Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Jacy, your signature about made me drool on myself, lolol :wub:

thank you so much ,
I made it by myself hehe ;)
but back to the thread, I just called a ghost with my friends 2 or 3 years ago.
it was scarey and i couldn´t belive it but as the glass start to move I just scream.
But here I´m almost sure that a MJ fan (who knows him good ,cause he/she is writing like him)
kidding us.......but what ever "tell me are you´re the ghost of jalousy" *sing* hehe
mjbunny said:
What the "implants" were and if I have them or others again, I don't know. I don't know what to believe. They're supposedly from someone (aliens? other dimensions? thought forms from others here on Earth that we take into ourselves?) that serve the purpose of creating doubt and negative thought and/or blocking a lightworker's ability or mission. That sounds all spooky and I still don't know what to believe, but I can tell you it freakin' hurt when she pulled those things out!
Ah yes...I've heard of these too. The last guy I dated supposedly had a lot of those. I know that first hand you kinda go "wuh?? implants from aliens? give me a break!"...but I think that just comes from our cultural conditioning and the fact that we just don't see the full picture here. You really feeling the effects of having those pulled out clearly shows that something was happening. I've seen experiences like that second hand myself which have been so interesting. Compared to some of the things I've learned and experienced...alien implants don't seem so weird. LOL.

mjbunny said:
I've noticed this too, especially when it comes to children. I've never been big on kids. I don't dislike them (lol), I'm just never around them (it's weird -- I'm almost 40 and no one I hang with has kids, nor I, nor my sister -- weird) so I feel a bit detached. And I'm not that ... how do I say it... "openly caring" (?) overall, so tend to hide emotions and don't cry often. (Boy that changed in 2009 :cry:.) But now whenever I see terrible things on TV about children in particular, it really touches me in a way it didn't use to. And I always think of Michael then. I did before too, but on a deeper level now.
I know what you mean. I feel very detached to kids as well 'cause I was never around them much growing up...just people my own age or older. Even having my own child now, I don't relate well with other kids. But yet I feel that through Michael...I'm more compassionate toward them.

Mrs. Music said:
Hmm..I just saw the tags for this thread, you know under says 'controversial, delusion, mental institution'.
Someone's trying to declare us crazy or something. How low can you be really. :smilerolleyes:
Amy, I guess you can edit these right? Maybe you can take 'em out?
Oh geez...this calls for an eye roll indeed. :smilerolleyes: Seriously, this board should be the one place where we don't have to deal with people going out of their way to be mean. I can't get rid of the tags either...I can click on "edit tags" but it doesn't let me edit anything that other people have added. Oh well. It's not like they are to whoever added them, point not proven. You only proved that you aren't very nice.
LOL I leave this thread for a little while and bam.
So much going on!!

Night to all you who are going to sleepy. Maybe I should too. Or maybe not :D
Neeve - I have been in the exact same position about love that you have. I wanted to see how he felt so I tried to subtly hint about it, he cottoned on a bit I guess, but nothing materalised. Plus he's my bestfriend so I think it'd be kinda bad if we broke up, cos I love him so much as my friend that the thought of losing him as a friend just makes me :(
lol life story for y'all.

Yeah, I saw those tags too Mrs.Music, the other day, I was like that's so odd. But I guess that's people's opinion..kinda mean though lol.
mjbunny - ouch! That sounds like it huuurt!

