Merged: Psychics channel Michael

-cyberjackson -- :bugeyed That is definitely, um.... impressive. What do you think happened? I mean, we can assume it was something beyond the physical realm, right? It's too weird not to be, lol. And then again with the pillow. Did it scare you? Did you feel a presence? Has anyone in your family passed recently or have you been trying hard to talk with someone 'over there' (ok, Michael is probably a given right... I know... we all are)? Have you lived there a long time without incident or is it a new place? Have you recently become serious about meditation or anything? Sometimes when our energy opens up more some strange things can occur. Sorry about the questions... just asking to try to figure out more about the situation.

That's ok about questions.:dont_mention_it: I wasn't scared about the cushion thing..just startled at first. It felt a bit different in the room for a few seconds, but then went away. No one has passed recently (knock on wood). I have lived here for a little over two years now. I have been more curious about meditating and spiritual stuff lately. I have always been trying to talk to Michael:angel:..especially when I close my eyes when I got to bed. The water bottle thing freaked me out a bit because things being turned upside down and standing there just scares the shit outta me.:bugeyed

I have been reading about meditation, chakras, name it. Don't know what's going on lately. I am always more aware of my surroundings now. I wish I could just open up my mind all the way and be more sensative to things. I want to "feel" more, "see" more, "be" more. I want to know more. I'm tired of just not knowing anything:(. Or searching for answers..know what I mean? I kinda hope more things happen around my house...just nothing scary.
Gah. I just got really excited a few minutes ago. Having read about the smell of candles being blown out ...But then when I went downstairs to ask my mother if she had been burning candles, turns out she had. Boooo. Just when I thought I was getting something :lol:
:lmao: Don't you hate that?

That's ok about questions.:dont_mention_it: I wasn't scared about the cushion thing..just startled at first. It felt a bit different in the room for a few seconds, but then went away. No one has passed recently (knock on wood). I have lived here for a little over two years now. I have been more curious about meditating and spiritual stuff lately. I have always been trying to talk to Michael:angel:..especially when I close my eyes when I got to bed. The water bottle thing freaked me out a bit because things being turned upside down and standing there just scares the shit outta me.:bugeyed

I have been reading about meditation, chakras, name it. Don't know what's going on lately. I am always more aware of my surroundings now. I wish I could just open up my mind all the way and be more sensative to things. I want to "feel" more, "see" more, "be" more. I want to know more. I'm tired of just not knowing anything:(. Or searching for answers..know what I mean? I kinda hope more things happen around my house...just nothing scary.
So it sounds highly unlikely your house is haunted, so that's good. Maybe it was just someone blowing through. What I mean is that I've had many conversations with my family and weirder friends (lol) and it seems that everyone has occasional experiences like this... something highly weird and then it doesn't happen again. It also seems true that the more you 'open up' your energy and mind, the more you seem to attract "interesting" phenomena to you. I guess it's like suddenly you're glowing and attract everyone in the neighborhood or something, lol. I understand being scared about the bottle, though. That would kind of freak me out too :lol: But nowadays I think the best thing to do is not to be scared (fear sucks) and to keep love and whatever higher power you believe in at the center of your meditations and desire to feel/see/be more. Like attracts like, so always ask for angels/God/whomever when beginning something like meditation and if you ever feel freaked out or scared, just send LOVE toward whatever frightens you. If it's bad, it won't stay around.

Haha, maybe these eyes go with that face?
I wonder what we'll see next...
& I wonder if and when we can do that group meditation thing again...?
Next it will be like an ear or something, lol. Yeah, what about our group meditation? How about this coming Sunday, same time? What do you guys think?
:lmao: Don't you hate that?

Next it will be like an ear or something, lol. Yeah, what about our group meditation? How about this coming Sunday, same time? What do you guys think?

Haha, it was soo annoying.

:lol: an ear. Having to piece together aspects of this person we keep seeing.
This sunday? Yeah I reckon I'm good with that.
How 'bout the rest of the spiritual family?
Still meditating, still not getting much out of it again, except now it's making me feel more creative, which I suppose is a good thing.

Cool experiences from everyone. Cyberjackson, maybe you should check out the history of your house. Maybe it's haunted. That's really freaky. :bugeyed
Right. I can usually do it whenever (ok, unless it's like 6am in Europe -- then I'd have to join via dreamland, lol)
Gah. I just got really excited a few minutes ago. Having read about the smell of candles being blown out ...I smelt it. I was freaking out with excitement like omg, omg. smelling so much, sniffing around where I'm sitting. I checked it wasn't something on fire lol, like my laptop cable. Check, check, check. But then when I went downstairs to ask my mother if she had been burning candles, turns out she had.

Boooo. Just when I thought I was getting something :lol:

Mmmmm i wonder if mikey is playing tricks on us all! ..cheely monkey he is! :lol:
Hey lovelies! Hope you are all well today!

- super crazy but cool experience you had there. I love it when you start learning more about spiritual stuff, you seem to start to attract more of it. Like I was reading a book about coincidences once and all the sudden I had "coincidences" happening every day.

I'm definitely up for a new group meditation whenever you guys are! Friday, Saturday, Sunday...whenever!
cyberjackson - super crazy but cool experience you had there. I love it when you start learning more about spiritual stuff, you seem to start to attract more of it. Like I was reading a book about coincidences once and all the sudden I had "coincidences" happening every day.

I'm definitely up for a new group meditation whenever you guys are! Friday, Saturday, Sunday...whenever!

Yea it's been strange. I would like to try a meditation..since I didn't get to make it for the last one. I suck at meditating though. Like I can't clear my mind because something is always going on in my head.:mello: Any helpful advice for what works would be great. By the way..I really miss my Michael dreams/visits.
Haha, maybe these eyes go with that face?
I wonder what we'll see next...:eek:

& I wonder if and when we can do that group meditation thing again...?

I can do it in the weekend .. So , which day is it going to be?? I can't wait :D
I can do it in the weekend .. So , which day is it going to be?? I can't wait :D

I can do the weekend too. I guess we'll see what the general consensus is about what day. I don't mind so long as we can do it again, with as many of the peeps in this thread as possible, if not all :)

On another note. I had an emotional afternoon. I cried about Michael. I knew it was coming, I felt it for a few days lol, but I put on the Live in Bucharest tour and cranked the volume so loud. I was just watching him and the tears were like streaming. I can't believe how amazing Michael is. Ah, it just made me :cry: he is such a beautiful soul.

So I thought to calm myself down, I would meditate, just to clear my emotions through and calm me down. I saw the colour green which I haven't ever really seen. Doesn't this mean healing? I always thought it was, or love?

Then I was drifted off to sleep, my mind was awake but my body was just like zzzz, it was so cold too. But like as I was in that state before you fall asleep I swear I heard a voice distinctly say "Come on..." It made me become alert again. I thought it was someone in my room. But I was home alone. It sounded almost like a child, or someone with a very childlike voice. It was almost like they were telling me to carry on meditating rather than fall asleep :lol:

So yeah, just thought I'd share.
Hope everyone else is well.

L.O.V.E. to you all :heart:
On another note. I had an emotional afternoon. I cried about Michael. I knew it was coming, I felt it for a few days lol, but I put on the Live in Bucharest tour and cranked the volume so loud. I was just watching him and the tears were like streaming. I can't believe how amazing Michael is. Ah, it just made me :cry: he is such a beautiful soul.
Aww...I haven't brought myself to watch the Bucharest tour yet...I don't know if I could handle it yet.

darlingdear said:
I saw the colour green which I haven't ever really seen. Doesn't this mean healing? I always thought it was, or love?
Green is healing :angel:

Is anyone available to do the meditation on Saturday? I know Saturday is like the official "party" day or "date night"...but, I don't have anything going.

Much love, ma peeps!
Aww...I haven't brought myself to watch the Bucharest tour yet...I don't know if I could handle it yet.

Green is healing :angel:

Is anyone available to do the meditation on Saturday? I know Saturday is like the official "party" day or "date night"...but, I don't have anything going.

Much love, ma peeps!

Saturday sounds great for me ! :)
Saturday should work for me too. :)

Ok, this may sound silly but I was on Twitter and saw the link to Genevieve Jackson's account. Now I didn't know who she was related to. I don't know as much about the third generation of Jacksons. So I said, "Who's daughter is she? Tell me Michael." And in my head popped "Randy's." So I looked and it was true. So I guess I really got my answer lol.

This morning I woke up really depressed and anxious and I don't know why. I almost didn't want to get out of bed. :(
Saturday will do for me too - this week or...?

@cyberjackson: That was some awfully scary stuff that happened to you! :bugeyed I probably wouldn't be able to sleep for days haha!
Verrrry interesting though. Wonder if you might be having more of these things coming.

Loved all those experiences here again! Don't react so much lately, been a bit worn out 'cuz of certain reasons but still read 'em all.
Hope you guys are feeling better than I do! :)
I suck at meditating though. Like I can't clear my mind because something is always going on in my head. Any helpful advice for what works would be great. By the way..I really miss my Michael dreams/visits.
I have a few suggestions that might help. I'm not a master at it by any means, but I have been working on it for years. When you first start out meditating the mind chatter is usually the big problem. And the more stressful one's life is at the moment, of course the more difficult it is for everyone. One thing to consider is that meditation doesn't have to be total silence of the mind. Our brains are always chattering, so it's next to impossible to shut it all out. Instead it's more about focus. Focusing the thoughts on something, directing your mind to think about one thing instead of all the little thoughts that keep popping up. Once you get fairly good at that, it's a springboard to more complex meditations.

Try starting out with something totally, totally simple. Think of your favorite shape. Just a 2-dimensional shape, like a circle, a heart, a square, whatever. And a color. Be clear about what color, nothing complex. Like if you chose a pink heart, close your eyes and try to visualize nothing but a big pink heart in front of you. Just see it in your mind (don't expect to see anything visually, it's just an idea, a daydream). Whenever your mind starts to go off on some tangent (which it will, over and over, lol), go back to the heart. Just look at it, see the color, the shape. Keep forcing your thoughts back to it. When you can hold that without too many interruptions, try something else. You can go to a 'real' 3-D object like a candle flame or an apple in as much detail as you can imagine. The goal is to hold this in your mind with minimal brain chatter for as long as you can. A minute, two, five minutes... whatever you can work up to. I won't say it's easy, lol, but it's the key. If visuals alone aren't doing it for you, try adding a chant of some kind. That works wonderfully. Chant anything that's constructive (in your mind or outloud). "I can focus, yes I can" or something religious or "la la la la" in a particular rhythm, lol. It doesn't matter what, just that you're focused on it. One that I find works is to focus on the breath with sound, so it's like a breath chant. Each time you breathe out think of a sound (I like "la" ... I find it easy, but of course the classic is "om'). And while focusing on your image, pay attention to each breath and softly or even silently make the sound as you exhale. The more you work on this, the easier it will become over time and you'll find it's less difficult to push the chatty thoughts away. Hope that helps :)
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^ Same time as before, like we do for the major love prayer? That's what we did last time, so that's 22:00 in the UK, 5pm Eastern/2pm Pacific? It works for me. You guys?

Oh, I had an MJ dream last night. I posted it in the Dreams thread. Reposting here because I thought you'd all find it ... I don't know... weirdly amusing?...
Had an extremely weird MJ dream this morning, lol. I've hardly dreamt of him at all lately :(, so I'm glad to have anything... even something like this ;)......... In the dream I was maybe seeing different times or something, so I can't say if I saw MJ 'for real' or just saw him on a screen or something. I can't remember most of it, but toward the end there was a 'scandal', something 'shocking' that had to do with a business meeting that took place at Neverland years ago. A woman there kept trying to seduce MJ, touching him, trying to kiss him, etc. He responded, but only a bit, mostly kind of pushing her off of him as he tried to pay attention to what was being said at the meeting. I was "there" somehow and I was so angry, like "get off of him, you skank!" He seemed to kind of like her (which infuriated me because I knew she was not a nice person). While the meeting was still going on she ended up licking his clothing... the bottom of his pant legs, like along his socks, and his shoes. Now that's getting a little.. um... kinky, lol :lol:

Then it became present time and some UK food company decided to use footage of this 'shocking moment' (lol, don't why it's so shocking) to advertise packages of their new tea-time snack cakes. Leave it to the Brits, har har ;) What the heck someone licking MJ's shoes had to do with mini cakes, I have absolutely no idea.:lmao:
^ Same time as before, like we do for the major love prayer? That's what we did last time, so that's 22:00 in the UK, 5pm Eastern/2pm Pacific? It works for me. You guys?

Oh, I had an MJ dream last night. I posted it in the Dreams thread. Reposting here because I thought you'd all find it ... I don't know... weirdly amusing?...

:lol: Licking his socks and pant legs and shoes and stuff ? :lol::lol: