Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

What is really going on here is that there is "Michael Jackson" the PERSON, and "Michael Jackson" the brand. That brand/name is to be exclusively used by the estate, to generate more wealth. That wealth eventually goes to the CHILDREN. Money generated by Michael Jackson the BRAND, by Howard Mann, does NOT go to the children. In filing the lawsuit against Mann, the estate is protecting the children's interests. What is shocking is that the children are being used for promotion, for something that is counter to their own interests. Everyone get that? Hopefully?

That's the summary of the whole situation. Well stated.

The thing I have realized almost 2 years now is that Michael's family hates that someone else is running Michael's business and money. They feel that is should be them because he was their family. He made a will and they need to respect what he wanted done. Michael's success wasn't their success. It was his. He worked long and hard for it. He always thanked his family and they all had success together when they first started but then it changed after that. It's not Michael's job to take care of everyone. Even now it's expected of him and that's not fair. At some point Michael shouldn't have to owe his family anything anymore. He did more than enough and they should be grateful for all he did. The best thing they could do to show that gratitude is to respect his wishes now.

They keep butting heads and go against the estate.It causes conflict even with the fans. Who do you support? The children are being used. This Howard Mann doesn't care about them and Michael wouldn't want his kids in an agreement with him. Michael was smart leaving everything to mainly his children and charities. Katherine is supported but that only lasts as long as she is living. It all goes back to the kids. When they are older hopefully they will carry what their father taught them and appreciate what he did for them. Michael loved his family but it has become painfully obvious that he wanted them separate from his business and for good reason.
Perfect. That's exactly it!
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I posted this in the Howard Mann thread to I think it is important we all see this...

Here is the prelim-injuction from 2/18/10...ya gotta read it...

This is a page of it....

Beginning sometime in 2001, Ms. Johnson began her bizarre, unsolicited and deluded campaign to revive and insinuate her way into Jackson's foundation, as well as her harassment of Mr. Jackson and his representatives. In a July 2001 letter to Mr. Jackson's executive assistant, Evvy Tavesci, Ms. Johnson wrote:

"I would not be bothering Michael, nor did I, for Eight years because I just couldn't fully believe it all myself. But I have seen, in a 1993 near death-type experience, the future of many things...Michael will find me, and we will go to work for the Children of our Father. MICHAEL WILL NOT GO FORWARD WITH HEAL THE WORLD FOUNDATION WITHOUT ME."

Despite the fact that Ms. Tavesci did not respond to Ms. Johnson's overture to work with her, Ms. Johnson sent Ms. Tavesci another letter in December 2001, along with a video, insisting that Ms. Tavasci look at her materials regarding Heal the World Foundation.

No longer able to deal with Ms. Johnson's harassment, including Ms. Johnson's fraudulent representation of herself as Ms. Tavesci (by sending Mr. Jackson packages with Ms. Tavesci's name and return address) and Ms. Johnson's unannounced and uninvited appearance at Mr. Jackson's residence at Neverland Valley Ranch, Ms. Tavesci sought the help of Mr. Jackson's attorneys. In January 2002, attorneys for Mr. jackson advised Ms. Johnson that her "behavior and attempted communications with Mr. Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Jackson and his employees."

Ms. Johnson's lengthy reply included and "apology" to Ms. Tavesci for using her name and return address in an unsuccessful attempt to reach Mr. Jackson. Ms. Johnson also explained that she will not apologize to Mr. Jackson as "I am fairly certain that he had no discomfort, concern or annoyance from my attempts to get him this data."

She further stated that she "cannot agree to never again contact Mr. Jackson, as I happen to know through reliable sources, that he will very much want me to contact him, work with him and help him build his charity organization."

In April 2002, Ms. Johnson composed yet another five page, single-spaced letter to Ms. Tavesci. In it, Ms. Johnson attempted to justify her numerous harassing attempts at contacting Mr. Jackson by analogizing herself to a scientist who has discovered the cure for cancer, and Mr. Jackson to the President of the United States of America:

"I realize to most, going to Mr. Jackson's house, 'from your viewpoint' would seem intrusive and violating. From my viewpoint, the idea that I 'wouldn't go' is unthinkable and cowardice. It would be like you having the cure for cancer and having to convince the medical community first that although their genius minds had tried, that little ol [sic] you, who isn't established and known in the scientific and medical fields, have possession of something so important, and then to have to convince the heavily guarded President of the United States of your discovery."

