Madonna sets trends?

Step in to any Madonna forum and they will lay it down hard and just as factual as you can get. I ain't even gonna try and name every damn scandal that Madonna has been involved in through the years.

I wouldn't waste my precious time going on any Madonna forums so I can know so called "scandals" that she went through. I asked you to list me what scandals that she has gone through and you are not going to do that. That proves my point: she never really went through any scandal. Madge's image in this media is going to stated that she had a great "image". Why? Because nothing that is bad about her can really hurt her.

The woman has been banned from churches by the Pope himself! I will say I don't think any of her dramas have ever gotten to the point some of the folks you named but that's because Madonna is so incredibly strong and is too damn smart for that shit. She has never succumbed to drugs or let the media take control of her life.

She deserved to be banned from churches because she did a video in which she had burning crosses. She didn't care about the fact that she insulted a lot of people. What a way to get into the papers and sell albums. Of course none of her drama gotten to any point of destruction of her career because she made sure it wouldn't. All she does is kiss the media's rear and make sure that nothing she does that is considered bad would ruin her career or threaten to ruin her career. She might have not succumed to drugs, but she did take Escasty. As for the media controlling her life - well, she gets them talking and they love a celebrity that pays attention to them. Heck, without her fans in the media, she would have not made it this far in her career.

No matter what kind of shit is thrown her way, she always manages to come out on top in one way or another.

Yeah, because the media made sure that they do not rehashed her past mistakes like they do to Michael and Whitney.

4. What artistry is there to respect. Madonna is an act not an artist

On point. BTW, name me one song that Madge has written without collaborators, Jona? I cannot think of one. LOL.

I also though the media reaction to Madonna adopting David Banda was quite horrible.

That I have to agree with. I even remember a radio dj stating that he thinks that she stole the baby from his family. Yeah, people were pretty nasty.

but his celebrity friends and aquaintances are so damn fickle. They'll like you one day and be bashing you the next.

That is true.
The only thing I've ever heard Madonna say about MJ back in the day was something to the effect of "he looks like a space alien drag queen". That was a looooooooooong time ago and Madonna has grown up since then. As for her speech at her induction I really don't see the harm in anything she said. I think people are just nitpicking and being too hypersensitive as usual. It was all very tame and no harm was done. Let's not forget that during the American Life period [a dark time for MJ] she defended him in an interview and said that Bashir would get what he deserved in the end.

I am officially done with this thread because no matter what I say it will never be enough. It will never be accepted. It will be discredited in someway, somehow. I am being asked to answer this, provide that but in reality you don't give a rats ass what the answer is or really what I have to say at all. You're all too busy preparing the next rebuttal. All geared up to shoot down the possibility of Madonna having any actual artistic integrity and those who think that clearly have never listened to her albums in entirety. I'M so DONE. I grew up with Madonna, love and respect her, and think she's a tremendous artist. Madonna is my favorite female artist of all time [MJ, male artist]. No matter what anyone says or does, you can never take that away from me. THE END.
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First of all the new Thriller25 isn't selling more than Hard Candy and second of all why are we comparing the two? Is it okay for this to be done as long as it is benefitting Michael?

Who said Th25 sold more ? i said 'Hard Candy' hardly sold more right or false ? and dont say it sold 3 million because its false , it sold hardly 2 600 000 with 2 singles and not 1 like you say .

PLUS i was answering to @Tony who brought up the fact that Madonna still has hits ..." and not with a re-released" isnt it a provocation ? i prefer michael sells 2/3 million with a re-released instead of 2/3 million with a new album .

Madonna is still having hits. 4 Minutes was a big hit for her and the album Hard Candy was #1 in numerous countries around the world and still in the top of the charts worldwide [minus the states which I barely count anymore]. This is all after 3 decades in the game. That is no easy feat. Is she still selling like she used to? No, but who is and especially for as long as she has? She isn't a rap/R&B artist, under 30, or controlled by Disney.

