Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Aw Kira, I've missed seeing you around! Glad you're back!

I wish you a Merry Christmas too, and also everyone in the Psychic thread. :hug:

Good to see you back here girl, hope you will have some time off now.

Love back at ya! :hug:

Awww thank you so much Louise and Mrs. Music!! You're so adorable :hug: Much love right back at ya :) Hope you and everyone else here had a wonderful Christmas :)

Ok I've caught up on all the posts I had missed (and there was a LOT of them lol ;)) so I'm gonna reply to a few of them now, if you don't mind :)

Also, this is no paranormal/psychic experience...but it made me smile. I was walking around with my daughter downtown yesterday...and while we were hanging out in a little nook in the wall, I happened to glance behind all the buildings and saw this:
Note from Kira: [the picture you posted with the "BAD" handwriting]


Love, love, love it! Thanks for sharing, Amy :)

MJstarlight said:
Lately I have been feeling detached. The strange thing is my soul feels like its always been binded to Michael in some way. Hes always been a part of me. Lately he has felt so far away though.. I hope he is ok. I just am not picking up good vibes. I will be praying for him though. I hope that I can experience something again soon. I really do miss him

I know he is still with us, he will always be a part of us. Sometimes I really do feel he is near, other times he seems distant. At work they are playing Jackson Five Christmas songs nearly every day. Songs like Santa Clause is coming to town, up on the house top, frosty the snowman. One point I broke down at work because its the first Christmas without Michael and they used to be so special. As painful as this year has been I fear moving into the year 2010 :(

Aww I totally understand how you feel, MJstarlight... To be honest, I've kinda been feeling the same way :( I mean, it's a bit of a contradiction for me cause I'm completely focused on all things Michael, he's at the center of my thoughts every single day but yes, Michael has felt so far away for me too for a few weeks now and I don't like that... I'm hoping the prayer tonight will help me reconnect and feel Michael's and everyone's love... I miss feeling him around me. But maybe all this is just because I've had a lot of work lately and I've had no choice but to "detach" myself a bit. And sometimes it's good to have those moments/phases too I guess, otherwise you just drive yourself crazy with the constant pain :( But the pain is not and won't ever be gone, that's for sure. I miss him like crazy, I miss his laugh, I miss his smile, I miss those beautiful brown eyes, I miss the love he radiated... Oh God ;( And I am SO angry at this world for treating him like $hit and for hurting such a beautiful soul...

BTW, a great new documentary about Michael aired here, in France, this week. For once, they showed both accusations for what they truly were (L.I.E.S) and showed how much pain they caused Michael both pyschologically & physically. Seeing the footage from Michael's arrivals at the trial again was SO painful... The look in his eyes, oh God... How can one be subjected to so much pain and injustice... Ugh it kills me. And yes, like many of you said earlier in this thread, I just wish we could go back in time and warn the carefree & happy person that he used to be... :cry:

At least this documentary apparently opened the eyes of quite a few people (it did great, ratings-wise). Made them realize what Michael had to go through and how baseless all those accusations were... Too bad such a documentary didn't air while Michael was still with us *shakes head*. If anyone wants to download this documentary (everything's in French though :( There are no subtitles), here's the link:
There's lots of footage from the Private Home Movies in it.

Sorry for babbling and for going OT a bit. I just needed to get this off my chest... ... Interesting about the Paris dream. Don't you all kind of just have that feeling about her, like she's going to do something big? Someone else posted a few weeks ago in the Dreams thread about having a dream that Blanket, looking like in his early 20's, was doing a concert.

Indeed, very interesting dream about Paris, Mrs Music! Thanx for sharing :) And yes I definitely see big things in store for her as well.