Ms. Johnson goes on to explain that she trusted Mr. Jackson "[n]ot because he is a big super star, but because an Angel of God showed me who he is in the spirit world as well as on Earth..."

Finally, and in direct opposition to Defendants' statements in their Counterclaim, Ms. Johnson admits that the relationship between her, HTWF and Mr. Jackson is non-existent: "What I did was not the right action, as it exacerbated an already non-existent relationship and caused no good effects."


Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The thing I have realized almost 2 years now is that Michael's family hates that someone else is running Michael's business and money. They feel that is should be them because he was their family. He made a will and they need to respect what he wanted done. Michael's success wasn't their success. It was his. He worked long and hard for it. He always thanked his family and they all had success together when they first started but then it changed after that. It's not Michael's job to take care of everyone. Even now it's expected of him and that's not fair. At some point Michael shouldn't have to owe his family anything anymore. He did more than enough and they should be grateful for all he did. The best thing they could do to show that gratitude is to respect his wishes now.

They keep butting heads and go against the estate.It causes conflict even with the fans. Who do you support? The children are being used. This Howard Mann doesn't care about them and Michael wouldn't want his kids in an agreement with him. Michael was smart leaving everything to mainly his children and charities. Katherine is supported but that only lasts as long as she is living. It all goes back to the kids. When they are older hopefully they will carry what their father taught them and appreciate what he did for them. Michael loved his family but it has become painfully obvious that he wanted them separate from his business and for good reason.

So on point!:clapping:

If Debbie Rowe had custody and was the one doing all this i bet you the jackson's would be throwing a hissy fit at her actions!
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The Michael Jackson Estate will react to Katherine Jackson's latest actions of involving Michael's children in a charity not sanctioned by the MJ Estate.
I think Katerine is doing this because she and Joe took a big money advance from Howard Mann, and, now, they are obligated to do what he says, as he attempts to make his money back with a profit.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I posted this in the Howard Mann thread to I think it is important we all see this...

Here is the prelim-injuction from 2/18/10...ya gotta read it...

This is a page of it....

Beginning sometime in 2001, Ms. Johnson began her bizarre, unsolicited and deluded campaign to revive and insinuate her way into Jackson's foundation, as well as her harassment of Mr. Jackson and his representatives. In a July 2001 letter to Mr. Jackson's executive assistant, Evvy Tavesci, Ms. Johnson wrote:

"I would not be bothering Michael, nor did I, for Eight years because I just couldn't fully believe it all myself. But I have seen, in a 1993 near death-type experience, the future of many things...Michael will find me, and we will go to work for the Children of our Father. MICHAEL WILL NOT GO FORWARD WITH HEAL THE WORLD FOUNDATION WITHOUT ME."

Despite the fact that Ms. Tavesci did not respond to Ms. Johnson's overture to work with her, Ms. Johnson sent Ms. Tavesci another letter in December 2001, along with a video, insisting that Ms. Tavasci look at her materials regarding Heal the World Foundation.

No longer able to deal with Ms. Johnson's harassment, including Ms. Johnson's fraudulent representation of herself as Ms. Tavesci (by sending Mr. Jackson packages with Ms. Tavesci's name and return address) and Ms. Johnson's unannounced and uninvited appearance at Mr. Jackson's residence at Neverland Valley Ranch, Ms. Tavesci sought the help of Mr. Jackson's attorneys. In January 2002, attorneys for Mr. jackson advised Ms. Johnson that her "behavior and attempted communications with Mr. Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Jackson and his employees."

Ms. Johnson's lengthy reply included and "apology" to Ms. Tavesci for using her name and return address in an unsuccessful attempt to reach Mr. Jackson. Ms. Johnson also explained that she will not apologize to Mr. Jackson as "I am fairly certain that he had no discomfort, concern or annoyance from my attempts to get him this data."

She further stated that she "cannot agree to never again contact Mr. Jackson, as I happen to know through reliable sources, that he will very much want me to contact him, work with him and help him build his charity organization."

In April 2002, Ms. Johnson composed yet another five page, single-spaced letter to Ms. Tavesci. In it, Ms. Johnson attempted to justify her numerous harassing attempts at contacting Mr. Jackson by analogizing herself to a scientist who has discovered the cure for cancer, and Mr. Jackson to the President of the United States of America:

"I realize to most, going to Mr. Jackson's house, 'from your viewpoint' would seem intrusive and violating. From my viewpoint, the idea that I 'wouldn't go' is unthinkable and cowardice. It would be like you having the cure for cancer and having to convince the medical community first that although their genius minds had tried, that little ol [sic] you, who isn't established and known in the scientific and medical fields, have possession of something so important, and then to have to convince the heavily guarded President of the United States of your discovery."

Ms. Johnson goes on to explain that she trusted Mr. Jackson "[n]ot because he is a big super star, but because an Angel of God showed me who he is in the spirit world as well as on Earth..."

Finally, and in direct opposition to Defendants' statements in their Counterclaim, Ms. Johnson admits that the relationship between her, HTWF and Mr. Jackson is non-existent: "What I did was not the right action, as it exacerbated an already non-existent relationship and caused no good effects."



I wish all the medias spoke about this, and the justice put ALL THE JACKSONS and their shit porno friends in trial for what they're doing....
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I wish all the medias spoke about this, and the justice put ALL THE JACKSONS and their shit porno friends in trial for what they're doing....
that is why it should be on facebooks..twitter pages....the link is there feel free to spread it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It looks like they have no idea of what is behind the scandle. I was wondering if Paris is auditioning for a Hollywood Play or theatre or school play? What ever it maybe she adamit about lt.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It looks like they have no idea of what is behind the scandle. I was wondering if Paris is auditioning for a Hollywood Play or theatre or school play? What ever it maybe she adamit about lt.

It is a school play.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It is a school play.
In Los Angeles, California school plays at the schools attended by the children of parents in show business are taken very seriously.
Sometimes, acting coaches, producers, and directors associated with these school plays also have important professional jobs in the Hollywood entertainment industry. They do school plays to help the children of their friends in the profession, and to search for new young talent.
Good Luck, Paris. I hope you get a part in your school play. :yes:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Please! We are fans, this is none of our business. The Jacksons are not evil, the children seem perfectly happy and healthy. This may be a misstep on Katherine's part, but I honestly doubt she is doing it out of greed or malice. It's not like she is torturing those children. Think about the consequences if the children should have to leave Hayvenhurst. They have nowhere else to go. Fans should not get involved in this. It's not our place and we could do more harm than good.

Also, everybody keeps mentioning this charity is fake. They are not. They have falsly used Michael's name and image, but they do really give money to charity, otherwise they would not have an official registration.

i agree with you 1000%!!!!!!
the kids arent being abused or mistreated or anything...they appear to be happy adjusted kids and its clear that they love their grandparents and that their grandparents love them

the jacksons have done/are doing some very questionable things but they arent evil or or anything....katherine raised michael as well and he turned out ok so she must be doing something right!

the kids are where they belong-with their family

because no matter how much we the fans love and miss michael, what we feel for him in no way compares to what his mother and kids feel! he was her son and their dad
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

From the memorial, I knew how it will be. MJ children in the spotlight. I knew it back then, as I know it now... :-(

If their entrance in the limelight would occur around 15-16 years old for each, I would have agreed, because sooner or later this need to be done.

But their limelight, begun 2 weeks after their father death, at memorial,
followed by pics in public places and children not protected enough, public school, Grammy, Oprah, now this interview and them being associated with Mann shady deals.

Unfortunately, I expect more and more in the future, including attempts to build up careers for them, some tv deals, Disney series etc
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am actually not sure what to think about all this.
They are growing up...and if they want to do showbizz....it was inevitable.
Their father is the biggest star ever.
Like I said...I hope they will use their fame in a good way, to speak about important things, like their father did.
I know they are different than other Hollywood-kids that only care about labeled fashion, expensive shoes and clothes.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This is all just one big mess!!! I wonder what Debbie thinks of all this? What can we do about this? I just hope the estate wins against Howard Mann otherwise the kids will be up the creek without a paddle.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I started this morning, hope the fans will do the same.
thats great because you know why..the more people that find out about what kind of people are involved in this fake charity..the better chance there is that something will be done to keep the children away from them. These people REALLY are scary.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

thats great because you know why..the more people that find out about what kind of people are involved in this fake charity..the better chance there is that something will be done to keep the children away from them. These people REALLY are scary.

I am also spreading the info as much as possible, for honest fans do believe this HTWF is the actual HTWF Michael run years ago. They don't see they are being manipulated by Mann and Melissa just to shield themselves against the legal actions of the Estate. And some fans are quite bitterly angry about the actions of the Estate!! :doh:

This must be known!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am also spreading the info as much as possible, for honest fans do believe this HTWF is the actual HTWF Michael run years ago. They don't see they are being manipulated by Mann and Melissa just to shield themselves against the legal actions of the Estate. And some fans are quite bitterly angry about the actions of the Estate!! :doh:

This must be known!
yes it should..people are being fooled...their money is being taken ..they are under the impression that it is an MJ charity and it isn't . Mann and Melissa are not good people so we have learned.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I am also spreading the info as much as possible, for honest fans do believe this HTWF is the actual HTWF Michael run years ago. They don't see they are being manipulated by Mann and Melissa just to shield themselves against the legal actions of the Estate. And some fans are quite bitterly angry about the actions of the Estate!! :doh:

This must be known!

Good for you PCR; we need more fans like you. The only good thing is that the bulk of the 10,000 amount came from Jackson, so hopefully not many fans were scammed this last time. However, if this misleading charity continues in the same way more people will get to hear about it and think it is endorsed by Michael.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This is truly a can of worms. One thing that's extremely disturbing about the well-being of the children is the association they have been placed into regarding Melissa Johnson. If you read the executors complaint (their lawsuit against Melissa), they allege that she stalked Michael for YEARS, said she feels like she was on some sort of "mission from God" to team up with Michael for HTW, even though she'd been told to cease-and-desist. In that, she seems like a "Billie Jean" type of person who plagued Michael for years. She first said that Michael had "agreed" to work with her to promote the charity (after the 02 concerts), but she later retracted that statement (see lawsuit), and said she'd never met OR spoken to Michael! This does NOT bode well for those children. . . .

We can't presume to know what, exactly, is in Katherine's mind, but knowing NOT to associate her grandchildren with a known stalker who is marketing MJ-related products and is the subject of a lawsuit by the ESTATE, is surely not rocket science. The estate is the sole-owner of Michael's "brand name," and any sales of products by anyone OTHER than the estate, harms the children financially. So, the children are being asked/required to participate in something that is ultimately not in their best interests. If they want to support a charity, there are plenty of charities their father supported. This is NOT one of them!

In terms of "where the children would go" if not in the custody of Katherine, the answer is in Michael's will. Diana Ross is next in line as guardian, and that is clear. The children also have a biological mother who is very much alive. We don't know what the children's daily lives are like, but many of us are quite alarmed that Katherine would choose to associate the kids with a charity that is subject of a lawsuit that includes allegations of copyright infringement, and cyber-PIRACY! As minors, the children would not be charged with fraud if the charity is found to be entirely fraudulent (i.e. misappropriating funds), but it remains a bad situation for them. Which should be obvious?

We cannot presume to know what is in Katherine's heart, and what the home environment is like. Loving and warm, with freshly baked cookies? Tense and stressful as the Jacksons devise money making schemes and are often at odds with one-another, and with the estate charged with safeguarding the children's money? NOBODY here knows the reality of their home-lives. What we do have a glimpse of is the kids' public lives, which lately have included promoting a charity developed by a STALKER (according to the estate's lawsuit) of their father. There is something terribly, terribly wrong with this picture. . . .
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This is truly a can of worms. One thing that's extremely disturbing about the well-being of the children is the association they have been placed into regarding Melissa Johnson. If you read the executors complaint (their lawsuit against Melissa), they allege that she stalked Michael for YEARS, said she feels like she was on some sort of "mission from God" to team up with Michael for HTW, even though she'd been told to cease-and-desist. In that, she seems like a "Billie Jean" type of person who plagued Michael for years. She first said that Michael had "agreed" to work with her to promote the charity (after the 02 concerts), but she later retracted that statement (see lawsuit), and said she'd never met OR spoken to Michael! This does NOT bode well for those children. . . .

We can't presume to know what, exactly, is in Katherine's mind, but knowing NOT to associate her grandchildren with a known stalker who is marketing MJ-related products and is the subject of a lawsuit by the ESTATE, is surely not rocket science. The estate is the sole-owner of Michael's "brand name," and any sales of products by anyone OTHER than the estate, harms the children financially. So, the children are being asked/required to participate in something that is ultimately not in their best interests. If they want to support a charity, there are plenty of charities their father supported. This is NOT one of them!

In terms of "where the children would go" if not in the custody of Katherine, the answer is in Michael's will. Diana Ross is next in line as guardian, and that is clear. The children also have a biological mother who is very much alive. We don't know what the children's daily lives are like, but many of us are quite alarmed that Katherine would choose to associate the kids with a charity that is subject of a lawsuit that includes allegations of copyright infringement, and cyber-PIRACY! As minors, the children would not be charged with fraud if the charity is found to be entirely fraudulent (i.e. misappropriating funds), but it remains a bad situation for them. Which should be obvious?

We cannot presume to know what is in Katherine's heart, and what the home environment is like. Loving and warm, with freshly baked cookies? Tense and stressful as the Jacksons devise money making schemes and are often at odds with one-another, and with the estate charged with safeguarding the children's money? NOBODY here knows the reality of their home-lives. What we do have a glimpse of is the kids' public lives, which lately have included promoting a charity developed by a STALKER (according to the estate's lawsuit) of their father. There is something terribly, terribly wrong with this picture. . . .

Great post. In terms of where the children will go, some fans have to understand that if the children are at risk, it does not necessarily mean that they will be taken away from Katherine. Rather, the situation that placed the children at risk would be examined and alternative behaviors/actions for family members will be proposed. Other actions may and could include counseling, or having the perpetrator cease certain activities or behaviors. Removing children from their home is a LAST resort. I saw many alarmist statements here since yesterday that equate investigation with removing children from their home.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Great post. In terms of where the children will go, some fans have to understand that if the children are at risk, it does not necessarily mean that they will be taken away from Katherine. Rather, the situation that placed the children at risk would be examined and alternative behaviors/actions for family members will be proposed. Other actions may and could include counseling, or having the perpetrator cease certain activities or behaviors. Removing children from their home is a LAST resort. I saw many alarmist statements here since yesterday that equate investigation with removing children from their home.

My understanding is similar, that removing children from their home is a very last resort. There are many other options that would be done first, including regular visitations by a social-worker who speaks with the children privately, guidelines the guardian must follow (in this case, possibly involving public appearances by the children? and so on). DCFS has already done a detailed investigation (Taser incident) that involved SEVERAL visits to the home, so this household is certainly not unknown to them.

One change that has already been instituted, according to my understanding, is removal of some "excess" people from the home? I'm also hoping that Katherine will consult a LEGITIMATE attorney about the implications of her involvement, and that of her grandchildren, in a charity that is subject to an ongoing, and serious, lawsuit. I also think it should be looked into what contact, if any, the children have with Melissa Johnson, that the estate obviously considers to have been a threat to Michael. (see text of lawsuit). The lawsuit by the estate specifically alleges that Melissa STALKED Michael, and the idea that she may have any contact at all with his children, is alarming.

Katherine is not currently a subject of a lawsuit by the estate, probably out of courtesy from the executors. Her business partner, Howard Mann, IS the subject of a lawsuit, as is the HTW Foundation (Melissa Johnson).

One thing everyone should understand, is that whatever else you may think, the executors/estate are ON THE SIDE OF THE CHILDREN. They oversee the estate, and try to grow and protect its wealth. That money will be transferred to the children in increments as they mature. The executors are the financial ADVOCATES for the children. And now? They have launched a lawsuit against the business partner of the children's grandmother, and another one against the charity the grandmother has aligned the children with.

In other words, there are TWO sides -- the owners of Michael's "brand," and those who would seek financial gain from that "brand." In the first instance, the money earned will go to the children. In the second case, it will NOT, and that places Katherine on the WRONG side, IMHO.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

My understanding is similar, that removing children from their home is a very last resort. There are many other options that would be done first, including regular visitations by a social-worker who speaks with the children privately, guidelines the guardian must follow (in this case, possibly involving public appearances by the children? and so on). DCFS has already done a detailed investigation (Taser incident) that involved SEVERAL visits to the home, so this household is certainly not unknown to them.

One change that has already been instituted, according to my understanding, is removal of some "excess" people from the home? I'm also hoping that Katherine will consult a LEGITIMATE attorney about the implications of her involvement, and that of her grandchildren, in a charity that is subject to an ongoing, and serious, lawsuit. I also think it should be looked into what contact, if any, the children have with Melissa Johnson, that the estate obviously considers to have been a threat to Michael. (see text of lawsuit). The lawsuit by the estate specifically alleges that Melissa STALKED Michael, and the idea that she may have any contact at all with his children, is alarming.

Katherine is not currently a subject of a lawsuit by the estate, probably out of courtesy from the executors. Her business partner, Howard Mann, IS the subject of a lawsuit, as is the HTW Foundation (Melissa Johnson).

One thing everyone should understand, is that whatever else you may think, the executors/estate are ON THE SIDE OF THE CHILDREN. They oversee the estate, and try to grow and protect its wealth. That money will be transferred to the children in increments as they mature. The executors are the financial ADVOCATES for the children. And now? They have launched a lawsuit against the business partner of the children's grandmother, and another one against the charity the grandmother has aligned the children with.

In other words, there are TWO sides -- the owners of Michael's "brand," and those who would seek financial gain from that "brand." In the first instance, the money earned will go to the children. In the second case, it will NOT, and that places Katherine on the WRONG side, IMHO.
exactly..and it places the children..who are innocent parties...right in the middle of the whole thing. surrounded by people who have tried to do this very same thing to thier father while he was living. Children should NOT be subjected to being around such shady people. The very fraudulent charity that Michael put a stop to then..NOW has his children's pictures splattered all over their websight...something is VERY WRONG with this picture.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Just had to clean a few posts.. There are way's of expressing opinions without that kind of language. Thank you.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Some of us need to review the rules for this forum.

We can get angry but we are NOT to be abusive and insulting to others.

Let us keep the discussion civil and focus on the matter or matters at hand.

Thank you.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Don't the children have a legal representative who looks after their interests? Surely she should be doing something about this?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Don't the children have a legal representative who looks after their interests? Surely she should be doing something about this?

The children's "guardian ad litem" is charged only with looking into the children's financial interests. The executors of the estate have the responsibility of managing the estate well financially (which they seem to be doing), and growing the wealth. This money will be transferred to the children in increments when they are adults. Katherine Jackson, as the children's legal guardian, has the responsibility of seeing that they are fed, housed, clothed, educated, protected, and in looking out for their emotional well-being.

There is no one else . . . . .
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I want to say a couple of things here:

Do NOT post pictures of the children here. You know very well this is not allowed.

DO NOT criticize people for having a different opinion from you. There is always room to disagree. No one here is able to decide when there is no more time for opposing views. This is a forum, there is always time for opposing views.

For those who want to get the authorities involved, I hope you understand the implications of all of this. I hope you understand the children really have no place else to go. Before you legally have Katherine deemed unfit, I hope you are prepared to open up your own home and fight legal battles to get the children so you can take care of them personally. I want to warn you to not be short sighted and think long term what might actually be in the best interests of the children, not just what will soothe you or your egos.

You can plan and release statements as you choose here and rally the fans to action. But you will not do so at the expense of the feelings of fellow members; making statements as if they are less than because they do not agree.

I will go through and clean this thread.

Fair. So true... Thanks, ginvid.