Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Last night I had a dream with MJ. What happend was that i walked into this building where i managed to catch MJ with 2 members of the beatles trying to rehearse Come Togeather song. Freddie Mercury was also there hanging about watching them on the stage. MJ looked like from his days from the mid 70s in his late teens.

I could only make out who was who of the beatles but wasn't very clear in who they where. But i knew it was the beatles with thier clothes and style. I stood there watching both MJ and the 2 members of the beatles trying to do come togeather song.
Both of them had difficulty trying to do the song. As they tried to mix both styles of each other song. I felt that i had to shout and say it sounded good so far. But I couldn't

I woke up and felt all wierd thinking was that real or not. Still had the need to tell them it sounded good. I saw MJ had difficulty trying to get things right with the song. But was getting there with them.

Few months ago I had a dream with MJ, which he had a thriller party. MJ dressed more like a cowboy with the hat and clothes. Similar to some picture of him taking back in the ealy 80s with a cowboy hat. The party was nice as it was in some big hall. There was impersonators from other 80s big icons. Mj just turned around at me and said folk and MTV where crazy back in the day and laughing about it. Just got a feeling he was happy to remember the 80s.
I thought I had a dream about Michael last night, when I woke up it felt like I did, but I dunno, cannot remember anything recently :(
I miss Michael. My friend was like, how can you miss him, you didn't know him personally, and I was just like, whatever, his energy, his words, his music, his messages, his spirit touched everyone in the world and made us all feel like we were united together with him. Since he passed, the world seems to of lost that magic. Sorry to be all :cry:
To end on a positive note, we will all keep Michael in our hearts, all his beautiful, loyal fans and family will keep his spirit alive. We will all keep his legacy alive and in 2010 we will all be encouraged to make that change.

I'm so greatful for this thread; it inspires hope and comfort I feel. :hug:

Thanks cyberjackson for that info on the crystals, I think I had a crystal a while ago, but I used it for healing, rather than dreams, but yeah I might check it out for dreams too :)

ahhh numbers are plaguing me today. My sis sent me a text at :13. Then another at :26. I saw a car with 26 on their numberplate. I'm trying to determine whether it's a 6 or 26 that I keep seeing, or whether my silly ol'mind is playing tricks on me. But it's driving me crraaaaazy.

Ooh, thanks for that article DanceofZenab. Very interesting read, thanks for sharing :)

Hope everyone is doing good today
L.O.V.E. to you all :heart:

EDIT: aaaanndd this post makes it onto page 213...
^ I know how you feel.. A friend of me said the same to me,but fortunately I have a best friend who is a big MJ-fan like me ... She was crying alot after June 25th .. But , we have each other through good times and bad times :)
A thread about dreams, psychics and Mike? Awesome

Two nights ago I found myself (dreaming) in a cafeteria with not only Mike but Janet too. Mike had bought this huge, amazing cake for the all the kids at school. Suddenly, he grabs a handful and throws it across the cafeteria! LOL, FOOD FIGHT!!!!!! Yeah, Janet and Mike were literally grabbing chunks of cake and engaging in this huge food fight. But silly me (being such a foodie) grabs some Oreo cookies off the cake (in the middle of the food fight) and I start eating the cake instead of throwing it. Lol, what a weirdo.

I spoke about my other dream a couple weeks ago where I was on MJ's private plane and the seats were facing each other, just me & MJ. While on the plane, I was cracking him up by telling him all kinds of hilarious stories of my life. I loved making him laugh and so I kept going. Lol. It felt like I was the female version of his Chris Tucker. ::smiles::
I tried meditating last night but it didn't happen. I also had doubts if what we see if meditation is real or just our minds[b/].

I 've been wondering the same , I've never tried meditation before , so everything is new and sometimes and don't know how to "read" or interprate the things I believe I see or feel, like you said I don't know if they're real or not,I believe is a matter of practice and getting use to it.

^ hey gina, welcome to the thread.

Cool dreams. Thanks for sharing 'em with us :)


Okay, going back to the whole number thing. I was just playing wii and I finished a race 26th. The next leg I stayed 13th for ages...
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cyberjackson - Thanks. I've moved my blue kyanite piece and celestite cluster next to my bed now, lol. There's always hope.

I tried meditating last night but it didn't happen. I also had doubts if what we see if meditation is real or just our minds.
I have the doubts at times too ;) We just have to keep learning, keep practicing, keep exploring. And in the end, you're in the realm of pure consciousness at that point. Who's to say what's real and 'not' on that level. What I mean is, perhaps 'real' can't be judged by our conscious definition. As with so many other things in life, you just have to go with your intuition. I wish there was an easy cut-and-dried answer. But then, a guru might say... there is!... we just keep looking away from it. (Btw, thanks for the article about grief. Had read it in another thread.)

amygrace - :lol: I can't get over the John Denver tribute shows at Red Rocks! How cool! If my family still lived there I'd get them to go for certain. Do they record these shows? Wow, I'd love to see one.

To others regarding John Denver -- yeah, um, totally different genre of music, lol. But he sang much about spirit and life and nature and love. He was quite popular in the 70's in particular and later started a charity (Windstar Foundation), spent much of his time working for environmental and wildlife causes. The musical style is folksy. I suppose you either love it or hate it. Or have had to have grown up with it? But hey, Michael was once singing JD's song 'Calypso' in Berlin :lol: 0:52-1:14)

Kira and makaveli ... oh, MJ dreams! :wub: Glad someone's still having them ;) Thanks for sharing. Gina Marie... wow about the cafeteria dream! At least, what... 3 or 4 of us? in this thread & the Dreams thread have also seen him in a cafeteria! I'm really thinking this must be some real place on the other side! Darlingdear -- me too last night. I feel like I dreamt of Michael, but when I woke up all I remembered was dreams about him, not with him. ~sigh~

P.S. Glad you guys like the sig pic. I can't stop staring at it :angel: I'm seriously going to print that meditation pic out and put it in a frame in my bedroom. Too bad I was a dumb-dumb and made the gold one only in little un-printworthy siggy size :doh:
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I had a bit more success with meditating last night. I saw random images of Michael, including one that looked like a photograph. He looked like late bad era/early dangerous era maybe, and wearing his fedora and sunglasses. He was also wearing this red cloak with thin gold stripes. I've never seen him wearing anything like that before.
That's cool, CaptainEOLove :)

I just realized that my meditation signature pic reminds me of the movie The Fountain. Just wondering if you guys have seen it. I saw it once without knowing what the heck it was about and I have to say it was much better the second time when I'd read up on it beforehand.
DanceOfZenab1994 said:
Thanks for this! Great article.

Tinkerbell2 said:
I see 3 very often , so what does it mean ? I haven't had any MJ dreams lately .. But I had a dream where me and my friends were at this huuuuge place and had a Super Soaker fight . It was fun
Here's a link to some numerber meanings if you are interested. :) As for the super soaker dream...haha. That's awesome.

makaveli - thanks for sharing your dreams!

darlingdear said:
the world seems to of lost that magic
Precisely :cry:

Gina Marie said:
Two nights ago I found myself (dreaming) in a cafeteria with not only Mike but Janet too.
First, welcome to the thread Gina! Secondly, thanks for sharing your dreams! Pretty cool you saw a mjbunny mentioned, many of us have had cafeteria dreams with Michael, myself included. Very interesting!

Gina Marie said:
I was cracking him up by telling him all kinds of hilarious stories of my life. I loved making him laugh and so I kept going.
What a great be able to make Michael laugh? That would be magical!

mjbunny said:
amygrace - :lol: I can't get over the John Denver tribute shows at Red Rocks! How cool! If my family still lived there I'd get them to go for certain. Do they record these shows? Wow, I'd love to see one.
It was totally the coolest! can actually watch some of the show on his website if you are interested. Seriously...he sounds exactly like John. (just click on the red rocks videos link). It's kind of funny, sometimes I'll hear John come on the radio and my heart skips a beat for a second because I think it's my Dad. LOL.

mjbunny said:
He was quite popular in the 70's in particular and later started a charity (Windstar Foundation), spent much of his time working for environmental and wildlife causes. The musical style is folksy. I suppose you either love it or hate it. Or have had to have grown up with it? But hey, Michael was once singing JD's song 'Calypso' in Berlin
Haha..yeah you either love it or hate it. Also since you mentioned Dad wrote a song for that foundation too. It's on his website. :p And omg...I love that clip of Michael singing Calypso!! There's something so completely awesome about that to me. :D Thanks for the clip!