^Your description makes me think of the scenes in "Cry"

I'm glad it made me think of that just now too, cause I haven't watched this video in awhile and watching it now feels sooo good. It's just what I needed...particularly after feeling so disconnected to everyone on the board lately (with the exception of those in this thread). I wish the board could come together like this! It makes me think of the Major Love Prayer too...and the impact it has with so many of us just united in love. :heart:

Wow, that's so true! This is exactly what the Love Prayer feels like and it's just so beautiful and full of positive energy. Damn, did I tell you guys how much I've missed this thread and everyone in here??? :hug:

Ok, so I found a whole bunch, lol. None of these are just like it, but this is the general idea of the place I've seen. Grasses and wildflowers, fairly flat, the one tree (green leaves, maybe an oak -- a bigger trunk, more like the tree in the pic amygrace posted above), blue sky with fluffy white clouds :) Seems to be a common image, so it makes sense if was just a common thing in human consciousness. Hmm, or a real place on the other side... a place we'd all like to be sometimes?


Yup, yup, this is exactly what I've been "seeing" during the Major Love Prayer too! Beautiful :)

I've been following this thread since August. I've posted a few times,but it was way back then. I have even shared a little bit about an experience that I had,but deleted it a month after..I guess I wasn't ready. I'm familiar with a few of you here.. :hello: everyone.

Hello, souldreamer7 :) And welcome to this wonderful thread :hug: Love your dream journal btw, it's so pretty :D

And welcome to WhoseLovingYou, Buttercup and crazy4umjackson too! :) Thank you all for sharing your Michael experiences with us :)

It's definitely possible...and you know, that makes me wonder...maybe we should all try some experimenting here, just for fun. Like...maybe before bedtime one night, we can all have the same intent to meetup with eachother. We could tell our higher selves that we want to meetup...and ask our angels/guides too... then see what happens? Maybe we'll come back and end up reporting the same kind of dreams? Hmm...although not all of us will be sleeping at the same time. Maybe we could also plan a joint meditation that's like the concept of the Major Love Prayer...only we all intend to come together spiritually...just us in this thread. It just might be something fun to experiment see if we all get the same kind of feelings/impressions/visions/whatever....

This is such a cool idea, Amy!!! I'm totally up for it!! :)

*edit* Ok, just saw it already happened and I missed it. Oh well, next time I'll be there ;) Glad to know you guys had a great experience :)

At least I know I won't miss the Major Love Prayer later today!!! :)

Love you guys :hug: :heart:
I know what you mean with wanting to believe it was an accident because the idea of murdering Michael is just too cruel. Murdering the most wonderful human being that cared for us all no matter who we are.. it's beyond cruel :cry:
You said it...:boohoo:

Kira said:
I miss feeling him around me. But maybe all this is just because I've had a lot of work lately and I've had no choice but to "detach" myself a bit. And sometimes it's good to have those moments/phases too I guess, otherwise you just drive yourself crazy with the constant pain
Same here. I've been pretty detached myself lately...just keeping busy, worrying about other things in my life...yadda yadda. I miss feeling him around. I haven't even listened to his music much lately... mainly cause I start to feel down when I do. His music has always lifted me up but lately anything that reminds me of him just makes me sad.

Kira said:
I just wish we could go back in time and warn the carefree & happy person that he used to be
You and I both. :cry: I really hope he's gotten some peace on the other side...

Hope you participate in the next group meditation too, Kira...glad to see you back here posting. :huggy:

Looking forward to the MLP today guys! I've set an alarm on my phone so I will surely make it this time. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Much love~ :heart:
Mrs Music -- How neat that our ornaments are next to each other on the tree! :)/:cry: It's strangely comforting having something there. Here's the poem in the card I sent. Just feel like sharing it:

For Michael, Beautiful Angel
Beautiful Angel,
What joy was ours
To walk the world together,
Knowing you were somewhere here,
To love you, now and ever.

Wonderful Angel,
Your laughter knows
No boundary in my heart,
As if I've known for a thousand years
That in spirit, never to part,

Incredible Angel,
Through all the pain,
Your smile has brightened this Earth,
Your innocence in sparkling eyes -
If all had known the worth!

Magical Angel,
You've changed the world,
By sharing your life and love,
Inspiring millions by word and deed,
Now it's LOVE we all speak of,

Dearest Angel,
We forever love you more,
You have set our souls aglow,
With who you are, not just what you gave,
And I believe that now you know.
Thanks for sharing that poem, mjbunny. Really nice.

Everytime theres been a quiet moment, I just think about Michael :cry:
Why is he not here :( Michael, we miss you so much. And we love you so much.
I spoke to him before I went to bed last night, I asked him if he got my message could he maybe show himself in my dreams, that way I would know (of course I asked briefly cos I know lots of people need Michael this day) and guess what, he appeared in my dreams. Not like proper one on one, but he was there, and he asked me to dance with him like he did in the J5s. It was nice to know that maybe he got my message. :)

I'm gonna try for the MLP later :) can't wait. Would love to participate once again.
Lots of love to you this day my wonderful spiritual family.
Can´t wait for MLP tonight.. I need this MLP very much :cry: I had a MJ dream, but I
can´t remember it.. It sucks when I dont remember dreams.. L.O.V.E :heart:
Not long now til MLP :)

My little cousin is seven years old, he is the same age as Blanket I guess; I wonder how Michael had the energy for little Blanket! I certainly don't have the energy for my little cousin and I'm only 18 :lol:.
He just put on my MJ sequinned glove and went AOW. And then laughed and did the moonwalk.

Just like tink, I need the MLP. I took a walk out this evening and the stars were so beautiful. I just kept thinking about Michael :cry:

I hope he feels the love tonight, there seems to be soo many people taking part today, which is just fantastic.
I hope you all have had a fantastic day, or still having a great day, depending on where you are my lovelies.

:heart: :hug:
@mjbunny: Such a wonderful poem! I love it. I just wrote a card full of what I always wanted to say to 2 little poems.

I can't help but feel guilty when I had all this fun today...just got home from a crazy evening; fittin' a wedding dress, watchin' old home movies, throwin' w/ food...and crushed my finger between the door, ouch!:lol: But everything made me think of Michael and how his 3 little ones are getting through the day, so utterly sad. :cry:

We celebrate 2 days of Christmas here in The Netherlands, and Michael actually died here in the nigth from the 25th to the 26th, so it's gonna get a lil' harder after the prayer I think.

Lookin' forward to the prayer though - just an hour left! :heart:
Suzan (Suzie1) and I are just having a msn conversation and this is what we found out:

In July, Suzie had a dream of her and Michael and she told him about the fans killing themselves. Later in July, I had a dream of Michael coming and saying that he has found out and is very sad. He started crying.

This might not appear to be much, however, this happened in July when we didnt know each other. Not even on MJJC. Our posts in the past prove that we both had the dreams we said.

I think it's really weird to have a dream connecting with someone you love and someone who lives at the other side of the world and you haven't even met the living person. We had these dream only a few days apart.
Yes that is true... You guys can see my thread about my first MJ dream in July here

But the most important I write in there was this

Me: "But Michael?
Michael: "Yes what?"
Me: "I have something bad news to you"
Michael: "Just tell?..."
Me: "You know that 12 people did suicide, just because of you?:/

Then I could look at him he was about to collapse and say, "What ?..."
He began to sit on the floor and collapse: "I can not believe it"
So, I comforted him and wept himself .. and asked him again: "You dont want this happen right?"
Michael: "No, i do not want believe kill them self because of me ..
Will you please tell people that they should live the good life?
I just want people to be happy in their life and not kill them self because of me ..
They should be happy and smile in their life. Not be worry about me. "

Me: "Of course I will .. I will tell everybody this"
Michael: "Oh thank you so much. I love you"
So I raised him up and gave a hug while I said: "Do not cry .. We & I will be with you"
Michael: "Thanks you so so much to tell this."
We celebrate 2 days of Christmas here in The Netherlands, and Michael actually died here in the nigth from the 25th to the 26th, so it's gonna get a lil' harder after the prayer I think.

Lookin' forward to the prayer though - just an hour left! :heart:
Here too... about 2 Christmas Days and also about us getting the news very late on the 25th. It was around 11:45pm when we found out, so really the 26th was the worst day. That's when it was confirmed, etc.

Man, we ate dinner late then my family called and everyone wanted to talk and talk and now I'm feeling frazzled... trying to get ready for the prayer, lol.

'SEE' you all in 25 minutes! :angel:
About mine and Suzie's posts : in both dreams, he was dressed in black and the wall was black!
Yeah :angel:
it was true...Me and zenab have a both dreams... and it was even the same things that happen..
Yeah :angel:
it was true...Me and zenab have a both dreams... and it was even the same things that happen..

Same things said,
Same look,
Same time and it was the first mj dream for us both!

Come on guys! Isn't this just AMAZING?
"Dear Lord, please take care of Michael and send out a major love. Amen"


^ My prayer.
Girls, that same dream you had. That is pretty amazing!!!

Ahh, it's nearly prayer time. I'm getting ready. I'm nervous again but excited.
L.O.V.E. :heart:

Yes it was so rare and amazing.

4 minutes to goooooooooooooooooo!!!
Yes it is... Its soo good to be true.. but its true!!

I pray for you Michael :angel:
take care of him God
Done the prayer. For three minutes. WOW, how amazing. Next time i'll do it for ten.
I have done the prayer .., I did it for 15 minutes .. It was amazing! Can't wait for the next time :angel: sending out L.O.V.E to everyone :heart: :huggy:
I heard that the dutch MJJC had their own little thing today too.. Everyone is gonna listen to Smile in about about 2 minutes (11:26 pm CET ).. I'm gonna join that too .. :angel:
I just finished my prayer :angel:

Again, it took me a long time to focus, but I kept sending my message of L.O.V.E. out. I sent it to Michael, to his three wonderful children and all the people who are alone this christmas time without the love of parents, friends etc.
I played heal the world and vowed that we, as fans, would continue to spread the message of this song and carry on the legacy Michael left.
I tried to connect to many of you who took part and I did feel a tingle in my right hand, near my thumb and index finger, like someone was connecting to my hand.
Also, I know this sounds weird, but I felt my heart become warm, if that makes sense? Like radiating out this warm feeling. :heart:

This is such an amazing thing to be a part of. Can't wait til Jan 25th.

:heart: L.O.V.E.
The Major Love Prayer has to be my favourite personal tradition of ALL time. LOL.

How beautiful. Tell me which other artist can bring thousands together in prayer?

Let's keep this going forever.
Also, I know this sounds weird, but I felt my heart become warm, if that makes sense? Like radiating out this warm feeling. :heart:

I felt the same thing.
I also had a hard time focusing too in the beginning, maybe because of my family downstairs being noisy.

I just sent my love out to Michael, his children, and the beautiful people I've met both through MJJC and other places that I never would have known if it weren't for Michael.
I also gave a minute to send my thoughts to all the children without a home or a family to celebrate the holidays with.

I don't usually say anything out loud, but I said "I love you. Thank you" out loud and I felt goosebumps all over my body.
I went to listen to "Will You Be There", the songs that always makes me feel closest to him, and for some reason all the music on my ipod touch was gone (?) so I had to listen to the audio from the MTV performance. I looked at the screen at the very end and when I saw Micheal being embraced by the angel lady I just started crying.
As soon as I started to cry, something fell off of the dresser on the far end of the room and I swear I nearly fainted it scared me so badly, haha! But it was weird, because my immediate reaction was to laugh.
I'm not saying it was him, but it was just nice that I was in such a warm, comfortable state thinking about him that it didn't scare me like it normally would.

I just went back downstairs with a smile on my face.

Love to you guys, I hope you are all having a lovely Christmas! :heart:

I have a few things to share in this thread, so I'll be back later!
I did the prayer for about 10 minutes...imagining every soul and cell in every physical body, including animals, be filled with love and light energy...and I imagined this "netting" little strings of energy that came out of everyone and touched one we were all connected. Then I asked that we could all on some level feel this love and be healed. After I worked on the entire planet I spent the last couple minutes saying a prayer for Michael and his children. Overall it was really nice :heart:- the only thing that was weird was in the first couple minutes I had a shooting pain go through my head...on my right temple. Don't know what that was about.