Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Jermaine on Twitter!

"What our mother is doing stems from love for a son she lost. She's doing this with a good heart, and is doing her best. Pls support her.
about 2 hours ago via web"


whatever jermaine

I will not support him or his mother... Jermaine needs to get a clue
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I had fully intended not to watch any footage of Michael's children, but yet there was a clip embedded as a gif in this thread. For me, it's just too painful to see right now, and I was disappointed to come across it this way and to be unable to avoid it. Blanket's discomfort was especially heartbreaking. Whatever. It's done now.

It's clear now that Katherine didn't learn anything from Michael's pain at having lost his childhood, and that she is ignoring Michael's clear wishes for his own children. For that, I can only say, "SHAME."

The kids seem to have no one at all in their corner. Debbie has taken no responsibility. The guardian ad litem deals with only their FINANCIAL well-being. It might be possible for the executors to step in and file an injunction about "no more public appearances" for the kids until the Mann lawsuit was decided. They probably don't have legal standing to do that, though, because Katherine has certain rights as the guardian.

It's heartbreaking, and doesn't bode well for the future, for those kids.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I will not support him or his mother... Jermaine needs to get a clue
In the beginning I was willing to support them, but as time went on and little by little the wheels started to come off, revealing their true characters. I can not longer, in good conscience, support any of them.

They are QUICK to speak up when it involves money. Anyother time, they are as silent as a church mouse.

I'm done!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

These people are not dumb the kids are being used on purpose they know that disapproval toward them and their actions grows steadily, they know that by having KAtherine there alone people are not willing to support anything. So they include the kids, figuring as long as the kids are involved fans would support whatever bs they are putting out. Well, I for one can say it's not working with me.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I always thought that when your old you become wiser and that you become less materialistic, and that money becomes less important, especially when you have already hit the 70 + milestone, (in this case even 80 + milestone), but it seems as if greed has no boundaries and no age limits. It's a damn shame, indeed, a damn shame.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


what a nice video ! with Melissa Johnson and Howard Mann. the promotion of the book at the end.

Mann takes a jab at the estate saying that they (HTWF and Mann) should be able to use MJ's name, calls estate "greedy".

Estate responds with a statement calling the use of the children "exploitation".

This is nothing more than an orchestrated event by Mann to promote the book, legitimize the charity and attack the estate. Regardless of their good work the children is being used. So sad.


she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.


I will not support him or his mother... Jermaine needs to get a clue

I am sorry, but this!

I had fully intended not to watch any footage of Michael's children, but yet there was a clip embedded as a gif in this thread. For me, it's just too painful to see right now, and I was disappointed to come across it this way and to be unable to avoid it. Blanket's discomfort was especially heartbreaking. Whatever. It's done now.

It's clear now that Katherine didn't learn anything from Michael's pain at having lost his childhood, and that she is ignoring Michael's clear wishes for his own children. For that, I can only say, "SHAME."

The kids seem to have no one at all in their corner. Debbie has taken no responsibility. The guardian ad litem deals with only their FINANCIAL well-being. It might be possible for the executors to step in and file an injunction about "no more public appearances" for the kids until the Mann lawsuit was decided. They probably don't have legal standing to do that, though, because Katherine has certain rights as the guardian.

It's heartbreaking, and doesn't bode well for the future, for those kids.

I think this obvious. Also, if the children are surrounded by shady people while growing up skewing their perspective on things, I hope it doesnot make the children develop undue mistrust for people who are trying to secure at least their financial future at the behest of people who do ot even care about that where they are concerned.

This is like a car crash unfolding before your eyes. You see what is happeneing and you can't do anything to stop it. It makes me feel very sad and small. I feel for them, even if I do not know them. I would feel for anybody I saw being taken advantage of.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Just watched the video...I cried. Michael deserves the credit for his children being "normal"...he was the one that raised them for 12 years..He kept them away from scum like Howard Mann. The children look wonderful. They are doing what their father raised them to do. I dont know what to make out of Katherne anymore....How do you go against the estate? How do you let scum like Mann near your grand children?? And as far as Jermain's tweet...he can go to hell. If Michael wanted the world to know what his children were doing...he would of made their lives public alonnggg time ago. smh.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I always thought that when your old you become wiser and that you become less materialistic, and that money becomes less important, especially when you have already hit the 70 + milestone, (in this case even 80 + milestone), but it seems as if greed has no boundaries and age limits. It's damn shame, indeed, a damn shame.

I also find the entire thing straight up EMBARRASSING!

I mean, it's like "some" of the family members are DESPARATE to recapture the financial part of the life they all had when the Jackson-5 were famous.

For years and YEARS, they have tried to recapture that fortune. Mostly through deals that went very badly and reunion concerts that went nowhere.

And now, it "appears" that Mrs. Jackson thinks she has one more chance at the golden ring by using Michael's children to line her pockets with FOOL'S GOLD.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

during prelim hearing, randy jackson told sheriffs/the court that taaj malik was his assistant so she could go inside the courtroom with him when she didnt win the the seating
lottery... she is also the same person that told fans that Brett Ratner was Mikes lawyer after Branca was let go in 2003 (she refused to acknowledge the fact that Branca came back so she told fans Brett Ratner was Mikes lawyer.. LMAOOOO, got it all screencap)

Imagine we have people like her, ill-informed and biased, being close to the Jackson family and Mikes kids influencing them.. she has said for months that we should not judge Melissa Johnson and the HTWF.. she even compare Johnsson with MIke and tells fans that MJ was judged all his life so we should all know better and not judge Melissa.. she also said that Mike actually supported Melissa and never took her to court and thats was only Mikes ppl and they did that against Michaels wishes... she really pisses me off

everyone in there for something like JMie said.. financial or publicity.. or perhaps both

this is very bad ,,,,the kids will live with these people all their lives and see their father through the eyes of this gang of greedy theivs,,,they will grow up thinking that their father was part of this greedy gang :(
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Just watched the video...I cried. Michael deserves the credit for his children being "normal"...he was the one that raised them for 12 years..He kept them away from scum like Howard Mann. The children look wonderful. They are doing what their father raised them to do. I dont know what to make out of Katherne anymore....How do you go against the estate? How do you let scum like Mann near your grand children?? And as far as Jermain's tweet...he can go to hell. If Michael wanted the world to know what his children were doing...he would of made their lives public alonnggg time ago. smh.

I cried, too. . . .

I have a lil request? There are at least some of us who find those vids of Michael's children simply too painful to watch? I think posting links in threads is ok, but I hope there are no more gifs embedded in the threads? As in, right THERE, in the faces of those of us who have chosen not to watch? Staff, please consider that, ok? It's extremely painful for some. . . .

We have watched this unfold for almost two YEARS now, and Katherine's intent is now clear, as is the case with some of the rest of the family. Michael's wishes for his children have been crystal-clear, and I'm not sure if there is any justification for not following those wishes. It's SO sad, and we are so helpless to do anything but watch, as Ginvid said, "This is like a car crash unfolding before your eyes."
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Thanks for the youtube links. I just watched.
I think it's a good interview and I do like Katherine's words of MJ.
MJ raise his kids well and I just don't understand why they can't give him the credit.
Those kids seems way more comfortable with Robin than Oprah.

However, this is so sad to see that Katherine is working with a fraud charity.
How can they use these kids' good heart to do such thing?
Katherine should be the one who protect them from these not push them into these.
and What's the point to put Blanket on there? Show the world how "normal" he is?
Prince and Paris might be old enough to make the decision.
However, I don't think they were old enough to see through all the greedy leeches' true color.
Katherine should be the one to help them not push them into these blood sucker Mann.

Howard Mann really made me sick.
God Bless MJ's kids. I am really worried about them now.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Simply disgusting that Katherine CONTINUES to deal with scum bag Mann. Someone needs to get rid of this F****** leech. :doh:

Oh and Jermaine, go away.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

As for Jermaine, has he returned to the States already? To take care of his 'beloved' children?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

they say: "The current Heal the World Foundation has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael's death... The estate does not believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson."
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

what good things did Katherine say about MJ?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

the usual stuff that he was misunderstood and misjudged
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.

Nail on the head!

YES YES YES!! They seem to be implying thay are normal in spite of Michael.

And some one please explain to me why Katherine is mad at the estate? From the documents Ivy has discussed here they are so generous and they appear to want for nothing.

So confused and upset...

That pisses me off as well!

I just want to cry. And that won't solve anything.

Same. :(

It "appears" that the only time they showed any real PASSION was during the whole fake songs thing. If I recall correctly, they were VERY, VERY vocal about that issue.