This thread..ahh, it's so good right?
thank you so much ,
I made it by myself hehe ;)
but back to the thread, I just called a ghost with my friends 2 or 3 years ago.
it was scarey and i couldn´t belive it but as the glass start to move I just scream.
But here I´m almost sure that a MJ fan (who knows him good ,cause he/she is writing like him)
kidding us.......but what ever "tell me are you´re the ghost of jalousy" *sing* hehe

Sweet said! :)
But u also told me before, that this whole ghost thing was just made up from ur friends, that they just acted as if there would be a ghost but it wasn't like that for real! :)

Anyhow, I do agree here - I also don't think that it's real!...
Oh geez...this calls for an eye roll indeed. :smilerolleyes: Seriously, this board should be the one place where we don't have to deal with people going out of their way to be mean. I can't get rid of the tags either...I can click on "edit tags" but it doesn't let me edit anything that other people have added. Oh well. It's not like they are to whoever added them, point not proven. You only proved that you aren't very nice.
Oh...I can click on edit as well but also can't get them out. Ah well, we know better. Quite sad that this place has such ignorant people really, wouldn't expect that from people who love MJ....totally beats me.:doh:

I'm off to bed as well - much love to y'all! :huggy:
@mjbunny: Wow...totally scary experience that must've been! Very interesting though...guess my mom had such a session as well. On one side I'm soooo curious to do these things as well, but on the other hand it's, what do you believe indeed.

Hmm..I just saw the tags for this thread, you know under says 'controversial, delusion, mental institution'.
Someone's trying to declare us crazy or something. How low can you be really. :smilerolleyes:
Amy, I guess you can edit these right? Maybe you can take 'em out?
I have a feeling I know who did that, but I won't name names :rolleyes2: Yeah, Amy can you edit all the tags on a thread you start or just the ones you personally added? I'm sure a mod could.
I have a feeling I know who did that, but I won't name names :rolleyes2: Yeah, Amy can you edit all the tags on a thread you start or just the ones you personally added? I'm sure a mod could.
Oh me too, don't even get me started... :doh: Glad the posts in the MLP thread were taken out, some people seriously need to back off.
(I think you mean that person at least.) So sad...and there's still no ultimate far can one go really?!

Ah well, I'm off! Bye guys! :flowers:
Hmm..I just saw the tags for this thread, you know under says 'controversial, delusion, mental institution'.
Someone's trying to declare us crazy or something. How low can you be really. :smilerolleyes:
Amy, I guess you can edit these right? Maybe you can take 'em out?

I noticed that too. Not too cool. :doh: Oh well they can think what they want. :smilerolleyes:

I love that Inner Michael blog too. Yep, she really does have a way with words. I've bookmarked it so I can read more later. :)

Hope everyone's doing well. :huggy:
Neeve - I have been in the exact same position about love that you have. I wanted to see how he felt so I tried to subtly hint about it, he cottoned on a bit I guess, but nothing materalised. Plus he's my bestfriend so I think it'd be kinda bad if we broke up, cos I love him so much as my friend that the thought of losing him as a friend just makes me :(
lol life story for y'all.

Oh, I know the feeling! I think a lot of people have had to deal with this conundrum at some point! Yeah, that's the dilemma........but these emotions keep coming back to me, and I feel like I need to take the risk...I feel he's a good enough friend that if he doesn't feel the same way, it shouldn't be awkward...
but I asked my higher self to speak to his higher self :)

Goodnight to everyone in Europe off to bed!
Tonight I'm going to a showing of the James Brown concert from the day after Martin Luther King was killed....should be an experience!
So sad...and there's still no ultimate far can one go really?!
I wonder this myself! Just a month ago people were getting banned left and right for saying something Gaz didn't like... and yet now when people are continually disrespectful they remain on the board. :doh:

Well I'm off for to you all :huggy:
Hey guys. I had dream last night that was not Mike related but the words "We are here to change the world" were playing over and over in my head. I was awake a couple of minutes before I realised it had been going on in my sleep and continued into my awakened state (I'm scary in the morning :lol:)

It started my day with an 'I'm gonna do some good today' attitude. I was glad actually because I spent most of yesterday feeling really down and quite selfishly feeling sorry for myself to be totally honest. Today I'm reminded that's there's way more important things to be thinking about.