And why the hell is anyone talking about Lauryn Hill? Who ever tried to compare Madonna to her? Madonna deserves props for the massive pop star that she is. Her appeal is undeniable. I don't think anyone ever once tried to make her out to be Maya Angelou. I praise her for what she is, a brilliant pop artist.

I'm not calling anyone out specifically but people get so freaking ridiculous whenever anyone pays Madonna any kind of respect. Why does people appreciating her music piss everyone off so damn much? What is the big deal? Why must everyone be so damn hostile and so quick to cut her down? I realize MJ is an amazing artist who is under unfortunate circumstances but stop holding it against her for not suffering the same pitfalls. I know much of what I say will be shot down but it is VERY evident there is much contempt for Madonna at this forum.

first of all ..i dont care , i voice my opinion whatever people can say here .
Second i stik to my opinion that whatever scandals Madonna would/will have she will always be forgiven rapidely , as much as justin BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE .

And called it like you want people , jealousy , stupidity etc..... whatever , i know myself what i feel , and my feelings are that i cannot bear when it's UNFAIR , yes UNFAIR and that some so-called fans say " yes thats right ,she does that and not MJ " only for provocation .
When they say INVINCIBLE was a flop but in the other hand " American Life " (which sold 3,5 M and not 5 like you said ) was a succès while its a TREMENDOUS FLOP , when they say Madonna is still succesfull with her 2 600 000 copies of Hard Candy while Michael keep on saling as much as her with a re-released but although that, he is no more in the game but Madonna is still , does it make sense ??.. .... .

What pisses me is not some people pay respect to her or that the great pubilc like her music ...what pisses me is when some people come here on a MJ forum make stupid comparaisons between MJ and Madonna in order to belittle MJ , i dont care if people think i am not objective BECAUSE I AM OBJECTIVE !! , why the hell do you feel ALWAYS the need to say that Madonna still has Hits and MJ no , what do you want to prove , that MJ is over and Madonna is the best ??? so why do you come to a MJ forum ?? How long does Madonna is in the game and how long does MJ is the game ??? is 25 years longer than 40 years or maybe i dont understand mathematics ??

You say you dont know what Madonna ever did to some of us..and we need (some of us) to get it over , so why the hell do you post a stupid article whith all kind of positive things about Madonna and negative about MJ if not for provocation ? did you expect ALL the fans here to accept this .. but in the other hand you are right , because many so called MJ fans here only expect this kind of TOPIC , topics of artists like Madonna or Prince to jump on the occasion to bash MJ .

What i hate is the provocation and the fact that we can no longer defend MJ in a MJ forum because thats the tendency ; We cannot say we dont like Madonna without somebody else coming and bringing her achievement COMPARING to MJ , as if the fact that to belittle MJ would forced us to like Madonna or even to "recognised" her talent .

I dont like Madonna , i think she talentless , i think she had had NO influence on todays's female or male artists ,yes i think it ...i also think that michael is bigger , acomplished far more things and had had MORE influence on todays artists me its not being blinded thats only my opinion .

No need to bring the : " she still has HITS compared to michael " that would not make me change my opinion .
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Whether people like it or not and to answer the original question, I'd say that yes Madonna does set trends. Look at Kylie, Gwen Stefani, Britney and a whole other host of female artists, they will point to Madonna as having some sort of bearing and influence in their musical careers.

Madonna has played a successful game in working the media throughout her career. Shes not without her controversies, but overall shes handled anything thrown at her well and has been able to rise above it. Musically speaking, shes not the most talented, not a truly sculpted and gifted artist. But as a package she definately has something, and along with her own drive, determination and skills in business, I think she has set a trend amongst younger female stars who admire her longevity and want to know her secret to staying current in such a fickle industry.

I for one cant wait til 11th september to see what more this 50 year old woman can wow the audience with. She's definately passionate about what she does, even after all these years and Im happy that she's still as driven today as she was all those years ago when she first started out.

Hats off to you Jona for holding your own in this thread, it isnt even about MJ but some people in here just cant see past Michael, they dont even know how to be objective anymore, its sad.