CaptainEoLove85 said:
He was also wearing this red cloak with thin gold stripes. I've never seen him wearing anything like that before.
Oo...interesting. I love seeing the unexpected in's those moments when I know it wasn't my mind just making things up.

mjbunny said:
I just realized that my meditation signature pic reminds me of the movie The Fountain. Just wondering if you guys have seen it.
Hmm, never heard of it. But I'm always looking for new movies to I'm putting it on my list of things to download.
I know for sure Michael was in my dreams last night, but it was for a really short time. There was some kind of bouncy castle involved? I was in a TV studio. I believe some of the Jacksons were sitting on the edge of this bouncy thing, and I was stood up. Someone was talking to me saying Michael just loves to bounce on this thing. It was the J5 era. Then out of nowhere Michael came running in (wearing similar clothes to what he wore in Blame it on the Boogie vid) went round the back and bounced. But someone said, doesn't he look like LaToya and when I looked back to Michael, it was LaToya instead and she was running round the back. Whoever said he looked like LaToya in the dream, silly billy, they made me lose Michael :(
It was really random and I saw Michael for like all of 2 seconds lol.

Happy New Year to you all for tomorrow.

L.O.V.E. to all :heart:
:heart: Happy New Year to everyone in my favorite thread :heart:

Nothing really to report here. Still no MJ dreams. Trying not to feel too depressed about beginning the first year of my life without Michael in the world (um, physically, I mean...) We're not doing anything tonight, just staying home. Lots of MJ stuff on German TV. Hubby wants to watch. I'm worried it will depress me more. But I did make hummus (a nearly unknown food item in Germany, lol), and we've got champagne and the neighborhood will erupt (hopefully not literally) with the most insane fireworks orgy an American has ever seen at midnight. (They go NUTS here with firecrackers and bottle rockets and aerial stuff shooting everywhere for about 30 minutes every New Year so that the next morning it looks like a war zone ;) ) Hope you all have a good night! :group:
Look what I found:

So, when we are completely free of all sorrow, we can live instead of just existing. In this intelligence, there is spiritual aliveness in which we discover we are beyond all sorrow and death. Seeing the truth of this, we become one with the earth and the whole universe. When the root of sorrow ends, we are filled with this universal love and joy beyond the heavens.

Wow, beautiful article. Thank you so much for sharing, DanceOfZenab.

makaveli and Gina_Marie (welcome to the thread btw, Gina! ;)), those were fun dreams, hehe :D Thanx for sharing :)

I had a bit more success with meditating last night. I saw random images of Michael, including one that looked like a photograph. He looked like late bad era/early dangerous era maybe, and wearing his fedora and sunglasses. He was also wearing this red cloak with thin gold stripes. I've never seen him wearing anything like that before.

Oh, nice :)

To end on a positive note, we will all keep Michael in our hearts, all his beautiful, loyal fans and family will keep his spirit alive. We will all keep his legacy alive and in 2010 we will all be encouraged to make that change.

We definitely WILL!!! :hug: to you, darlingdear.

And yes, this thread does bring so much comfort. :angel:

I know for sure Michael was in my dreams last night, but it was for a really short time. There was some kind of bouncy castle involved? I was in a TV studio. I believe some of the Jacksons were sitting on the edge of this bouncy thing, and I was stood up. Someone was talking to me saying Michael just loves to bounce on this thing. It was the J5 era.

A bouncy castle? LOL Fun :D

amygrace said:
It was totally the coolest! can actually watch some of the show on his website if you are interested. Seriously...he sounds exactly like John. (just click on the red rocks videos link). It's kind of funny, sometimes I'll hear John come on the radio and my heart skips a beat for a second because I think it's my Dad. LOL.

Oh, great! Thanks for the link, girl! Can't wait to hear your dad :D

Have a great (& safe!) New Year's Eve everyone! Much :heart: to all!

Talk to you all next year, hehe ;) Love you guys!
:heart: Happy New Year to everyone in my favorite thread :heart:

Nothing really to report here. Still no MJ dreams. Trying not to feel too depressed about beginning the first year of my life without Michael in the world (um, physically, I mean...) We're not doing anything tonight, just staying home. Lots of MJ stuff on German TV. Hubby wants to watch. I'm worried it will depress me more. But I did make hummus (a nearly unknown food item in Germany, lol), and we've got champagne and the neighborhood will erupt (hopefully not literally) with the most insane fireworks orgy an American has ever seen at midnight. (They go NUTS here with firecrackers and bottle rockets and aerial stuff shooting everywhere for about 30 minutes every New Year so that the next morning it looks like a war zone ;) ) Hope you all have a good night! :group:
Same here, they're already busy from 10 this morning here and it's only dinner time yet....people are nuts! :lol:
I always worry a bit about the animals, the birds here outside are going nuts as well as my dog....poor things. Wonder who actually made that a tradition, fireworks on new years's to 'scare the bad ghosts' or something right? long as they don't scare Michael I'm fine with scaring the bad ones. ;D

Have a great NYE everyone, be safe & let's hope for a great 2010!
Same here, they're already busy from 10 this morning here and it's only dinner time yet....people are nuts! :lol:
I always worry a bit about the animals, the birds here outside are going nuts as well as my dog....poor things. Wonder who actually made that a tradition, fireworks on new years's to 'scare the bad ghosts' or something right? long as they don't scare Michael I'm fine with scaring the bad ones. ;D

Have a great NYE everyone, be safe & let's hope for a great 2010!
Me too. There are people who live behind us with a dog and every year they leave the poor dog OUTSIDE on New Year's. Not only is it freezing cold, but the poor thing freaks out. I thought everyone knew this. I mean, every year of my life for 4th of July (in the US, you know) it was a given that you'd get all the pets inside before the fireworks started. :no:

Another thing about Europe on New Year's Eve is the windows. We're up a few floors and the windows here have no screens, so it's like a gaping hole in the wall if you open them. We've about been clocked by flaming rockets when trying to watch the commotion down on the street, lol. Whoooosh.... damn, that was close :bugeyed:lol: To explain for those back home... imagine if everyone (every last man, woman and child) spent at least $100 each on every illegal-in-the-US firework imaginable (plus crazy cheap, illegal stuff from Eastern Europe, lol) and all went outside and set them off at the same time. Yeah, it's kinda like that ;) But we're so lame this year we didn't even get sparklers because they were out of them at the store this afternoon.
Amy Grace and Mjbunny - I'm glad you guys are giving the crystals a try! Lemmie know if anything works or improves.:) You should meditate with them in your hands as well. That's what I read anyway.

I was going to get some stones from a shop..but I have no idea what to start out with! Also, does anyone know about totem animals or know what your totem animal is? It's like a spirit animal (like a guide) that watches over you. They change depending on what stage of life you are in. Very interesting! Anyway, good luck with your dreams. :angel:

Happy new year guys! Let's hope for a better new year. 2009 sucked!!!!
Also, does anyone know about totem animals or know what your totem animal is? It's like a spirit animal (like a guide) that watches over you. They change depending on what stage of life you are in.
Totem animals are an interesting subject...I'm curious about what everyone else's is if they know. :D

I'm not sure what mine is right now though...last time I had a psychic reading that touched on animals I was told I had a kitten that was with me help bring out my playful side and remind me not to take life so seriously. Aw :heart: - don't know if the cat is gone now though and I have a new one...that reading was almost 2 years ago.

Anyway, wishing everyone a safe and exciting New Year's Eve!! And may we all have a wonderful, happy New Year to look forward to...full of love, joy, and Michael's spirit! :angel:

Love you guys!
Hey Guys ! Just coming here to wish you all a Very Happy New Year :) and to tell you that I'm so happy I've found this "ciber home" , you are amazing :hug:

Peace and Love :D :D
Last night I dreamed there was another Moonwalker movie, with all the same characters. It felt so real and familiar to me. It felt like I had seen it before and I woke up convinced there was another Moonwalker movie, but of course there isn't. I can't believe how real it seemed though, weird. It seemed like one of those deja vu moments, you know...only within a dream.

Anyway, Happy New Years to everyone! :huggy:
Just stopping by to say Happy New Year!

