Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

he'd be sadder seeing his mother is selling out his own children, the woman he nearly worshiped is betraying him the worst way possible. think about that. SMDH
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm seriously beginning to wonder if all they are really this clueless or are they just careless? I'm beginning to think that it's the latter, they simply don't give a damn..

during prelim hearing, randy jackson told sheriffs/the court that taaj malik was his assistant so she could go inside the courtroom with him when she didnt win the the seating
lottery... she is also the same person that told fans that Brett Ratner was Mikes lawyer after Branca was let go in 2003 (she refused to acknowledge the fact that Branca came back so she told fans Brett Ratner was Mikes lawyer.. LMAOOOO, got it all screencap)

Imagine we have people like her, ill-informed and biased, being close to the Jackson family and Mikes kids influencing them.. she has said for months that we should not judge Melissa Johnson and the HTWF.. she even compare Johnsson with MIke and tells fans that MJ was judged all his life so we should all know better and not judge Melissa.. she also said that Mike actually supported Melissa and never took her to court and thats was only Mikes ppl and they did that against Michaels wishes... she really pisses me off

everyone in there for something like JMie said.. financial or publicity.. or perhaps both
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Her porn pal right up front and center. Gosh how I wish eh would just run under a bus and leave Michael's kids alone.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


what a nice video ! with Melissa Johnson and Howard Mann. the promotion of the book at the end.

Mann takes a jab at the estate saying that they (HTWF and Mann) should be able to use MJ's name, calls estate "greedy".

Estate responds with a statement calling the use of the children "exploitation".

This is nothing more than an orchestrated event by Mann to promote the book, legitimize the charity and attack the estate. Regardless of their good work the children is being used. So sad.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Jermaine on Twitter!

"What our mother is doing stems from love for a son she lost. She's doing this with a good heart, and is doing her best. Pls support her.
about 2 hours ago via web"


whatever jermaine
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I love what Katherine said about Michael.

The interview with the exception of HM and his drama was overall nice. They seem more comfortable with Robin than Oprah which is cool. I don't like the "normal" comment either but Robin most likely didn't mean harm.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Thanks for the link to the clip. I watched it. Michael's kids are wonderful and very down-to-earth. Michael would be so proud. I loved to see how they interact with each other, like Blanket whispering something to Prince etc. Loved how Blanket hid his action figure when Robin asked him what it was. And the play Paris is auditioning for is a school play, so that's a relief. I wish Prince every success with his film producing, and Paris with her acting, and Blanket with whatever he decides to do when he grows up.

But I almost puked when they showed Howard Mann, and him daring to say the things that he said. "Who decided that katherine can't use Michael's image?" Michael himself decided it, moron! He decided it when he wrote his will! I can't believe the nerve of that man. I hope the Estate sues him out of his mind.

I don't know how Melissa Johnson look like. Was she the woman announcing the donation "on behalf of Vintage Pop and Heal the World Foundation"?

I am so worried about the children. It's obvious they want to continue their father's work and it's wonderful, but they have the wrong people around them who use the kids for their personal gain. If the kids want to get involved in some charity they should be doing it with the Estate, not with some shady people.

I am glad that GMA at least read the Estate's letter about this foundation.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Thanks for posting the YouTube video clip lidwinee.

The only thing I can say is that I'm delighted that the Statement From The Estate Of Michael Jackson was included. I like how it was worded, the portion that was read and I hope we get the opportunity to read the ENTIRE statement at some point.

Just the fact that The Estate Of Michael Jackson needed to release a statement speaks volumes to me and I'm sure it raised an eyebrow to folks who don't necessarily know the facts involved with Howard Mann and his deal with Katherine Jackson.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The one who loved them is dead now all the dubious people who are involved with them, have a field with parading them around and using them in whatever way they want. Once these 3 grow there will a lot of resentment and hard feelings that's for damn sure. Nobody stays a child forever and nobody stays naive forever. Once, Twice, Trice, but the 20th time around. questions will be asked.
Mann and Katherine seem to have planned this whole thing out, parading them around time after time will soon backfire on Katherine big time, and Raisins hiding behind a twitter account and tweeting support won't help at all.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Im also very very happy the letter from the estate was read on air..

"The current HTWF has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael's death... The estate does not believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson"
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't know how Melissa Johnson look like. Was she the woman announcing the donation "on behalf of Vintage Pop and Heal the World Foundation"?

Yep that's her.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Thank you to the Michael Jackson Estate team.

I wont' be watching this interview...until I feel I can stomach it. So I will be reading your comments.

If you have the time, please do read the U4MJL's team blog on this latest interview:


Im also very very happy the letter from the estate was read on air..

"The current HTWF has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael's death... The estate does not believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson"

I am very very pleased to read this.

Thank you Thrill. Glad to know the estate's statement was read on the air.

God bless MJ's estate administrators & his kids.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Im also very very happy the letter from the estate was read on air..

"The current HTWF has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael's death... The estate does not believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson"

Thank you Thrill. I am at work so i appreciate being able to see what the estate said.

I know this has been said hundreds of times but Michael so fiercely protected their privacy and now these images will be all over the world.:no:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

and they said that Prince is on the board of Heal the World foundation. I think it's very alarming.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The one who loved them is dead now all the dubious people who are involved with them, have a field with parading them around and using them in whatever way they want. Once these 3 grow there will a lot of resentment and hard feelings that's for damn sure. Nobody stays a child forever and nobody stays naive forever. Once, Twice, Trice, but the 20th time around. questions will be asked.
Mann and Katherine seem to have planned this whole thing out, parading them around time after time will soon backfire on Katherine big time, and Raisins hiding behind a twitter account and tweeting support won't help at all.
I hope it does have consequences for Katherine being the guardian. SHE DOES EXPLOIT THE CHILDREN cuz nobody could if she wouldn't allow it. She's the adult in this. She is responsible. This is not tolerable... gosh I didn't even know Michael in person but heck I can clearly hear him turning around in his grave and being in pain about this!!!
I have very bad words on my mind for Mrs. Katherine at the moment... good I had 240 hours of selfanalyzing and self controll at University! Just this much... I am disgusted!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

and they said that Prince is on the board of Heal the World foundation. I think it's very alarming.

she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's very uneasy for me to see the conflict between the Estate and Katherine Jackson plays out so publicly.

While it's wonderful to see Michael's children desire to continue with Michael's charity works, it's sad to see they are used to promote a foundation that has nothing to do with Michael's own foundation.

I really hope Katherine can re-consider her business relationship with Howard Mann. I hope she works toward reconciling her differences with the Estate.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

My initial reactions -

1] Prince is on the board??????

2] If they said 'normal' one more time ...

3] The suggestion/implication that those children are 'normal' because Katherine Jackson was able to 'save' them is offensive to me.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.


Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.

Who just happens to have the same name as: Michael Jackson.


What the devil possesses Katherine. She is spitting on her "beloved" son's name at every chance.

What will the kids think when they find out how theyare being used against their own father.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

My initial reactions -

1] Prince is on the board??????

2] If they said 'normal' one more time ...

3] The suggestion/implication that those children are 'normal' because Katherine Jackson was able to 'save' them is offensive to me.

YES YES YES!! They seem to be implying thay are normal in spite of Michael.

And some one please explain to me why Katherine is mad at the estate? From the documents Ivy has discussed here they are so generous and they appear to want for nothing.

So confused and upset...
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.

can she be stopped somehow? I can't believe this is happening before our very eyes and a million of Jackson family members are not doing anything about it. I feel so helpless and depressed. I can't believe this is happening with Michael's children!!!!!!!:no:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

My other point

4] The FACT that Michael had those children hidden when he was out in public with them is the REASON why they can now do this kind of thing - be in a crowd of people without being the focus of attention as Michael Jackson's Children (brand name). They can be three children doing good in their community.

On the surface, on a purely superficial level that interview seems harmless. But after years in this business of loving and supporting Michael Jackson, I have learned how to 'read' certain things. And for me this 'reads' as exploitation.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I just want to cry. And that won't solve anything.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

YES YES YES!! They seem to be implying thay are normal in spite of Michael.

And some one please explain to me why Katherine is mad at the estate? From the documents Ivy has discussed here they are so generous and they appear to want for nothing.

So confused and upset...

Exactly, if they are normal it's because of Michael, because of him they were kept away from all their relatives, and the madness
My guess why she is so mad is, that though the estate is extremely generous, they are not generous enough to hand over money to her tribe, you know those dozens of children this woman has raised, who have achieved absolutely nothing after Michael left the group, who are only capable of producing even MORE children, they neither can nor want to take care of.

Who just happens to have the same name as: Michael Jackson.


What the devil possesses Katherine. She is spitting on her "beloved" son's name at every chance.

What will the kids think when they find out how theyare being used against their own father.
exactly, clearly she is crossing all the lines, seems like morals are something the Jackson's have never ever heard of.
she's being smart there. Before the estate lawsuit Michael was listed as the chairman - which made people think that it was Michael's charity.

Now the estate made her remove any mention of Michael and put a note saying that the charity is not related to Michael.

Now she goes after his kids which she can freely list on her website as board members etc - it's an attempt to legitimize the charity.
Disgusting move, even more so considering she is doing all this. SMDH
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I hope Katherine Jackson is prepared for the BACKLASH this will cause her.

In my opinion, Howard Mann doesn't care one way or the other. It will be Katherine who is left holding the bag.

I have seen MORE & MORE people turning against her since the Oprah interview and I'm not talking about US, I'm talking about folks on NON-MJ related sites.

Mrs. Jackson has shown her TRUE colors and even folks who had her back in the very beginning, no longer feel that way. I'm seeing it more and more.

And the statement put out by the Estate is certainly not helping her, in my opinion.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

where is 3T now and others,. They should protect the children, but what are they doing? The answer is simple. Nothing :no: I don't understand :unsure:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I hope Katherine Jackson is prepared for the BACKLASH this will cause her.

In my opinion, Howard Mann doesn't care one way or the other. It will be Katherine who is left holding the bag.

I have seen MORE & MORE people turning against her since the Oprah interview and I'm not talking about US, I'm talking about folks on NON-MJ related sites.

Mrs. Jackson has shown her TRUE colors and even folks who had her back in the very beginning, no longer feel that way. I'm seeing it more and more.

And the statement put out by the Estate is certainly not helping her, in my opinion.

I have heard some regular folks discussing this and why the kids on tv and how its not good.

I still have my concerns about the estate but that statement was Boom, Bap, Pow! Straight and to the point.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

where is 3T now and others,. They should protect the children, but what are they doing? The answer is simple. Nothing :no: I don't understand :unsure:
It "appears" that the only time they showed any real PASSION was during the whole fake songs thing. If I recall correctly, they were VERY, VERY vocal about that issue.

I know they wouldn't put their Grandma on blast in a public forum, but they can certainly call Howard Mann out for putting their cousins in the middle of his "for financial gain" games.

They had no problem calling out the Casico's, but when it comes to Howard Mann, the porn guy, all we hear are crickets!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Michael Jackson's death and him leaving parentless children behind (Deborah Rowe obviously does not fit the term 'parent' if she did, she wouldn't allow an 80 plus year old woman bind and sell HER children to the highest bidder), is the best thing that happened to the Jackson family. I can see it now, even when Katherine passes I can see another Jackson continuing 'her work' at least as long as the kids are still minors and controllable