Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Exactly. This is why I find her doing ventures with him to be so stupid.

It's like that whole "Moonie" thing. They knew Michael was not interested, but they signed, took money and gifts before they even discussed it with him.

It's like pay us NOW, and we will discuss the fine points later. That type of thinking never works out well when you are signing a business deal, in my opinion.

I would have thought Katherine Jackson would have learned her lesson after that. I guess I was wrong.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Has anyone seen the HTWF website this morning? There are pictures of Prince, Paris, Blanket, Katherine, and Joe all over the "About Us" and "Youth Board of Advisers" pages.

I thought this couldn't get more messed up and it did.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Has anyone seen the HTWF website this morning? There are pictures of Prince, Paris, Blanket, Katherine, and Joe all over the "About Us" and "Youth Board of Advisers" pages.
that totatly disgusts me..to have those kids faces splattered all over that fake charity...its just wrong. The kids are doing a good and noble thing...that is what their FATHER taught them....Katherine is going about this all the wrong way..she is misleading these children ..all for money...disgusting.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

that totatly disgusts me..to have those kids faces splattered all over that fake charity...its just wrong. The kids are doing a good and noble thing...that is what their FATHER taught them....Katherine is going about this all the wrong way..she is misleading these children ..all for money...disgusting.

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't see why Margaret Lodise can't get involved. There is a contract involved here which has the ch ildren's names but the only compensation is to Katherine and Mann. Its clear exploitation of their status among other things.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


God, I cried. :cry: They are so beautiful. :heart: God bless them. :angel: I can only pray for them :pray:, nothing more.

It's so sad it all. :( I still can not believe we are seeing that. I will not say anything about it. And I prefer to remain silent. I'm speechless, just that. :cry: *big sigh*
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Things like this make me sick but it at least ONCE AGAIN shows EXACTLY why I WILL NEVER support pretty much any of the Jacksons (and used to LOVE the Jacksons.) I haven't watched the interview and I don't intend too. Just seeing that animated caption of them made my stomach turn. Everything that has been said by others in here about how Michael is turning in his grave, etc. is SPOT ON! I mean I just cannot even comprehend HOW they could do these things while "mourning" or "missing" Michael. My GOD! I was watching American Idol last night and one of the performers, a 15 year old kid sang 'Gone to Soon' and I was a wreck watching it. I kept asking, "Why did he have to do this song?! Why that song!" It was VERY upsetting and it was only someone singing Michael's music, and I have some REALLY bad days along with the good. I'm at the point where I can't even listen to his music or watch his videos, and I'd been able to do since 6/25/09 but lately it's become unbearable! So I for one cannot even begin to fathom the actions by most of the Jacksons, Katherine included. It's Shameful! And it makes me angry as all else! I pray that PP&B remember who their daddy was/is/and always will be (which I think P&P wont have trouble doing that) and I will always keep them and Michael in my thoughts and my heart. I'll always have PP&B's back, but the bulk of the rest of the Jacksons can go jump off a cliff.

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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25??

they are open they just cannot use MJ's name. The lawsuit is still going on.

Remember recently Katherine's business partner Howard Mann did an event giving part of the benefits to that charity?
I'm afraid that the children might being used for the benefit of those business partner and the fake charity as a tool against the estate / executors.
And that exactly what they did. :doh: They Used the children as Pawns
to promote this Foundation. Its NOT right what they are doing and the
children dont understand. They are pitting Michael's own Children against his Estate.

IM so ANGRY right now

I believe they with MANN at the helm are brainwashing the children
making them think the estate is their enemy. I wish Branca could have
a family meeting where he could explain to Katherine and the Older
children Paris and Prince what they are doing and how it would benefit
them more if they supported Michael Estate.

I support the children in wanting to carry on thier fathers legacy
and in what they are doing. But Its sad and a catch 22 the family
has created for the children the estate and fans with this BS.

Howard MANN in that interview made it seem like the Estate was against Katherine
and that is not the case _ Their fight is with MANN and his unlawful use of MIchael's
name and property and Mellisa Johnson who highjacked the HTW foundation name
after he let it go in 2002. MANN associated himself with Mellisa Johnsons HTW
foundation and now he is BLATANTLY Expoiting the Children to promote it

I cant support the Jacksons when they do these things
There is not much we can do but watch them go down in
flames as they destroy themselves with these Schemes
and pray for the children :angel:

One day they will see the light and leave like Michael

He alienated them from his life for thier continued BS except for his Mom.
YES HE DID and everyone knows it. All his bodyguards testify to that.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Im also very very happy the letter from the estate was read on air..

"The current HTWF has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael's death... The estate does not believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson"

Hopefully the children will watch their interview and see and hear that statement and ask questions about why the Estate said that. Since it was edited in after putting the show together, the kids might not even hear a peep about this and think Mann is like a good ole uncle.

Also, if I'm trying hard to be unbias and think people deserve second chances, is it possible that the porn business for Mann and Chaffel is so far in the past that they only want to do the right thing? I guess it's possible.

Did Michael stated the Charities he wanted supported in his will?

Maybe the Estate should've a meeting with the kids and talk to them about what Michael's charities they should support and explain to them what's going on with Mann.

Did the Johnson lady actually uses a large % of the money to do charitable work? Or like rabbi Schmuckley, used the money for his personal expenses?

I think for now, I'll give everybody the benefit of the doubt and watch closely what happens in the future.:angel:

Just be thankful that the words drug addict and molestation charges wasn't mentioned but Michael the Humanitarian was emphasized.
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Katherine Jackson Pimps Out Michael Jackson’s Kids to Good Morning America

Michael Jackson must be rolling in his grave. This morning his mother, Katherine Jackson, pimped out his three kids–Prince, Paris, know and Blanket– on “Good Morning America.” The kids, and Katherine, appeared with Robin Roberts, who I hope did not she was being used to shill for Katherine Jackson’s “business partner,” Howard Mann, to sell the expensive book of photographs he’s been selling on his website. The longish segment ended with a big plug for the book by Robin herself. Did money change hands for this interview? Katherine Jackson and Howard Mann do nothing for free, so perhaps the whole objective was to sell that book that no one wants.
The segment also promoted the idea that there is a new Heal the World Foundation. There is not. The foundation closed years before Michael died. Mann has been ordered by a federal court to stop using the name, the Jackson estate has made it clear that the foundation has nothing to do with Michael Jackson.
Nevertheless, in this interview the children were used to advance the idea. Roberts noted, hilariously, that Prince Jackson, age 14, “is on the board of Heal the World.” What does he want to do? “Help animals who can’t speak for themselves.” (What about those that can?) One day, those poor kids will realize how they were used for this scheme. Where is Margaret Lodise, the court appointed lawyer for these children? How did they allow this to happen?

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Is Loodsie even aware?

Is Loodsie even aware?

She knows. WE've called her...many many many times.

Every time, there's been a crisis, we have called her..left messages for her. We did not bother this time...

I don't want to post her number on a public forum, but if you guys wanna reach out to her let me know.

But I have lost all hope when it comes to Margaret Lodise
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

File a complaint with Child Protective Services in L.A., on the grounds that involving a minor child with a charity well-known to be fraudulent, potentially exposes him to legal ramifications? Or even financial penalties should money be collected by this charity? To say nothing of emotional damage once he discovers the charity is fake?
Autumn II;3268215 said:
Child Protective Services can step in? For involving these minor children with an obviously fraudulent charity?
They should be able to??...I dont see why the wouldn't
AngieJ;3268216 said:
Katherine Jackson Pimps Out Michael Jackson’s Kids to Good Morning America

Michael Jackson must be rolling in his grave. This morning his mother, Katherine Jackson, pimped out his three kids–Prince, Paris, know and Blanket– on “Good Morning America.” The kids, and Katherine, appeared with Robin Roberts, who I hope did not she was being used to shill for Katherine Jackson’s “business partner,” Howard Mann, to sell the expensive book of photographs he’s been selling on his website. The longish segment ended with a big plug for the book by Robin herself. Did money change hands for this interview? Katherine Jackson and Howard Mann do nothing for free, so perhaps the whole objective was to sell that book that no one wants.
The segment also promoted the idea that there is a new Heal the World Foundation. There is not. The foundation closed years before Michael died. Mann has been ordered by a federal court to stop using the name, the Jackson estate has made it clear that the foundation has nothing to do with Michael Jackson.
Nevertheless, in this interview the children were used to advance the idea. Roberts noted, hilariously, that Prince Jackson, age 14, “is on the board of Heal the World.” What does he want to do? “Help animals who can’t speak for themselves.” (What about those that can?) One day, those poor kids will realize how they were used for this scheme. Where is Margaret Lodise, the court appointed lawyer for these children? How did they allow this to happen?

OMG...this is a very heartbreaking article...someone has got to help these children..enough is enough now.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I can say I did not see this coming from Catherine.
But we all know the kids will be haunted as their father was. :(
I can only hope they will know how to deal with it.
AngieJ;3268216 said:
Katherine Jackson Pimps Out Michael Jackson’s Kids to Good Morning America

Michael Jackson must be rolling in his grave. This morning his mother, Katherine Jackson, pimped out his three kids–Prince, Paris, know and Blanket– on “Good Morning America.” The kids, and Katherine, appeared with Robin Roberts, who I hope did not she was being used to shill for Katherine Jackson’s “business partner,” Howard Mann, to sell the expensive book of photographs he’s been selling on his website. The longish segment ended with a big plug for the book by Robin herself. Did money change hands for this interview? Katherine Jackson and Howard Mann do nothing for free, so perhaps the whole objective was to sell that book that no one wants.
The segment also promoted the idea that there is a new Heal the World Foundation. There is not. The foundation closed years before Michael died. Mann has been ordered by a federal court to stop using the name, the Jackson estate has made it clear that the foundation has nothing to do with Michael Jackson.
Nevertheless, in this interview the children were used to advance the idea. Roberts noted, hilariously, that Prince Jackson, age 14, “is on the board of Heal the World.” What does he want to do? “Help animals who can’t speak for themselves.” (What about those that can?) One day, those poor kids will realize how they were used for this scheme. Where is Margaret Lodise, the court appointed lawyer for these children? How did they allow this to happen?


Sad truth. :(
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I know we have discussed Mrs Jackson's motives exhaustively. But I have been mulling things over and I firmly believe that is about entitlement.

Alot of Jackson family members feel that Michael would not where he is/was without them. We know the attitude, as evidenced by Quincy Jones. Since his death there appears to be a feeling that consequently the Jacksons have a RIGHT to Michael's image and the money that would accrue from that.

Some of us agree with this view - blood is thicker and so on. Personally, I do not agree. When we look at the history of the business dealings of the Jacksons (in and out of show business) we can clearly see that they cannot properly manage a billion dollar business.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

glad to see the estate jumping on this. and for once roger is right
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I haven't read this whole thread so I am sorry if I am repeating but this just proves once more Michael Jackson knew what he was doing when he wrote his will. And that Katherines 40% goes back to the kids is a good thing. Michael you knew...
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm so sad, shocked, angry, upset...it's awful for us to feel this helpless. What the **** is wrong with the Jacksons? I have no patience or time for them. If it wasn't for Michael's kids being stuck in the middle of this I would wash my hands completely. What planet is Katherine living on? I'm completely out of patience now.

Complete disregard for something that isn't only your dead son's wishes, but something he worked friggin hard their whole lives for. And for what? Money? She ought to be ashamed.

This is awful. :(
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I watched this ..this morning on GMA. I also saw a commercial saying it will air parts on ET tonight.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

A lot of things happen related to MJ that makes me quite angry , yet I can deal with them. I remain calm and reasonable , able to continue my emotions.

This blatant use of Michael's kids for some people's financial gain makes me sad, really really sad. I sit down and cry (and people know me know that I really do not show much emotion). I'm sorry but I don't think that neither Michael nor his kids deserve this.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I've always looked at Katherine as almost a saint... Not anymore!

I am so, so disappointed, and this disappointment just grows and grows... When I say to myself, now I've seen it all, something else comes and strikes me on my head. How is possible, one blow after another? :no:

I will not support Jackson business, anymore. Unless is Michael Jackson, and his kids, when they will grow up more, not now.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

She knows. WE've called her...many many many times.

Every time, there's been a crisis, we have called her..left messages for her. We did not bother this time...

I don't want to post her number on a public forum, but if you guys wanna reach out to her let me know.

But I have lost all hope when it comes to Margaret Lodise
yeah I figured that .. I was about to state does she even care? Obviously she does not.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

My initial reactions -

1] Prince is on the board??????

2] If they said 'normal' one more time ...

3] The suggestion/implication that those children are 'normal' because Katherine Jackson was able to 'save' them is offensive to me.

The same here....

its very offensive, but not new...

some brothers, I remember Jermaine saying that the kids are finally able to do more normal stuff now, and he said it few times... it hurt me great deal, as if their own father was some sort of impediment... :no:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

And these are the actions by a self proclaimed 'woman of God', I don't even DARE to imagine how LOW she would go if she wasn't this 'woman of God'
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nice lil interview, the kids looked like they had fun and really enjoyed helping . The situation is akward because obviously katherine and the estate aren't on the same page, it'll be interetsing to see how this plays out. In a perfect world they'd come to an agreement and make this one less drama to deal with.