I know they wouldn't put their Grandma on blast in a public forum, but they can certainly call Howard Mann out for putting their cousins in the middle of his "for financial gain" games.

They had no problem calling out the Casico's, but when it comes to Howard Mann, the porn guy, all we hear are crickets!

Agree! At the same time they may have a reason NOT to speak out. Who do we think Grandmaw is hustling so hard to make extra money for??? Her needs and MJ's kids' needs are paid for. So where do we all think the extra money is going? I'm guessing Jermaine is a beneficiary of the hustling and pimping which is WHY he wants so much for fans to support it.

And the f*ckery train just keeps on a rollin' along. Smdh

Never ever EVER thought I'd have such a lack of respect for that family...except for Michael's kids who, IMO, are clearly being used and manipulated by those around them. My worst fear continues to play out; that they would be used as a shield/pawn by those who are up to f*ckery. The one thing I hadn't counted on was Katherine Jackson allowing this...or being a willing participant in these schemes. Nothing left to do but pray.

I have officially unfollowed anyone with the last name Jackson on my Twitter. Don't care about what they have to say about anything anymore. Don't care about ish they are doing or up to anymore. Done done and done.

Been done...but officially done now. I'm sure they don't give a ish and won't miss my support LOL, but my soul feels good about the decision and that's what matters to me. My personal protest to all the BS.

I'm glad the Estate spoke out and shares our feelings. That's a small piece of comfort that someone is willing to take a public stand, regardless of how limited, against this nonsense. They can't control guardianship but they CAN let their LACK of support be known when possible. I just hope the kids understand someday, if not now, that it's for their own good.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

they say: "The current Heal the World Foundation has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael's death... The estate does not believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson."

Thanks. What is the date that statement was issued? Anyone have that info?

I hope there is some legal action the executors can take to prevent this type of thing from happening in the future?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nail on the head!

That pisses me off as well!

Same. :(

Agree! At the same time they may have a reason NOT to speak out. Who do we think Grandmaw is hustling so hard to make extra money for??? Her needs and MJ's kids' needs are paid for. So where do we all think the extra money is going? I'm guessing Jermaine is a beneficiary of the hustling and pimping which is WHY he wants so much for fans to support it.

And the f*ckery train just keeps on a rollin' along. Smdh

Never ever EVER thought I'd have such a lack of respect for that family...except for Michael's kids who, IMO, are clearly being used and manipulated by those around them. My worst fear continues to play out; that they would be used as a shield by those who are up to f*ckery. The one thing I hadn't counted on was Katherine Jackson allowing this...or being a willing participant in these schemes. Nothing left to do but pray.

I have officially unfollowed anyone with the last name Jackson on my Twitter. Don't care about what they have to say about anything anymore. Don't care about ish they are doing or up to anymore. Done done and done.

Been done...but officially done now. I'm sure they don't give a ish and won't miss my support LOL, but my soul feels good about the decision and that's what matters to me. My personal protest to all the BS.

I'm glad the Estate spoke out and shares our feelings. That's a small piece of comfort that someone is willing to take a public stand, regardless of how limited, against this nonsense. They can't control guardianship but they CAN let their LACK of support be known when possible. I just hope the kids understand someday, if not now, that it's for their own good.
Brilliant Post.....and I echo your feelings...

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's very uneasy for me to see the conflict between the Estate and Katherine Jackson plays out so publicly.
Yea, I was, also, hoping they were working together for a charitable cause.

While it's wonderful to see Michael's children desire to continue with Michael's charity works, it's sad to see they are used to promote a foundation that has nothing to do with Michael's own foundation.

I really hope Katherine can re-consider her business relationship with Howard Mann. I hope she works toward reconciling her differences with the Estate.
This is my prayer, also. :angel:


The FACT that Michael had those children hidden when he was out in public with them is the REASON why they can now do this kind of thing - be in a crowd of people without being the focus of attention as Michael Jackson's Children (brand name). They can be three children doing good in their community.

On the surface, on a purely superficial level that interview seems harmless. But after years in this business of loving and supporting Michael Jackson, I have learned how to 'read' certain things. And for me this 'reads' as exploitation.

where is 3T now and others,. They should protect the children, but what are they doing? The answer is simple. Nothing :no: I don't understand :unsure:

It "appears" that the only time they showed any real PASSION was during the whole fake songs thing. If I recall correctly, they were VERY, VERY vocal about that issue.

I know they wouldn't put their Grandma on blast in a public forum, but they can certainly call Howard Mann out for putting their cousins in the middle of his "for financial gain" games.

They had no problem calling out the Casico's, but when it comes to Howard Mann, the porn guy, all we hear are crickets!

The other "Jacksons" have lost interest in Michael's children; because they were unable to get the MONEY their father left them, and that is the absolute truth.

But I can tell that Prince and Paris are smart, and they are catching on real fast. Once they were freed from Hayvenhurst, you know what they found out? The money for their livelihood comes from their father, Michael Jackson, and not those "other Jacksons, like Alejandra's 5" . Now, when they wake up in Calabassa, they can
concentrate on taking care of themselves, school, and being
the best grandchildren they can be.
Please say a prayer for Katherine Jackson. :angel:
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nail on the head!

That pisses me off as well!

Same. :(

Agree! At the same time they may have a reason NOT to speak out. Who do we think Grandmaw is hustling so hard to make extra money for??? Her needs and MJ's kids' needs are paid for. So where do we all think the extra money is going? I'm guessing Jermaine is a beneficiary of the hustling and pimping which is WHY he wants so much for fans to support it.

And the f*ckery train just keeps on a rollin' along. Smdh

Never ever EVER thought I'd have such a lack of respect for that family...except for Michael's kids who, IMO, are clearly being used and manipulated by those around them. My worst fear continues to play out; that they would be used as a shield/pawn by those who are up to f*ckery. The one thing I hadn't counted on was Katherine Jackson allowing this...or being a willing participant in these schemes. Nothing left to do but pray.

I have officially unfollowed anyone with the last name Jackson on my Twitter. Don't care about what they have to say about anything anymore. Don't care about ish they are doing or up to anymore. Done done and done.

Been done...but officially done now. I'm sure they don't give a ish and won't miss my support LOL, but my soul feels good about the decision and that's what matters to me. My personal protest to all the BS.

I'm glad the Estate spoke out and shares our feelings. That's a small piece of comfort that someone is willing to take a public stand, regardless of how limited, against this nonsense. They can't control guardianship but they CAN let their LACK of support be known when possible. I just hope the kids understand someday, if not now, that it's for their own good.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Good and truthful post Wendy!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Has anyone seen the HTWF website this morning? There are pictures of Prince, Paris, Blanket, Katherine, and Joe all over the "About Us" and "Youth Board of Advisers" pages.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Has anyone seen the HTWF website this morning? There are pictures of Prince, Paris, Blanket, Karen, and Joe all over the "About Us" and "Youth Board of Advisers" pages.

Karen as in Karen Faye?? lord have mercy.

the kids are in a BAD company. :no:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Has anyone seen the HTWF website this morning? There are pictures of Prince, Paris, Blanket, Karen, and Joe all over the "About Us" and "Youth Board of Advisers" pages.

I wouldn't visit that website if you paid me. LOL!

In my opinion, it doesn't matter who's pictures are featured on the website. I don't believe anybody is interested in giving them any money now that the cat is out of the bag.

Their only hope would have been US, Michael's fans, but we all know what time it is now. I seriously doubt non-MJ fans or just your casual fan is interested in donating to this "charity."

Just like I don't believe anybody is interested in Katherine's book. Her ONLY hope was us!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Karen as in Karen Faye?? lord have mercy.

the kids are in a BAD company. :no:

Sorry! I meant to type Katherine, not Karen. I fixed it in my post.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's Michael that deserves all the credit for his children. Remember when he was alive the media kept saying the kids were going to freaks and weirdos. Think they're going to apologise, nah, didn't think so. This world would be a better place with more kids like them in it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I wouldn't visit that website if you paid me. LOL!

In my opinion, it doesn't matter who's pictures are featured on the website. I don't believe anybody is interested in giving them any money now that the cat is out of the bag.

Their only hope would have been US, Michael's fans, but we all know what time it is now. I seriously doubt non-MJ fans or just your casual fan is interested in donating to this "charity."

Just like I don't believe anybody is interested in Katherine's book. Her ONLY hope was us!

Exactly. This is why I find her doing ventures with him to be so stupid.