Thank you so much for the support. It's nice to know that someone else gets it that you can enjoy and admire other artists music just as much as Michael's.

SW, thank you for providing the perfect point as to why it doesn't matter what I or anyone else says about Madonna. I never compared her to Michael. I never belittled Michael. I haven't done any of the things you've said. You're fandom created those feelings. Not anything I said or did. Don't get it twisted but it really doesn't matter cuz I'm done.
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Thank you so much for the support. It's nice to know that someone else gets it that you can enjoy and admire other artists music just as much as Michael's.

SW, thank you for providing the perfect point as to why it doesn't matter what I or anyone else says about Madonna. I never compared her to Michael. I never belittled Michael. I haven't done any of the things you've said. You're fandom created those feelings. Not anything I said or did. Don't get it twisted but it really doesn't matter cuz I'm done.

And what about the article you posted MJ/Madonna ? article full of negativity towards MJ and positivity if not for provocation ?
lol I wish there's one such MJ fan in every celebs forum. lol
Madonna is lucky to have you as her fan, Jona.
And what about the article you posted MJ/Madonna ? article full of negativity towards MJ and positivity if not for provocation ?

Erh Jona only posted the article about Madonna and The Beatles, I dont see Mike in it at all :ph34r:
Erh Jona only posted the article about Madonna and The Beatles, I dont see Mike in it at all :ph34r:

There is a Madonna/Michael article about the B-day posted by Jona ...pfffff

The truth is that THE MEDIA is the only one who keep on feeding the "myth " of Madonna ,while artisticaly speaking and at the level of the sales , her results are nothing more than CRAP , her albums are CRAP artisticaly , her sales ARE POOR .
The media force people to love her , to consider her as an icon when its obvious that nobody except her fanbase buy her albums seethe poor salesof "Hard candy" , all this huge hype arround this for a poor 2 600 000 copies in 4 months , people are not dupe ,they buy what they like . The fact that Hard Candy was OVER-AIRED on radios and television hide the fact that the sales are poor and make us thinking that it was a succes , but the figures dont lie , only the hype and noise arround this crappy album lie .

The media feed the "ILLUSION " of a myth based NOTHING :poor sales , poor artistry

THE MEDIA are much more LIERS when it comes to compare her to MJ , they ready to INVENT positive facts in her favor to belittle michael and to convince people that she is the greatest of the 2 .

But see the full of positive comments in favor of michael vs Madonna all other the world that highlight the big gap between the constant media trying to destry michael in favor of Madonna , see the full of positivity for michael and the arguments that even Madonna's fans cannot answer to , the fans of Madonna are luky because they rely on a positive press for Madonna when it comes to comprae her to michael , because deep inside them they know the truth , that the MEDIA unfairly and hugely work in favor of Madonna to destroy michael's legacy .

If you do the addition ,go to american , asian ,south america euro blogs and rate the popularity of the two ..i have always been surprised how much mike DESTROY her at this level , regarding to what the media try hard to make people think , thats only the contrary ,
Madonna will never top the level of popularity michael has even at his lowestevel .
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Happy Birthday Madoooonnnnnnaa!

Wow, I can't believe she is 50 already. I was a teenager in the mid 80's. Madonna was HUGE. Heck yeah, she set trends. I remember when Desperately Seeking Susan came out, Lots of people were looking for clothes similiar to what she was wearing. Girls were tying back their hair with headband and poofing it out. lol. I had the lace fingerless gloves like she wore on her video's. I was a bigger MJ fan at the time, but I loved me some Madonna. It's clear that Britney and Kylie are inflluenced by her and Christina.

Don't have to write your own songs or have a flawless personal life to be an awesome entertainer. I've seen a few of her concerts and Madonna CAN perform.

Madonna is a huge icon, nobody can take that away from her. LOVE her! *whooott
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See i am not a Madonna fan at all and i've only read some posts in this thread and i have one thing to say...

