Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I went to their website. They clearly state that they are not allowed to use Michael Jackson's name and are being sued by the estate. Nothing misleading about that to me.

Uh yea, they only did it because they were ORDERED by the judge -- before that MJ's name and image were all over the place and he was even listed as the chairman. They also accepted donations by people who clearly thought they were donating to MJ's charity.

BTW, they are still using the name of Michael's song and his logo and Katherine and Joe has signed a document claiming it is MJ's charity, so the kids are no doubt being misled to think they're helping their dad's charity.

And I love how you don't mention anything about the fact that this foundation is run by a nut case who stalked and harassed MJ and now has an easy access to his children.

If they really want to be charitable they could've picked a legit charity, not go with the one that is being sued by the Estate. Clearly there's an agenda here.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Uh yea, they only did it because they were ORDERED by the judge -- before that MJ's name and image were all over the place and he was even listed as the chairman. They also accepted donations by people who clearly thought they were donating to MJ's charity.

BTW, they are still using the name of Michael's song and his logo and Katherine and Joe has signed a document claiming it is MJ's charity, so the kids are no doubt being misled to think they're helping their dad's charity.

And I love how you don't mention anything about the fact that this foundation is run by a nut case who stalked and harassed MJ and now has an easy access to his children.

If they really want to be charitable they could've picked a legit charity, not go with the one that is being sued by the Estate. Clearly there's an agenda here.

They picked this charity because they think it best continues MJ's legacy. Why would they pick some other random charity? They want to continue Michael's work and they obviously feel this charity is the closest thing. If this charity wasn't running, they very well may have restarted the Heal the World charity, but obviously didn't feel as though they needed to because this one already stood for everything Michael stood for. I commend Katherine for wanting to continue Michael's humanitarian legacy.

I think it's crazy to criticize people who are actually trying to do good in the world and make a difference. There are enough people out there doing far worse harm than the person running this charity. MJ fans should be focusing their efforts on the real problems in this world, not on the people trying to solve them, just because they don't like the way they are going about it. At least they are still trying. They are the ones volunteering at a homeless transitional shelter instead of going on the internet and critcizing others. I am always more impressed by doers than by people who criticize them.

And how do you know the lady running the charity is a nutcase? Because the estate says so? Of course they are going to say so. Like I said, at least she is trying to do good. That is more than I can say for a lot of people.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25


I don't wanna promote the video... but click this link and look at the kids on the moment which is on pic before the video starts. Is that how happy children look like? I don't think so. Can be over interpretation sure... but can be also the moment on pic which really shows how they feel... reminds of you of such pics of Michael... sitting on a sofa before or short after he was interviewed... thoughtful... sad... wishing himself away...

... he should have been outside playing. It's not history repeating himself... it's adults repeating their huge never to correct again faults!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

They picked this charity because they think it best continues MJ's legacy. Why would they pick some other random charity? They want to continue Michael's work and they obviously feel this charity is the closest thing. If this charity wasn't running, they very well may have restarted the Heal the World charity, but obviously didn't feel as though they needed to because this one already stood for everything Michael stood for. I commend Katherine for wanting to continue Michael's humanitarian legacy.

I think it's crazy to criticize people who are actually trying to do good in the world and make a difference. There are enough people out there doing far worse harm than the person running this charity. MJ fans should be focusing their efforts on the real problems in this world, not on the people trying to solve them, just because they don't like the way they are going about it. At least they are still trying. They are the ones volunteering at a homeless transitional shelter instead of going on the internet and critcizing others. I am always more impressed by doers than by people who criticize them.

And how do you know the lady running the charity is a nutcase? Because the estate says so? Of course they are going to say so. Like I said, at least she is trying to do good. That is more than I can say for a lot of people.

You're a fan of Michael ?

I don't think so when I read your post.

Gonna send this link E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Some things are indefensible. People love to claim the executors are greedy when they are the ones supporting the children and Katherine. This is about a wolf in sheeps clothing and I am very glad the estate is trying to do something about it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

And yes, Michael wanted to keep his children out of the spotlight, but once they were exposed at the memorial there was no hiding them anymore. At least when they make appearances like this we see a positive article on them on TMZ instead of a negative one. I think this was done very tastefully and put both the children and Michael in a positive light.
How sad. You'll settle for with them being featured on a sleazy website like TMZ. If all this was really legit, they would be working with the media that have respect for them and not the ones that laugh at them behind their backs.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

You're a fan of Michael ?

I don't think so when I read your post.

Gonna send this link E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E

Don't insult me by saying I'm not a fan of Michael simply because I disagree with you. Resorting to such an insulting statement tells me you do not have a valid argument for your case so instead you resort to name calling.

Michael always promoted L.O.V.E. IMO, I'm not seeing much L.O.V.E. on this particular thread. That is my opinion. I understand where other fans are coming from, but I respectfully disagree with their opinions. I certainly would never say they are not fans.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

They picked this charity because they think it best continues MJ's legacy. Why would they pick some other random charity? They want to continue Michael's work and they obviously feel this charity is the closest thing. If this charity wasn't running, they very well may have restarted the Heal the World charity, but obviously didn't feel as though they needed to because this one already stood for everything Michael stood for. I commend Katherine for wanting to continue Michael's humanitarian legacy.

I think it's crazy to criticize people who are actually trying to do good in the world and make a difference. There are enough people out there doing far worse harm than the person running this charity. MJ fans should be focusing their efforts on the real problems in this world, not on the people trying to solve them, just because they don't like the way they are going about it. At least they are still trying. They are the ones volunteering at a homeless transitional shelter instead of going on the internet and critcizing others. I am always more impressed by doers than by people who criticize them.

And how do you know the lady running the charity is a nutcase? Because the estate says so? Of course they are going to say so. Like I said, at least she is trying to do good. That is more than I can say for a lot of people.

You should really educate yourself about Melissa Johnson and her activities before Michael's death.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

How sad. You'll settle for with them being featured on a sleazy website like TMZ. If all this was really legit, they would be working with the media that have respect for them and not the ones that laugh at them behind their backs.

I'm not settling for them being featured on TMZ. I would prefer obviously that they were not. TMZ is a garbage site. My point was that they were going to be featured anyway so better in a positive light than a negative light. Don't twist my words.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

People have definitley misused what MJ meant by L.O.V.E. True love doesnot exploit others and does not sit in silence or turn a blind eye when things are wrong. That is what MJ was talking about.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

MJFan you are completely avoiding the crux of the issue and you know it. You said the executors are looking out for themselves. So who is Howard Mann looking out for? He is the connection with Melissa Johnson which shows her motive as well.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

They picked this charity because they think it best continues MJ's legacy.

Um no, they picked it because Howard Mann made a deal with Melissa Johnson to promote his MJ-related "projects". Did ya see how the plugged Katherine's book during the interview?

And how do you know the lady running the charity is a nutcase? Because the estate says so? Of course they are going to say so.

Oh really? So they just made it up out of thin air? And for what purpose exactly? LOL Of course they have provided all the necessary evidence -- MJ's lawyers have warned this woman while he was still alive to stop stalking him -- there you have witnesses here. His assistant Evvy Tavacsi was also harassed with crazy letters by this woman -- there you have another witness and more proof, and last but not least the nut job even entered Neverland and was removed by security, so there you have even more witnesses. So, yeah the big bad executors didn't make this up.

Now I ask, how do you think MJ would feel with this loony stalker having such access to his kids?

And I take it, you don't have a problem with the charity deceiving people that it is MJ's charity. Okay then.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

People have definitley misused what MJ meant by L.O.V.E. True love doesnot exploit others and does not sit in silence or turn a blind eye when things are wrong. That is what MJ was talking about.

He was talking about having empathy and compassion for others, about going out into the world and doing good. I'm not misunderstanding what he meant. I'm sure he didn't mean to go online and criticize his elderly mother and show her no compassion or sympathy. Like I said, it's better to go out and do good than to criticize others for doing good. MJ never tried to bring others down. He always supported those trying to make a difference.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

MJFan you are completely avoiding the crux of the issue and you know it. You said the executors are looking out for themselves. So who is Howard Mann looking out for? He is the connection with Melissa Johnson which shows her motive as well.

Howard Mann is not the crux of the issue. The crux of the issue is that this is still a legit charity, trying to make a difference in the world, just like MJ always tried to make a difference. Like I said, they are the ones going out there and volunteering. They are not the ones going online and criticizing others.
And like I can see youavoid the issue multiple times. You have a problem with Michael's wishes which are carried out by his estate fine but don't try to defend the exploitation of his children no matter who is doing it. I know Michael wouldn't stand for it no shape form or fashion no matter how much L.O.V.E he had in him

Howard Mann is not the crux of the issue. The crux of the issue is that this is still a legit charity, trying to make a difference in the world, just like MJ always tried to make a difference. Like I said, they are the ones going out there and volunteering. They are not the ones going online and criticizing others.

Wow is all I will say. Denial at its finest

MJFan Howard is the reason for these appearances which are required for his contract. But I know you know that already. Bye because its pointless.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

And like I can see youavoid the issue multiple times. You have a problem with Michael's wishes which are carried out by his estate fine but don't try to defend the exploitation of his children no matter who is doing it. I know Michael wouldn't stand for it no shape form or fashion no matter how much L.O.V.E he had in him

I'm not avoiding the issue. You are missing my point.

I think Michael would be proud to see his children involved in charitable work. And he did say in the Geraldo interview that pretty soon he would introduce his children to the world. I don't think he intended to hide them behind veils forever.

No one can say for sure what Michael would or would not have done. I'm sure he and Katherine would not agree on everything, no two people do.

Katherine is obviously a sweet and kind hearted person. Yes, she is not perfect and she will not always make the same decisions as MJ would. But she loves her grandchildren. I think anyone who can't see that is blind.

What do I think of Howard Mann? I'm sure he's out to make money just like every other business man out there. Just like the executers of the estate.

All I'm saying is cut Katherine some slack. She is not perfect but she loves her grandchildren and they are far better off with her than with someone who doesn't genuinely love them.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

MJFan Howard is the reason for these appearances which are required for his contract. But I know you know that already. Bye because its pointless.

