L.A. County Coroner Findings

Oh, how i Dream that, that was true. No one! within 100 miles of me would have any ear drums left, after I screamed the house down with joy!

But instead I think I'm just going to cry instead, with anger and sadness:cry:

I wouldnt be happy. I would be extremely, extremely pissed off. Playing with our emotions like that.
There are severe objections from interested parties about what can and cannot be said publically. Hence the delay.

Who said that??

The family?

The defense?

We the public that adored Michael, have a right to know what happened!!

AND we need to indict/arrest those suspected of the crime!!

Even though I didn't want to be here, I think it's essential to at least know, so things can make sense somehow :sad: We'll be knowing this, and just to know that his b-day is only a day after this is hard...

EDIT: Nevermind, I can't stand anymore of this...
Was that intentional?

As an indication of the cruel, unconscionable way they've handling this with some purposeful leaks, etc, yes, my heart has skipped a beat or two.

But as any insensitivity toward what happened to Michael, of course not. If it was taken that way, my apologies.
Even though I didn't want to be here, I think it's essential to at least know, so things can make sense somehow :sad: We'll be knowing this, and just to know that his b-day is only a day after this is hard...

EDIT: Nevermind, I can't stand anymore of this...

I know. :(
He did smoot criminal soo good :) Now next song is another part of me, OMG this is the best show ever. YES GO MJ. He still dance better than ever :) :) :)
Both sides have unrelated objections. Arrests are imminent.

I hope so!!!

You don't understand, I've been PRAYING for God to give Michael His Divine Justice.

There is no other judge but God. And I know that Michael's killers will pay for their crimes.

The killers not only committed a crime against him, but to his children, his family (at least the ones that loved him), and to us, the millions of fans around the world who have a big piece of their hearts ripped maliciously away.

For what? For Money, greed, envy.

Oh, I will see that Justice come for Michael, for his babies and for us. God will see to that!
God! I'll be giving birth by the time someone comes out through that door and make a statement!!!!!!:doh::timer: