exchanges with guides and those on the other side like this, I believe :angel:

I feel the same way, l have loved him since at the age of 5, still do. There are somethings l did which l suppose have come to his attention. He is not very happy with me. But Michael am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Thats the only explanation l can think of:(
I've oddly felt the same way thinking maybe Michael is not happy with me right now (just cause of some personal stuff I'm dealing with in my life). It could just be my "fear" coming through...I dunno. I just wish I was in a better spot overall...I miss last post was made at 11:11am. :p
I dont think michael is mad at u hun, i guess hes just trying as best as he can 2 get 2 fans. And also his sprit needs time to himself , so he can come 2 terms with his death.
I feel a bit strange sometimes as well, like you start thinking that you're not feeling him as much now because you did or said something wrong (when logically you think... come now, that's just silly). I agree with 8701girl, though. I don't think that has anything to with it. We're all going through so many thoughts and emotions of the years we were fans, just processing everything related to him... including anything we might feel we did or didn't do. I think that's totally normal when someone dies. But we love him and he knows that. There's probably much to do over there and watching over his family, etc. We're probably all trying to adjust to new energy states and ways of relating, Michael included. I wish I knew what all was going on. I wish we could sit down and talk (with anyone over there, lol). It's frustrating. The other day I was thinking about how via mediums and psychics those on the other side are always telling us death is no big deal, they're still with us, they know what's going on down here, etc. Yeah, but how can it still not hurt being left here for years with virtually no conscious contact? I mean, we may be all connected on one level, but they have the kick-ass 24/7 mega quantum surveillance system up there in heaven, while we're stuck down here with nothing but a few vague dream memories and a freakin' tin can on a string :lol: We're holding the can to our ear, "Hello? Hello? I think I heard you for half a sec! Are you there? Hello? Oh, please talk to me!" :smilerolleyes:
The other day I was thinking about how via mediums and psychics those on the other side are always telling us death is no big deal, they're still with us, they know what's going on down here, etc. Yeah, but how can it still not hurt being left here for years with virtually no conscious contact? I mean, we may be all connected on one level, but they have the kick-ass 24/7 mega quantum surveillance system up there in heaven, while we're stuck down here with nothing but a few vague dream memories and a freakin' tin can on a string :lol: We're holding the can to our ear, "Hello? Hello? I think I heard you for half a sec! Are you there? Hello? Oh, please talk to me!" :smilerolleyes:
I was thinking about this same thing the other day. Like...knowing that Michael is really ok and that he is still around's still so sad because I will be living the whole rest of my life - which could be like...70 years!...with no real physical visual conscious contact. From here on out it's nothing but dreams and occasional impressions and feelings of his spirit that I can't help but question if they are even genuine. :doh: I do hope he's not upset with me or anything either. Part of me thinks it's really silly for me to have that kind of thought...but another part of me is like, you know, I'm sure he's grateful for all his fans but he gets to now really see who we all are personally...faults and all. So..just like how he went to some psychics before that then spewed stuff he wasn't really saying...he decided not to go to them again...even if these people probably weren't aware that they were putting their own spin on things. It's just that for where those people are at in their life right now, he can't be around them. You know? I don't know if that made sense at all. I'm not saying I'm doing anything really wrong in my life...I just struggle with certain things like my temper sometimes, that I bet Michael would hate to see. I know were all just human...and doing the best we can. I know I'm doing my best at improving myself. So maybe that's all that matters...and he doesn't care and I'm just being too self critical.
I was thinking about this same thing the other day. Like...knowing that Michael is really ok and that he is still around's still so sad because I will be living the whole rest of my life - which could be like...70 years!...with no real physical visual conscious contact. From here on out it's nothing but dreams and occasional impressions and feelings of his spirit that I can't help but question if they are even genuine. :doh: I do hope he's not upset with me or anything either. Part of me thinks it's really silly for me to have that kind of thought...but another part of me is like, you know, I'm sure he's grateful for all his fans but he gets to now really see who we all are personally...faults and all. So..just like how he went to some psychics before that then spewed stuff he wasn't really saying...he decided not to go to them again...even if these people probably weren't aware that they were putting their own spin on things. It's just that for where those people are at in their life right now, he can't be around them. You know? I don't know if that made sense at all. I'm not saying I'm doing anything really wrong in my life...I just struggle with certain things like my temper sometimes, that I bet Michael would hate to see. I know were all just human...and doing the best we can. I know I'm doing my best at improving myself. So maybe that's all that matters...and he doesn't care and I'm just being too self critical.

I know exactly what you guys mean. I'd give anything just to see him and have a two-way conversation with him even if it was just a short thing. I wish that were possible aside from dreams and meditations. Sometimes it feels like my messages I'm trying to send to him are just being sent out into space, even though I know in my heart he receives them.

I also can't imagine going through 70+ more years of this. Not a day goes by I don't think about him. I think it's going to be this way for the rest of my life from now on. Unless there's some new technology that comes out to make it easier to communicate with the spirit world, then these will be some long and frustrating years.

Ever since he's died I've felt kind of lost. I still do somewhat. I've looked up to him as a hero. I feel like I partly live for him.
I know exactly what you guys mean. I'd give anything just to see him and have a two-way conversation with him even if it was just a short thing. I wish that were possible aside from dreams and meditations. Sometimes it feels like my messages I'm trying to send to him are just being sent out into space, even though I know in my heart he receives them.

I also can't imagine going through 70+ more years of this. Not a day goes by I don't think about him. I think it's going to be this way for the rest of my life from now on. Unless there's some new technology that comes out to make it easier to communicate with the spirit world, then these will be some long and frustrating years.

Ever since he's died I've felt kind of lost. I still do somewhat. I've looked up to him as a hero. I feel like I partly live for him.

This is exactly how I feel too :cry:
Ah, ok, sorry... was too lazy to read through 10 pages to find it again, lol ;)

Ok, I'm not trying to freak out here, but does anyone else find this highly creepy? :bugeyed Hopefully it's just some symbolic thing. Like maybe some weird psychological feeling of a threat (leaving MJ in 2009? feeling in danger of going into a new year without him? I don't know... just grasping for an explanation). I just know my dream from Dec 28 was really vivid and totally scary. :unsure:

Oh lord.. That is creepy .. :cry: We need to figure out what these dreams mean..
Can someone who meditates and see visions please answer this for me?

When I was a little girl, I remember closing my eyes and just seeing fireworks of colours : red, green, blue, yellow, purple.

Now that I've started meditating, I rarely see anything and if I do its like, black and white and I only saw the colour red back in July.

Does this mean I have it in me or something?
And how do I improve to be able to see how I saw as a child?
I feel a bit strange sometimes as well, like you start thinking that you're not feeling him as much now because you did or said something wrong (when logically you think... come now, that's just silly). I agree with 8701girl, though. I don't think that has anything to with it. We're all going through so many thoughts and emotions of the years we were fans, just processing everything related to him... including anything we might feel we did or didn't do. I think that's totally normal when someone dies. But we love him and he knows that. There's probably much to do over there and watching over his family, etc. We're probably all trying to adjust to new energy states and ways of relating, Michael included. I wish I knew what all was going on. I wish we could sit down and talk (with anyone over there, lol). It's frustrating. The other day I was thinking about how via mediums and psychics those on the other side are always telling us death is no big deal, they're still with us, they know what's going on down here, etc. Yeah, but how can it still not hurt being left here for years with virtually no conscious contact? I mean, we may be all connected on one level, but they have the kick-ass 24/7 mega quantum surveillance system up there in heaven, while we're stuck down here with nothing but a few vague dream memories and a freakin' tin can on a string :lol: We're holding the can to our ear, "Hello? Hello? I think I heard you for half a sec! Are you there? Hello? Oh, please talk to me!" :smilerolleyes:

Lol i wish i was a psychics! But also the bad thing bout being psychics is, the psychics may not be ready themselves to talk with the dead. Sometimes sprirts tend to come through quite strongly and furiously. They cant understand what has happened to him and tend 2 take all their anger out on the psychic. I think that could be a reason why it takes so long for psychics to talk 2 spirits, they wanna make sure that all the bad energy is away so that they can help the ghost talk bout what happened 2 them and go to the light peacefully.
The other day I was thinking about how via mediums and psychics those on the other side are always telling us death is no big deal, they're still with us, they know what's going on down here, etc. Yeah, but how can it still not hurt being left here for years with virtually no conscious contact? I mean, we may be all connected on one level, but they have the kick-ass 24/7 mega quantum surveillance system up there in heaven, while we're stuck down here with nothing but a few vague dream memories and a freakin' tin can on a string :lol: We're holding the can to our ear, "Hello? Hello? I think I heard you for half a sec! Are you there? Hello? Oh, please talk to me!" :smilerolleyes:

I feel the same way! I've been thinking like this quite a bit lately. Like, I so want to know what it's like on that side.
Can someone who meditates and see visions please answer this for me?

When I was a little girl, I remember closing my eyes and just seeing fireworks of colours : red, green, blue, yellow, purple.

Now that I've started meditating, I rarely see anything and if I do its like, black and white and I only saw the colour red back in July.

Does this mean I have it in me or something?
And how do I improve to be able to see how I saw as a child?

I am not an expert on meditation at all, but I thought I would try and help with an answer :)

I think as children we were more perceptive spiritually - I'm not sure exactly why, but this could be why you sawall those colours. I remember seeing a lot of colours when I closed my eyes as a child.