After all the record sales, the long lasting career and after how and why she has her name in history, you have to respect her. Regardless.

P.S. Happy 50th Birthday.
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Best post in this whole thread ^ (apart from mine!)

Happy Birthday M. I hope you get enough birthday money to lower your ticket prices next time you tour!
Best post in this whole thread ^ (apart from mine!)

Happy Birthday M. I hope you get enough birthday money to lower your ticket prices next time you tour!

:lol: :lol: Her ticket prices are "ridiculously high" this time and still she's sold more than 1 million tickets :yes: :yes:.

Happy birthday Madonna! The biggest female artist ever to me :D!
I paid £300 to see the Reinvention Tour (2 tickets) and it was amazing. Worth every penny, but couldn't do it again!
It's because I always see ppl claim that Madge's the queen of reinvention and she's always been the person who set new trends with her albums. IT's the reason why her album "fails" 'coz she's jumping on the bandwagon this time (It's what they said, not me LOL).
I'd say that she did set some trends in the 80's and 90's. I agree with u that now she seems to be just pleasing the record company or whoever by releasing these disco albums. At least to me she shouldn't try so desperately to stay young. The stuff she did in the late 90's was something that was mature (frozen). I'd expect her to do that kind of stuff now.

And someone once said that the style Madonna had back in the 80's was not invented by her, everybody dressed like that even before she became famous.

No matter how much I hate her sometimes I gotta say that she's the boss.

Happy 50th Maddie.
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Just finished reading this whole thread, things got a bit heated in here lol, but overall interesting thread.

Anyway, happy B-day to Madonna! Hope she has a great day.
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I wouldn't waste my precious time going on any Madonna forums so I can know so called "scandals" that she went through. I asked you to list me what scandals that she has gone through and you are not going to do that. That proves my point: she never really went through any scandal. Madge's image in this media is going to stated that she had a great "image". Why? Because nothing that is bad about her can really hurt her.

She deserved to be banned from churches because she did a video in which she had burning crosses. She didn't care about the fact that she insulted a lot of people. What a way to get into the papers and sell albums. Of course none of her drama gotten to any point of destruction of her career because she made sure it wouldn't. All she does is kiss the media's rear and make sure that nothing she does that is considered bad would ruin her career or threaten to ruin her career. She might have not succumed to drugs, but she did take Escasty. As for the media controlling her life - well, she gets them talking and they love a celebrity that pays attention to them. Heck, without her fans in the media, she would have not made it this far in her career.

Yeah, because the media made sure that they do not rehashed her past mistakes like they do to Michael and Whitney.

That's because most, if not all, of Madonna's scandals have related to her artistic endeavors and not stuff that has gone on in her personal life. I don't see how she "kisses media's rear", and I don't see what the harm is if she does.
That's because most, if not all, of Madonna's scandals have related to her artistic endeavors and not stuff that has gone on in her personal life. I don't see how she "kisses media's rear", and I don't see what the harm is if she does.

Very true
Thats why I don't understand how when you get into a music conversation about Madonna to someone and you say something that they don't agree with, they think that your judging her as person when its JUST solely the music. Your a "hater" your "hating". Those are peoples favorite lines and it gets on my damn nerves because its beyond immature. This is not just with folks that favor Madonna. Its really with any fan that favor any artist. I don't know why some fans can't be open minded and be a little more factual on their music history.
The only thing I've ever heard Madonna say about MJ back in the day was something to the effect of "he looks like a space alien drag queen"

As for her speech at her induction I really don't see the harm in anything she said. I think people are just nitpicking and being too hypersensitive as usual.

That was a nasty thinhg to say about Michael. Funny some people in the media now say the same thing about Madonna, with her botox face and masculine arms and legs.

Funny how terms nitpicking and being hypersensitive are used describe negative things, and a flat out lie Madonna has said about Michael. I suppose Madonna's lie that Freddy DeMann left Michael's employment to work for the unknown Madonna an ok thing to say. Lies are nasty, yeah now harm was done because people in the audience much know Madonna's ego is out of control because of the crap that came out of her mouth. It can easily be said that you are being hypersensitive about any criticism of Madonna. There are many negative things I could say about Madonna as a person and the way she looks, but I'm not going in to that area. The terms hypersensitive etc are used against any Michael Jackson fan who defends Michael with had based facts. That doesn't wash with me, there is only one winner with any person who's negative about Michael Jackson in my presence(and I'm not saying you are as I can see your an MJ fan which I respect you for, plus and this comment is a general one not aimed at you) and that's me.

I have a lot of respect for you speaking up for Madonna, but as a long time Michael Jackson fan since 1983 (I've grown up with Michael's music since I was 11yrs old), I can take hearing the odd comedian making a joke about Michael (because technically the jokes can be funny, even if I hate the content of the joke) etc. But I was really annoyed about Madonna's lie at her Rock"N"Roll Hall of Fame induction. The point is, Madonna is a very successful recording star. The most famous woman in music history, so it is pathetic of her to lie and say Freddy DeMann left Michael to work for her to make her appear even bigger a star and talent than she actually is. I presume Michael Jackson's genius, status of not just an icon, but a living legend and an enigma and bigger influence and sales than Madonna's are still a huge threat to her.

Once again, as a successful recording star who makes music people around the world love I have give Madonna a lot of credit. And I've even liked a few of her songs. But my main issue with Madonna and her fan base is the exaggeration of her being a cutting edge innovative artist. I saw a segment on Madonna on Richard & Judy (a UK tv show), and one fan (a women who works in the media) said Madonna has being a successful artist since the late 1970's who "constantly changing" and "staying 2 steps ahead". Now that was a very exaggerated statement. Plus some choreographer said she redefined what pop star was, and that no one has done that since Elvis. Yet another very exaggerated statement. Madonna is a star who deserves a lot of respect for her success, but she also gets given a lot of credit for things that aren't connected to her career, things that were already standard place when she emerged in late 1983.

See i am not a Madonna fan at all and i've only read some posts in this thread and i have one thing to say...

After all the record sales, the long lasting career and after how and why she has her name in history, you have to respect her. Regardless.

P.S. Happy 50th Birthday.

That is something I respect, but that doesn't make her a musical innovator.

Happy Birthday Madoooonnnnnnaa!

Wow, I can't believe she is 50 already. I was a teenager in the mid 80's. Madonna was HUGE. Heck yeah, she set trends. I remember when Desperately Seeking Susan came out, Lots of people were looking for clothes similiar to what she was wearing.

I was a teenager in the mid 1980's, and remember the young Madonna very well. I remember girls in my school loved her music, but didn't like her as a person. Something which was very common in the mid 1980's and early 90's in the UK. But one the the above post inadvertently points the trends Madonna sets aren't musical, but image based. Also Madonna's Like A Virgin era look was a whole sale rip off of Cyndi Lauper's look in 1983. Though I will say Madonna's version of the look was a lot cooler.

mjscarousal said:
That being said, I have heard Madonna defend Michael though in the past but his celebrity friends and aquaintances are so damn fickle. They'll like you one day and be bashing you the next.

Madonna did speak out in Michael's defence about Bashir in Q Music Magazine in 2003, saying something like she didn't watch the documentary and that karma will comeback and get Bashir. I thought Madonna had stopped making horrible comments about Michael, but her pathetic Rock"N"Roll Hall of Fame speech showed she's still a nasty person under all her spiritual mother earth crap.
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people in the media now say the same thing about Madonna, with her masculine arms and legs.
What's that supposed to mean? There's no such thing as "masculine" arms. I think athletic women look good.
What's that supposed to mean? There's no such thing as "masculine" arms. I think athletic women look good.

You know exactly what I mean !!!

Yes there is such is thing as masculine arms. And there is a difference between women looking athletic and masculine. Some people in the media think Madonna has gone too far with her fitness training. I'm pointing this out in reaction to a very old comment Madonna made about Michael looking like a space alien drag queen, because some people in the media now hold that view of Madonna and they have said she looks masculine.