I went to London yesterday to watch the fireworks, the DJ played only one MJ song (boo!) which was ABC, so my friends and I were singing so loudly. The fireworks themselves were just pure magic. It looked like fairy dust, so I made a wish :lol:. Amongst all the hustle and bustle I managed to wish Michael a happy new year and when I got home too, where it was a bit quieter and maybe he could hear me, since London was a nightmare lol.

Hope 2010 is a better year than 2009 for you all.

Much love :heart:
Happy new year all!!!!
Went out last night and they played two mj songs bad and man in the mirror. MITM was the second to last song they played, and everyone was singing along with their hands in the air it was an amazing moment!
Happy new year all!!!!
Went out last night and they played two mj songs bad and man in the mirror. MITM was the second to last song they played, and everyone was singing along with their hands in the air it was an amazing moment!

Oh wow.. Man in the mirror with everyone singing along sounds so beautiful :) Sounds like that song filled the place with L.O.V.E :heart: :)
Happy New Year everyone!!! Wishing you and your loved ones all the best! :heart:

Love you all!! :hug:
Happy new year all!!!!
Went out last night and they played two mj songs bad and man in the mirror. MITM was the second to last song they played, and everyone was singing along with their hands in the air it was an amazing moment!

Aww how beautiful.

I would have loved to be there. :wub:.
Happy New Year, everyone! I guess in Berlin they played MJ during the fireworks ... Black or White, Billie Jean and maybe others, but none of that was broadcast (at least not on ZDF, the channel we watched). Weird. I mean, the fireworks were, but not the music on the ground during them :rolleyes2:

Last night I dreamed there was another Moonwalker movie, with all the same characters. It felt so real and familiar to me. It felt like I had seen it before and I woke up convinced there was another Moonwalker movie, but of course there isn't. I can't believe how real it seemed though, weird. It seemed like one of those deja vu moments, you know...only within a dream.
This was so weird to read. A couple of days ago I posted about a dream I had in which the forum was like a physical place. Well, the part that I deleted (because the post had gotten too long & I figured it was boring info, lol) was that we were watching Moonwalker at one point in the dream. There seemed to be a second version of it that had other footage, I think at the end. Like you know how there's the "moon is walking, the moon is dancing" song, but instead of this song there was audio and video footage I'd never seen before! I remember MJ wearing black, but it was like goofing around on the set, making of like footage. And I told people I had never seen that before (!) and we were wondering if it had something to do with PAL vs NTSC. I went home then to get my old American VHS tape of Moonwalker to show everyone. I brought it back to this place we were all hanging out, but then I got sleepy and lay down instead and then heard my own voice saying my thoughts outloud in my ear and decided that I would be able to hear Michael like this, asked for him to come to me, and then someone spoke across the room, ruining the moment. Anyway... it was also about 2 versions of Moonwalker. Weird! :eek:
Happy New Year, everyone! I guess in Berlin they played MJ during the fireworks ... Black or White, Billie Jean and maybe others, but none of that was broadcast (at least not on ZDF, the channel we watched). Weird. I mean, the fireworks were, but not the music on the ground during them :rolleyes2:

This was so weird to read. A couple of days ago I posted about a dream I had in which the forum was like a physical place. Well, the part that I deleted (because the post had gotten too long & I figured it was boring info, lol) was that we were watching Moonwalker at one point in the dream. There seemed to be a second version of it that had other footage, I think at the end. Like you know how there's the "moon is walking, the moon is dancing" song, but instead of this song there was audio and video footage I'd never seen before! I remember MJ wearing black, but it was like goofing around on the set, making of like footage. And I told people I had never seen that before (!) and we were wondering if it had something to do with PAL vs NTSC. I went home then to get my old American VHS tape of Moonwalker to show everyone. I brought it back to this place we were all hanging out, but then I got sleepy and lay down instead and then heard my own voice saying my thoughts outloud in my ear and decided that I would be able to hear Michael like this, asked for him to come to me, and then someone spoke across the room, ruining the moment. Anyway... it was also about 2 versions of Moonwalker. Weird! :eek:

Whoa cool. What I saw was like an extension of the Smooth Criminal segment. Now I wish there was a sequel lol.