Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's heartbreaking to see that strangers care about them while their own only think about the money the can make by exploiting them. Not surprised to see the usual suspects downplaying this extremely tacky move of Katherine SMDH


This thing has me so distressed that I went checking on the net for Prince Jackson sites, to see what the mood was like. And in the words of Bashir, I found some very 'disturbing' things. There is fan fic and people claiming that it is because of Prince that they can make it through the day. Posters are arguing about who knows him, who has his email address, asking questions like 'how many children would you have with Prince?'

I am stunned.

Disturbing. Even the media has picked up on the "normal" bit. E!'s article sarcastically titled: "Michael Jackson children out to prove they're normal"


I noticed that Ms Roberts said that they were invited for this interview. Much the same as Oprah said.

Who is doing the inviting?

It is one thing to be approached and to consider giving an interview and quite another to be actively seeking ways to pimp Michael's children.

Howard Mann...same as Oprah. We saw the behind the scene..it was Mann contacting offering the children like a piece of meat to wolves

When this blows up in Katherine's face and it will I bet you a dollar to a doughnut she will blame the estate

I cannot wait. And personally, I think Katherine Jackson is a greedy old woman...and karma will be unforgiven to her. Or so I hope.

You can't be 80 year old and be this ruthless & conniving. And a total hypocrite on top of it...how can she claim to care about these kids when she knows what she is doing to them and their dead father?

How can she look these kids in the eyes and claim to care....?

That woman has something coming for her.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

When this blows up in Katherine's face and it will I bet you a dollar to a doughnut she will blame the estate

Lol!!! A dollar to a doughnut... I never heard that one before
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Howard Mann...same as Oprah. We saw the behind the scene..it was Mann contacting offering the children like a piece of meat to wolves

God, it's hurt like hell to read that...it's so fucking true!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Further to the point that Justthefacts made - Michael made sure that his mother did not have to worry about money for herself or for his children and she does not have the basic decency to respect how the man wanted his children raised?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Further to the point that Justthefacts made - Michael made sure that his mother did not have to worry about money for herself or for his children and she does not have the basic decency to respect how the man wanted his children raised?
which is a clear indication of ungratefulness imo
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

And you know what Katherine knows Michael would have a fit if he could see what she is doing. She knows it but she does it anyway. Totally disregarding his wishes for her own greed and the rest of her kids well as long has Mom is sharing the money with them they don't care. One day the kids are going to see what she is doing and they are going to hate her for it. I am starting to wonder if DCFS should not get involved
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I said you were entitled to your opinon....now let it go. If you want to continue to defend Katherine...that is YOUR opinion...all you are doing is making her appear to be stupid..and SHE IS NOT.SHE IS.FAR FROM IT. ..I refuse to fight with you any furhter about it. You have your opinion and I have mine...lets just let it go...:doh:

We're not fighting as far as I know. I just don't understand why you can't respond to my posts respectfully. I guess that's too much to ask.

Katherine may not be stupid, but she's highly naive and trusting. We've all seen how easily her opinions can be swayed (from "Michael was not a drug addict" to "Michael was a junkie in denial") and with the kind of shady people she's involved in, who knows what she's being told. I can imagine Mann saying the same stuff to her as he did on GMA, i.e. "the Estate are greedy, they won't even let Michael's own mother take initiatives to preserve his legacy". Truth is, I think the Estate wouldn't have that much problems with Katherine writing a book and using some pictures of her son, if only she had asked their permission first. But I don't think Katherine gets that.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Exotic Princess, I read your earlier post while at work this morning...but I can seem to find it now.

I just wanted to think you for inspiring me...I just unfollowed ALL Jacksons on Twitter ..Wasn't much because I was only following Austin & Jackie.

But their silence today is revolting...
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Exotic Princess, I read your earlier post while at work this morning...but I can seem to find it now.

I just wanted to think you for inspiring me...I just unfollowed ALL Jacksons on Twitter ..Wasn't much because I was only following Austin & Jackie.

But their silence today is revolting...

If they speak, they don't have money so....

I am starting to wonder if DCFS should not get involved

What is it or who is it DCFS ?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Further to the point that Justthefacts made - Michael made sure that his mother did not have to worry about money for herself or for his children and she does not have the basic decency to respect how the man wanted his children raised?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am starting to wonder if DCFS should not get involved
DCFS won't get involved, the kids lives aren't in danger. Katherine allowing her gradkids to be interviewd isn't illegal and that contract i don't know how much stance it has but since Katherine is their guardian i don't think that is illegal either.

DCFS has much more impotant cases to deal with than this.

What is it or who is it DCFS ?
Department of Children & Family Services in the United States.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

DCFS won't get involved, the kids lives aren't in danger. Katherine allowing her gradkids to be interviewd isn't illegal and that contract i don't know how much stance it has but since Katherine is their guardian i don't think that is illegal either.

DCFS has much more impotant cases to deal with than this.

Department of Children & Family Services in the United States.

That contract is very illegal. But don't worry when it comes out that she binned those kids to a porn producer for the rest of there lives DCFS will be interested. People have lost custody of there children for less things
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Department of Children & Family Services in the United States.

Thanks for your answer.

It would be funny if Katherine has problems with this DCFS. She will not smile anymore....
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

DCFS won't get involved, the kids lives aren't in danger. Katherine allowing her gradkids to be interviewd isn't illegal and that contract i don't know how much stance it has but since Katherine is their guardian i don't think that is illegal either.

DCFS has much more important cases to deal with than this.

Department of Children & Family Services in the United States.

They might look into it. Prince has been put on the board of directors of a charity that the estate has said is fraudulent, and has NOTHING to do with Michael Jackson. If donations are collected for this charity, fraud could be charged. That could, potentially, be seen as involving a minor in a CRIME.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

DCFS won't get involved, the kids lives aren't in danger. Katherine allowing her gradkids to be interviewd isn't illegal and that contract i don't know how much stance it has but since Katherine is their guardian i don't think that is illegal either.

DCFS has much more impotant cases to deal with than this.

Department of Children & Family Services in the United States.

True, my sis works for DCFS, and she will tell you that they try to keep families together not seperate them. Also as moulin said there are much worse cases to worry about.there are kids that are in much more immediate danger than PP&B
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

We're not fighting as far as I know. I just don't understand why you can't respond to my posts respectfully. I guess that's too much to ask.

Katherine may not be stupid, but she's highly naive and trusting. We've all seen how easily her opinions can be swayed (from "Michael was not a drug addict" to "Michael was a junkie in denial") and with the kind of shady people she's involved in, who knows what she's being told. I can imagine Mann saying the same stuff to her as he did on GMA, i.e. "the Estate are greedy, they won't even let Michael's own mother take initiatives to preserve his legacy". Truth is, I think the Estate wouldn't have that much problems with Katherine writing a book and using some pictures of her son, if only she had asked their permission first. But I don't think Katherine gets that.
like I said you can give her all the excuses you like...for me I am done with Katherine Jackson. No more excuses are exceptable...:no:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

That contract is very illegal. But don't worry when it comes out that she binned those kids to a porn producer for the rest of there lives DCFS will be interested. People have lost custody of there children for less things

At the very least, I'd think another investigation would be in order. . . .
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

That contract is very illegal. But don't worry when it comes out that she binned those kids to a porn producer for the rest of there lives DCFS will be interested. People have lost custody of there children for less things

How is the contract illegal?? As much as I don't like it, it's not illegal or it would be null and void. Also I'm sure the kids attorney would have stepped in if it was illegal.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

At the very least, I'd think another investigation would be in order. . . .

Sounds like wishful thinking on your part, but you never know. Unless someone who knows the kids calls the police because they feel their lives are in danger there most likely won't be another visit.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Do some research use the search feature you will see how it is illegal
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

How is the contract illegal?? As much as I don't like it, it's not illegal or it would be null and void. Also I'm sure the kids attorney would have stepped in if it was illegal.
So in your world a contract binding minors to a porn producer is perfectly legal? Since when?
Thank goodness the contract is null in void when it comes to those kids being bound to their newly found uncle porn but the malicious intent of binding to them such a shady character as Mann was there, which is proven by the signature of Katie.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Sounds like wishful thinking on your part, but you never know. Unless someone who knows the kids calls the police because they feel their lives are in danger there most likely won't be another visit.

Putting a 14 year old boy on a board of a dubious charity is not OK. If there is any fraud going on yes DCFS will look into it
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Do some research use the search feature you will see how it is illegal
for real. there is no point in wanting everything served. let google be ur friend and help yourself to find out what the nature of the contract is.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm sorry but some of y'all are crazy for trying to get DCFS involved. I know nothing is gonna come of the investigation... Also that would out the kids at risk. Let's just say that they are taken, after that they get put into the system. No one can magically come get them out of that system. If they cant go to a relative, they would probably be separated into different group homes for foster children until things are worked out. It will also be a big custody battle and things would just be a mess
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

A mess is what they are in right now. And BTW did you see anyone here say they were going to call DCFS? And who you calling crazy?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Do some research use the search feature you will see how it is illegal

So in your world a contract binding minors to a porn producer is perfectly legal? Since when?
Thank goodness the contract is null in void when it comes to those kids being bound to their newly found uncle porn but the malicious intent of binding to them such a shady character as Mann was there, which is proven by the signature of Katie.

Just because he produced porn doesn't make the contract illegal. Katherine didn't sign a contract for them to do porn or something illegal for a minor to take part of. There is nothing illegal about a guardian signing a contract on behalf of minor children. Just because we dint agree doesn't make it illegal. There are lots of things that are legal that we may not agree with, but that doesn't make it illegal. Now please tell me how it is illegal?!?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm sorry but some of y'all are crazy for trying to get DCFS involved. I know nothing is gonna come of the investigation... Also that would out the kids at risk. Let's just say that they are taken, after that they get put into the system. No one can magically come get them out of that system. If they cant go to a relative, they would probably be separated into different group homes for foster children until things are worked out. It will also be a big custody battle and things would just be a mess
No some of you are crazy for backing up, justifying and defending this kind of phuckery. From what I have read nobody wants these children to be taken away from those who exploit them. The prime concern of everyone in this thread is the kids making 18 and freeing themselves. If those children had one honest person looking out for them I'd say they should pack up and go to whomever who has got their best interest at heart, but it doesn't seem to me like anyone does. So all I can hope and pray for is all three kids making 18 without developing some kind of a mental disease, while living under those people's care.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I would tell you but no the info is on the board look for it. Are you afraid to do so?