Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I DEFINITELY support this!!..:clapping::clapping::clapping:

Thank you. This is a situation that is quite CLEAR, and is not a time for quarreling. If you do not support, for the sake of Michael's children and with all due respect, the non-support point has been made, and time to be quiet now? Sorry, but it's true.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nobody needs to "insult" Michael's mother. In my opinion, not only is she insulting HERSELF, she is also EMBARRASSING herself!

If Michael were to be SAD about anything, I'm sure it would be the ACTIONS of his "beloved" mother. Parading his 3 children on television - AGAIN, in order to line her own pockets. It's straight up shameful!

The man went to great lengths to protect his children's privacy. We all saw it! Now all of his work has be reversed because of NEED and not GREED (as per Katherine Jackson). In my opinion, it is nothing but GREED!



what a nice video ! with Melissa Johnson and Howard Mann. the promotion of the book at the end.

Mann takes a jab at the estate saying that they (HTWF and Mann) should be able to use MJ's name, calls estate "greedy".

Estate responds with a statement calling the use of the children "exploitation".

This is nothing more than an orchestrated event by Mann to promote the book, legitimize the charity and attack the estate. Regardless of their good work the children is being used. So sad.

Exploitation is all this is!

Jermaine on Twitter!

"What our mother is doing stems from love for a son she lost. She's doing this with a good heart, and is doing her best. Pls support her.
about 2 hours ago via web"


whatever jermaine

Please shut up Jermaine Jackson!

I haven't read this whole thread so I am sorry if I am repeating but this just proves once more Michael Jackson knew what he was doing when he wrote his will. And that Katherines 40% goes back to the kids is a good thing. Michael you knew...

Oh yes he surely KNEW what he was doing!


I noticed that Ms Roberts said that they were invited for this interview. Much the same as Oprah said.

Who is doing the inviting?

It is one thing to be approached and to consider giving an interview and quite another to be actively seeking ways to pimp Michael's children.

Howard Mann is the puppet master behind all of this!

When this blows up in Katherine's face and it will I bet you a dollar to a doughnut she will blame the estate

And can I just say I will be amused when that happens. I'm not trying to be hurtful, but good God the lack of good judgement being displayed throughout this whole thing is frightening!:doh:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I suggest that we ignore those few, and focus on the topic/issue at hand, which is SERIOUS.

The kids are not in imminent danger. Everyone say they are intelligent and wise beyond their age. So have faith in the kids.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Child Protective Services can step in? For involving these minor children with an obviously fraudulent charity?

I was thinking of this since yesterday. If what they are doing puts a minor child at risk for abuse/neglect/inadequate guardianship, I think we will have a chance here. They should see the illegal contract. That would surely show putting a child at risk. If this was in New York, I would surely pick up the phone and call, because I am a mandated reporter.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Yes, we CAN help, and we will, and if you choose not to participate, that is certainly your right.

There will be an M.J.A.N. (Michael Jackson Accountability Network) statement and a press-release issued soon. Link will be posted here, for your comments. Those who choose to care and try to make a difference about Michael's children and the life he wanted for them (and there is NO question about that), let your voices be heard.

I am with the MJAN ...the group has my full support.

WHATEVER help you guys need....But you guys need to move quickly.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I was thinking of this since yesterday. If what they are doing puts a minor child at risk for abuse/neglect/inadequate guardianship, I think we will have a chance here. They should see the illegal contract. That would surely show putting a child at risk. If this was in New York, I would surely pick up the phone and call, because I am a mandated reporter.

I think ANYONE can call in a complaint for California, even if you don't live there? You must know the format, soooo? Why not call?

Talking points?

1. Katherine has already been investigated ONCE for child endangerment (Taser incident.)

2. The estate representing the children's financial interests has already issued a statement disclaiming any connection to the Heal the World foundation, that has NO connection to Michael. And now, Prince has been put on the board of that "charity." As a minor child, he had no choice in that. The charity is possible fraud, and now implicates him as well.

3. There is an ongoing lawsuit about the charity. Should Prince REALLY involved with that issue?

4. The demeanor of the children was obviously one of discomfort.

5. The person behind the charity is a pornographer. Is that REALLY ok, for Prince to be involved with?

Just suggestions. . . .
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Exotic Princess, I read your earlier post while at work this morning...but I can seem to find it now.

I just wanted to think you for inspiring me...I just unfollowed ALL Jacksons on Twitter ..Wasn't much because I was only following Austin & Jackie.

But their silence today is revolting...

I did?:).....don't know how though, but you're welcome:D

My take on the interview.....

Howard Mann is the puppet master pulling Katherines strings, he is the one setting up these damn interviews. Michael Jackson's children are nothing more to him than $$$, he can't use MJ's image and likeness, whats the next best thing? BINGO! The King of Pop's kids! and thats all he cares about. For some reason he was able to pull Katherine Jackson into his deceit and for the past year and a half their actions have been just pathetic and disappointing. Just you wait until the trial is over we are bound to see those three kids again making another appearance discussing how they have been coping AFTER the trial.

Michael Jackson's children are being USED, USED, USED and why are the other family members being so silent and going along with this farce? well we all know the answer to that one don't we. Why does'nt anyone in that family give a damn about Michael Jackson's wishes!!!!!

Mark my words, this whole thing is gonna blow up right in their faces.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Michael Jackson's children are being USED, USED, USED and why the other family members are being so silent and going along with this farce? well we all know the answer to that one don't we.

Mark my words, this whole thing is gonna blow up right in their faces.

Thanks for your post. I hope it DOES "blow up," and soon.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Thanks for your post. I hope it DOES "blow up," and soon.

It sure will, you can't roll in the mud with the likes of Howard Mann and not get burned in the end, this is all about him and all the money he can make, Katherine Jackson is just his pawn!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I totally support issuing a statement on behalf of the fans.katherine and mann should know that their pathetic schemes are exposed to the fans. The whole world and its media should know about the details of this child exploitation and the background of Mann.Maybe that could make the kids realize the truth & seek the help of the estate.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It sure will, you can't roll in the mud with the likes of Howard Mann and not get burned in the end, this is all about him and all the money he can make, Katherine Jackson is just his pawn!

To involve a minor child with this (Prince) is an atrocity. I really hope there is no repetition of Katherine's behavior, and that this does not continue. ..
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I have total faith in the intelligence and good upbringing (until June 25, 2009), of those kids, but they are CHILDREN! They are orphans. Prince can apply for emancipation, and I hope he DOES. Given everything, who else to they have, but us, in the end? I'm not seeing any advocates stepping up to the plate? Above all else, Michael wanted his children to be CHILDREN, and there is no confusion about his wishes about that. They should not HAVE TO BE "wise beyond their age." Michael's wishes are totally being disrespected.

Step off, if you want. There are plenty of us left to make a difference.

This thread is the mother of over-reaction. Convince the kids will be allright.....Making my exit.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This thread is the mother of over-reaction. Convince the kids will be allright.....Making my exit.

I know right, making organizations to tell someone how to raise their grandchildren when they're lives aren't in danger is a bit much. Michael is no longer his kids guardian, Katherine the woman he credits from his kind nature and humaitarian efforts is. The kids will be fine, Michael raised them well and from everything we've heard Katherine is continuing to do a good job.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't think Katherine should work with Mann but i think her heart is in the right place and the same with Michael's children.

How exactly is her heart in the right place? Pimping Michael's children and signing them to a contract with a porn producer for life -- how does that point to her heart being in the right place?

No, her heart is not in the right place, because her motives are clear -- using the children to make money, so she could support her deadbeat son's brood. And that is not right and will never be right.

I don't even know how anyone can say that her heart is in the right place here, when clearly that's not the case. :doh:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I have total faith in the intelligence and good upbringing (until June 25, 2009), of those kids, but they are CHILDREN! They are orphans. Prince can apply for emancipation, and I hope he DOES. Given everything, who else to they have, but us, in the end? I'm not seeing any advocates stepping up to the plate? Above all else, Michael wanted his children to be CHILDREN, and there is no confusion about his wishes about that. They should not HAVE TO BE "wise beyond their age." Michael's wishes are totally being disrespected.

Step off, if you want. There are plenty of us left to make a difference.

these kids are with their grandmother...what on earth can the fans do? nothing!

please focus your attention on kids that actually need your help and that you actually can help
cuz there are many kids out there a lot worse off than ppb
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am watching this right now for the first time and it is so difficult watching it. This is disturbing.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The only comfort I can take from all this is that the kids are incredbly smart kids-their body language in interviews suggests they are aware of this all but they obviously enjoy helping others, which is what their father instilled in them.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Yes, we CAN help, and we will, and if you choose not to participate, that is certainly your right.

There will be an M.J.A.N. (Michael Jackson Accountability Network) statement and a press-release issued soon. Link will be posted here, for your comments. Those who choose to care and try to make a difference about Michael's children and the life he wanted for them (and there is NO question about that), let your voices be heard.

I'll sign that one for sure. As much as I know children services are often enough without chance although they wish... I know these workers apreciate the most ppl not only watching cuz that is what's producing them only even more work! Thank you Autumn!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I totally support issuing a statement on behalf of the fans.katherine and mann should know that their pathetic schemes are exposed to the fans. The whole world and its media should know about the details of this child exploitation and the background of Mann.Maybe that could make the kids realize the truth & seek the help of the estate.

I'll support too the statement.

But it must be clear and no excuses for what Katherine is doing.

She makes shit business with a porno producer and involve PPB in this business. She's guilty, NO EXCUSES FOR HER.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Michael's wishes are totally being disrespected.
exactly. and that to me is the most important issue.ontop of the fact the family were well aware of mjs wishes yet totally ignore them like he was worthless. any person who cares about mj would care about his wishes being disrespected and how he would feel about what has happened. those that dont care and make excuses obviously have thier illegances else where yet for some strange reason continue to come to a board of someone they have no respect for

considering according to those who follow what prince posts on that spring forum and to what hes said to those in chats he knows the deal about whats going on with oprah and other things. and wants nothing to do with it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

JACKSON FAMILY DECLARATION - Signed by Katherine on december 20th 2010 (only two months ago)


The declaration says:


There have been a great del of discussion about the accomplishments of Michael Jackson, since his death. These primarily include his achievements in the field of music, dance and entertainment.

However, very little talk has been about the kind of man he was or his humanitarian work, or even his altruistic vision to improve the condition of mankind.

Michael really believed we could HEAL THE WORLD together and in 1991 he founded his own Charity Organization, called Heal the World Foundation.

Although Michael loved creating music and entertaining, he wanted his work to have a higher purpose. He wanted his music to change people for the better or at least make people want to change the world they lived in, by changing themselves.

Remember his man in the mirror song? The lyrics and others he wrote, including his HEAL THE WORLD song released in 1991, actually describe his vision for what would become his beloved Charity organization.


Michael was extremely sensitive to the pain of others around him, especially those that were the most vunerable, like children, animals and the elderly.

More and more he wanted to use the any resources or gift God had given him, to help those most vulnerable. Michael called them the "voiceless", those without a voice and he wanted to be their voice. He wanted all of us to be their voice.

Michael found a way he could leverage his fame, fortune and talents, to help people HEAL, all while creating his own programs through his Charity, that could use 'entertainment' to improve the Character of his fellow man and reduce human suffering simultaneously. Live-Aid, in 1985, was just one example of this attempt.

Since the earliest years of his Children's Charity, and the first wave of allegations of child abuse in 1993, to the day he passed away in 2009, Michael endured numerous public attacks on his integrity, false allegations and extortion attempts, all sidelining his focus away from his humanitarian work, its goal and his foundation. HTWF was nearly destroyed and most thought it was.

It was throygh the selfless vigilance of a small group of volunteers, that Michael Jackson's foundation was preserved throughout the years and survives today.

We are very proud to support the HTWF volunteers that made that possible, as they move forward with the work of Heal the World Foundation. These men and women deserve more than our gratitude, they derve our L.O.V.E and to show them that, we have invited them to help our Family relize Michael's humanitarian vision and preserve its legacy.

May God bless us all and Heal the World Foundation in its work to HEAL THE WORLD

Signed: Katherine Jackson
Date signed: 12/20 2010

Signed: ??? (Melissa Johnson???)
Date Signed: 12 20 10"
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Well, Ms. Jackson is complaining about wicked ppl and still she's working with/being used by one of them. How sad is that.
These are adorable children. I am sure, they were there only to help others, but I guess they're well aware of the whole situation. How hard it must be for them, when all around them everyone's fighting about how much can one get by exploiting Michael's name.
Wish them strength. :angel:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I tried to avoid these pictures by not visiting their website after learning the kids were all MADE members...but here they are.

Anyway, I cannot imagine the disappointment when they will finally learn the truth. I hope God & MJ give them strength.

Me too, so Katherine did this in 2010. I notice the declaration did not say this is not the original foundation, so it misleads the reader. The intent of this declaration and the pictures are very clear. Autumn I will support you in your efforts. This is getting serious.

It is amazing how Blanket tilts his head up like Michael. It just makes you want to cry that this innocent little kid is exploited!!!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Me too, so Katherine did this in 2010. I notice the declaration did not say this is not the original foundation, so it misleads the reader. The intent of this declaration and the pictures are very clear. Autumn I will support you in your efforts. This is getting serious.

Exactly, nowhere does it say that the original HTWF became inactive in 2002. The declaration signed by Katherine is very misleading, it lets people believe this is the original foundation Michael created. People who are not aware or have the knowlegde are being tricked believing they are supporting MJs foundation. This is fraud. Shame on them.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Exactly, nowhere does it say that the original HTWF became inactive in 2002. The declaration signed by Katherine is very misleading, it lets people believe this is the original foundation Michael created. People who are not aware or have the knowlegde are being tricked believing they are supporting MJs foundation. This is fraud. Shame on them.

Yes, and she linking back Michael Jackson's name to this organization that the Estate warned cannot use his name or image to promote. Either Katherine is being defiant or still does not understand the difference between her son Michael Jackson, and the brand Michael Jackson.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

exactly. how many fans have given 2 this charity over the last couple of years thinking it was thee HTW when it wasnt. ive seen many posts on here when they realised. if alot of fans dont know the gen public will be clueless
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I have exercised my constitutional rights as an American Citizen and a human being and made an official complaint to the authorities.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

exactly. how many fans have given 2 this charity over the last couple of years thinking it was thee HTW when it wasnt. ive seen many posts on here when they realised. if alot of fans dont know the gen public will be clueless
I am one of those fans that DID donate to this charity after Michael passed away..so yeah..I got suckered by them. They fooled me..it took others fans to tell me that the charity was NOT thee HTW...so I agree..if a fan can get fooled...the public will be....and THAT is what they are counting on.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

well I'm not surprised !
the biggest injustice has already happened _ Michael is gone.

I wanted him to rise his children at least they are 17 or 18,
they were too little, to be left alone.
Michael didn't live so long to tell them everything they needed.

so i lost hope, it hurts, but this world is not a good place,
and i don't expect from it something right and pleasant .

this world is full of injustice,
bad and money hungry people,
no one cares for each other...
that's a tragedy, but truth !

by the way Prince, Paris and Blanket are very beautiful and wise children,
I love them so much, and want everything best for them.
but I realize they won't be living the way mike would wanted.
because this world is unfair !