He's the reason they were videotaped. But the children volunteered at that center when Michael was still alive. He's not the reason they were there.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

^Some fans have an excuse for anything. We see excuses for outrageous things, like MJ's kids being signed to a contract to be exploited for promotion; for MJ being called by his family a drug addict; for them hooking up with a fraudulent charity that was/is deceiving people that it is Michael's charity.... and so on.

But I'm sorry, these excuses just ain't flying anymore. Enough is enough.

I used to make excuses for Katherine as well thinking she's old and grieving and not thinking clearly, or she's being manipulated etc...... but at this point I've ran out of excuses.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

He's the reason they were videotaped. But the children volunteered at that center when Michael was still alive. He's not the reason they were there.

You are avoiding the issue. Because that's not it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

You are avoiding the issue. Because that's not it.

Instead of accusing me of avoiding the issue, why don't you come up with a valid argument. An accusation is not an argument.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Instead of accusing me of avoiding the issue, why don't you come up with a valid argument. An accusation is not an argument.

Enough valid arguments in here. MORE than enough. And facts. The issue is not them volunteering at this center, the issue is the context in which it happened. But you know that. You are just trying to deflect for some reason.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I think Michael would be proud to see his children involved in charitable work.

The children are not the problem here. They obviously don't know or understand what's going on. It's the adult's actions that are in the wrong here.

MJ may be proud that his kids are doing charity work, but he certainly won't be happy to see them being used and exploited by crooks and being offered on a silver platter to a lunatic who stalked him.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

He's the reason they were videotaped. But the children volunteered at that center when Michael was still alive. He's not the reason they were there.

The children have done philanthropic activities without the help of Johnson or Mann that is the issue and comparing Mann to the executors indicates your willingness to defend t e indefensible. Katherine working with these individuals is not something which should be supported in any way. It is not to her advantage and it definitely cheats thee children
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Enough valid arguments in here. MORE than enough. And facts. The issue is not them volunteering at this center, the issue is the context in which it happened. But you know that. You are just trying to deflect for some reason.

You are the one that's mixing issues. My original point was that fans should cut Katherine Jackson and the charity some slack, not that she is perfect.

I understand why fans are concerned about Michael's children being videotaped. I never said I didn't. I can see why fans don't approve of it. And I understand that Howard Mann is behind their appearance, with Katherine's approval.

All I am saying is there are far worse things in this world than the children occasionally appearing on TV in a positive light. I've seen fans say crazy things like the children should be removed from Katherine's care and that child services should get involved. There are children out there being abused every day in far more severe ways. Katherine is a loving, albeit imperfect, guardian. But no one is perfect. She clearly instilled a lot of good values in Michael. There is no need to remove the grandchildren from her care or be so harsh towards her.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

You are the one that's mixing issues. My original point was that fans should cut Katherine Jackson and the charity some slack, not that she is perfect.

Cut the charity some slack? The one that used Michael's name to imply that this is his Heal The World Foundation which wasn't true? The one that is run by someone who stalked Michael? Rhetorical questions, you don't need to answer them.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The children are not the problem here. They obviously don't know or understand what's going on. It's the adult's actions that are in the wrong here.

MJ may be proud that his kids are doing charity work, but he certainly won't be happy to see them being used and exploited by crooks and being offered on a silver platter to a lunatic who stalked him.

Where is your evidence that she stalked him? Do you have a copy of a restraining order? I'm sure if Michael felt threatened in any way by her his mother would have known about it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Cut the charity some slack? The one that used Michael's name to imply that this is his Heal The World Foundation which wasn't true? The one that is run by someone who stalked Michael? Rhetorical questions, you don't need to answer them.

The one that's out there actually trying to do good. What are you doing?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Well MJFan07 you are free to go and financially support Mann and Johnson in their endeavors. We are exercising our right not to.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

^Some fans have an excuse for anything. We see excuses for outrageous things, like MJ's kids being signed to a contract to be exploited for promotion; for MJ being called by his family a drug addict; for them hooking up with a fraudulent charity that was/is deceiving people that it is Michael's charity.... and so on.

But I'm sorry, these excuses just ain't flying anymore. Enough is enough.

I used to make excuses for Katherine as well thinking she's old and grieving and not thinking clearly, or she's being manipulated etc...... but at this point I've ran out of excuses.

I HAVE WARNED YOU GUYS BEFORE....Howard Mannn is feeling the heat.

He has recruited Michael Jackson "fanatics" like Taaj & her minions to fight straight thinking fans. They are supporting him on Twitter & I am pretty sure there are some among us here.

Ignore these moles...and do what feels right.

Mann started his campaign to recruit unstable fanatics late last year after the United For Michael Jackson's legacy group's first statement denouncing him & his website made it on tmz.com.

Again, don't let moles distract you all. We know some of them...and we are not surprised that these bandwagon fanaticss (who discovered MJ after June 25th 2009 like Taaj) are siding with a pornographer AGAINST Michael's legacy (Kids & trademarks). Defending Katherine is one thing...but Defending the indefensible is clearly a sign.

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