Least Favorite MJ Song??

a lot of off the wall is forgettable to me. I just don't feel that album (aside from the classics of course.) I also don't like:

The girl is mine, baby be mine, speed demon, just good friends, I can't let her get away, Why you wanna trip on me (brilliant beat, poor vocals IMO), This time around, come together, you are my life, privacy, don't walk away, and cry.
Should i run now? :S

Hmmm. i couln't think of any off the top of my head so i just looked at my itunes play count, seems the ones i skip the most are "baby be mine", "the lady in my life" i don't hate them just seem skip them.
the only MJ song I can't stand is I Just Can't Stop Loving You, ...

Beat it...

*don't slap me, we live in a free world ;)*

I've never liked Butterflies. If it was up to me i would have taken that off Invicible and replaced it with Fall Again
I cannot stand Liberian Girl. Other than that.... She's Out Of My Life, I don't like that one either. I think it sounds good, but the "It cuts like a knife" is just too cheesy for me..

i havta say thriller .. i know its a classic its juz too overrated. the video is great and all love the dancing but i just dont like the song very much ... but the thriller album is great!!!

wanna be starting something ......................................*running*

I love those! And The Man, as well. .
me too!
Ohhhh man..."Money" is such an underrated song in my opinion, and it happens to be one of my favorites! Wow, I'm surprised!
Same goes for "Speed Demon".

I don't know, I guess if I had to pick an example, I'd have to say "The Girl Is Mine" :(

I think Money is brilliant...The lyrics are SOOOO cleverly written...
I don't like 2000 Watts and it gave me the creeps to listen to Morphine right after he died, the lyrics really got on my nerves, too shocking. Not that I don't like the song 'Morphine' but it's not the same anymore.

I can totally see your point there...It makes me anxious to listen to it..
' I love you Elizabeth' or whatever the title was.

but right now is Smooth Criminal and Threatned or whatever it spells ! -.-
I HATE this thread!!! :-(
MJ worked so hard and wrote and sang these songs for US................arh man!!! :-(

Soz...............but I dont like to say what songs I skip.............if MJ sang em..I wanna hear em................end of!!!!!

said with love of course! xxx
billie, i,m a baker. I do make my bread with love. But not all types of bread are loved by everybody or myself *lol*

I appreciate wbss, i respect it..........but its not my favorite.........

i said it again!!!!
* kicks herself in her fat ass*
2000 watts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really really dislike that song. thats prolly the only MJ song that i have ever disliked with a passion. i even like Little Susie!

:shock: do I have to defriend you for that??? oh my sweetheart - I love that song!

Okay I am scared - don't hate me... but Childhood does absolutely nothing for me... I mean I know the significance, I get it - but it makes me want to crawl through my speakers and say: SNAP OUT OF IT... let's dance.
I HATE this thread!!! :-(
MJ worked so hard and wrote and sang these songs for US................arh man!!! :-(

Soz...............but I dont like to say what songs I skip.............if MJ sang em..I wanna hear em................end of!!!!!

said with love of course! xxx

o damn! im sorry! i knew this would happen when i started this thread thats why i very carefully said least favorite song not most hated! lol. sry i made u feel that way! but i mean there has to be a least favorite everything in life right? its still a fav but some stuff comes before! :p
Heaven can wait.
I don´t say it´s not beautiful but I just can´t listen to it,it makes me so sad.
I don't like "Privacy", but I don't know what that has to do with anything. People used to make a whole album in one day with a 4 track machine, which meant everything was live and no overdubs.

that was just a metaphor or something, not that it would matter actually.

I HATE this thread!!! :-(
MJ worked so hard and wrote and sang these songs for US................arh man!!! :-(

Soz...............but I dont like to say what songs I skip.............if MJ sang em..I wanna hear em................end of!!!!!

said with love of course! xxx

ok, chill out, it's not as if we are under an oath to like every song he ever wrote,geez...
Liberian Girl.

I can't shake off the notion that it's a stupid little filler track devoid of all quality. He sounds good in it, but it's still a lame song.

... but I love the video for it.
Girlfriend-I blame Paul McCartney. I just find the song a bit too sickly sweet for my liking. Again I blame McCartney, the only part I liked was MJ's part!
You Are Not Alone. Both the song and the video.
for me it would have to be 2000 watts....I have listened to it but I usually skip it..
There is only ONE solo MJ song I cannot listen too.

I have never listened to it all the way through. Its not because its scary either.

That song is:

Little Susie. We are just distant me and susie.

I have to mega disagree... I LOVE this song!

Your disagreeing that its there least favourite song? :S:S haha
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All the lost children, love the message but it's not my style, although I love cry and you're my life!!!
Liberian Girl.

I can't shake off the notion that it's a stupid little filler track devoid of all quality. He sounds good in it, but it's still a lame song.

... but I love the video for it.

wow... really?
I hate the video - but so love his voice on the track....
didn't care for it much in 1988 when I was turning into a rocker chick

now I am seriously loving the mushy lameness of it all :clap::clap::clap:

I love it that everyone is so different and all over the place!
Liberian Girl.

I can't shake off the notion that it's a stupid little filler track devoid of all quality. He sounds good in it, but it's still a lame song.

... but I love the video for it.
MC Lyte likes it, because she sampled it. :p