Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Welcome to all those new to this thread :) welcome to the spiritual family. Nice to have you here. Feel free to share any experiences cos I do love to read 'em :D

I just scanned through the posts, it's quite late here :lol: I can't sleep. But I hope everyone is doin' good.
Nothing really to report in the way of spiritual things, sadly.

Although the number 13 has been coming up an awful lot recently, if someone could tell me what this means in numerology, then it would be appreciated :) (I hate the number 13, I am very superstitious so I hope it's nothing, you know, unlucky or something...)

L.O.V.E. to all
:heart: :heart: :heart:
Feeling a bit better on mood and energy finally. I dreamed about Michael last night. :D It wasn't very vivid, but it was kinda fun. Here's how it went

I was watching an old black and white movie with bloopers between these two ladies. Then I was in the movie, but I was at an old train station. Michael was there with some woman. He was wearing his fedora, but I couldn't tell what else he was wearing. They wanted me not to come because it was too dangerous. This crazy man was trying to kill them. But I went with them anyway. We maneuvered around the train station. Trains went by kicking up dust. The man had a gun and was pointing it at us. Then a little bit later we came across the guy again. He had tied himself to a pole and had a bomb strapped to his waist. Michael and the woman ushered me to run because the bomb could explode at any second. Then in a separate part of the dream, Michael seemed to be a spirit and he was allowed to see Katherine, his mother. It was like he wasn't allowed to see her until that moment. Katherine was holding a baby. It was Michael's new baby sister, so he went up to see her.

Then I woke up with Smooth Criminal in my head
Although the number 13 has been coming up an awful lot recently, if someone could tell me what this means in numerology, then it would be appreciated :)
Well, 13 could mean a 4 (1+3)...but I think if the message was 4 you would be seeing 4's. So I looked up 13 and for that I got "These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path." - meaning YES to something you've been thinking about or asking. Don't know if that applies to you or not.

Elise - dang, action packed dream!
Oh, speaking of numerology. I still see the 11s, but now I've been seeing 4s a lot too. I've seen 4:44 when I looked at the time a couple of times. I've heard that seeing 4s means being surrounded by angels. Wow. Feels like crazy things have been happening lately. :mello:
try listening to someone in the dark with the lights off and your eyes closed. I just had a really emotional experience :cry:
These numbers you guys are talking about : how do you notice them? *confused*

Is it like the posts or when you log on here or when you randomly see any number or time? :S
These numbers you guys are talking about : how do you notice them? *confused*

Is it like the posts or when you log on here or when you randomly see any number or time? :S

For me, it's just completely random. Like, one of my posts will be posted on 1:11 or when I just happen to glance at the clock and it'll say 11:11. Even one my cinema tickets was printed at 1:11. :lol: So yeah, it's just anywhere really, and usually when I don't expect it. :lol: For me, I'm still seeing 1's a lot, but 2's as well.

Also, welcome to the thread, badtourgirl. :flowers:
For me, it's just completely random. Like, one of my posts will be posted on 1:11 or when I just happen to glance at the clock and it'll say 11:11. Even one my cinema tickets was printed at 1:11. :lol: So yeah, it's just anywhere really, and usually when I don't expect it. :lol: For me, I'm still seeing 1's a lot, but 2's as well.

Also, welcome to the thread, badtourgirl. :flowers:
Hey, speaking of numbers...I've got 1.111 posts now! :lmao:
(Ah well, 1.112 as I type this, but ya know what I mean.)

Anyway...don't notice numbers so much yet. Although I have this crazy thing for, I can't stand certain numbers or combination of numbers 'cuz I think they're not looking neat or anything...hehe, crazy shit.
I have a lot of these 'neat' tics (don't know how u call 'em) actually...I'm such a control freak.

Had a dream tonight...can't remember it had a story though, but just saw Michael sleeping in bed.
Really cute...can still picture very vividly how he looked. Bluh, miss him.
Well, 13 could mean a 4 (1+3)...but I think if the message was 4 you would be seeing 4's. So I looked up 13 and for that I got "These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path." - meaning YES to something you've been thinking about or asking. Don't know if that applies to you or not.

Oh thanks for this, amy :)
Hmmm, I have been asking if Michael's been getting our messages maybe it means that? It's the only thing I can think of right now...

CaptainEoLove85 - Cool dream.

DanceOfZenab1994 - I just find them randomly, like when I look at the clock it's always on the 13th minute etc.

MJstarlight - :cry: :hug: to you. I do love that song.

Hope you are all doing good. I'm feeling a little bit blah today. I guess cos Christmas is over for another year etc.etc.

:heart: :heart: :heart:
I'm sure he does, tink. Don't worry :)

Have you seen that face anymore? I was going to sleep last night and I kept seeing like eyes and sometimes faces, but not as clear as that face we got :(
I meditated a few days ago and was asking for the face to show up .. But it didn't.. So , no , i haven't seen the face anymore ... I really want to know who that was, and why it showed up , etc..,
I meditated a few days ago and was asking for the face to show up .. But it didn't.. So , no , i haven't seen the face anymore ... I really want to know who that was, and why it showed up , etc..,

Yeah I asked for the face too a few days ago, but nada :(
Oh well, maybe if we do that group meditation thing they will appear again or something. Otherwise it remains a mystery :lol:
Just dropping by to say Hello :ciao: and sending my LOVE to you :hug: :huggy:

I didn't have any MJ expierences so far and I'm currently working on improving my meditation (thanks to YouTube! YAY :D)
DanceofZenab1994 said:
These numbers you guys are talking about : how do you notice them? *confused*
Like Louise's just random stuff, when you're out and about, or when you look at the clock, or license plates or ANYTHING really...sometimes the same numbers will keep showing up for you. If this happens and you notice it, usually it's for a reason. ;) With numerology you don't go LOOKING for signs or try to put a meaning on all numbers you's just a matter of "coincidence" when you happen to find yourself seeing the same numbers often. I remember when I first started noticing numerology - it was about 2 years ago...and the number 2 kept coming up for me in the way of all my appointments/meetings with friends kept getting scheduled at 2pm. I even had some appointments that were scheduled at another time and then at the last minute they rescheduled for 2. I was like...what's with all these 2's?? lol.

darlingdear said:
I have been asking if Michael's been getting our messages maybe it means that?
Well that's it then! I definitely think that was your answer. :angel:

Hope you all are doing good. Nothing nice to report here. Enjoying reading everyone else's experiences as always though...whether big or small. Much love~
Hey FunkeyJay! Good to see you in the thread! :hug: :heart:

Thank you :huggy: :heart:
I always read here, I just love the thread, amazing expierences and some comments are priceless, crack me up everytime ("psychic download" by Amygrace e.g.) :D
Thanks you everyone for welcoming me with open arms.

I love reading all your post. The sincerity and the non-judgemental I feel in here is wonderful - it makes me feel like I can open up and explore this side without reservation.

Thanks guys... enjoy the rest of the holidays.
Oh just read your post by now, welcome girl! :hug:
Guys last time I was meditating I saw Michael's face very clearly.

What does it mean?
Something interesting happened last night. I was praying to God and Michael before I went to sleep like I usually do. I also pray for Michael's children and this time I said in my mind for them to be protected by angels, and right after I thought that, I saw a flash of white light off to the left. It surprised me and was pretty amazing.
I just meditated cos I felt a bit :(
Probably not the best emotion to have when wanting to meditate but I just thought I'd give it a go.
It was nice though. I thanked the angels for giving Michael our messages (going by the number 13 that keeps cropping up) and said I hope he is okay.
As I had my eyes shut, when I said to my higher self and the other spirits I'm ready to hear you now (cos I had been talking a loooot to them :lol:) suddenly there everything turned white and kept pulsating, if that makes sense. I can't think how else to describe it. I thought I saw faces, so I asked if they could make them clearer for me, but alas, I guess I need to focus more on asking them to make it clearer (I dunno if that's how it works lol).

I'm gonna try meditating before I go to sleep tonight, cos I like to talk to Michael, my grandmother and anyone else who is listening :lol:
Something interesting happened last night. I was praying to God and Michael before I went to sleep like I usually do. I also pray for Michael's children and this time I said in my mind for them to be protected by angels, and right after I thought that, I saw a flash of white light off to the left. It surprised me and was pretty amazing.

Wow! The part of the white light sounds interesting! It was totally dark in your room? I mean , there's no possibility that the light came from the outside?
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Yes, completely dark.

Ok , so here's what I 've found about that : "Such an experience is said to be the partial glimpse of a good spirit or soul due to the third eye attempting to break through the ether to respond to it's communication with you".

Maybe it was Michael´s way to renpond to your pray :)
Ok, I was gone all day yesterday and not feeling so great today, so am finally online now at 3:30am, lol. But after reading darlingdear's '13' post and then CaptainEOLove's dream, I couldn't keep reading. Because...

First, the night before last I dreamt I was in a weird crumbling house and got a phone call telling me the new car I'd ordered would be available on February 13th. (In reality there is no 'new car' reference in any way, so it makes no sense.) I just found it curious to get a date in a dream like that. And then read someone else has been seeing "13"...

Then THIS morning (Sunday) I woke up suddenly around 9-10 am and realized my husband had also just awakened. In my half-asleep state I heard someone in a dream say, "You all just got the Christmas message from Michael! Everyone just woke up after receiving it!" This made total sense to me at the time. I thought that all MJ fans that had been sleeping at the moment must've awakened. Wonder if it's true ;)

But then, I fell back to sleep and had a really bad dream (you've been warned -- sorry) that just went on and on. Someone was trying to kill me and not just me, but other fans and people in MJ's family. :eek: It was like a big organized group, like organized crime or terrorists. At one point I was in a grocery store and let some kids eat some of my birthday cake (my birthday is close to Feb 13th, so that's two nights now dreaming about that timeframe) and some guys showed up, like hunting me. I couldn't figure out how they'd found me. Later I was in a very fancy hotel suite with my sister, my husband and some kids, including one incredibly adorable little girl about 6 years old with long brown curls. We were hiding out there, trying to warn other fans via Twitter & forums. Then many men showed up with guns and set off a b*mb or set the hotel on fire to try to flush us out so they could shoot us. It reminded me a lot of the Mumbai hotel attacks last year. It was so terrible. We were on about the 4th floor, too high to jump and there was no escape. I peeked down the hallway and I could see fire starting to drop from the ceiling near the elevators. We knew that as soon as we left the rooms they'd get us. I think we had to leave eventually and I got shot several times out on a sidewalk :( Highly creepy. Haven't watched movies about shooting at all lately (just been watching cutesy Christmas movies & musicals), so WTF???

Sorry to creep everyone out! :mello: CaptainEOLove dreaming about a similar theme is what creeped me out the most! Ok, now going on to read the rest of page 207 through 208...
Ok, I was gone all day yesterday and not feeling so great today, so am finally online now at 3:30am, lol. But after reading darlingdear's '13' post and then CaptainEOLove's dream, I couldn't keep reading. Because...

First, the night before last I dreamt I was in a weird crumbling house and got a phone call telling me the new car I'd ordered would be available on February 13th. (In reality there is no 'new car' reference in any way, so it makes no sense.) I just found it curious to get a date in a dream like that. And then read someone else has been seeing "13"...

Then THIS morning (Sunday) I woke up suddenly around 9-10 am and realized my husband had also just awakened. In my half-asleep state I heard someone in a dream say, "You all just got the Christmas message from Michael! Everyone just woke up after receiving it!" This made total sense to me at the time. I thought that all MJ fans that had been sleeping at the moment must've awakened. Wonder if it's true ;)

But then, I fell back to sleep and had a really bad dream (you've been warned -- sorry) that just went on and on. Someone was trying to kill me and not just me, but other fans and people in MJ's family. :eek: It was like a big organized group, like organized crime or terrorists. At one point I was in a grocery store and let some kids eat some of my birthday cake (my birthday is close to Feb 13th, so that's two nights now dreaming about that timeframe) and some guys showed up, like hunting me. I couldn't figure out how they'd found me. Later I was in a very fancy hotel suite with my sister, my husband and some kids, including one incredibly adorable little girl about 6 years old with long brown curls. We were hiding out there, trying to warn other fans via Twitter & forums. Then many men showed up with guns and set off a b*mb or set the hotel on fire to try to flush us out so they could shoot us. It reminded me a lot of the Mumbai hotel attacks last year. It was so terrible. We were on about the 4th floor, too high to jump and there was no escape. I peeked down the hallway and I could see fire starting to drop from the ceiling near the elevators. We knew that as soon as we left the rooms they'd get us. I think we had to leave eventually and I got shot several times out on a sidewalk :( Highly creepy. Haven't watched movies about shooting at all lately (just been watching cutesy Christmas movies & musicals), so WTF???

Sorry to creep everyone out! :mello: CaptainEOLove dreaming about a similar theme is what creeped me out the most! Ok, now going on to read the rest of page 207 through 208...

That dream does sound scary. My dream actually wasn't that scary, but the guy from my dream seemed really nuts. It felt like I was in an old western. Made me think of Smooth Criminal I guess, which originally Michael wanted to do as a western.

Interesting you dreamed about a killer too also with a bomb.