London Court/Hotel Meet Up

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I cant make it but , best luck to MJ and the guys whose gonna go there.Take care of your self guys
I certainly hope that everyone attending doesn't loose prospective. This is a legal court hearing. Not a concert. Not a public outting. Not a game for fans.

These are legal proceedings. Please respect that.
Although I live just half an hour from the courts by train, I won't be attending, I personally feel its not the correct time to do so.. However, I am not putting a downer on other fans who do want to go, I hope you all give Michael great mature support. Say Hi for me!
may sound a bit of a weird question but......why is the trial going to be in london when mj is living in las vegas and the prince in bahrain?????????

just confused but im chuffed he is gonna be in the uk, even though for the wrong reasins once again. its so frustrating coz the last few weeks of pics mj has looked happy and chilled now he is back in court and more stress on him!!
The older I get, the less patience I have for hanging around hotels and such like so I doubt I'll make the effort...though the Strand is literally 5 min walk from my workplace so might pop round at lunch. My timing is never good whenever MJ is around though so Im not expecting much!

And to Michael and the fans, theres a very cold weather front heading to the UK this weekend so bring your winter woolies and stay warm!
:punk:Those of you who are able to be there - you rock!! I will be there in spirit. Great to show Michael how much we care and support him. Please take care of each other though. :angel:
Can someone tell me where exactly the meeting up is happening? Not everyone here is from London and is familiar with every single part of the city. Thank you.
I second that, I understand I showed disagreement with this at first but I am coming round to the idea as the majority of the fans are always respectful its just the ones that get caught up in the moment I worry about, so you guys keep the overexcited ones in check :cheeky: and have a good time and also, wear some layers, it will be freezing, I can already feel it frosting up outside just now :yes:

Good point. I think that any show of support is wonderful, as long as the fans/ supporters are respectful of Michael, the situation at hand and other fans as well. Let Mike know that we're there for him, and also those who may doubt.

And yes, the winter is visiting us early here in Canada...brrr. Dress warm and dry.

Bless you. :)
The court is just a short walk away from the Embankment tube station if I remember rightly. Have fun everyone that is going, but please remember it's not a show etc. A supportive gathering.
Hey Guys,

Sadly I cant come:(
And that s****!:(

All my love support and thoughts are with you and Michael! *hugs all of you*:D:yes::D:better:
Be safe! :D:yes::D:punk: Michael has such amazing and wonderful fans!:D:yes::wub::punk:

MJ-Love,carol xxx
Ooo! :eek:
Well, to whoever is going, hope you guys be safe, and still respect Michael's and everybody else's privacy and space. :yes: Hope all goes well, & make sure to be nice. :lol: It's very sweet to show Michael the love and support we all have. Too bad I can't go, but like another one said, I WILL be there in spirit! :D

Yeah cos how BAD and totally uncool would that be, if someone were to get crushed under Michael's car in front of everyone outside the court??

PLEASE everyone, leave the pushing and shoving and getting hit by Michael's car for AWAY from the public eye. ;) ;) :lol: xxx Seriously though, please stay safe everyone, and stay away from the selfish types who don't care who gets hurt. xx
Well Im SO p***ed off, just when Michael comes to town Im off to Buenos Aires to meet up with my daughter who is traveling round South America.....what totally rotten timing.
Anyway, send Michael my love!!
Keep safe to everyone who is going and show the world how loving and careing the MJ community is, after all we are a reflection of Michael.
Im gonna try to keep up with the news as I travel around. God, I hope it goes well for Michael, my heart is going 90 to the dozen as my mum would say.
if no fans turn up Mj will feel unsupported and he needs support because he loves his fans and he hates court,
nobody loves their fans like MJ does, I live in Leeds (Northern England) four hours away from london and sadly this means I cannot make it, but I would of loved to of gone,

Dear other Mj fans who attend ... DONT TAKE UR CAMERAS!, OR ASK FOR HIS AUTOGRAPH!

You are there to support him, we don't need any photos from this event, even though the media will probably give us loads it's up to you as the fans to let this stay simple and honest and a kind gesture of support to michael as he goes into court once again to fight for what is rightfully his.

This whole ordeal could also cause conflict between sony which may lead to a massive delay on the new album, so michael will be at a tender point & with our support he will feel well supported, I also heard he had a sake bite recently.

Forever, Michael!
Just think - this weekend people will be on the same flight as him for 15 hours or w/e and not realise!
mj won't thinkhe's unsupported....this is a CIVIL trial, he was supported heavily throughout the crim i think he knows he has support. this is a way for fans to see him, i guess maybe get in in the uk courts allow, and to see mj's support in this.

but it never hurts to see a friendly face when u're having a moment of drama
I thought this thread was to help other fans of michael all meet up somewhere ??

So how about say between 8-9am outside the Dorchester hotel then make our way down to the court ?
I may be coming down to London and its my first time doing this sort of thing to show my support, so it would be good to meet up with people if at all possible. Hopefully I'll be coming with a friend who knows London, as I definitely don't!! Will see what happens anyway.. and will keep checking the site for a meet up point and updates as to whats going on...
H x

p.s any info I can get would be appreciated! Much love!!
I hope all who are going will have a fun time meeting each other :)
Have fun y'all but remember to keep things civil and orderly.
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