Merged: Psychics channel Michael


That picture is so beautiful !! I LOVE it ! I wonder if Michael ever did meditate?
Thanks for the picture, Mrs.Music.
Michael looks so beautiful and peaceful :)

Hope everyone is good today :heart:
I did my lil meditation thing last night, well more talking again lol. I spoke to Michael. I didn't feel anything particular. Maybe it was because I was tired. I did however see a flashing light, which made me open my eyes to check it wasn't something and it wasn't. I didn't have a very good night sleep last night, I think it's cos my brain wouldn't shut down cos I had asked the spirits etc. to help suggest a solution to a problem, so I wanted them to maybe suggest an answer in my dream (lol, stupid I know but I wanted to try it). So I think that's maybe why I didn't sleep to good, I was just waiting for an answer. I did get an answer lol, and it was like one of those dreams where you wake up and think have I done that already or was that just in my dream?

I just read about the experiences of mjbunny and tinkerbell, the "bug" thing. I have felt someone touch my hair too, but more recently, I felt someone touch under my eye/eyelashes, as if to wipe away invisible tears. It felt very soft and I opened my eyes to make sure no hair was in the way, that might of moved and done the same thing, but all my hair was out the way so I dunno, it felt like someone gently touching my bottom eyelashes, that same kinda feeling.

Sorry for this loong babble I just like to update y'all.
:heart: :heart: :heart:
Thanks for this beautiful picture of Michael, Mrs. Music :)

Hey guys, my Mom linked me to this movie this morning...I thought you all would be interested as well! It's called "Tuning In: Spirit Channelers In America"... obviously about channeling. My Mom said it really clarified some stuff for her. You can see the trailer or buy the DVD here:

Thanks Amy! Will check it out ASAP :)

Hope everyone is doing good. I'm feeling love :)lol: I just came back from watching Robert Downey Jr...another :wub: so maybe that is a different kind of L.O.V.E. lol).
But no, I'm feeling really positive tonight, like I had one of those moments where you're like, wow, life is just beautiful. Like, my mind was just blank and I just breathed in the cold night air, and it was just so fresh, I felt like it filled me with all this positivity.

So yeah, I just wanna spread L.O.V.E. and :hug: to all of you (incase this positivity disappears anytime soon)

Oh I know the feeling. :) Sometimes a great uplifting movie will do that to you ;) Thanks for spreading the L.O.V.E! Right back at ya ;)

In another part of the dream I saw Michael in Hollywood. I think I vaguely recognized it as being in front of the Chinese Grauman's Theater. People were standing around him, including Prince (Artist Formerly Known As). The people lifted up one of the concrete tiles on the ground, so now there was a hole there. Then they shoved Michael into the hole and put the tile back on top of him, trapping him inside. It was awful. :(

Damn, sorry you had such a horrible dream, girl :(

I slept soooo long today. I'm really not feeling good. Think I'm fighting a mean virus or something.

Aww, hope you're doing better today, mjbunny! Here's a hug for you :hug: Take care and get well soon!

I just read about the experiences of mjbunny and tinkerbell, the "bug" thing. I have felt someone touch my hair too, but more recently, I felt someone touch under my eye/eyelashes, as if to wipe away invisible tears.

Oh that's a beautiful image :)

I've had that feeling too. Not while meditating though... just, randomly.

Much :heart: everyone.
Hi everybody. Awww, I love that pic, Mrs Music. I always loved that part of Scream. Think I'll put that on my desktop. Or better... print it out.

Tinkerbell, darlingdear, Mrs Music, Kira (and sorry if I'm forgetting someone), I love that we've all felt someone touching our hair or head or face! Interesting! :angel:

I had a weird night last night. It was very early this morning and I still couldn't sleep and hubby had a stupid early shift. I'd been listening to John Denver & Michael (both great people who wanted to heal the world and who left us and their young kids far too early) and I felt really sad, like this stabbing through the soul last night, mostly thinking about 2010 coming up without MJ. Just... man, it sucked. I went to bed and decided to just lie there and talk to Michael outloud instead of in my mind like usual. After a while I felt some of the presence/warmth sensation on my arm and in the usual shoulder area, but just slightly, so I don't know if I imagined it or not. I stopped crying then and finally went to sleep.

Then I had dreams about Michael all morning. At one point I woke up and could have sworn that maybe I'd seen him in a dream, but I couldn't remember! Later I dreamt that we fans had a hangout with couches and beds to chill on, lol. It was like the forum was a physical place. I tried to sleep there, but then I suddenly was hearing my own thoughts in my voice in my right ear, like I was talking into my own ear. I thought, "Whoa! I need to just switch this to Michael now while this ability is working!" And I started called for Michael and then I heard his voice say like one word (can't remember what!), but then someone on a couch nearby started talking with me about Moonwalker and ruined my opportunity to talk with MJ! Agh! lol The next dream had me going someplace with my husband and we went by an Egyptian-themed cemetery that "Michael liked" and then shopping for coats. In one shop I saw little packs of stickers for Christmas and in the packages there was a mixture of Christmas tree, angel, star, ornament shaped stickers... and little MJ-shaped stickers, lol. Like MJ on his toes, in the Moonwalker pose, etc. It was "Christmas & Michael Jackson". :D

Oh, Amygrace, later tonight I'm going to try to watch some of that channeling movie you gave us the link to. Just btw.

Tinkerbell, darlingdear, Mrs Music, Kira (and sorry if I'm forgetting someone), I love that we've all felt someone touching our hair or head or face! Interesting! :angel:

I had a weird night last night. It was very early this morning and I still couldn't sleep and hubby had a stupid early shift. I'd been listening to John Denver & Michael (both great people who wanted to heal the world and who left us and their young kids far too early) and I felt really sad, like this stabbing through the soul last night, mostly thinking about 2010 coming up without MJ. Just... man, it sucked. I went to bed and decided to just lie there and talk to Michael outloud instead of in my mind like usual. After a while I felt some of the presence/warmth sensation on my arm and in the usual shoulder area, but just slightly, so I don't know if I imagined it or not. I stopped crying then and finally went to sleep.

Then I had dreams about Michael all morning. At one point I woke up and could have sworn that maybe I'd seen him in a dream, but I couldn't remember! Later I dreamt that we fans had a hangout with couches and beds to chill on, lol. It was like the forum was a physical place. I tried to sleep there, but then I suddenly was hearing my own thoughts in my voice in my right ear, like I was talking into my own ear. I thought, "Whoa! I need to just switch this to Michael now while this ability is working!" And I started called for Michael and then I heard his voice say like one word (can't remember what!), but then someone on a couch nearby started talking with me about Moonwalker and ruined my opportunity to talk with MJ! Agh! lol The next dream had me going someplace with my husband and we went by an Egyptian-themed cemetery that "Michael liked" and then shopping for coats. In one shop I saw little packs of stickers for Christmas and in the packages there was a mixture of Christmas tree, angel, star, ornament shaped stickers... and little MJ-shaped stickers, lol. Like MJ on his toes, in the Moonwalker pose, etc. It was "Christmas & Michael Jackson". :D

:hug: to you.

I'm not really looking forward to the new year, I don't anyway, I hate change, but this year, without Michael :(
Sometimes I like to talk outloud to Michael, but only when I'm pretty much alone, otherwise my parents might think I'm a lil crazy :lol:
Maybe that warm sensation was Michael, just coming in to comfort you. :angel:

baha, imagine (that place where you said it's like the forum is a physical place), if that's where our higher selves go off and hang on whilst we're asleep. That would be so funny :lol:

I keep seeing the number 13 everywhere still. I went online today, 13 people online, I left last night with 313 posts (but I had to post one more, cos I didn't want anything unlucky to happen lol). Also the number 6 has been coming up frequently, but like with another number so like 26, 36 etc. I dunno quite what to make of that. Obv I know what the 13 means, thanks again amy for that info :)
That picture is so beautiful !! I LOVE it ! I wonder if Michael ever did meditate?

I think he did. Well, the caption for that photo in the Opus says he's meditating in that picture.

I'm getting really frustrated with meditating. It's not working for me. :( I asked Michael for help. I don't know why I think he can help. Although I'm not sure what I want to get out of it. I want to see the grassy field that others mentioned. I've never seen it in dreams or meditating. Getting kind of discouraged I guess. :(
I think he did. Well, the caption for that photo in the Opus says he's meditating in that picture.

