Lisa Marie will be on Oprah Oct 6 to talk about Michael death

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im sure this interview will be a tearjerker. .. why oprah though ? ekkk.
i hope she will share rare pics and unseen footage lol
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Great more MJ was a addict stories, Gee I can't wait...NOT! Seriously, didn't she blog about MJ enough? Why go to Oprah if true and keep talking about it? IMO She needs to focus on her new husband and kids! Just saying!

Whatever Lisa! She needs to keep Michael in her past as she so eloquently told Oprah and others years ago in interviews prior to his death. I dont care what she has to say. I wont watch her nor Oprah and give either one my rating. It will be full of I told him and I knew and I I I I. Whatever! she is full of herself. Yeah, go worry about your husband..(YOUR SOUL mate as you stated) and leave MJ off yout teeth, tongue and lips!

well..... that was unexpected! I hope Lisa Marie learned her lesson and will think before she talks.

HA! how's that? Lisa does not have a active brain cell in her head. Next! It's all much too late. What can she say that will possible matter? Michael is gone. JMO
Where is the L.O.V.E guys :p

The L.O.V.E? Ah yes, Im sure MJ felt it full force form Lisa when he saw/heard the comments she said about him and their marriage on Oprah years back and in the other interview with Sawyer. I'm sure he felt all warm with love about what she was saying. Michael was a class act and truly the better person he never talked bad about her.
The L.O.V.E? Ah yes, Im sure MJ felt it full force form Lisa when he saw/heard the comments she said about him and their marriage on Oprah years back and in the other interview with Sawyer. I'm sure he felt all warm with love about what she was saying. Michael was a class act and truly the better person he never talked bad about her.

The L.O.V.E? Ah yes, Im sure MJ felt it full force form Lisa when he saw/heard the comments she said about him and their marriage on Oprah years back and in the other interview with Sawyer. I'm sure he felt all warm with love about what she was saying. Michael was a class act and truly the better person he never talked bad about her.

I never saw those interviews, but forget the L.O.V.E then.
The interview isn't posted on Oprah's site yet. Here's the schedule for her show as of this morning 10/2 for next week.

The Oprah Winfrey Show Mon - 4

Ultimate Amazing Animals - The Ape Who Has Conversations with Humans
Meet an ape who can have conversations, a dolphin with a bionic flipper, a dog who saved 50 lives and more of the most amazing animals on the planet.

Tue - 5

America's Homemaking Queen - Martha Stewart
For the first time since 2001, Martha Stewart returns to The Oprah Show. Throwing a party? Find out what Martha would do. Then, go inside her breathtaking Maine estate, get her all-time best advice and grab your glue gun for Martha-fied crafts.

Wed - 6

On Oprah Show Exclusive - One Mom, 20 Personalities
The mom with 20 personalities. Then, one of our most unforgettable guests. What happened to Truddi Chase? Twenty years later, hear from her daughter.

Thu - 7

Why She Sued Her Husband for 12 Million Dollars and Won
Her life was perfect until the bombshell dropped. Why she sued her husband for $12.5 million and won in a landmark case.

Fri - 8

The 30-Year-Old Virgin
This is not easy to admit on national television. Meet two women who are 30-year-old virgins. What???s really holding them back?
Why don't they both just go away.

And let's not act as if Lisa was nothing but prey to Oprah. And fell victim to her whims.
Lisa and Oprah knew full well what they were doing. And, if she is only talking about him to promote a new album, I think it is even lower.
The L.O.V.E? Ah yes, Im sure MJ felt it full force form Lisa when he saw/heard the comments she said about him and their marriage on Oprah years back and in the other interview with Sawyer. I'm sure he felt all warm with love about what she was saying. Michael was a class act and truly the better person he never talked bad about her.


Great post!
it seems like oprah been getthing a few people who was connected with mj these last few episoded asking liza minelli about him, what was the offr jk rowling truned down and now wit lisa

she knows MJ=rating
Oh whatever. Before he died she was too repulsed by him to even utter his name, and now she's agreeing to do what appears to be a whole interview about her relationship with him?! I mean give me a break... We all remember the bitch fests she had with Sawyer and Winfrey in the past, making a public apology for marrying Michael, as if he was this vile monster who was so deserveless of love. I'm not questioning her change in feelings for MJ, I know that can happen after someone's death, especially if you feel guilty for being unkind to that person in their final years. But considering all the flem she spat on him when he was alive, she might want to keep her mouth shut right now.

It will be full of I told him and I knew and I I I I.
Knowing both Winfrey and Presley, very likely indeed. She'll be the victim again.
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I think she is going to be positive this time. Like she said on her blog post the day after Michael died, all the indifferience she felt for him went to the bowels of hell. She has gone to visit Michael at Forest Lawn several times already (before leaving to the UK) and I hope she did her research and knows that Michael was not a drug addict. This isn't 1994 anymore....and she can sometimes be a little incoherant when she speaks. Like what happened in Australia when she said "I saw things" when talking about the leeches around Michael. The press immediatly twisted her words to "she saw things with kids..ect". :rolleyes:
I won't be holding my breadth.
Last time I checked, it was Bitch Fest with Oprah & Sawyer.
What's new? Stop at nothing to throw Michael under the bus to
sell her new album
I would really like to hear what Lisa has to say myself, as much as I dislike Oprah..Perhaps it would have been better to speak with a different host...
The only way I wouldn't mind this happening would be if Lisa would tell Oprah's fake ass where to stick it! But we all know that won't happen. I do not have a good feeling about this at all.
not when you know whats going to be asked from Oprah. she will NO DOUBT bring up the kids in the room with them. and ol' LMP will tell EVERYTHING but it may or may not be the truth.
The only way I'll be happy is if Lisa Marie called out Oprah on her hypocrisy around. I will never forgive Oprah for what she did during the trial, not ever. It was just unforgivable to do that on national TV and now she wont stop talking about Michael, using his name all the time. We don't have short memories Oprah, we cant forgive what you did to Michael.
The L.O.V.E? Ah yes, Im sure MJ felt it full force form Lisa when he saw/heard the comments she said about him and their marriage on Oprah years back and in the other interview with Sawyer. I'm sure he felt all warm with love about what she was saying. Michael was a class act and truly the better person he never talked bad about her.

I swear to God I saw the topic of this thread and my stomache just sank! How much more vicious can these two women get as it relates to MJ? becuase don't for one minute think Oprah is gonna allow her to paint any rosy picture of Michael, she's gonna do to Lisa Marie the same thing she did with Janet, lead her and just like Janet Lisa is gonna fall for it.

Frankly, somehow I'm hoping that all this guilt that she has been feeling somehow allows her to recant the vicious things she's said in the past and set the damn record straight once and for all!
I have bad feeling about this...
Why Oprah...?? It`s many others talk shows and she choose Oprah`s show..
I hope she will tell the truth once for all, and she won`t bring those drug addict lies...
Lisa, please... don`t dissapoint me..
I swear to God I saw the topic of this thread and my stomache just sank! How much more vicious can these two women get as it relates to MJ? becuase don't for one minute think Oprah is gonna allow her to paint any rosy picture of Michael, she's gonna do to Lisa Marie the same thing she did with Janet, lead her and just like Janet Lisa is gonna fall for it.

Frankly, somehow I'm hoping that all this guilt that she has been feeling somehow allows her to recant the vicious things she's said in the past and set the damn record straight once and for all!

Dont blame Oprah for these two..

Janet was misled...yet she is going back to the show later this month to promote Colored Girls.

I blame Oprah for a lot of things...but these other parasites are not blameless.
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How ever positive it is, She's bound to talk about how she "tried to save him and got tired" :smilerolleyes: I'm tired of it really.

She's spoke about Michael for the past I dont know howmany years but really this could be a publicity stunt since LMP is coming out with a new album…and its Oprah's last year… What better way to do it right...:mello:

I know there might be LMP fans on here but I'm just tellin' it like how it is… I dont hate her, but I Hate what she has done so…yeah…


MJxEagle;3003553 said:
I never saw those interviews, but forget the L.O.V.E then.




Part 1

Part 2

I wouldnt Normally Post this on MJ sites but I always thought fans should watch this to see how LMP/ Dian S. AND "O" are… before judging what they've done...very disrespectful…sad…just sick...:puke:

This next vid shows other side!


I think she is going to be positive this time. Like she said on her blog post the day after Michael died, all the indifferience she felt for him went to the bowels of hell. She has gone to visit Michael at Forest Lawn several times already (before leaving to the UK) and I hope she did her research and knows that Michael was not a drug addict. This isn't 1994 anymore....and she can sometimes be a little incoherant when she speaks. Like what happened in Australia when she said "I saw things" when talking about the leeches around Michael. The press immediatly twisted her words to "she saw things with kids..ect". :rolleyes:

How do you know she went to visit him before she left for the UK? I think that's false. She made a blog May 12,2010 telling his fans to bring some sunflowers the last time she went. After seeing her and her mother with Oprah back in 2005 during the trial, I can't fathom why she would have the nerve to go on Oprah and talk about MJ again.
Is LISA MARIE promoting a project.? These two are well aware of the sea change in public opinion since MJ passed. So i don't think LISA will go nuclear on MJ. OPRAH is looking for headlines. OPRAH'S show jumped the shark yrs ago.
Oprah.. with her big head... blocking the light of truth...

She disrespected Michael and hurted him, what she did during the trial was horrific.

Everyone now who running to her for interview - disrespecting Michael.
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