I see black and white as well. Well, it starts as black, then as I relax more and not try too hard, the colour turns to white.
Today, actually, I did meditation properly, for the first time in a while, and I saw blue. But that was only after about 15 minutes or so of meditating. It started as black, then faded to white. Then after a while, I generally see either blue or purple, or it just stays white.

I think meditation is all about being patient, and not expecting too much to happen. The minute I want it to happen, nothing happens. And I just end up getting fed up with it all :lol:. Just keep relaxed and follow where your mind takes you.

Definately keep practising, cos there's no right or wrong way to meditating. But don't get disillusioned if you feel it's not "working" - chances are it is working :)

On another note, in my meditation, I got a tingly feeling in my legs. It was very weird. I also called out for Michael, but nothing. I did get a fright though, cos as soon as I said Michael, are you here, the postman shoved some letters through the door...I jumped out my skin :lol:

I hope y'all don't find this creepy lol, but I sent some healing energy to you all in this thread. Well I mean, I tried :lol:

L.O.V.E. :heart:
I am not an expert on meditation at all, but I thought I would try and help with an answer :)

I think as children we were more perceptive spiritually - I'm not sure exactly why, but this could be why you sawall those colours. I remember seeing a lot of colours when I closed my eyes as a child.

I see black and white as well. Well, it starts as black, then as I relax more and not try too hard, the colour turns to white.
Today, actually, I did meditation properly, for the first time in a while, and I saw blue. But that was only after about 15 minutes or so of meditating. It started as black, then faded to white. Then after a while, I generally see either blue or purple, or it just stays white.

I think meditation is all about being patient, and not expecting too much to happen. The minute I want it to happen, nothing happens. And I just end up getting fed up with it all :lol:. Just keep relaxed and follow where your mind takes you.

Definately keep practising, cos there's no right or wrong way to meditating. But don't get disillusioned if you feel it's not "working" - chances are it is working :)

On another note, in my meditation, I got a tingly feeling in my legs. It was very weird. I also called out for Michael, but nothing. I did get a fright though, cos as soon as I said Michael, are you here, the postman shoved some letters through the door...I jumped out my skin :lol:

I hope y'all don't find this creepy lol, but I sent some healing energy to you all in this thread. Well I mean, I tried :lol:

L.O.V.E. :heart:

LOL. :lol:

Thank you for the reply.

It makes sense and is helpful.

L.O.V.E. :wub:
^ DanceofZenab, I totally agree with what darlingdear said. Experiences can be more vivid as a child and also, I don't think most meditators have experiences like that on a regular basis anyway. I also don't think that seeing something is a sign of how well you're doing. Some of the deepest experiences I've had I haven't seen anything with my eyes, or it's just been like a faint white light. I think putting expectations on it is where we can really go wrong. Just go with whatever happens and accept it for what it is :) Your experience is unique to you and will grow and change over time.

I also get the blue-purple colors with my eyes closed sometimes. It's always like a wavy kaleidoscope, moving all over like some kind of crazy lava lamp on acid, lol. But sometimes that happens immediately and other times not at all. I don't really know what that is. I read before it's an indication of being in touch with a guide or spirit, but maybe it's just something physiological. Really don't know.
I was thinking about this same thing the other day. Like...knowing that Michael is really ok and that he is still around's still so sad because I will be living the whole rest of my life - which could be like...70 years!...with no real physical visual conscious contact. From here on out it's nothing but dreams and occasional impressions and feelings of his spirit that I can't help but question if they are even genuine. :doh: I do hope he's not upset with me or anything either. Part of me thinks it's really silly for me to have that kind of thought...but another part of me is like, you know, I'm sure he's grateful for all his fans but he gets to now really see who we all are personally...faults and all. So..just like how he went to some psychics before that then spewed stuff he wasn't really saying...he decided not to go to them again...even if these people probably weren't aware that they were putting their own spin on things. It's just that for where those people are at in their life right now, he can't be around them. You know? I don't know if that made sense at all. I'm not saying I'm doing anything really wrong in my life...I just struggle with certain things like my temper sometimes, that I bet Michael would hate to see. I know were all just human...and doing the best we can. I know I'm doing my best at improving myself. So maybe that's all that matters...and he doesn't care and I'm just being too self critical.

It's kinda weird because I've been feeling really similar lately.
I have "road rage" issues when I drive - actually I'm better than I used to be. Recently when I cussed out another driver (my window rolled up) I thought of Michael and started crying and said "Michael, I'm not as nice as you!! Maybe you don't like me?" Also, I have other things -- not good with kids, I don't understand them and don't know how to talk to them (I have one older sis). I was raised really prejudice, when I was younger, but now I've changed. But for some reason I've been wondering if Michael would like me. It's upsetting!!
Then I think about my good qualities, and try to talk myself into -- yes he would like me! Michael probably wasn't perfect, no one is, but still I hope he would like me!