Edit: I've been intentionally avoiding this thread because I only saw the first episode of Jacksons Family Dynasty and I didn't want to read any spoilers. I'm gonna watch them today and I'll be back then!
Sweet said! :)
But u also told me before, that this whole ghost thing was just made up from ur friends, that they just acted as if there would be a ghost but it wasn't like that for real! :)

Anyhow, I do agree here - I also don't think that it's real!...

you´re right but I´m not already sure about that
because some strange things also happend
for example, first of all we played this "game" in my cellar and as we
callt the ghost the wastewater pipe start to make noises
I had a terrible nightmare last night. :( Im off to bed I hope I have better dreams now.
Buen día ! (Good morning !) :)

I see a lot has been going on here lol

About visiting a psychics , I've always wanted to do that... but I'm afraid of what she/he might tell me , you know... what if she tell me something bad , or something I don't wanna know?

Neeve I dont know much about your specific situation but maybe my experience can help you , it's a looong story , but I'll keep it short...

For like 7 years I have had a crush on the guy who worked in the vegetables market near my home, I used to go every day to the shop to buy something , anything...just to see him and talk a little.
I knew there was something between us , I don't know how to explain it with words , but the way we looked each other , the feeling was mutual...

The years passed by and I wasn't brave enough to tell him about my feelings , I guess I was waiting for him to take the first step...And during that waiting , from one day to another , he just dissappeared.At first I thought he was ill , or he was on vacations...but he never came back.

So here I am, trying to get over him,wondering what would have happened if I told him how I was feeling.Maybe things were different now , or not... but let me tell you ,I would have prefered a no for an answer , instead this constant wondering.

So if you ask me Neeve , I think you should talk to him , just be honest about how you feel.I guess is hard to tell another one about our feelings because we became vulnerable in certain way , but like we say here : If you don't risk , you can't win !

Wish everyone have a great day :hug:
what had you dreamed????
I´m curious :lol:

She had a terrible night and u are laughing?
Shame on you!

you´re right but I´m not already sure about that
because some strange things also happend
for example, first of all we played this "game" in my cellar and as we
callt the ghost the wastewater pipe start to make noises

Well, never do it again, please! ;)
Or I'm gonna be worried about you!...
She had a terrible night and u are laughing?
Shame on you!

Well, never do it again, please! ;)
Or I'm gonna be worried about you!...

I just laugh because I´m curious :p
no I never gonna do this again :hug:
Buen día ! (Good morning !) :)

I see a lot has been going on here lol

About visiting a psychics , I've always wanted to do that... but I'm afraid of what she/he might tell me , you know... what if she tell me something bad , or something I don't wanna know?

Neeve I dont know much about your specific situation but maybe my experience can help you , it's a looong story , but I'll keep it short...

For like 7 years I have had a crush on the guy who worked in the vegetables market near my home, I used to go every day to the shop to buy something , anything...just to see him and talk a little.
I knew there was something between us , I don't know how to explain it with words , but the way we looked each other , the feeling was mutual...

The years passed by and I wasn't brave enough to tell him about my feelings , I guess I was waiting for him to take the first step...And during that waiting , from one day to another , he just dissappeared.At first I thought he was ill , or he was on vacations...but he never came back.

So here I am, trying to get over him,wondering what would have happened if I told him how I was feeling.Maybe things were different now , or not... but let me tell you ,I would have prefered a no for an answer , instead this constant wondering.

So if you ask me Neeve , I think you should talk to him , just be honest about how you feel.I guess is hard to tell another one about our feelings because we became vulnerable in certain way , but like we say here : If you don't risk , you can't win !

Wish everyone have a great day :hug:

Buenos dias! I just saw that you're from, I soooo want to go there! I've just always wanted to. Also, that's my favourite accent in the world! I speak madrileño Spanish :)

Thanks so much for your input, it's great to hear other people's opinions. I'm really sorry about what happened to you :( was that recently? :better:
You're right, it's scary to be vulnerable; I guess I have to weigh up the risks....... I'm going to think about it for another few days.

Hope everyone is having a good day
Buenos dias! I just saw that you're from, I soooo want to go there! I've just always wanted to. Also, that's my favourite accent in the world! I speak madrileño Spanish :)

Thanks so much for your input, it's great to hear other people's opinions. I'm really sorry about what happened to you :( was that recently? :better:
You're right, it's scary to be vulnerable; I guess I have to weigh up the risks....... I'm going to think about it for another few days.

Hope everyone is having a good day

Really ? You will be welcome anytime Neeve :)
I've been in Madrid last year , and a couple of people also told me about the accent! haha

I think the last time I saw him was 3 years ago , but I'm still trying to move on...Anyway , Good luck to you :flowers: Don´t be afraid :)
Hey guys. I had dream last night that was not Mike related but the words "We are here to change the world" were playing over and over in my head. I was awake a couple of minutes before I realised it had been going on in my sleep and continued into my awakened state (I'm scary in the morning :lol:)

It started my day with an 'I'm gonna do some good today' attitude. I was glad actually because I spent most of yesterday feeling really down and quite selfishly feeling sorry for myself to be totally honest. Today I'm reminded that's there's way more important things to be thinking about.
Nice. And I love that song :) Reminds me of a few times I woke up with APoM stuck in my head from a dream.

I had a terrible nightmare last night. :( Im off to bed I hope I have better dreams now.
Ohhh, that sucks :better:. MJ-related or no? I also had a couple of pretty bad dreams this morning. In one some guy was trying to get into a garage to kill me and some other people. At another point someone threw a rock at me and hit me way hard. In another... it was just weird. I went to New York City (never been there) and the way to get inside the city was on this weird slanting platform that was like some kind of mondo waterslide. It was loaded with hundreds of people and then tilted at a 90 degree angle, taking us down into raging ocean water... like the Titanic going down. Freaky.

Also had an MJ dream, but I'll put that in the next post :)
Just poppin' in to say hello to you all! Hope you all are doing well. Sending the love...:)

mjbunny -I was seeing her for a while for sessions some years ago and she did a bit of Reiki and I was all relaxed and drifting off and all of a sudden I felt massive pain at the top of my head like someone was pulling weeds out of my skull. I mean it was like roots went all the way through my brain and they were being forcefully ripped out. Holy! And I so I opened my eyes with a shock and realized that she wasn't even touching me. She was 'removing implants' (which I'd told her I was ok with... not really believing this existed anyway). For her this was normal. I was just shocked. I mean I could physically FEEL this. Whoa. What the "implants" were and if I have them or others again, I don't know. I don't know what to believe. They're supposedly from someone (aliens? other dimensions? thought forms from others here on Earth that we take into ourselves?) that serve the purpose of creating doubt and negative thought and/or blocking a lightworker's ability or mission. That sounds all spooky and I still don't know what to believe, but I can tell you it freakin' hurt when she pulled those things out!

:blink: What did she mean by implants?? That sounds gnarly!!! Did you ever go back after that? Like did it freak you out? Not too sure about the alines thing.. but good lord this thread just keeps getting more and more interesting...:bugeyed
Dang...bad dreams goin' all around it seems. I also had some last night...where I was in danger..and it was just a creepy energy all around. Wishing us all more pleasant dreams!
Ok, highly odd MJ dream from early this morning...

I was in a living room in a house that I don't recognize with my husband. I walked (alone) into the next room and was surprised to see my old wooden toy chest that we had when I was a kid. (That's a big rectangular box with a lid, a cabinet on the floor to store toys in, similar to this.) Mine was painted a bright mustard-yellow color and I think had some stuff painted or stenciled on by my mom. Hadn't thought about this literally for years and years and I can't recall any special feeling about it. It was just furniture to me.

So I was standing about ten feet from it and thinking wth?... wow, I'd forgotten about that old thing. And then suddenly, like a hologram rising out of the lid and then floating right above the toy chest, was MICHAEL. Fully 3-dimensional and really there, like I could feel it was really him, that this was an appearance, a visitation. I dropped to my knees in tears as I said, "Michael??? It's really you, isn't it?" I believe I could only see him from the waist up. He looked like during the Victory Tour and was wearing the white jacket from those concerts like pic below. He was turned slightly to the side and holding someone in his arms, like hugging them lightly. And, weirder, it was ME he was holding. It was a me that was a few years younger than now and definitely thinner (lol), like the me I picture my 'real' self or higher self looking like. I didn't pay much attention to this aspect in the dream, just in wonderful awe that Michael was there. I was crying and I told him I love him and he smiled. I told him over and over 'thank you', thanks for appearing to me like this because now I know it (meaning: the other side, life after death, our communication, etc) is all real.

I woke up right after this and couldn't sleep again for almost 2 hours, and this was after having only slept for a short while. I was sooooo tired. I was lying there trying to go over it all... why my toy chest? Generally it means nothing to me. What symbolism is that??? Toys ... fun, joy, innocence, childhood, a place to store these things? A symbol of 'long ago' on the other side, like from the childhood of the soul? I even thought of a casket, as it's the same style of 'box'... so rising from death in some sense? It's not much of a mystery why he looked like from the Victory Tour era ... that's the year I first loved him: 1984. And he was holding me gently... so... we're always together, always have been since I was a kid, part of me is still over 'there' with him, he's caring for me... something like that? I even had a scary thought because I'd dreamt of him beingin two places in the same building, two Michaels from two time eras like this, five days before he died. :mello: So I guess, just in case something happens, I'll be over there with MJ... :unsure:

It was more impressive when I first woke up than later in the day, but still amazing... and strange. Before I had gone to sleep last night I had prayed for people I know, in Haiti, MJ's kids, and then asked some questions of whomever (guides, etc), things about my life. It ended with me asking Michael some things, or telling him some things. I can't even remember most of it. I know the last was me asking if I could please dream of him tonight, lol. When I woke up from the dream it felt like an answer in some way. Or just a strange, symbolic dream:angel:
Just poppin' in to say hello to you all! Hope you all are doing well. Sending the love...:) What did she mean by implants?? That sounds gnarly!!! Did you ever go back after that? Like did it freak you out? Not too sure about the alines thing.. but good lord this thread just keeps getting more and more interesting...:bugeyed
Well, she's was a friend of mine and not scary :cheeky:. I did her website and she promoted my then-business and she was just helping me through some personal stuff, mostly just doing reiki and working on energy blockages. So no, it didn't freak me out (I've experienced weirder, lol). I really don't know what to make of it, but I remember that this talk of thought form implants was a big thing in the psychic community about 10-12 years ago. I do know, though, that what an energy healer can do is very real!

Amygrace: Dang...bad dreams goin' all around it seems. I also had some last night...where I was in danger..and it was just a creepy energy all around. Wishing us all more pleasant dreams!
Hmm. My weird dreams about someone trying to get me came after the MJ dream, btw. I was with a group of people and we were in this big garage with multiple door sections and trying to hold off a guy (or more than one?) outside.
mjbunny, wow lovely dream. How nice of Michael to come visit you. :huggy:

Interesting people were talking about bad dreams too. I didn't have any bad dreams, but this morning I woke up feeling really anxious like something is wrong, but so far nothing. I don't know what that's about. :scratch:

Last night I just dreamed I was in the upstairs bathroom of my house and there was a TV sitting on the toilet. (Why there was a TV there, I have no clue :scratch:) A concert from the Bad tour was being shown on the TV. Michael was performing songs he wouldn't normally perform and I was trying to figure out where the concert was from exactly. It was in Japan, but I couldn't figure out where specifically. It was like in a city that wasn't where he had ever toured. Weird. :scratch: