Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I felt the same thing.
I also had a hard time focusing too in the beginning, maybe because of my family downstairs being noisy.

I just sent my love out to Michael, his children, and the beautiful people I've met both through MJJC and other places that I never would have known if it weren't for Michael.
I also gave a minute to send my thoughts to all the children without a home or a family to celebrate the holidays with.

I don't usually say anything out loud, but I said "I love you. Thank you" out loud and I felt goosebumps all over my body. As soon as I started to cry, something fell off of the dresser on the far end of the room and I swear I nearly fainted it scared me so badly, haha! But it was weird, because my immediate reaction was to laugh.

I just went back downstairs with a smile on my face.

Love to you guys, I hope you are all having a lovely Christmas! :heart:

I have a few things to share in this thread, so I'll be back later!

Aww and LOL at your little experience!

I don't usually say anything out loud, but I said "I love you. Thank you" out loud and I felt goosebumps all over my body.
As soon as I started to cry, something fell off of the dresser on the far end of the room and I swear I nearly fainted it scared me so badly, haha!
That's so cool :angel:
the only thing that was weird was in the first couple minutes I had a shooting pain go through my head...on my right temple. Don't know what that was about.

Yeah that just reminded me, I had this major throbbing sensation around my forehead, third eye area. It came and now I'm done, it's gone.
That was nice. :) I prayed for a couple minutes. The skies are gray here but I noticed the trees started moving a bit when I looked outside. I closed my eyes and started praying. I felt a intense calm feeling come over me. I hope Michael felt the positive energy that we sent him and he knows that he is loved!
I did the prayer for about 10 minutes...imagining every soul and cell in every physical body, including animals, be filled with love and light energy...and I imagined this "netting" little strings of energy that came out of everyone and touched one we were all connected. Then I asked that we could all on some level feel this love and be healed. After I worked on the entire planet I spent the last couple minutes saying a prayer for Michael and his children. Overall it was really nice :heart:- the only thing that was weird was in the first couple minutes I had a shooting pain go through my head...on my right temple. Don't know what that was about.

I imagined almost the same thing ! I imagined that this huge pink energy net of love would cover our world with warmth and love and happiness .. During the prayer i felt like someone had their hand on the left side my head , and got goosebumps sometimes .. I can't wait for next time :angel: L.O.V.E :heart:
Gee..that was pretty awesome! I really need to focus more though, I'm getting so easily distracted...guess it's just a matter of practice and doing it more often.:scratch:

Anyway, here's what I got tonight...was a pretty WHOA for me, best meditation so far! I got a strange tingling on my face..going from my right eyebrow towards my nose...during the whole meditation and after that it was gone.
I really felt 'alone with Michael' though..that was interesting, 'cuz before it started I was so aware of all the people that were doing the same thing...but then it was like the world got a little blacked out.

Typed it a bit up...thought it was a good idea like some of you did last time. So if anyone wants to read:

First I was only visualizing Michael’s face in front of me, then I felt like...dancing...I saw myself running into a the one in YANA. And there was Michael on stage...with short hair...I walked to him and we slow danced. (Listening to Smile). Then he changed looks, like in Remember The Time (these times were my first MJ experiences) and I saw there was a full crowd storming in the theatre, coming for me. He pushed me forward but still hold my hand, and I looked back to him with fear but he forced so much energy in to me. I just felt I could do it, I can live my dream. (This means SO much to me.)

Then I saw us walking into that green field (which I saw in a dream before!), with some more trees now and a small river going through. We danced again and he turned into Bad-era looks. Then there was a part of Smile where he says ‘through your fear and sorrow’ and than I got this little shocking something shocked me, I literally felt ‘fear’? :mello: And we danced until the end of the song...I felt goosebumps all the time and when I got a bit out of that part I realised I was smiling from ear to ear!

Then Gone Too Soon came on and I felt very much aware of laying in bed, and all of sudden everything started floating. I felt like floating in the sky...a dark sky, like what you see when you look up. It’s something like in Peter Pan...I then saw Michael who jumped on my bed (had that earlier in a dream as well!) and we danced on the bed and he made me laugh....while hearing Gone Too Soon...didn’t know that was possible, LOL! I felt on top of the world and we hugged and he was holding my hand really strong, it felt very, very supportive.:eek:
He faded away as the end of GTS came but with a huge smile like in the video for Childhood...when they fade back with the camera. It was so comforting! It’s the most vivid meditation I got so far...and I didn’t let 1 tear, I only felt VERY emotional but not out of realisation for what happened but just for very strongly ‘feeling’ him.
:heart: I love you guys! So this time for me personally the prayer was like an exercise in what not to do next time, but... every little bit helps :angel: And you're right DanceofZenab, what other artist can get thousands and thousands together like this?

For me I had a really hard time concentrating. Once I finally did I kept getting distracted (reasons below), but I did once again see like pink light energy and little points all over the world glowing. And then later it was like holding hands with everyone and I saw faces from all over the world and everything glowing in pink. Again I got ringing in my ears (not nearly as loud as in November, though) and at a couple of points felt a bit of a presence sensation and like someone was touching my right ear and my face just below my left eye. But this was very subtle. I did it for about 15 minutes. I felt like as a group we all had a problem concentrating, so it didn't really 'start' until 5 minutes or so into it.

My personal problems tonight :lol::
* Phone calls right before left me stressed and unfocused because I didn't get things done
*... therefore we started at the top of the hour when I'd wanted to 5 mins before
* We ate too late, too soon beforehand
* Last month I used Ultimate Om, but my husband wanted MJ music, so this time we played Heal the World, Planet Earth (MJInvincible's remix), We Are the World ... and I found this sooooo distracting. I just can't concentrate with lyrics and rhythm going. Feel, yes, but not concentrate on visualizing things.
* Worst... someone in the building next to us decided at 5 til 11 to turn a video game or movie up FULL BLAST on their stereo speakers, resulting in a horribly intermittent BOOOM- BOOOOM--- KABOOOM --- every few seconds. It's hard to feel love when you want to beat someone with their own speakers, lol. It was horribly distracting and gave me bits of anger throughout and that's not cool. Next time it is headphones for me and I'll sit in the kitchen to get away from that sound if necessary. It's still going... BOOM... RATTLE... BOOM. It's MIDNIGHT and booming. It really ticks me off. God, was that like some kind of challenge from the universe? You want to send out LOVE, so we'll piss you off as much as possible at that time? I'm puzzled as to why someone who hardly ever blasts their stereo would suddenly turn it on late at night, 5 minutes before the prayer. :scratch:

Anyway, I'm feeling annoyed now about the midnight stereo blasting and it's ruining my mood. I don't know how my husband can just ignore it. Wish I could...

Now I REALLY can't wait until January 25th!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
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Tinkerbell2 said:
During the prayer i felt like someone had their hand on the left side my head , and got goosebumps sometimes
Aw, wish I had something like that! I had a nice time visualizing what I did and sendin' the love out...but I still feel rather disconnected. Especially to Michael. I feel like I'm going through a big transition right now though...or rather, a big lump of crap which will be followed by a transition. :p I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to really connect right now either. I gotta just ride the wave, work through some stuff...and see him at the end of it all.

Mrs. Music said:
It’s the most vivid meditation I got so far...and I didn’t let 1 tear, I only felt VERY emotional but not out of realisation for what happened but just for very strongly ‘feeling’ him.
Your meditation sounded wonderful! :wub:

I felt like as a group we all had a problem concentrating, so it didn't really 'start' until 5 minutes or so into it.
Yeah...seems like many had this problem. For the first couple minutes I had a tough time concentrating because my daughter was watching "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" in the next room (we have a very small house so I could hear it even though the volume was low) and the Oompa Loompa's were singing. lol

mjbunny said:
It really ticks me off. God, was that like some kind of challenge from the universe? You want to send out LOVE, so we'll piss you off as much as possible at that time? I'm puzzled as to why someone who hardly ever blasts their stereo would suddenly turn it on late at night, 5 minutes before the prayer. :scratch:
Dang, that sucks. If it's that late over there though...blasting music that loud is like...against the law. At least here, if you blast music after 10pm your neighbors are free to call the cops for a noise problem. So maybe you should tattle on their asses. With love, of course. :lol: Or maybe it IS just a test...and you should just put in some ear plugs, say God Bless em and call it good. haha
You know, it's weird how everyone is saying they found it difficult to keep focus, cause I had the exact same problem tonight. :sigh:
LOL about the Ooompa Loompas. Yeah, that's a distraction. The jerk (whom of course I LOVE ... that was still hard to type, lol) is still boomin. I don't think it's worth calling the cops about really, not unless I want them to come hang out in my messy house to try to convince them of it. I'm pretty sure you can't hear it from the street. I think their speakers are right against my living room wall and so the bass is just... BOOOM, but you can't hear it from the rest of the apartment. Ugh, I should've just gotten up, put my headphones on and gone to the bedroom. :rolleyes2: Agghghghg

I'm happy that so many of you had neat experiences! Thanks for sharing them. I think each time we do this it's a learning experience too, like what it feels like, what helps, what distracts, etc :)

I still have some ringing in my ears that came on during the prayer. :scratch:
You know, it's weird how everyone is saying they found it difficult to keep focus, cause I had the exact same problem tonight. :sigh:
Do you guys suppose it's because of the holiday? I mean, people have family around, noises, distractions or they've been stressed or had disrupted sleep. I know I sure ate too much the past 24 hours, lol. Don't know how that affected it.
Wow, Mrs.Music, your meditation sounds so amazing!!! :wub:

I would agree with everyone here about the concentration thing. I guess mjbunny, you're right, it was probably cos of the holiday period, thinking about stuff, family being loud :lol:

But I still felt satisfied that I sent out the love, the best way I could, even with all the distractions going on :D
And like I said in the previous post somewhere in this thread, I think Michael got my messages last night cos he did come to me in my dream, which I asked him to sooo I'm sure he got everybody's messages of pure love today :)

Roll on Jan 25th, I'm determined to keep improving.

:heart: :angel:
I did the prayer for about 10 minutes...imagining every soul and cell in every physical body, including animals, be filled with love and light energy...and I imagined this "netting" little strings of energy that came out of everyone and touched one we were all connected. Then I asked that we could all on some level feel this love and be healed. After I worked on the entire planet I spent the last couple minutes saying a prayer for Michael and his children. Overall it was really nice :heart:- the only thing that was weird was in the first couple minutes I had a shooting pain go through my head...on my right temple. Don't know what that was about

Wow Amy!

You probably don´t remember me , but a couple months ago , I used to be around in the forum almost every day , then I got busy with the school , and I kind of disappeared.Anyway , Im trying to be back again and I thought this MLP was a great idea , so I decided to do it.
The first minutes were difficult , as others said , I couldnt concentrate, so I put some background music and relax.
Then I tried to visualize some of the members I remembered and you were the first one that poped into my head , seconds after that I felt this annoying pain in my head , it was really strong. At first I thought it was because maybe I was trying to hard to concentrate , but now I read your post and I dont know if this means something , but is at least weird...
Wow... this if my first time coming to this thread – and I am so glad I did. All these experiences and stories be it sad, funny, wonderful are really uplifting to read.

I don’t meditate on regular basis – a few years ago I started doing deep ashtanga yoga followed by mediation... I am not sure I am very good at it but I try. Recently I started reading a book on Buddhism and chanting and really trying to start focusing inward and be more spiritual – which is kind of hard when most of my close friends are not

I would love to hear any insight on how I can continue this journey I would appreciate any info to getting on the right path..

What lead me here this evening was the last 24 hours made for an interesting day for me... Like many others I have been dreading this day not knowing how I would feel... last night I became violently ill... and it came all of a sudden – I don’t need to go into the awful details – but I have not been that uncontrollably sick since I was a kid and there was no warning – I just started sweating with chills and was sick all night – my husband was so worried he was thinking that I might have to go to the hospital... but I made it thought the night and felt pretty retched till about 3PM today... and now I feel much better – and I still don’t know what cause it...

I don’t know how or where that came from... but the timing has me intrigued and had me wanting to get back into meditation

Looking forward to learning and joining in with you guys!
Then I tried to visualize some of the members I remembered and you were the first one that poped into my head , seconds after that I felt this annoying pain in my head , it was really strong. At first I thought it was because maybe I was trying to hard to concentrate , but now I read your post and I dont know if this means something , but is at least weird...
Oh wow Flor! That is very interesting indeed! I wonder if our energies just hit strong at that point or what. Maybe we sent each other a "psychic download" :p

badtourgirl said:
Recently I started reading a book on Buddhism and chanting and really trying to start focusing inward and be more spiritual – which is kind of hard when most of my close friends are not
Welcome to the thread badtourgirl! Sounds like you are in a transitioning period becoming more spiritual. It can be tough when those around you aren't in the same space - but you will find that as you become more spiritual you will start to attract like minded people who will better align with your path. Just keeping going.

badtourgirl said:
I don’t know how or where that came from... but the timing has me intrigued and had me wanting to get back into meditation
Interesting. You were probably releasing some old energies. Just in time for the new year eh - out with the old, in with the new! Glad it's over anyway and that you feel better. Hope to hear more from you!
Welcome to the thread badtourgirl ! :huggy: That's interesting.. But i'm glad you're ok now :). Amy, "psychic download" :lol: :lol:
Welcome, badtourgirl!!! :)

Hope you participate in the next group meditation too, Kira...glad to see you back here posting. :huggy:

Awww thank you so much Amy, means a lot :hug: Yeah I'll definitely do my best to be there!! :)

Here's the poem in the card I sent. Just feel like sharing it:

For Michael, Beautiful Angel
Beautiful Angel,
What joy was ours
To walk the world together,
Knowing you were somewhere here,
To love you, now and ever.

Wonderful Angel,
Your laughter knows
No boundary in my heart,
As if I've known for a thousand years
That in spirit, never to part,

Incredible Angel,
Through all the pain,
Your smile has brightened this Earth,
Your innocence in sparkling eyes -
If all had known the worth!

Magical Angel,
You've changed the world,
By sharing your life and love,
Inspiring millions by word and deed,
Now it's LOVE we all speak of,

Dearest Angel,
We forever love you more,
You have set our souls aglow,
With who you are, not just what you gave,
And I believe that now you know.

Wonderful poem, mjbunny. Thank you you so much for sharing :hug:

Yes that is true... You guys can see my thread about my first MJ dream in July here

But the most important I write in there was this

Me: "But Michael?
Michael: "Yes what?"
Me: "I have something bad news to you"
Michael: "Just tell?..."
Me: "You know that 12 people did suicide, just because of you?:/

Then I could look at him he was about to collapse and say, "What ?..."
He began to sit on the floor and collapse: "I can not believe it"
So, I comforted him and wept himself .. and asked him again: "You dont want this happen right?"
Michael: "No, i do not want believe kill them self because of me ..
Will you please tell people that they should live the good life?
I just want people to be happy in their life and not kill them self because of me ..
They should be happy and smile in their life. Not be worry about me. "

Me: "Of course I will .. I will tell everybody this"
Michael: "Oh thank you so much. I love you"
So I raised him up and gave a hug while I said: "Do not cry .. We & I will be with you"
Michael: "Thanks you so so much to tell this."

Awww :cry: Breaks my heart to imagine how he might have felt... Thanks for sharing your dream, Suzie1.

Again I got ringing in my ears (not nearly as loud as in November, though) and at a couple of points felt a bit of a presence sensation

Same thing for me!! Last month I didn't hear the ringing in my ears but this time I felt my right ear kind of buzzing and yes at various point during the prayer I felt that sensation of presence as well :)

This time I decided to meditate in a completely dark & silent room for about 10 mn. It was pretty intense and the buzzing in my ear as well as what I mentioned above made me feel "connected", both to Michael and to you guys :) So that made me happy. :) Anyway, a wonderful experience once again :)

BTW sorry to hear everything kinda went "wrong" during your prayer, mjbunny!! Must have been quite frustrating indeed! Ha, don't worry, next month will be much better ;)

Love you guys, good night :hug:
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Suzie1, I remember reading your dream. I'm amazed (I don't know why, after all that's happened and all we've written in this thread -- should be expecting this by now ; ) that you both had virtually the same dream. I think there's definitely something to it, yes. Very sad, though :no:

Amy & Flor ... haha, maybe you just banged your heads against each other's :lol: But seriously, kind of weird, yeah. Maybe a spot of energy blockage? I've heard that odd pains like that might be a blockage or something being blasted clear?

Hi badtourgirl! Welcome to our favorite thread on MJJC ;)

Kira, interesting about the ears ringing. A couple of people posted about the same thing (buzzing or ringing) last month in the prayer thread. You know, I have to say that I've never had a issue with tinnitus or anything before (except the occasional weird ear 'tone', like most people get)... that is until July. One night, after I experienced a few unexpected Michael visits in the previous week or so, I stayed up and decided to just let go and go deep and see if I could talk with him (or whomever - guides, etc). I kept telling myself I could hear, I could hear, I could hear the other side, all my psychic centers are open. I felt a whoosh of energy and a soft breeze across my arms and then... my ears started to ring. I mean loud, like the whine of an old television, that high pitched ringing sound. And then it just never went away, lol. All summer I heard "RINGGGGGG" in both my ears at various volumes. I thought, 'be careful what you wish for', lol. It faded as we reached the end of August (about the time we all reported that Michael felt 'farther away'). And now I get it during the love prayer and occasionally when concentrating hard during meditation. What the...? I don't know if has to do with Michael specifically or if it's "meditation-induced tinnitus", like I read on a Buddhist website. I don't believe it's medical. I mean, it came on full blast in both ears at the exact same time while meditating and telling myself that I could hear things from the other side! I checked my blood pressure after that ... normal. No new medications, no meds with tinnutis as a side effecct. I think it's something spiritual. I find it amazing that others get this during the prayer! Anyone else get it, I mean during meditation, the prayer, odd experiences??
I joined the prayer today. I was sitting in my room, it was dark, only one big candle burning, Michael's music playing (on shuffle). I've always had trouble meditating but I did my best. I imagined the world and fans standing next to each other, holding hands, Michael in the middle, it was like a protective circle. We surrounded him with love and gave each other strenght. I tried to concentrate on love but I started to cry so bad, it was hard to breathe, I almost felt like I was about to faint. I prayed for him, for his kids, for his fans and for the world. It was really intense but also heartbreaking. My mind still refuses to believe that he's gone from this world. But I always try to tell myself that we will meet again but only when it's my time to leave. I really hope he feels the love we have for him, now he's able to feel us all and I hope he doesn't feel loney anymore. Oh I miss him so bad.
Amy & Flor ... haha, maybe you just banged your heads against each other's :lol: But seriously, kind of weird, yeah. Maybe a spot of energy blockage? I've heard that odd pains like that might be a blockage or something being blasted clear?
Ah that makes sense...and feels about right. So then, good. I'll be more clear for next time. :D
I joined the prayer today. I was sitting in my room, it was dark, only one big candle burning, Michael's music playing (on shuffle). I've always had trouble meditating but I did my best. I imagined the world and fans standing next to each other, holding hands, Michael in the middle, it was like a protective circle. We surrounded him with love and gave each other strenght. I tried to concentrate on love but I started to cry so bad, it was hard to breathe, I almost felt like I was about to faint. I prayed for him, for his kids, for his fans and for the world. It was really intense but also heartbreaking. My mind still refuses to believe that he's gone from this world. But I always try to tell myself that we will meet again but only when it's my time to leave. I really hope he feels the love we have for him, now he's able to feel us all and I hope he doesn't feel loney anymore. Oh I miss him so bad.
Thanks for sharing this experience. Mine wasn't as intense this time, so I'm glad it was for others! :angel:I love the circle with MJ in the middle. It reminds me so much of what some of us experienced during a group meditation experiment (not related to the prayer) a few days ago. We were in a circle like that then too.
Then... then... Michael showed up! .....Each of us hugged him one at a time, while the others crowded around, sort of like a big group hug with MJ in the middle, moving from one to the next of us. .......
Then he wanted us to sit down in a circle on the floor. I was about 2 or 3 people from him in the circle, to his right. I think later he moved to the center of the circle more and we stood up.
Wow, lots of posts to catch up on. How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was ok, but more on that later.

I was able to do the MLP at the time it took place. I didn't do it for as long this time, but it was still nice. I felt like I could really feel the global love in the first couple of minutes. I kind of imagined myself sending out love from the center of my body and spreading across the world. I could feel the buzzing/tingling on top of my head again. I've also been feeling that same sensation every night when I've been praying to God and Michael. About half way through I felt like someone was running their finger up and down my forearm, kinda tickling it. I took notice of it and let it go on. It was nice. :) I don't feel like the prayer was as powerful as last time, but I still felt good afterward. Looking forward to the next one.

I got what I wanted for Christmas, including a Michael Jackson item I didn't ask for, which took me by surprise. But now some of my family members just had to go and make some nasty jokes every time I opened a gift that had to do with Michael. One of the things they said was really uncalled for too. Why do they have to go and say things like this? Why? :( I love the gifts I got, but hearing nasty comments doesn't make the day any easier. :(
I got what I wanted for Christmas, including a Michael Jackson item I didn't ask for, which took me by surprise. But now some of my family members just had to go and make some nasty jokes every time I opened a gift that had to do with Michael. One of the things they said was really uncalled for too. Why do they have to go and say things like this? Why? :( I love the gifts I got, but hearing nasty comments doesn't make the day any easier. :(
Ugh...I'm sorry girl, that's tough. Family should really be more sensitive. One person's joke is another person's heartache...:cry:
I got what I wanted for Christmas, including a Michael Jackson item I didn't ask for, which took me by surprise. But now some of my family members just had to go and make some nasty jokes every time I opened a gift that had to do with Michael. One of the things they said was really uncalled for too. Why do they have to go and say things like this? Why? :( I love the gifts I got, but hearing nasty comments doesn't make the day any easier. :(

I totally agree with Amy - that is not nice. I don't understand why people say things without thinking how much it would hurt the other person.. especially loved ones - it is not nice and I am sorry it had to happen today
Kira, interesting about the ears ringing. A couple of people posted about the same thing (buzzing or ringing) last month in the prayer thread. You know, I have to say that I've never had a issue with tinnitus or anything before (except the occasional weird ear 'tone', like most people get)... that is until July. One night, after I experienced a few unexpected Michael visits in the previous week or so, I stayed up and decided to just let go and go deep and see if I could talk with him (or whomever - guides, etc). I kept telling myself I could hear, I could hear, I could hear the other side, all my psychic centers are open. I felt a whoosh of energy and a soft breeze across my arms and then... my ears started to ring. I mean loud, like the whine of an old television, that high pitched ringing sound. And then it just never went away, lol. All summer I heard "RINGGGGGG" in both my ears at various volumes. I thought, 'be careful what you wish for', lol. It faded as we reached the end of August (about the time we all reported that Michael felt 'farther away'). And now I get it during the love prayer and occasionally when concentrating hard during meditation. What the...? I don't know if has to do with Michael specifically or if it's "meditation-induced tinnitus", like I read on a Buddhist website. I don't believe it's medical. I mean, it came on full blast in both ears at the exact same time while meditating and telling myself that I could hear things from the other side! I checked my blood pressure after that ... normal. No new medications, no meds with tinnutis as a side effecct. I think it's something spiritual. I find it amazing that others get this during the prayer!

Wow, amazing indeed!! Thanks for sharing :) Hmm "meditation-induced tinnitus", interesting ;) I've been wanting to learn more about Buddhism for a while, is there a good website you could recommend me as a starting point? :)

It's weird that only my right ear started buzzing/ringing. ^^ And yes, it was like a whoosh of energy. Love this :)

Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences about the prayer :) Looking forward to next month!

I got what I wanted for Christmas, including a Michael Jackson item I didn't ask for, which took me by surprise. But now some of my family members just had to go and make some nasty jokes every time I opened a gift that had to do with Michael. One of the things they said was really uncalled for too. Why do they have to go and say things like this? Why? :( I love the gifts I got, but hearing nasty comments doesn't make the day any easier. :(

Damn, I'm so sorry you had to go through this :( I don't get it either. How can people, and especially loved ones, be so hurtful AND do something like this on Christmas Day? I don't wanna sound mean towards your loved ones but don't they realize how much Michael means to you??? It breaks my heart to hear things like these... When someone you love cares about someone, even if you feel differently, the least you can do is respect those feelings, especially when the person in question is gone :cry: It's basic human respect & sensitivity. *shakes head* This is so sad and disgusting...

I wanna give you a big hug, girl :hug: Glad to hear you had nice Michael gifts though :)
I hope that Michael will forever visit us all and I pray that he'll be with us on June 25th 2010 and I also pray that God has mercy on us...

God knows how tough it's gonna be. I think I'm just gonna sleep through that day.
Oh wow Flor! That is very interesting indeed! I wonder if our energies just hit strong at that point or what. Maybe we sent each other a "psychic download" :p

haha :) , it just keep me intrigued...we also felt the pain in the same area...I guess we will have to wait until the next prayer to see if that happens again...

Amy & Flor ... haha, maybe you just banged your heads against each other's :lol: But seriously, kind of weird, yeah. Maybe a spot of energy blockage? I've heard that odd pains like that might be a blockage or something being blasted clear?

The blockage might be an explanation , as I've said before , It was being really hard for me to concentrate , so I started thinking on other members and Amy was the first one that came to my mind , and thats where this pain began...

It feels so good to be around again :D
Flor said:
it just keep me intrigued...we also felt the pain in the same area...

It was being really hard for me to concentrate , so I started thinking on other members and Amy was the first one that came to my mind , and thats where this pain began...

Wow, amazing stuff!!! :blink:
Thanks you everyone for welcoming me with open arms.

I love reading all your post. The sincerity and the non-judgemental I feel in here is wonderful - it makes me feel like I can open up and explore this side without reservation.

Thanks guys... enjoy the rest of the holidays.