Why would we have any interest in knowing you like women with an athletic look. This thread is not a debate our personal tastes in women.
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Madonna never said she took MJ's agent away but rather she had to have him because she knew Michael was the best. Did she say she took him away? No. Just that she went after him because she knew he was good. Funny how people who know nothing of the business but what they read try and tell the people who lived it [like Madonna] how it really went down. Please! And what's with everyone LYING about Madonna's HOF speech? There wasn't anything nasty about it. It was light and fun.

The same kind of shit y'all get sick of being done to MJ [the exaggeration, the lying, the manipulation] is what is being done to Madonna in this thread. The last two to three pages have been down right embarrassing. None of you are accomplishing a damn thing other than making yourselves look foolish with your transparant and hate filled agenda.

And about Madonna's past comment, that was the past and she hasn't said anything disrespectful towards MJ since [unless you try your hardest to get it twisted]. Let it be. I love how its ok to trash Madonna's looks in defense of MJ. Very mature. Stop with the stupid and get back on track or don't say anything at all. Move on.
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Madonna never said she took MJ's agent away but rather she simply had to have him because she knew Michael was the best. Funny to how people who know nothing of the business but what they read try and tell the people who lived it [like Madonna] how it really went down. Please. And what's with everyone LYING about Madonna's HOF speech? There wasn't anything nasty about it. It was light and fun. The same kind of shit y'all get sick of being done to MJ [the exaggeration, the lying, the deception] is what is being done to Madonna in this thread.The last two to three pages have been down right embarrassing. None of you are accomplishing a damn thing other than making yourselves look foolish with your transparant and hate filled agenda.

And about Madonna's past comment, that was the past and she hasn't said anything disrespectful towards him since [unless you try your hardest to get it twisted]. Let it be. I love how its ok to trash Madonna's looks in defense of MJ. Very mature. Stop with the stupid and get back on track or don't say anything at all. Move on.

Stop with the stupid ?? and when you post an article Madonna /Michael B-day trashing Mike in favor of Madonna isnt it stupid ???

And you know what is funny with you ?? you always claim be a MJ fan but 98% of your posts are in the no-MJ section , particulary in the Madonna thread ... i start wonder if you are realy a MJ fan or only a Madonna's fan jumping all over the other artists boards to check if somebody is trashing your queen .
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Stop with the stupid ?? and when you post an article Madonna /Michael B-day trashing Mike in favor of Madonna isnt it stupid ???

The article wasn't actually in favor of Madonna. It was contrasting the stars in their current lives at 50- the point of the article. It's not Madonna's fault MJ has had so many problems. Was the article lying? No. Did you have to read it? No. I get really sick of the woe is me attitude the fans have with Michael [to a certain extent]. He IS a grown ass man after all. I love him to pieces but he IS responsible for his own life in the end. No one made him do anything he didn't want to do and he is accountable for all of his own actions. Sure, outside forces weigh in but some people are so over the top with the blame game.

Back on track, stop making yourselves looks so silly with the Madonna bashing and yes that's what it is. At first it wasn't like that at all. People gave their opinions and moves on but now it's about beating those who do like or appreciate Madonna's music over the head with negativity cuz God forbid anyone take her music seriously and see her as an artist.
Stop with the stupid ?? and when you post an article Madonna /Michael B-day trashing Mike in favor of Madonna isnt it stupid ???

And you know what is funny with you ?? you always claim be a MJ fan but 98% of your posts are in the no-MJ section , particulary in the Madonna thread ... i start wonder if you are realy a MJ fan or only a Madonna's fan jumping all over the other artists boards to check if somebody is trashing your queen .

Honey, when did you join? Uh, ok. And when did I join? Oh, that's right. Ok then. Now throw your absurd assumptions and tacky insinuations out the window cuz you sure as hell ain't throwing them at me. Sorry, ain't having it.

