Merged: Psychics channel Michael

mjbunny, wow lovely dream. How nice of Michael to come visit you. :huggy:

Interesting people were talking about bad dreams too. I didn't have any bad dreams, but this morning I woke up feeling really anxious like something is wrong, but so far nothing. I don't know what that's about. :scratch:

Last night I just dreamed I was in the upstairs bathroom of my house and there was a TV sitting on the toilet. (Why there was a TV there, I have no clue :scratch:) A concert from the Bad tour was being shown on the TV. Michael was performing songs he wouldn't normally perform and I was trying to figure out where the concert was from exactly. It was in Japan, but I couldn't figure out where specifically. It was like in a city that wasn't where he had ever toured. Weird. :scratch:

You woke up feeling like that too ?? I felt the same... I felt so away today , If you know what I mean.. I am so sad , I feel so down .. I just want to cry right now :cry: I'm gonna try to meditate later .. Is it good to meditate if I feel bad energy ? Or not ?
Nice. And I love that song :) Reminds me of a few times I woke up with APoM stuck in my head from a dream.

Thanks mjbunny :huggy: Hopefully I can get a proper version from my recording system. We're having a minor disagreement at the moment!
Last night I just dreamed I was in the upstairs bathroom of my house and there was a TV sitting on the toilet. (Why there was a TV there, I have no clue :scratch:) A concert from the Bad tour was being shown on the TV. Michael was performing songs he wouldn't normally perform and I was trying to figure out where the concert was from exactly. It was in Japan, but I couldn't figure out where specifically. It was like in a city that wasn't where he had ever toured. Weird. :scratch:
LOL, it's kind of funny, though. MJ concerts on the toilet :lol:

You woke up feeling like that too ?? I felt the same... I felt so away today , If you know what I mean.. I am so sad , I feel so down .. I just want to cry right now :cry: I'm gonna try to meditate later .. Is it good to meditate if I feel bad energy ? Or not ?
I felt like that last night. I meditated (well, more like prayed) and it was tough, but I think it helped me, because after a few I really started to feel better. :yes:
Wow mjbunny, what an exquisite feel like it was really him, to see him hugging you, and to feel like you are always with him in a sense. The whole toy chest soon as you mentioned that I automatically thought it being symbolism for how you grew up with he's such a big part of who you are because he was a big part of your childhood. And that would make sense for him to even look like '84 Michael because he was rising from the box/coming from your childhood memories. What a beautiful dream overall...thanks for sharing.
LOL, it's kind of funny, though. MJ concerts on the toilet :lol:

I felt like that last night. I meditated (well, more like prayed) and it was tough, but I think it helped me, because after a few I really started to feel better. :yes:

I'm going to pray and meditate tonight ... By the way , Thank you for sharing your dream .. Oh wow , You felt that it really was him .. Oh gosh , That sounds like a beautiful dream :angel: :heart:
Nice. And I love that song :) Reminds me of a few times I woke up with APoM stuck in my head from a dream.

Ohhh, that sucks :better:. MJ-related or no? I also had a couple of pretty bad dreams this morning. In one some guy was trying to get into a garage to kill me and some other people. At another point someone threw a rock at me and hit me way hard. In another... it was just weird. I went to New York City (never been there) and the way to get inside the city was on this weird slanting platform that was like some kind of mondo waterslide. It was loaded with hundreds of people and then tilted at a 90 degree angle, taking us down into raging ocean water... like the Titanic going down. Freaky.

Also had an MJ dream, but I'll put that in the next post :)

Yes it was MJ related. I saw Michael in my dream and he was sitting behind bars in a corner. Its weird how you mentioned the rocks bc that was in my dream too. People were throwing rocks at MJ and the fans :cry: He looked so hopeless and lonely. People walking by were treating him like he was just a tourist attraction and paying money to see him. I was trying to get behind the bars to see if he was ok, I wanted to give him a hug but I couldnt reach him. I woke up feeling really sad all day and missing him badly. That was my worst nightmare ever :cry:
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Wow mjbunny, what an exquisite feel like it was really him, to see him hugging you, and to feel like you are always with him in a sense. The whole toy chest soon as you mentioned that I automatically thought it being symbolism for how you grew up with he's such a big part of who you are because he was a big part of your childhood. And that would make sense for him to even look like '84 Michael because he was rising from the box/coming from your childhood memories. What a beautiful dream overall...thanks for sharing.
The last thing I remember in the dream was running back to the other room to tell my husband, "I just saw Michael!!!!" So when I first woke up it was like.... ohhh, that was him. But then after a while it felt more like 'just' a dream. In any case, it's wonderful to dream of him :wub:

Yes it was MJ related. I saw Michael in my dream and he was sitting behind bars in a corner. Its weird how you mentioned the rocks bc that was in my dream too. People were throwing rocks at MJ and the fans :cry: He looked so hopeless and lonely. People walking by were treating him like he was just a tourist attraction and paying money to see him. I was trying to get behind the bars to see if he was ok, I wanted to give him a hug but I couldnt reach him. I woke up feeling really sad all day and missing him badly. That was my worst nightmare ever :cry:
Wow about the rocks! I can't think of much of the context in my dream about that, just that people were yelling and being mean and one guy threw a rock hard and it hit me full force and I thought, "Geeez, that's going to be a hellish bruise!" That must've really sucked to dream that about Michael :no: :hug: It sounds like a symbolic way of dealing with how some of the public acts regarding him, and us by association. Morons. :smilerolleyes: In the past month or so, well... I had that dream that the LAPD had tried and convicted him of something posthumously and also another about armed men hunting down fans and family. I guess we must feel this way on some level? (But then for that last one, there were several of us who dreamt of that theme in the same week, which was downright creepy.)

P.S. Yeah, I'd like to hear's as well. I mean, only if you feel you can share it.

P.S. Again -- my hubby just suggested that yesterday on the news they showed people in Haiti throwing rocks and people being hit by them. He thought maybe our subconscious minds held on to that image. I don't remember seeing that, actually, but he says they showed stuff like that. So, just bringing it up.
Yes it was MJ related. I saw Michael in my dream and he was sitting behind bars in a corner. Its weird how you mentioned the rocks bc that was in my dream too. People were throwing rocks at MJ and the fans :cry: He looked so hopeless and lonely. People walking by were treating him like he was just a tourist attraction and paying money to see him. I was trying to get behind the bars to see if he was ok, I wanted to give him a hug but I couldnt reach him. I woke up feeling really sad all day and missing him badly. That was my worst nightmare ever :cry:

:cry: That's horrible. I've had dreams that affected me the next day and you just can't shake it.
It's like it really happened :(
Yes it was MJ related. I saw Michael in my dream and he was sitting behind bars in a corner. Its weird how you mentioned the rocks bc that was in my dream too. People were throwing rocks at MJ and the fans :cry: He looked so hopeless and lonely. People walking by were treating him like he was just a tourist attraction and paying money to see him. I was trying to get behind the bars to see if he was ok, I wanted to give him a hug but I couldnt reach him. I woke up feeling really sad all day and missing him badly. That was my worst nightmare ever :cry:

oiiiiii that really makes be sad too :cry: :hug:
dreams are sometimes really painfull
but they tell us how we feel inside
sad but true :(
Aw no Shayla...I'm sorry you had a dream like that :cry: ...hugs to you :huggy:

mjbunny - first impressions are almost always right! I bet it really was him, but later when your mind could really get in the way it decided to second guess. ;)
@mjbunny: Wow....such an intense dream! Very awesome!

@Shayla: I'm sorry you got such a bad dream..ugh...sounds terrible. :(

I just got back from my gig, whoooo! I did it! Was so cool and so nothing to be afraid of really. All went well and enjoyed it a lot! :D
Bit down though, my parents didn't want to come because it's a bit far away from home and stuff...but I guess they just don't realise it's such a big deal for me. So can't really blame them, but still feel a bit left alone. Ah of my best friends was there and was all excited. She made a few pics but they looked quite crappy, so well..gonna record something soon anyway so if anyone wants to hear that I'll hear it by the time.

Going to bed now - don't know if I'm here tomorrow and tomorrow night I'm leaving for London, so gonna say goodbye now!
Wish me luck :)cry:) and much love to y'all! :huggy:
@mjbunny: Wow....such an intense dream! Very awesome!

@Shayla: I'm sorry you got such a bad dream..ugh...sounds terrible. :(

I just got back from my gig, whoooo! I did it! Was so cool and so nothing to be afraid of really. All went well and enjoyed it a lot! :D
Bit down though, my parents didn't want to come because it's a bit far away from home and stuff...but I guess they just don't realise it's such a big deal for me. So can't really blame them, but still feel a bit left alone. Ah of my best friends was there and was all excited. She made a few pics but they looked quite crappy, so well..gonna record something soon anyway so if anyone wants to hear that I'll hear it by the time.

Going to bed now - don't know if I'm here tomorrow and tomorrow night I'm leaving for London, so gonna say goodbye now!
Wish me luck :)cry:) and much love to y'all! :huggy:
Congrats on your first gig :) And good luck with the exhibition :angel:
Awh congrats Mrs. Music! Can't wait to hear what you record. Good luck in london :hat_wave:
Hey peeps,

Sorry to hear about your nightmare, MJstarlight :( :hug:
Talking of bad dreams, I had a horrible one last night. I was trapped in this appartment with a man, and he was trying to kill me and my mother. It was so horrible! I couldn't escape and when I did, he kept pointing the gun at me. Ahhh, nightmare.

mjbunny - Okay, wow about your dream. Like, reading it made me feel all squee inside lol. But also :cry: but in a good way if you know what I mean. Sounds really, really amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Mrs.Music - Congrats for your first gig, glad to hear it went well :D
Good luck with the exhibition..

:heart: to you all
I just got back from my gig, whoooo! I did it! Was so cool and so nothing to be afraid of really. All went well and enjoyed it a lot! :D
Bit down though, my parents didn't want to come because it's a bit far away from home and stuff...but I guess they just don't realise it's such a big deal for me. So can't really blame them, but still feel a bit left alone. Ah of my best friends was there and was all excited. She made a few pics but they looked quite crappy, so well..gonna record something soon anyway so if anyone wants to hear that I'll hear it by the time.

Going to bed now - don't know if I'm here tomorrow and tomorrow night I'm leaving for London, so gonna say goodbye now!
Wish me luck :)cry:) and much love to y'all! :huggy:
Yay! Glad it went well! Sorry to hear your parents didn't want to go though. Aw. At least you had a friend who was there and excited about it. :) Good luck at the exhibition...:angel:
@mjbunny: Wow....such an intense dream! Very awesome!

@Shayla: I'm sorry you got such a bad dream..ugh...sounds terrible. :(

I just got back from my gig, whoooo! I did it! Was so cool and so nothing to be afraid of really. All went well and enjoyed it a lot! :D
Bit down though, my parents didn't want to come because it's a bit far away from home and stuff...but I guess they just don't realise it's such a big deal for me. So can't really blame them, but still feel a bit left alone. Ah of my best friends was there and was all excited. She made a few pics but they looked quite crappy, so well..gonna record something soon anyway so if anyone wants to hear that I'll hear it by the time.

Going to bed now - don't know if I'm here tomorrow and tomorrow night I'm leaving for London, so gonna say goodbye now!
Wish me luck :)cry:) and much love to y'all! :huggy:

Congratulations and I wish u all the best in London!
Come back, soon! :)
what was yours? I had a hard time writing mine, bc im trying to block it out but maybe it will help you to get it out?

Well, I don't know exactly where I was (dreams are strange), but it looked like a large warehouse, but with a wood celing and woodbeams when you looked up, and it was very dark up there. There was a bunch of michael jackson fans in the room, it seemed like a "celebrating mj's life" type event. Dancing along and talking about Michael.

So I looked up, and there was Michael and two guys in grey suits on the beams , but in the dream It was known the Michael was not alive. The two guys seemed to have Michaels hands behind his back, they had nasty smirks,telling him to look down almost taunting him and making fun of him. He looked at me with sad eyes, I tried say something but I couldn't as if something was blocking me. Nobody else noticed me looking up. Now i'm not into the conspiracy theories at all because I think if I got into it, it would make me crazy, but I just knew they 2 guys in the suits were from AEG, one of which I belive was Randy Phillips.

The two guys also had a rope, (disturbing part) and they taunted michael by wrapping it aroun his neck and pulling it a tight and he just sat there helpless. I tried to scream but I sat there silently watching while I was crying.

This was so horrible, I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, it just kept comming back.
^ Whoa. That must've been terrible.:hug: As to how to interpret it... geez. Yeah, pointing at a conspiracy or just fears that AEG had something to do with it (pushing him too hard, not wanting to do 50... all the things we've read). I totally get what you mean about the conspiracy stuff and how it can make one go crazy in the head.
I have doubts, but everytime I've asked I believe I've received the answer "accident", so I feel no choice but to default to that personally. I feel for you about the dream, though. I've had some real bad ones in the last few months, like watching MJ collapse, going to a supposed place he passed, just bad stuff. It really messes up your day. But hopefully soon you'll get a good MJ dream to overpower it :yes:
Well, I don't know exactly where I was (dreams are strange), but it looked like a large warehouse, but with a wood celing and woodbeams when you looked up, and it was very dark up there. There was a bunch of michael jackson fans in the room, it seemed like a "celebrating mj's life" type event. Dancing along and talking about Michael.

So I looked up, and there was Michael and two guys in grey suits on the beams , but in the dream It was known the Michael was not alive. The two guys seemed to have Michaels hands behind his back, they had nasty smirks,telling him to look down almost taunting him and making fun of him. He looked at me with sad eyes, I tried say something but I couldn't as if something was blocking me. Nobody else noticed me looking up. Now i'm not into the conspiracy theories at all because I think if I got into it, it would make me crazy, but I just knew they 2 guys in the suits were from AEG, one of which I belive was Randy Phillips.

The two guys also had a rope, (disturbing part) and they taunted michael by wrapping it aroun his neck and pulling it a tight and he just sat there helpless. I tried to scream but I sat there silently watching while I was crying.

This was so horrible, I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, it just kept comming back.

Aww that's terrible! :( I hope you're okay. :hug:

I personally do believe AEG had something to do with his death and that Randy always give me the weirdest feeling. If they didn't have anything to do with his death, then I'm pretty sure they were downright nasty to him.

Mrs. Music : Glad your gig went well!:wild:
Well, I don't know exactly where I was (dreams are strange), but it looked like a large warehouse, but with a wood celing and woodbeams when you looked up, and it was very dark up there. There was a bunch of michael jackson fans in the room, it seemed like a "celebrating mj's life" type event. Dancing along and talking about Michael.

So I looked up, and there was Michael and two guys in grey suits on the beams , but in the dream It was known the Michael was not alive. The two guys seemed to have Michaels hands behind his back, they had nasty smirks,telling him to look down almost taunting him and making fun of him. He looked at me with sad eyes, I tried say something but I couldn't as if something was blocking me. Nobody else noticed me looking up. Now i'm not into the conspiracy theories at all because I think if I got into it, it would make me crazy, but I just knew they 2 guys in the suits were from AEG, one of which I belive was Randy Phillips.

The two guys also had a rope, (disturbing part) and they taunted michael by wrapping it aroun his neck and pulling it a tight and he just sat there helpless. I tried to scream but I sat there silently watching while I was crying.

This was so horrible, I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, it just kept comming back.

oh that is terrible!:( :better: That sounded like my nightmare too. I really hope that Michael is ok where ever he is. I know they are just dreams but sometimes I worry especially if more people are having similar dreams. Perhaps Michael is sending fans messages that he wants us to help him. The nightmare I had on June 26th is still most vivid to me. I had a dream where Murray was attacking Michael, choking him it was awful :cry: I just feel so hopeless sometimes that we still have no answers and feels we are not making progress. :(
Going to say some prayers and go to bed, night everyone! :angel:
MJstarlight -Yes it was MJ related. I saw Michael in my dream and he was sitting behind bars in a corner. Its weird how you mentioned the rocks bc that was in my dream too. People were throwing rocks at MJ and the fans :cry: He looked so hopeless and lonely. People walking by were treating him like he was just a tourist attraction and paying money to see him. I was trying to get behind the bars to see if he was ok, I wanted to give him a hug but I couldnt reach him. I woke up feeling really sad all day and missing him badly. That was my worst nightmare ever :cry:

:sad2: Oh my God what a horrid dream! I could just visualise it all.. that sounds so SAD! That nightmare would screw me up for weeks. Hope you have better dreams.:better:

Originally Posted by
Well, I don't know exactly where I was (dreams are strange), but it looked like a large warehouse, but with a wood celing and woodbeams when you looked up, and it was very dark up there. There was a bunch of michael jackson fans in the room, it seemed like a "celebrating mj's life" type event. Dancing along and talking about Michael.

So I looked up, and there was Michael and two guys in grey suits on the beams , but in the dream It was known the Michael was not alive. The two guys seemed to have Michaels hands behind his back, they had nasty smirks,telling him to look down almost taunting him and making fun of him. He looked at me with sad eyes, I tried say something but I couldn't as if something was blocking me. Nobody else noticed me looking up. Now i'm not into the conspiracy theories at all because I think if I got into it, it would make me crazy, but I just knew they 2 guys in the suits were from AEG, one of which I belive was Randy Phillips.

The two guys also had a rope, (disturbing part) and they taunted michael by wrapping it aroun his neck and pulling it a tight and he just sat there helpless. I tried to scream but I sat there silently watching while I was crying.

This was so horrible, I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, it just kept comming back.

:cry: ... why are all of us having bad dreams lately? Sorry you had that aweful nightmare. Yea that was very disturbing... :no:. Wishing you good dreams.:angel:

mjbunny - Whoa. That must've been terrible.:hug: As to how to interpret it... geez. Yeah, pointing at a conspiracy or just fears that AEG had something to do with it (pushing him too hard, not wanting to do 50... all the things we've read). I totally get what you mean about the conspiracy stuff and how it can make one go crazy in the head.
I have doubts, but everytime I've asked I believe I've received the answer "accident", so I feel no choice but to default to that personally. I feel for you about the dream, though. I've had some real bad ones in the last few months, like watching MJ collapse, going to a supposed place he passed, just bad stuff. It really messes up your day. But hopefully soon you'll get a good MJ dream to overpower it :yes:

Yea I feel ya on that one. About the conspiracies. Like I know there are things that go on, but if I read to much about it..I'll go nuts. I'm not going to go on about it..but yea that kind of stuff freaks me out. You never know in a world like this. Who can we trust? Poor Michael.:(
I hope you have better dreams as well. I hope we all have our good dreams back. :angel:
Amygrace - Dude I just listened to your song and read the lyrics and:cry: it was beautiful. I could imagine some orchestra music with violins and well you know! Good job girl..I bet Michael is proud and smiling at you. I wish I knew how to play instruments...cause then we could all start a band..:kickass: tee hee. Keep up the great work!
Man...awful MJ dreams goin' around :cry: ...I'm glad my bad dreams at least don't involve Michael. Hugs to all :group:

- thanks for the compliments on my song hun! xx
I had a bad dream last night , but Michael wasn't in it... But, at one point before my dream turned bad , I heard "They don't care about us"... But I think It's because my iPod was on :lol:
It's very sad to read about these bad MJ dreams ... Oh god , It must be really hard for you to experience all these awful things in nightmares ... I hope you all feel well ... Huuuug :huggy: