Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


Please, do not say that. Michael was not naive!!!
There is nothing wrong in being naive, but Michael definitely wasnt like Katherine or anyone else for that matter. He was one of a kind heavens gift to mankind, the fact that he was not like the rest of his family made him so special and put him on an entire different level.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This thing has me so distressed that I went checking on the net for Prince Jackson sites, to see what the mood was like. And in the words of Bashir, I found some very 'disturbing' things. There is fan fic and people claiming that it is because of Prince that they can make it through the day. Posters are arguing about who knows him, who has his email address, asking questions like 'how many children would you have with Prince?'

I am stunned.

The more public appearances, the more the Jackson family 'feeds the beast'.

Until Prince actually has celebrity status based on his accomplishments, I really feel that his public appearances need to be limited. And that goes for Paris and Blanket too.

And in looking at the body language of the children during the Oprah interview and seeing their facial expressions at Robin Robert's delight at their normalcy, those children know what's going on. And I have a feeling that it won't be too long before any attempts at exploitation will be firmly rebuffed.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

In the past I've defended the Jackson family, look at my posts from this time last year. But, things change in a year. I've seen children being expolited for financial gain, pimped out on TV for interviews to promote a book being sold by a ex porn producer. Michael would be spinning if he could see all this and for once I actually agree with Roger Friedman, and I feel dirty for saying that. I've had it up to hear with the family, I'm sick of the constant abuse of Michael's name for a quick buck. Let's be honest they've all had career boosts out of this all, give an interview about Michael for some publicity for said project. Ive come to expect that of them. But using Michael's children in order to gain publicity and money goes beyond what is acceptable. I just can't wait for the day they get out of that mess and stand on their own. Michael left his Estate to his children and its about god damn time the Jackson family got over this sense of entitlement they seem to have.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

There is nothing wrong in being naive, but Michael definitely wasnt like Katherine or anyone else for that matter. He was one of a kind heavens gift to mankind, the fact that he was not like the rest of his family made him so special and put him on an entire different level.


Yes, that was what I was thinking when I posted my comment. ;D

And in looking at the body language of the children during the Oprah interview and seeing their facial expressions at Robin Robert's delight at their normalcy, those children know what's going on. And I have a feeling that it won't be too long before any attempts at exploitation will be firmly rebuffed.


I also feel it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's funny to see some fans just " wake up " now....

But it's good to see them now. You all knew it will happen.

When you see shit people like Randy, Jermaine and his friends ( Prince of Bahrain...who sued Mike of course, Dr Thome Thome.....) you knew it will happen.

But for Katherine, I'm surprise. I didn't think she will sell her new money makers so fast...

What they're doing the 3T ? I thought they were the good one in this pathetic family ?

No tweets about the porn producer near to their cousins ? They are cool with that ?

What a shame.


For me it's done. The 25 june the man I love, I respect died, and it's finish now.

I don't want to give money to the Estate.

The MJ kids don't need money, they need a family, and sadly for them, like their father, they'll be used because of their money.

What a shit family.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This thing has me so distressed that I went checking on the net for Prince Jackson sites. And in the words of Bashir, I found some very 'disturbing' things. There is fan fic and people claiming that it is because of Prince that they can make it through the day. Posters are arguing about who knows him, who has his email address, asking questions like 'how many children would you have with Prince?'

I am stunned.

The more public appearances, the more the Jackson family 'feeds the beast'.

Until Prince actually has celebrity status based on his accomplishments, I really feel that his public appearances need to be limited. And that goes for Paris and Blanket too.

And in looking at the body language of the children during the Oprah interview and seeing their facial expressions at Robin Robert's delight at their normalcy, those children know what's going on. And I have a feeling that it won't be too long before any attempts at exploitation will be firmly rebuffed.

It's not just the interviews that have them out there. Long before they sat down with Oprah there were pics of them everywhere because of the pals. Also during this day and time, the media sees no limits. They go after some celeb kids just like they do their parents and I just think it's all crazy anyway
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


I noticed that Ms Roberts said that they were invited for this interview. Much the same as Oprah said.

Who is doing the inviting?

It is one thing to be approached and to consider giving an interview and quite another to be actively seeking ways to pimp Michael's children.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

In the past I've defended the Jackson family, look at my posts from this time last year. But, things change in a year. I've seen children being expolited for financial gain, pimped out on TV for interviews to promote a book being sold by a ex porn producer. Michael would be spinning if he could see all this and for once I actually agree with Roger Friedman, and I feel dirty for saying that. I've had it up to hear with the family, I'm sick of the constant abuse of Michael's name for a quick buck. Let's be honest they've all had career boosts out of this all, give an interview about Michael for some publicity for said project. Ive come to expect that of them. But using Michael's children in order to gain publicity and money goes beyond what is acceptable. I just can't wait for the day they get out of that mess and stand on their own. Michael left his Estate to his children and its about god damn time the Jackson family got over this sense of entitlement they seem to have.

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I understand what you're saying chanel05 and I agree. But having them appear on a show like GMA legitimatises the whole thing.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

In the past I've defended the Jackson family, look at my posts from this time last year. But, things change in a year. I've seen children being expolited for financial gain, pimped out on TV for interviews to promote a book being sold by a ex porn producer. Michael would be spinning if he could see all this and for once I actually agree with Roger Friedman, and I feel dirty for saying that. I've had it up to hear with the family, I'm sick of the constant abuse of Michael's name for a quick buck. Let's be honest they've all had career boosts out of this all, give an interview about Michael for some publicity for said project. Ive come to expect that of them. But using Michael's children in order to gain publicity and money goes beyond what is acceptable. I just can't wait for the day they get out of that mess and stand on their own. Michael left his Estate to his children and its about god damn time the Jackson family got over this sense of entitlement they seem to have.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's funny to see some fans just " wake up " now....

But it's good to see them now. You all knew it will happen.

When you see shit people like Randy, Jermaine and his friends ( Prince of Bahrain...who sued Mike of course, Dr Thome Thome.....) you knew it will happen.

But for Katherine, I'm surprise. I didn't think she will sell her new money makers so fast...

What they're doing the 3T ? I thought they were the good one in this pathetic family ?

No tweets about the porn producer near to their cousins ? They are cool with that ?

What a shame.


For me it's done. The 25 june the man I love, I respect died, and it's finish now.

I don't want to give money to the Estate.

The MJ kids don't need money, they need a family, and sadly for them, like their father, they'll be used because of their money.

What a shit family.

I know things weren't much different back then... the only difference was that Katherine had not participated in the selling out, the rest of them were throwing Michael and his children under the bus since July/August 2009.

As for who is inviting all these reporters/hosts in short media people, my guess is Kathrine and her right hand Uncle Porn.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


I noticed that Ms Roberts said that they were invited for this interview. Much the same as Oprah said.

Who is doing the inviting?

It is one thing to be approached and to consider giving an interview and quite another to be actively seeking ways to pimp Michael's children.


I doubt and I do not believe the children knew that this interview would happen. Katie told the children that they be interviewed? No. I do not believe and not what it seems, they did not seem comfortable. I'm sure if they knew they would be interviewed, they would say no. PPB are children very smart. They were caught by surprise, I believe.

It's just my opinion. :fear:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I think you're reading too much into this. I interpreted this more as "see, they're just like other teenagers". Which is not a bad thing, I'm actually glad they are stressing this. Some people seem to think that celebrities, and their children, are like aliens who have nothing in common with "normal" people. I don't see it as a stab at Michael or his children, I've seen this type of "look how normal they are!" comments with loads of other celeb kids/families.

That's how I saw it. Poeple take those normal comments to personal. Fans who have followed Michael for years will know he wasn't a freak and his kids are normal but to the average viewer they still have an image of Michael's kids behind veils and being sort of isolated. Robin is just pointing out that there isn't anything different about them except that they have an incredibly famous father.


Please, do not say that. Michael was not naive... never!!!
It's not meant to be direspectful but yes he was, that doesn't mean he wasn't an intelligent man. I think almost everyone has some sort of vulneralbility.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Who is doing the inviting?
mann. and wasnt schaffel involved in the oprah arrangment.

its pretty obvious what is being implied with the normal comments. we see it non stop since june that now they can be normal. when pre june it was comments about how they werent normal.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


I noticed that Ms Roberts said that they were invited for this interview. Much the same as Oprah said.

Who is doing the inviting?

It is one thing to be approached and to consider giving an interview and quite another to be actively seeking ways to pimp Michael's children.

People would love to have MJ mom and kids on because of fairings they would bring. I'm not sure what they are called, but there are peoples job to seek and book interviews for whatever show they work for.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


Please, do not say that. Michael was not naive... never!!!

I beg to differ.

that is a cop-out...Katherine KNOWS exactly what is going on...she has been TOLD by the estate about this charity....she is NOT stupid....give her credit for that for God sake...she didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. She is 80 years old. She knows right from wrong.

Yes, but what if she believes (and I think she does) that the Estate is against her and is not out to preserve Michael's legacy? It's possible. She may still believe, although she knows she can't prove it, that the will was forged and the Estate is therefore not run the way Michael would have wanted it. Who knows who's been whispering in her ear. And like I said, she is not a good business woman and she never has been, her age is irrelevant in this. From what I recall, that awful contract she has with Mann is also not nearly as beneficial to her as it should be.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think it is right for PPB to be used to promote Mann & Katherine's products. But I refuse to believe Katherine is only doing this out of greed. I just can't imagine that, she genuinely seems to grieve and care about Michael so I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she tricked me like she tricked Michael but I just can't be as cynical about her motives as some of you are.

I'll probably get a lot of flack for this from the usual suspects but please remember this is just my perspective. Stay respectful as Michael would have wanted us to be. We're all part of the same community.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

That's how I saw it. Poeple take those normal comments to personal. Fans who have followed Michael for years will know he wasn't a freak and his kids are normal but tothe average viewer they still have an image of Michael's kids behind viels and being sort of isolated. Robin is just pointing out that there isn't anything different about them except that they have an incredibly famous father.

That is quite true but I noticed how Ms Roberts broke off from saying that their normalness was due to Mrs Jackson rearing (near the end of the segment). There was no mention whatsoever, not even a hint that MAYBE Michael Jackson was a good father after all. I cannot speak for others but that is where my grouse is (mainly).
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I beg to differ.

Yes, but what if she believes (and I think she does) that the Estate is against her and is not out to preserve Michael's legacy? It's possible. She may still believe, although she knows she can't prove it, that the will was forged and the Estate is therefore not run the way Michael would have wanted it. Who knows who's been whispering in her ear. And like I said, she is not a good business woman and she never has been, her age is irrelevant in this. From what I recall, that awful contract she has with Mann is also not nearly as beneficial to her as it should be.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think it is right for PPB to be used to promote Mann & Katherine's products. But I refuse to believe Katherine is only doing this out of greed. I just can't imagine that, she genuinely seems to grieve and care about Michael so I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she tricked me like she tricked Michael but I just can't be as cynical about her motives as some of you are.

I'll probably get a lot of flack for this from the usual suspects but please remember this is just my perspective. Stay respectful as Michael would have wanted us to be. We're all part of the same community.
whatever...you are entitled to your opinion....:doh:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I understand what you're saying chanel05 and I agree. But having them appear on a show like GMA legitimatises the whole thing.

I guess... Is the interview posted in this thread because I haven't seen it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Not gonna comment any more on this, the atmosphere here is suffocating already. But I just have to shake head at how it's now okay to be allowing Roger Friedman crap on here just because he seems to be siding with dead Jackson now and his 'poor' kids. Which is a strategy of sucking up to MJ fans and that some can see through that enough to conclude the big b.s. his attitude is. So, if 'Roger' seems to be siding with Jackson for the reasons mentioned and wants to pose as a holier-than-thou, "The Jacksons made me" attitude, then all left being said is "Such a shame". .. Disheartening.

Will be keeping the children in prayers, threads like these could make one bang their heads against the wall.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's not meant to be direspectful but yes he was, that doesn't mean he wasn't an intelligent man. I think almost everyone has some sort of vulneralbility.

I beg to differ.

Yes, but what if she believes (and I think she does) that the Estate is against her and is not out to preserve Michael's legacy? It's possible. She may still believe, although she knows she can't prove it, that the will was forged and the Estate is therefore not run the way Michael would have wanted it. Who knows who's been whispering in her ear. And like I said, she is not a good business woman and she never has been, her age is irrelevant in this. From what I recall, that awful contract she has with Mann is also not nearly as beneficial to her as it should be.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think it is right for PPB to be used to promote Mann & Katherine's products. But I refuse to believe Katherine is only doing this out of greed. I just can't imagine that, she genuinely seems to grieve and care about Michael so I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she tricked me like she tricked Michael but I just can't be as cynical about her motives as some of you are.

I'll probably get a lot of flack for this from the usual suspects but please remember this is just my perspective. Stay respectful as Michael would have wanted us to be. We're all part of the same community.


Is the interview posted in this thread because I haven't seen it.


But it was posted here.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This thing has me so distressed that I went checking on the net for Prince Jackson sites, to see what the mood was like. And in the words of Bashir, I found some very 'disturbing' things. There is fan fic and people claiming that it is because of Prince that they can make it through the day. Posters are arguing about who knows him, who has his email address, asking questions like 'how many children would you have with Prince?'

I am stunned.
:mello:...:bugeyed... :puke:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I can see the kids shutting up future interviews when they disrespect their father. That look on Paris' face was real, she won't take any disrespect much longer when it comes to her father. She will be the first one to shut everyone up who talks bad about her dad, same goes for her brothers. I'm glad that Michael at least got to experience unconditional love from his kids if not from anyone else, it's clear as the day that everyone else saw him as a commodity and not as a person.

Yes, but what if she believes (and I think she does) that the Estate is against her and is not out to preserve Michael's legacy? It's possible. She may still believe, although she knows she can't prove it, that the will was forged and the Estate is therefore not run the way Michael would have wanted it. Who knows who's been whispering in her ear. And like I said, she is not a good business woman and she never has been, her age is irrelevant in this. From what I recall, that awful contract she has with Mann is also not nearly as beneficial to her as it should be.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think it is right for PPB to be used to promote Mann & Katherine's products. But I refuse to believe Katherine is only doing this out of greed. I just can't imagine that, she genuinely seems to grieve and care about Michael so I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she tricked me like she tricked Michael but I just can't be as cynical about her motives as some of you are.

I'll probably get a lot of flack for this from the usual suspects but please remember this is just my perspective. Stay respectful as Michael would have wanted us to be. We're all part of the same community.
yea right then let her puzzle for the rest of whatever remaining life she's got why Michael did not put her ex con son Steven in charge or one of her other leeching children.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

When this blows up in Katherine's face and it will I bet you a dollar to a doughnut she will blame the estate
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


I noticed that Ms Roberts said that they were invited for this interview. Much the same as Oprah said.

Who is doing the inviting?

It is one thing to be approached and to consider giving an interview and quite another to be actively seeking ways to pimp Michael's children.

mann. and wasnt schaffel involved in the oprah arrangment.

yep my vote is on Howard Mann as well.

His lawsuit with the estate is going on , they'll have depositions next week and this week this airs. It's all being orchestrated by Mann IMO.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

whatever...you are entitled to your opinion....:doh:

See, this is what I mean. Why is the ":doh:" necessary? There is no kind of debate possible with answers like that. If you really think my reasoning is that idiotic, then tell me why. If you don't care enough, then don't say anything at all. But posts like that add nothing to the discussion and are only meant to ridicule.

This board is meant to exchange our opinions. Differing views shouldn't be gunned down by the majority, which is what often happens here. If you don't agree, then explain why in a respectful manner.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

When this blows up in Katherine's face and it will I bet you a dollar to a doughnut she will blame the estate
Don't you know it's always an outsiders fault or Michael's, apart from Michael no Jackson can ever be at fault and/or held accountable for anything they do. That's the rule these people have lived by and will continue to live by.
And blaming the Estate always comes into handy.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

See, this is what I mean. Why is the ":doh:" necessary? There is no kind of debate possible with answers like that. If you really think my reasoning is that idiotic, then tell me why. If you don't care enough, then don't say anything at all. But posts like that add nothing to the discussion and are only meant to ridicule.

This board is meant to exchange our opinions. Differing views shouldn't be gunned down by the majority, which is what often happens here. If you don't agree, then explain why in a respectful manner.
I said you were entitled to your opinon....now let it go. If you want to continue to defend Katherine...that is YOUR opinion...all you are doing is making her appear to be stupid..and SHE IS NOT.SHE IS.FAR FROM IT. ..I refuse to fight with you any furhter about it. You have your opinion and I have mine...lets just let it go...:doh:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Think about it for a second the only people who will buy that stuff they are selling are people like some in this thread that see nothing wrong with what Michael's Mother is doing. No one is buying that book no will buy whatever else they are selling. The Jacksons have to be one of the worst families I have ever come across. This man goes out of his way to provide for his Mother and her ungrateful self goes out of her way to work against the estate that feeds and clothed her. And this make me think about something for all Michael did for her when he was alive did she ever say thank you? Probably not