London Court/Hotel Meet Up

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Well to all of those that will be going to the courthouse to show their support for MJ, BE SAFE!! Please don't get out there acting a donkey because you know they will write it up in the papers that MJ FANS ARE CRAZY. But if you must scream something tell "MJ that the fans on this site :wub: him and wish him the best of luck in winning this case."
I wish you all were going to see him under better circumstances but at least he will see that he support even when things are a little gloomy for him. Flying to London is soooo out of my price range right now, so I will just keep him in my prayers along with everyone here on this site..:angel::D
Hey guys... I'm getting kinda nervous because I'm traveling for the first time to London, for something like this. I don't know where to start, what to do or where to stay. I would love to meet other fans an stay in the same hotel, but I dunno where to start :(

could you please help me with the following:

1: When to take the flight from Oslo, 2 hours flight. Either saturday morning or saturday evening

2: Where to meet people etc

3.: What hotel to saty in. I now there are quite a few from outside London that are going aswell, and I was wondering where you guys stay.

I could really need a friend in london now.... I know I sound desperate but that's what I am at the moment!

Thanx in advance :)
IN which hotel michael usually staying , i need get direction from willesden .But need to know to where ...Michael I coming to see you .... WOW :)
^^ Nobody knows exactly where he is staying at the moment but when people find out I guess it will be spread around. Hopefully
I second that, I understand I showed disagreement with this at first but I am coming round to the idea as the majority of the fans are always respectful its just the ones that get caught up in the moment I worry about, so you guys keep the overexcited ones in check :cheeky: and have a good time and also, wear some layers, it will be freezing, I can already feel it frosting up outside just now :yes:
i coulnt agree with this more and make sure we get to see the pictures here please.........................
Just a gentle reminder for you all that there is to be no posting of the places where Mr Jackson stays during his visit to the UK.

Thanks :flowers:
Just a gentle reminder for you all that there is to be no posting of the places where Mr Jackson stays during his visit to the UK.

Thanks :flowers:

Reminder noticed. :cheeky:I was thinking more, like for those who are in london an are meeting up etc.
Oh I wasn't referring to your post Muchos :) :)

By all means this thread is for you guys to organise where you can meet up :flowers: :D
oh well in that case, everything is cool :tease:lol... I just love that smiley...
It's Friday and the sun is shining.

Have nice weekend:cheers:
nobody loves their fans like MJ does, I live in Leeds (Northern England) four hours away from london and sadly this means I cannot make it, but I would of loved to of gone,

you can stil make it. this loiner is going down £10 on the coach.

any way im going down sunday morning.even though i feel rough and mj trips always end with me having hypothermy (sp) and full of cold so hopefully mj makes this short and sweet lol

thers always achance it it raining in the UK and yes theres a cold snap this weekend so bring at least 20 layers lol

re meetups if ppl know whenre mj is staying when he arrives everyone will hang about there if not its a case of getting to the court or inside to watch if possible. theres gonna be no info until he arrives or when ppl find out where hes staying. the bahrainians are supposedly at the dorch so i doubt he will be there. normally what happens is fan just go back and forth from the hotels mj usually stays at looking for signs.
you can stil make it. this loiner is going down £10 on the coach.

any way im going down sunday morning.even though i feel rough and mj trips always end with me having hypothermy (sp) and full of cold so hopefully mj makes this short and sweet lol

thers always achance it it raining in the UK and yes theres a cold snap this weekend so bring at least 20 layers lol

re meetups if ppl know whenre mj is staying when he arrives everyone will hang about there if not its a case of getting to the court or inside to watch if possible. theres gonna be no info until he arrives or when ppl find out where hes staying. the bahrainians are supposedly at the dorch so i doubt he will be there. normally what happens is fan just go back and forth from the hotels mj usually stays at looking for signs.

yo I'm landing in London sunday morning, from norway! wanna meet up? I'm alone and it's my first time in london.... btw way are you staying somewhere?
[QUOTEyo I'm landing in London sunday morning, from norway! wanna meet up? I'm alone and it's my first time in london.... btw way are you staying somewhere?

vbrep_register("1685285") ][/quote]
im staying with a fellow poster from the board. re hotesl i normally stay in cheap B&B's they arent very nice but are ok if u just want to sleep look on the net and book b4 u go as it will be alot easier for you. there are lots of websites put cheap B&B in google any hotel in the centre of london is fine they are all easy to get to. i dont know what ill be doing on sunday yet it depends if ppl know where mj is by then if they know the hotel then ill be there if not ill be at the place im staying
[QUOTEyo I'm landing in London sunday morning, from norway! wanna meet up? I'm alone and it's my first time in london.... btw way are you staying somewhere?

im staying with a fellow poster from the board. re hotesl i normally stay in cheap B&B's they arent very nice but are ok if u just want to sleep look on the net and book b4 u go as it will be alot easier for you. there are lots of websites put cheap B&B in google any hotel in the centre of london is fine they are all easy to get to. i dont know what ill be doing on sunday yet it depends if ppl know where mj is by then if they know the hotel then ill be there if not ill be at the place im staying[/quote]

I found this hostel earlier, it's cheap also.
Compton Place
37 Tavistock Place

What do you think?
Or could you send me the name of the place your staying? I really wanna be with other fans on this one.

BTW are you a male or female... lol
if thats the genrartor hostel then yeah it looks fine and is in a good location for info the hight court is at the embankment tube station so near to yours at russel square.

What do you think?
Or could you send me the name of the place your staying? I really wanna be with other fans on this one.
im staying at a private house
So is there any news yet on when he's arriving? I'm down in London this weeked anyway but can't hang around on Monday as have work. Hopefully he'll arrive Sat/Sun. I'm guessing since that Mirror article was so pro MJ that it was a source from his camp who leaked the story. And if so the comment about hoping the fans will show up and support him clearly indicates that MJ's camp want us there
The weather forecast for tomorrow is a mild day, it wont be hot by all means but it will hopefully stay dry, On Sunday, there are supposed to be some light showers and a possible chance of some snow! So it will be quite cold, bring layers if you guys are going to walking around or standing about waiting on Michael. Monday is more rain unfortunately, hopefully its light rain and not pouring.

Thats your weather forecast, have a good day :D
well like i said im working on monday and tommorow im at work and with my girlfriend but i will be at the hotel sunday if anyone whants to meet up send me a pm i have no internet at home but will try replying while at work
[QUOTESo is there any news yet on when he's arriving?][/QUOTE]
the only info we have is from the doctors report from wed that said hed beable to travel in 2 days time at the earliest so thats today. which means if he leave L.A today he will arrive here tomorrow. ofcourse if he arrives on the quiet we wont know but paps will be on high alert at heathrow so im sure they will know exactly when hes gonna arrive
oh just wanna wish you all those who go the best of the best!!!!!!
please take my love with you too!!
Sending lots of love and positive energy!!!!!!!
Oh Michael I love you baby!! I pray for ur health and happiness!!
God is with you!!
OK I just ordered my plane tickets: i'm landing in london 09.15 am Sunday.
I'll will be staying at the Cromwell Crown hotel in Cromwell road..
I plan on meeting man_in_th_mirror at hyde park. Dunno where that is, but I guess I'll find that out.
If anyone else wanna meet, just pm me.
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