Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Things about this charity could be made right, if Katherine and the
managers of Michael's Estate could somehow learn to work together. :better:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Fraud. That is all it is she is misleading people into thinking that this is Michael's heal the world foundation. No excuses and to Michael's children to mislead people
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Is the woman who announces the $10.000 donation the one who set up this fake HTW charity?

Edit: and where do they get $10.000 from anyway? Have people really been donating that much? :mello:

^ Sooo... anyone knows?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Things about this charity could be made right, if Katherine and the
managers of Michael's Estate could somehow learn to work together. :better:

Why would you want a FRAUD charity led by scum to be working with the Estate? :scratch:

Fraud. That is all it is she is misleading people into thinking that this is Michael's heal the world foundation. No excuses and Michael's children to mislead people

Exactly. There is no excuses for this. None.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Why would you want a FRAUD charity led by scum to be working with the Estate? :scratch:
I'm not suggesting the Estate work with these particular people.
Instead, I'm suggesting they help Katherine to stay busy
working with them on legitimate charities in the name of
Michael Jackson.
That what Michael requested in his Will.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm not suggesting the Estate work with these particular people.
Instead, I'm suggesting they help Katherine to stay busy
working with them on legitimate charities in the name of
Michael Jackson.
That what Michael requested in his Will.

That's fine then, if they work with legitimate charities then by all means, but you said "This" charity so I figured you meant this bogus HWT one. ;)
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Katherine Jackson is using her son and his children to commit fraud.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I have exercised my constitutional rights as an American Citizen and a human being and made an official complaint to the authorities.

Thank you, SO much! There will be a statement issued by M.J.A.N. soon (Michael Jackson Accountability Network) that also calls for an investigation by authorities.

If it is proven that this charity is fraudulent, then involving minors with the charity is illegal! I do hope the charity is subjected to an investigation, including an audit of their finances. This is OUTRAGEOUS!

Blanket looks so unhappy, yet defiant! At this point, I think almost ANYONE other than Katherine would be a better guardian for these kids!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

No Jackson would even be a good guardian to those children. There's so many of them but none of them would be good enough, nor have their best interests at hear.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

That's fine then, if they work with legitimate charities then by all means, but you said "This" charity so I figured you meant this bogus HWT one. ;)
We are in agreement. :girl_curtsey:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

i guess it sums it up with mjs huge family that he still listed diana next
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

No Jackson would even be a good guardian to those children. There's so many of them but none of them would be good enough, nor have their best interests at hear.

Agree! Isn't Prince now of the legal age to file for emancipation? He has independent wealth, and conceivably could choose a guardian/staff -- and that guardian could get custody of the others? This has turned into a heartbreaking situation.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Lets not get ahead of ourselves. However her committing fraud is a serious issue that needs to be reported
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Agree! Isn't Prince now of the legal age to file for emancipation? He has independent wealth, and conceivably could choose a guardian/staff -- and that guardian could get custody of the others? This has turned into a heartbreaking situation.
I believe legal age of emancipation is 16..so he still has a couple of years yet.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am one of those fans that DID donate to this charity after Michael passed away..so yeah..I got suckered by them. They fooled me..it took others fans to tell me that the charity was NOT thee HTW...so I agree..if a fan can get fooled...the public will be....and THAT is what they are counting on.

I know how you feel. When the Mann book initially came out, like an idiot I heard fans talking about a Katherine book,what she said about Michael, and that it was a good book. I was clicking on this forum and then this advertisement popped up, so like a fool I thought it was something connected to the forum and clicked on the ad and bought the stupid coffee book. You can imagine my horror when I saw the insignificant contents since I had encountered all the photos before, and later learned how I was duped by a porn guy. That is why it so important to let people know that this charity is in no way connected with Michael Jackson. People buy things based on associations as well.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

In terms of the present, and DCFS, involving the children in a charity that is subject of an ongoing lawsuit is potentially putting them at risk, for two reasons. First is that if the charity should be found to be entirely fraudulent, then involving children in an illegal activity is, itself, against the law. And second is the emotional damage that could be inflicted if these children know/find out that this is NOT one of their father's charities, and is not recognized by the estate as such.

I think that Heal the World should be investigated for potential fraud (link provided above, and thanks, to content of Jackson family's statement about the charity), and that Katherine should cease-and-desist involving the children in Howard Mann's enterprises . . . especially since he's being SUED for copyright infringement (and other things, such as cyber-piracy) and that lawsuit is still with the courts. Enough, already!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


Oh God.... :no:

These pictures are from July 2010? :scratch:

Thank you, SO much! There will be a statement issued by M.J.A.N. soon (Michael Jackson Accountability Network) that also calls for an investigation by authorities.

If it is proven that this charity is fraudulent, then involving minors with the charity is illegal! I do hope the charity is subjected to an investigation, including an audit of their finances. This is OUTRAGEOUS!

Thanks! I support that. -_-

Jermaine on twitter today:

what wld have Michael turn in his grave is not the love his children receive, but the fact the mother he loved dearly is so readily attacked

about 5 hours ago via web

idea that Michael's children are "pimped out" is unjust.This media-like hysteria is built on a few mins of tv & ignores private love/welfare

about 5 hours ago via web

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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am sure Jermaine has me blocked but who cares I just told him a few things on twitter
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am sure Jermaine has me blocked but who cares I just told him a few things on twitter

I guess he stepped in it seriously, this time? I'm sure he's had an ear-full, from quite a few people now?

It's clear what "they" are doing. By managing this "charity," they can give themselves salaries from part of the donation money. And can try to use Michael's children to promote this self-serving endeavor. I hope all those who contributed to this, thinking it was Michael's charity, file complaints.

I really hope to see karma in action, this time. . . . . . .
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Regarding Jermaine's twitter.....

idea that Michael's children are "pimped out" is unjust.This media-like hysteria is built on a few mins of tv & ignores private love/welfare

Then don't put them on TV. Let them be children. Let them do charitable work, go to school and have a life. The GMA interview wasn't necessary.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am sure Jermaine has me blocked but who cares I just told him a few things on twitter

Thanks for contacting him and letting him know the actions we are taking. After all our actions influence how much money he can get from mom, so we better remind him each time we tweet. He should know that when we buy mom's products, he gets more money from her, so they all better toe the line.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Here is some history to the mess that is the Heal the World Foundation.

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } http://uncivilsociety.org/mt/mt-search.cgi?tag=controversy&blog_id=1&IncludeBlogs=1

Is Michael Jackson's charity a fake?


Michael Jackson's Heal the World Foundation did a considerable amount of good in its heyday in the mid-1990s, but it suspended operations in 2002 after failing to file several years worth of required annual reports with the state of California. The charity's New York offshoot, Heal the Kids, also faced a similar crisis in 2003, after which time it seems to have disappeared.
Last year brought news that that Jackson had not really stopped supporting his charity. Instead, the Heal the World Foundation had been reorganized. According to HTWF's website,
People are now remembering his music legacy, but behind the scenes, unknown to all but a small handful of people, during these last 7 years he authorized that tens of thousands be spent on preserving his charity organization Heal the World Foundation (HTWF).

Jackson started HTWF in 1992 and was designed to leverage his name, adding to the many millions Michael Jackson had personally given to charity. With Michael Jackson not happy at turning 50 years old, he stepped up his efforts for a multifaceted comeback.
Following these final performances, it was believed that Mr. Jackson would live a long and full life, devoted to HTWF and serving his God and his fellow man, with his fans leading the way.
Instead, the Heal the World Foundation announced that it would host a memorial benefit at a property bordering Jackson's Neverland Ranch--an event that ended up being canceled when local authorities objected that the event lacked the requisite permits.
I don't want to get in the way of a good thing, and I certainly wish the organizers well with whatever good deeds they have planned for the future. However, the more I go over my files on this Foundation, the more I've begun to wonder whether the relaunched charity was connected to Jackson in any way besides the name.
That the memorial PR came from an event management company with no evident coordination with the Jackson estate raised a red flag for me, but that's not the only odd thing. There's also the array of Michael Jackson domain names associated with the Foundation's president, Melissa Johnson, and the charity itself. For example, while Michael has been known to inspire quasi-religious devotion among his fans, would he have authorized the use of the domain name prophetmichael.com?
Somewhat more troubling, the Foundation is named in the WHOIS listing for http://mjplay.com, but the link itself takes you to Johnson's personal home health care service. Even more curiously, the home health service lists HTWF as a partner in providing elder care assistance--with no mention of Jackson. I was willing to view the Jackson-related domain names as a bit of strategic cybersquatting, but commingling charitable enterprise with a manager's own commercial private business is not something a charity should do.
Then there's this intriguing Craiglist post from mid-June:

The nature of the problem isn't at all clear--another charity named "Heal the World" filed a "Heal the World" trademark application for charitable fundraising, so perhaps HtWF is looking for help to deal with that. Or could there be another problem here--namely, a challenge to the Foundation's repeated mention of Michael Jackson in connection with its site & fundraising activity? Either way, if Michael Jackson were really funding this charity, wouldn't he be connecting it to his legal team as well?
Which leads me to the next and last curious piece of evidence. Johnson claims in a recent interview that "it is NOT true, that HTWF stopped functioning as a charity at any point since its inception in 1992." But if that's the case, why do both the California Attorney General and the IRS treat Jackson's HTWF and Johnson's HTWF as two legally distinct organizations?
California AG:



Putting together the above facts with various statements made by Foundation President Johnson, one reasonably wonders whether the Heal the World Foundation's supposed support from Jackson actually existed. Instead, the Foundation would appear to be an independent effort by fans who have scooped up the Foundation's dead trademarks and around (reportedly) 2,000 Jackson-themed domain names.
On its website, the Foundation continues to promote its "behind the scenes" connections to Jackson & indicates that after his scheduled "final performances" Jackson would have been "devoted to HTWF." Judging from the Foundation's discussion board, such statements have created the impression that Jackson really did support this charity. If the Foundation cannot provide documented proof of an actual connection to Jackson, donors--and regulators--have good reason to question whether this charity is really an improvement on its failed predecessor.

By Jeff Trexler on July 6, 2009 7:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (95) Tags:

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I want to say a couple of things here:

Do NOT post pictures of the children here. You know very well this is not allowed.

DO NOT criticize people for having a different opinion from you. There is always room to disagree. No one here is able to decide when there is no more time for opposing views. This is a forum, there is always time for opposing views.

For those who want to get the authorities involved, I hope you understand the implications of all of this. I hope you understand the children really have no place else to go. Before you legally have Katherine deemed unfit, I hope you are prepared to open up your own home and fight legal battles to get the children so you can take care of them personally. I want to warn you to not be short sighted and think long term what might actually be in the best interests of the children, not just what will soothe you or your egos.

You can plan and release statements as you choose here and rally the fans to action. But you will not do so at the expense of the feelings of fellow members; making statements as if they are less than because they do not agree.

I will go through and clean this thread.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

considering according to those who follow what prince posts on that spring forum and to what hes said to those in chats he knows the deal about whats going on with oprah and other things. and wants nothing to do with it.