I'm getting really frustrated with meditating. It's not working for me. :( I asked Michael for help. I don't know why I think he can help. Although I'm not sure what I want to get out of it. I want to see the grassy field that others mentioned. I've never seen it in dreams or meditating. Getting kind of discouraged I guess. :(

:hug: Don't get discouraged my love.
I always think it never works cos I never see the grassy fields that peeps talk about, or other things lol. I mean Mrs.Music's meditation thing a few pages ago about the dancing with Michael, that blew my mind. I was like :eek: I never have that.
But if you just start off with a small target, with like perhaps just letting your mind wander a bit, see what happens. Then it might build up. I always think the more I want something to happen, the more it never happens. The more I say to myself come on let me see something, I think that just puts a block up, if that makes sense?

Just keep on trying, it will work out for you :)
The only things I see are weird shapes, the colour white. The only major thing that's happened to me was that face during the group meditation and that was a complete shock cos that had never happened before. But since then it's back to white and flashes.

So yeah, what I'm trying to say here is keep trying, you will get there :)
Just keep positive.
Yeah, that's the same kind of advice I would give you. And just let go of your expectations. Don't try to go anywhere specifically, especially when you're fairly new to it. Don't expect what you'll see, that you'll see anything, who'll you meet or that you'll meet anyone. You have to let it happen... and expectation usually results in the need to control it instead of letting it flow. Just let it happen. Follow your mind where it goes.

Honestly, the best place to start is right where you always read it is... to begin work on letting your mind become blank, or rather soft-focusing on something (since it never really is blank). Pick a phrase to say over and over or a particular simple image (an apple, the Earth from space, a cup of tea, anything). Try to hold this as long as you can ... 2 minutes, 5 minutes... and onward.

Excellent practice for visualization is to relax for a few minutes, follow your breathing (in/out, etc) and then as vividly as you possibly can, try to imagine getting up from your chair/bed/etc and walking across the room, maybe looking out your window, going into your kitchen. Feel the floor under your feet, see any pictures on the walls, try to see as much detail (stuff sitting on your desk, the curtains on the windows, etc) as you can in your mind. Be slow, be detailed. What do you see? Or do this with the place you work, a house you used to live in, any place you know well. It helps your mind get better at having 'visual' meditation experiences. It's virtually never going to be "real" like in movies when they show someone having a vision and reality disappears with some totally real scene replacing it. If it happens, hey, great, but for most people it's more fleeting, like a strong memory, drifting images that come in and out of your awareness along with things you just know or sense.
Sorry to keep bombarding this thread :lol:
I just went into Michael Jackson Discussion and there were 26 people viewing the thread. The last time I looked at the clock it was 21:26. I just looked again and it was :56. Now I dunno whether it's the number 26 that keeps coming up or whether it's just 6. Confusion. I can't find any info online which tells me what this could mean, just a load of stuff about how many times in the bible 26 is used etc.
I just wanna know if it's anything in connection with me seeing the number 13...

L.O.V.E. :heart:
^ And for the '11' people... we're on page 211 ;) (Well, maybe this post will end up on page 212, lol.
Yeah, you guys are probably right. I'm probably forcing it too much. I used to see some vague images, but now I see practically nothing. Just got to let my mind go where it takes me. :)

I'm still being "hunted down" lol by 11s and 4s. darlingdear, 13+13=26 so there could be something to that, just like 44 can be broken down into 1111. Waiting for something exciting to happen from these numbers...
I'm still being "hunted down" lol by 11s and 4s. darlingdear, 13+13=26 so there could be something to that, just like 44 can be broken down into 1111. Waiting for something exciting to happen from these numbers...

Oo yeah, I didn't think of it that way. So yeah maybe there is a possible connection to the 13s and the 26? hmm, interesting stuff all these numbers.
I'm missing Michael so much.

I hope the meditations and dreams are HIM.

P.S. Not meaning to complain but I feel so left out here. :(
I tried meditating for the first time last night just visualising something simple and trying to focus on it in was quite hard but I am going to keep trying.
It took me ages to get to sleep though whatever I did i couldnt turn of my mind
Aw, DanceOfZenab. :hug:

I'm still noticing the 1's everywhere. :lol: Last night I checked my phone before I went to bed, and when the screen came on, the time was 01:11. :)

Hugs to everyone. :huggy:
^ I hope so too. I feel so.

