London Court/Hotel Meet Up

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In case Michael would come at night, could anyone tell me the taxi phone number that they would pick you up even it's midnight??? Thank u very much
Courts are not open at weekends. Media accreditation was carried out on Friday. I don't see why there would be any staff at the courthouse to be making any statements about whether or not MJ will be there tomorrow or for what reasons.
Maybe a rumor from the court. I don't really know and I don't know the reason for that.
I only gave you the info :)

What's the name of the person you spoke to? Someone on another board is in contact with the fans that are outside the courthouse, in total, there's eleven people out there right now.
Oh boy. I was hoping to come on here today and see all kinds of reports and maybe some pix of MJ sightings. Nothing but crickets, eh??? :unsure: And a possible settlement out of court??? Well now..... this is interesting. If true, I hope it's in Michael's favor as well. There's no staff at courthouses on weekends, BUT I know in the USA security is still there (going in and out for changing shifts). It's not impossible that maybe a security person gave out that info as they would need to be aware of such things for security reasons? Small possibility. It's unfortunate that there's no way to get confirmation about this so fans who are spending money on train tickets and missing work and school can know whether to bother or not. hmmm...... In any case, if there's still court tomorrow and he shows, it'll be nice for him to see fans there in support. The rest of us will be there in spirit, no doubt. :)
What's the name of the person you spoke to? Someone on another board is in contact with the fans that are outside the courthouse, in total, there's eleven people out there right now.

They're standing outside all night?

on the sky news saying breaking news about michael . They have agreement and probably that never be trial. Hm....What people do you thinking ???
If he shows up tommorrow, we should have photos and video of him when it happens. Set your recorders. He must be hiding out good. I would be hiding if I had a bunch of fans stalking me! :ph34r:
What's the name of the person you spoke to? Someone on another board is in contact with the fans that are outside the courthouse, in total, there's eleven people out there right now.

yeah I asked her how many fans where there and she said "no one".
but I think tomorrow there will be more fans outside the courthouse.
I still want to believe that Michael will get there tomorrow and the fans can have a glimpse of him.
Its breaking news on SKY.

Michael has settled out of court 'in principle' and will NOT be appearing tomorrow.
Hugs for those fans who went to London

I hope it's ok to put this thread here, but feel free to move/delete if it's not.

I would like to offer my sympathy to anyone who travelled a long way this weekend to London in the hopes of seeing Michael. I know how the disappointment feels, it's happened to me before. So big-ass major hugs to you - some of the best fans in the world. :)

If it had been me this time, I wouldn't want to check the other threads related to this because the sight would sicken me! ;) I just want to say you should feel proud of yourselves more than anything, because you went soley to support a good man, so you are good people.

KTF xxx
Re: Hugs for those fans who went to London

It's ok because we know that Michael will always love us. THank u
Re: Hugs for those fans who went to London

Big BIG hugs to all of you!! You showed your support yet again when it may have been needed....I am sure MJ would be so happy to have known you were all there for him.....take care you guys...

I personally am SO PROUD to be a part of this wonderful community of caring guys are the BEST!
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Re: Hugs for those fans who went to London

yes..Hugs to all of you. i know that if it happened to me, that it all came down to a wasted trip, i would not think of it as wasted.. i would think MIchael was worth it, no matter what...and i know you love him too, and think he's always worth it too.
Re: Hugs for those fans who went to London

i hope everyone gets the news on time so they dont stand outside the courthouse tomorrow freezing ,well good luck to those over there and for now goodnight
Re: Hugs for those fans who went to London

You got my love too, peps!!! :kickass: On the bright side, Michael is free from this drama. That future is lookin too damn bright!
Thank You !!!

hey guys just wanted to send a big thank u to everyone I met at the dorchester today I had a really fun day meeting u all was amazing ive not been this happy for a long time I love u all and a big thanks to the girls in the car outside the court for telling us the case was settled outside of court without u guys I would be still there now freezing my butt off big hugs to u all
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Re: Thank You !!!

lol I keep forgetting it's like MIDNIGHT there in UK. It's only 6 pm here in the states. neway, sounds like you had a good time meetin people. Wish I could do the same!
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