I love Michael Jackson and I do not have to defend myself. Let's face it, not alot is happening with Michael most of the time so I do enjoy chatting in this area about everyone else including my other fave, Madonna. Deal.
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The article wasn't actually in favor of Madonna. It was contrasting the stars in their current lives at 50- the point of the article. It's not Madonna's fault MJ has had so many problems. Was the article lying? No. Did you have to read it? No. I get really sick of the woe is me attitude the fans have with Michael [to a certain extent]. He IS a grown ass man after all. I love him to pieces but he IS responsible for his own life in the end. No one made him do anything he didn't want to do and he is accountable for all of his own actions. Sure, outside forces weigh in but some people are so over the top with the blame game.

Back on track, stop making yourselves looks so silly with the Madonna bashing and yes that's what it is. At first it wasn't like that at all. People gave their opinions and moves on but now it's about beating those who do like or appreciate Madonna's music over the head with negativity cuz God forbid anyone take her music seriously and see her as an artist.

EDIT there is another post .
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Its not about beating those who like her music , but people who make comparisons between mike and Madonna AN YOU DID with your stupid article .

And for you questions YES the article was completely false , and michael is no way responsible for the pedophilia and harrassment in him . No one made him do what he want to do ?? sure , so why did they trash him over Madonna ???

Why do you think the use another artist B-day to use and trash once again MIKE , where the link between them , they are nothing to do together .

And you did know the article was trashing michael over Madonna if you didnt want to provok the fans why did you post that ??

Luky Madonna is white and michael black , because if that was Madonna who made it they would not have behave like that towards her .

I will be honest and just say that I have no idea what the hell you just said and I'm not sure you do either. That's all.
I will be honest and just say that I have no idea what the hell you just said and I'm not sure you do either. That's all.

OK : i edited my post to make it clearer sorry if a french girl doesnt speak english better than you . If you dont understand what i mean maybe thats because you dont want to .

Its not about beating those who like her music , but people who make comparisons between mike and Madonna AN YOU DID it with your stupid article .

And for your questions , YES the article was completely false , michael is no way responsible for the pedophilia and harrassment in him .
No one made him do what he want to do ?? what did he do for the media to trash him against Madonna ??

Why do they use another artist B-day to trash once again MIKE , where is the link between them ?? they have nothing to do together .

PLUS you did know the article was trashing michael against Madonna , if you didnt want to provok the fans why did you post that ??

Luky Madonna is white and michael black .

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OK : i edited my post to make it clearer sorry if a french girl doesnt speak english better than you . If you dont understand what i mean maybe thats because you dont want to .

Its not about beating those who like her music , but people who make comparisons between mike and Madonna AN YOU DID it with your stupid article .

And for your questions , YES the article was completely false , michael is no way responsible for the pedophilia and harrassment in him .
No one made him do what he want to do ?? what did he do for the media to trash him against Madonna ??

Why do they use another artist B-day to trash once again MIKE , where is the link between them , there are nothing to do together .

And you did know the article was trashing michael against Madonna , if you didnt want to provok the fans why did you post that ??

Luky Madonna is white and michael black , because if that was Madonna who made it they would not have behave like that towards her .


Thank you for the clarification but it's still completely irrelevant. You don't like what I have to say or any other Madonna supporter. That's your problem and not mine. I can peacefully coexist amongst many artists. I'm so blessed having MJ and Madonna as my King and Queen.
Thank you for the clarification but it's still completely irrelevant. You don't like what I have to say or any other Madonna supporter. That's your problem and not mine. I can peacefully coexist amongst many artists. I'm so blessed having MJ and Madonna as my King and Queen.

I dont care about people liking Madonna . What i cant stand is people making comparisons and saying bullshit like " Madonna in the top ...michael not " like you did with your stupid article .

I have no problem with other artists music or career as long as they respect the other artists not like Madonna .

But if you want to believe that about me ..thats your problem . But as long as in a MJ forum some people will disrespect michael against other artists , you will see my mouth believe me .