Well, I never did get to the channeling vids (amygrace's links). Maybe tomorrow. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm feeling kind of shocked at how emotional I've been the last couple of days :cry: I guess it's the new year and such. And so much that keeps getting choked up from the depths that's still processing on some level. I need to calm the heck down and go to bed, since it's almost 6am (good grief...:rolleyes2:)

Had a sudden inspiration with the meditation pic and the gold light from dreams and meditations ... see new siggy. It's a meditation motivator siggy now ;) :pray: :angel: Goodnight everyone. May we all see MJ tonight in our dreams... *please*
Hey guys! I've been pretty busy today with work...a bit behind in here! I haven't even had the chance to watch the vids that I linked you all to earlier. Has anyone watched the whole movie yet? I'm hoping to get to it tomorrow!

Meanwhile, still nothing neat to report here. Still off my game with the spiritual realm lately. Hope everyone is doing well! xxo

I'd been listening to John Denver & Michael (both great people who wanted to heal the world and who left us and their young kids far too early)
Just wanted to quote this 'cause I love John Denver.
OK so, I got a crystal book for Christmas. It has crystal tips, cures, and that sort of thing in it. I am reading it and it's really interesting. So anyway, for those of you who believe in this stuff or open minded..I thought I'd post this message about crystals that help with DREAMS. I'm a Christian, but very open minded:)... so here goes. First thing I thought about when I opened this book was Michael and you guys. Hope it helps!:angel:

JADE- place jade under your pillow to promote dreaming and dream recall.

MALACHITE- Put malachite next to your bed to give you intuition for interpreting your dreams when you wake.

MORGANITE- Place morganite under your pillow to allow your dreams to show you your life from new angles. (can also meditate with this stone to help find peace within and through the wisdom of your spirit guides.)

CAVANSITE- Set cavansite next to yoru bed at night to help you gain insite from your dreams.

KYANITE- place kyanite under your pillow to enhance dream recall and interpretation.

CELESTITE- put celestite next to your bed to promote dreaming, chase away nightmares and help dream recall.

SPIRIT QUARTZ- place spirit quartz next to your bed to enhance dreams. (also hold it to release emotion, lift yoru energy, and for comfort if you feel lonely. Also improves yoru ESP)

RHYOLITE- put rhyolite under your pillow to bring the past into your dreams.

SMOKEY QUARTZ- place smokey quartz by your bed to enhance dream interpretation.

So these are a few and they also look beautiful. You are supposed to chose what stone is right for you. The book I have is called, "The Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures". It's filled with birthstones, zodiac info, meditation stuff, and all kinds! The pics are cool too. They help you identify stones by color, and what element they are in etc. For those of you who are into this stuff, you should order it!:) I haven't got any stones or crystals yet, but will try it out soon! Sorry for the long post.:cheeky:

If any of you have questions about stones or whatever, PM or reply to this message.:cheeky:
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I tried meditating last night but it didn't happen. I also had doubts if what we see if meditation is real or just our minds.
:D Wow. Me too! As my sister might say, "Yay! Another nerd for the John Denver sing-a-long!" My mother is a huge fan, so I grew up with his music (and I lived in Colorado -- so go figure). My grandparents and JD's aunt & uncle peformed together in church musicals in Kansas... another cool connection. I saw him in concert when I was 5 years old (at the same arena I later saw Michael), but I only remember being impressed at how huge the balcony was, lolol :lol:
Well how cool...John Denver ftw! :D I never got to see him in concert...but, seeing my Dad perform now is like going to a John Denver concert. haha. He often plays with the original members of John Denvers band...and actually last year he played at Red Rocks in Colorado with them for a whole tribute show. It was sooo awesome...sold out the place. We're going again this year.

I was thinking last night that his music was linked to my soul as a child somehow. It meant something so deep, something that adults never would believe a kid could feel. Especially 'Sweet Surrender'. I was hooked on that song because I felt I'd been inexplicably alive for thousands of years and had come to this life with a mission; one that wouldn't be easy, but this song made me feel I could do it.
Oh 'Sweet Surrender' is such a good song...I know exactly what you mean about the feeling of being alive for thousands of years and coming to this life with a mission...some songs really stir up that deep emotion and kind of "soul memory"'s amazing. I felt the same way when I was little...only for me it was listening to "Come and Let Me Look In Your Eyes".

I realized last night that when I found MJ in '84 it was like I got handed off to him from JD in a way, lol.
I had an experience with him, too. About two weeks after he died (Oct 1997) I was listening to my fav album (An Evening with John Denver) and I got a wave of emotion and thanked him for writing such wonderful music that had meant so much to me. I then felt this big wave... whooosh.... come over me.... wow.... that was like a giant "thank you" from above. I never felt the need to contact him again, but who knows about the future. I think it's "far out" that your dad has :)
Aw...I love that.
EDIT: love your new siggy btw! :angel:

cyberjackson said:
OK so, I got a crystal book for Christmas. It has crystal tips, cures, and that sort of thing in it. I am reading it and it's really interesting. So anyway, for those of you who believe in this stuff or open minded..I thought I'd post this message about crystals that help with DREAMS. I'm a Christian, but very open minded:)... so here goes. First thing I thought about when I opened this book was Michael and you guys. Hope it helps!:angel:
OoO...thanks for the info! I'm really into crystals myself...mostly for their healing powers. I haven't really thought much about using them for dreams...looking at this list I'm really interested to see the effect some will have... time to go to the crystal shop!

DanceOfZenab1994 said:
I tried meditating last night but it didn't happen. I also had doubts if what we see if meditation is real or just our minds.
That's perfectly normal. Just trust yourself...keep going, and the more you go along the easier it will be to differentiate between your own thoughts and that of "divine visions".
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That's perfectly normal. Just trust yourself...keep going, and the more you go along the easier it will be to differentiate between your own thoughts and that of "divine visions".

I see things, like little pictures in a black background. I just don't know if it's my mind going crazy or really something from above. :( I saw Michael's face the other day.
Had a sudden inspiration with the meditation pic and the gold light from dreams and meditations ... see new siggy. It's a meditation motivator siggy now ;) :pray: :angel: Goodnight everyone. May we all see MJ tonight in our dreams... *please*

Love, love your new siggy! Such a beautiful and peaceful picture. And yes, fits perfectly with the Major Love Prayer ;)

In one shop I saw little packs of stickers for Christmas and in the packages there was a mixture of Christmas tree, angel, star, ornament shaped stickers... and little MJ-shaped stickers, lol. Like MJ on his toes, in the Moonwalker pose, etc. It was "Christmas & Michael Jackson". :D

Haha, that's sweet :) Thanks for sharing, girl ;) Love the idea of this forum as a physical place too :D

Well guess what, I dreamt about Michael too this morning! :) I should have written everything down soon after cause I think I've already forgotten quite a few things... But here's what I remember:

I was inside Neverland among a big group of people. Among all these people were members of Michael's family. I especially remember seeing Joe (very clearly) and Tito. Everyone was listening quietly to someone (I never got to see who that someone was), who might have been sitting on a throne (?!). So I don't know, maybe they were listening to Michael? All I remember is that all these people were gathered around someone and listening to him/her almost religiously in this big room at Neverland. Then I started crying, I think I was saying something like "Oh, Michael" while crying and then I woke up, kinda crying too I think...

I really should have written down everything as soon as I woke up... It was pretty intense, with the crying & everything...

I'm missing Michael so much.

I hope the meditations and dreams are HIM.

P.S. Not meaning to complain but I feel so left out here. :(

Aww DanceOfZenab, don't feel left out :hug: As long as you feel in your heart that it is Michael and it's bringing you some comfort then tell yourself that it is Michael. We can never know for sure unfortunately. :hug:

OK so, I got a crystal book for Christmas. It has crystal tips, cures, and that sort of thing in it. I am reading it and it's really interesting. So anyway, for those of you who believe in this stuff or open minded..I thought I'd post this message about crystals that help with DREAMS. I'm a Christian, but very open minded:)... so here goes. First thing I thought about when I opened this book was Michael and you guys. Hope it helps!:angel:

Interesting! Thanks girl for all the info! :)

Well how cool...John Denver ftw! :D I never got to see him in concert...but, seeing my Dad perform now is like going to a John Denver concert. haha. He often plays with the original members of John Denvers band...and actually last year he played at Red Rocks in Colorado with them for a whole tribute show. It was sooo awesome...sold out the place. We're going again this year.

Wow, that's so cool, Amy!! You must be so proud of your dad :) I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know any John Denver songs :ermm: Probably 'cause he's not very well-known here in France... But what you girls said about him got me interested and I will go & check out his music ;)
Wow, that's so cool, Amy!! You must be so proud of your dad :) I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know any John Denver songs :ermm: Probably 'cause he's not very well-known here in France... But what you girls said about him got me interested and I will go & check out his music ;)
I'd definitely recommend John Denver...his music is a lot like Michael to me, only a totally different genre.
Look what I found:

So many throughout the world are in mourning the loss of the spiritually-gifted musical artist, entertainer and humanitarian, Michael Jackson. His extraordinary career, angelic voice and legacy, attempted to move the world in harmony for so many years. With his deep interest in world peace and unity, he embodied the human spirit of greatness. All over the world, across all continents and across all boundaries of race and prejudice, Michael Jackson was that bridge that aimed to unite all of humanity.

Spiritually, as human beings, it is understood that we are responsive, sentient and sentimental. We have certain feelings that accompany the loss of a loved one that we call grief and mourning. Because we are psychologically attached to another within our hearts and minds, there is the pain that is formed from the detachment of their passing.

When someone moves on to physical death, initially there is a certain shock and disbelief of what has happened. There may be a tremendous sense of doubt and uncertainty that is rather overwhelming in facing what has happened. The denial of this shocking event is to be realized and not merely analyzed. We must learn to feel what is taking place within us without the slightest intent of changing or escaping the sorrow. Only then such emotional pain can dissolve without leaving any emotional scars.

Psychologically, there are various ways to cope with such an event, but to cope is not compassion. Coping is a subtle form of managing the hurt instead of understanding its sting. When there is mere coping, we may feel a sense of relief that accompanies all the heartache and discontentment without resolution. But it is compassion that brings wholeness and health.

Spiritually, in such an event in ones life, it is an opportune time to discover so much about oneself. The pain that is created comes not from the person that is gone but from within ones own lack of understanding what death is.

For our own well-being, we must understand the whole coming to terms with such sorrow. Not to accept it but to understand it. We must see how such grief comes into being and what brings it to an end. This means, it is vital to let the whole process of sorrow manifest within us. We must let however we feel be expressed without any intent of accepting, denying or justifying. Let not the slightest desire of moving away from the grief entertain ones thoughts so that there is no escape from the agony. Only then will you discover the total freedom from the depths of sorrow.

The tragedy and the loss have to be understood in its fullest expression. Usually, talking with others who have gone through the same thing may offer a certain comfort. But comfort is but a temporary solution and not the understanding that frees the mind of all such suffering.

In spirituality, it is suggested that we express ourselves however we feel is necessary. Whether it is to be still, cry or scream. Their may be feelings of guilt and anger associated with the other person that may become a part of our dismay that compels us. With all the various things that arise within us, we must listen and fully experience the pain, sorrow and heartbreak.

As death is a part of life, there is nothing to accept or deny. It is a fact of life. Understand, we may grieve but we may not grieve forever. We may cry and even weep. But, knowing the root of such pain losses its hold on us as a thing that is really momentary. There is a certain freedom in understanding as long as we see that all things are temporary.

Spiritually, we discover the importance of letting such feelings flow naturally and effortlessly. We learn the meaning of letting the anguish and the sorrow surface in its entirety so the pain may be understood in full. Through such understanding, the sorrow and the grief is extinguished and not suppressed in the unconscious. In truth, we are healed knowing that this too shall pass.

So, when we are completely free of all sorrow, we can live instead of just existing. In this intelligence, there is spiritual aliveness in which we discover we are beyond all sorrow and death. Seeing the truth of this, we become one with the earth and the whole universe. When the root of sorrow ends, we are filled with this universal love and joy beyond the heavens.
I see 3 very often , so what does it mean ? I haven't had any MJ dreams lately :( .. But I had a dream where me and my friends were at this huuuuge place and had a Super Soaker fight . It was fun :D