Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Don't worry you did not come across offensive you were perfectly within your guidelines
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

ginvid...you said it all and more, I have nothing more to add to this.

Apart from, I'm sorry if I came across as offensive.
nope.. never felt offended at all..:wink:
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

What saddens me is that there are fans that discount what Michael Jackson, his staff (Evvy Tavesci - a long time trusted staff member and supporter of Michael Jackson. She works for MJJ Productions to this DAY) and his lawyers had to say about Melissa Johnson. Melissa Johnson (According to legal documents filed in the past DECADE) was advised by Michael's lawyers to stop harassing Michael Jackson and Evvy Tavesci:

No longer able to deal with Ms. Johnson's harassment, including Ms. Johnson's fraudulent representation of herself as Ms. Tavesci (by sending Mr. Jackson packages with Ms. Tavesci's name and return address) and Ms. Johnson's unannounced and uninvited appearance at Mr. Jackson's residence at Neverland Valley Ranch, Ms. Tavesci sought the help of Mr. Jackson's attorneys. In January 2002, attorneys for Mr. Jackson advised Ms. Johnson that her "behavior and attempted communications with Mr. Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Jackson and his employees."

Melissa Johnson REFUSED to apologize to Michael Jackson. She stated (Which is recorded by the courts):

"I am fairly certain that he had no discomfort, concern or annoyance from my attempts to get him this data."

She further stated that she "cannot agree to never again contact Mr. Jackson, as I happen to know through reliable sources, that he will very much want me to contact him, work with him and help him build his charity organization."

Back to her illegal entry of Neverland. Ms. Johnson clearly didn't see that she was trespassing or harassing Michael Jackson. Her own words:

"I realize to most, going to Mr. Jackson's house, 'from your viewpoint' would seem intrusive and violating. From my viewpoint, the idea that I 'wouldn't go' is unthinkable and cowardice. It would be like you having the cure for cancer and having to convince the medical community first that although their genius minds had tried, that little ol [sic] you, who isn't established and known in the scientific and medical fields, have possession of something so important, and then to have to convince the heavily guarded President of the United States of your discovery."

Ms. Johnson goes on to explain that she trusted Mr. Jackson "[n]ot because he is a big super star, but because an Angel of God showed me who he is in the spirit world as well as on Earth..."

These are Melissa Johnson's words - Not Michael's, Not MJ's assistant Evvy, but her own words in a rambling 5 page letter. The question that must be asked is would Michael want this woman (who has blatantly violated copyright infringement laws, exploited Michael's name, image and charitable works, and more importantly harassed himself as well as staff) around HIS CHILDREN?

Nothing and no one can justify what is going on here. Melissa Johnson and the usurped HTWF has nothing to do with Michael Jackson and therefore should have nothing to do with his children because MICHAEL JACKSON, his staff and his attorneys 9 years ago clearly stated, "her behavior and attempted communications with Mr. Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Jackson and his employees."

One must ask, what would Michael want in this situation?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

You keep asking questions that people try to provide answers for. The communication is being lost somewhere. It is at moments such as this where, as Stacey said, it would be better to agree to disagree and move on. Arguing in circles where neither side feels as if they are being understood gets nothing accomplished but a lot of hurt feelings.

And don't take this personally, it is not necessarily directed at you, but I am just saying that there are many people with degrees, but still don't have common sense. (This part is directed at you) So an Ivy league degree does not necessarily mean anything. (That is kind of off topic and I personally wanted to say that because it is a pet peeve of mine when people try to use rank and degrees to say they know what they are talking about as a way to magnify themselves.)

As mods, we try to be objective, but we do have our own opinions. And they are not always going to be suppressed. It's impossible. We are also fans watching things unfold.

Fans have been open minded with Katherine for so long now. Almost 2 years and she has disappointed many fans continually. So far, they have been exactly as they have seemed. So you have to understand when they can't take it anymore and have to react.
It is very diffucult to have faith in someone who has on numerous occasions (not just once or twice) has made poor decisions.

I hope we can all understand each other and learn to agree to disagree.

Thank you for your response.

I was not trying to use a degree to say I was right, but rather to emphasize that it is insulting when people accuse you of not understanding facts simply b/c you disagree. I do apologize if it came off that way. I don't like it when people do that either.

Just to close off my comments, I do understand where others are coming from and I do respect their opinions, so I apologize if it came off otherwise. It is understandable that there are concerns. I have some concerns as well, just to a lesser degree. I'll just agree to disagree on the subject of Katherine. However, I think we can all agree that we want the best for MJ's kids. And it's nice to see that so many fans are so passionate about protecting them.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

ginvid...you said it all and more, I have nothing more to add to this.

Apart from, I'm sorry if I came across as offensive.

No problem. Hopefully, I did not come across as offensive either. It's easy to do when you are passionate about something. :)
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

What saddens me is that there are fans that discount what Michael Jackson, his staff (Evvy Tavesci - a long time trusted staff member and supporter of Michael Jackson. She works for MJJ Productions to this DAY) and his lawyers had to say about Melissa Johnson. Melissa Johnson (According to legal documents filed in the past DECADE) was advised by Michael's lawyers to stop harassing Michael Jackson and Evvy Tavesci:

Melissa Johnson REFUSED to apologize to Michael Jackson. She stated (Which is recorded by the courts):

Back to her illegal entry of Neverland. Ms. Johnson clearly didn't see that she was trespassing or harassing Michael Jackson. Her own words:

These are Melissa Johnson's words - Not Michael's, Not MJ's assistant Evvy, but her own words in a rambling 5 page letter. The question that must be asked is would Michael want this woman (who has blatantly violated copyright infringement laws, exploited Michael's name, image and charitable works, and more importantly harassed himself as well as staff) around HIS CHILDREN?

Nothing and no one can justify what is going on here. Melissa Johnson and the usurped HTWF has nothing to do with Michael Jackson and therefore should have nothing to do with his children because MICHAEL JACKSON, his staff and his attorneys 9 years ago clearly stated, "her behavior and attempted communications with Mr. Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Jackson and his employees."

One must ask, what would Michael want in this situation?
dont bother the blind and deaf among us choose to remain that way. like ignoring the truth turns it to lies or makes it go away SMDH
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm sorry, but you are implying I don't know how to do research. I have a degree from an Ivy league school. I know how to research and analyze facts.

As a moderator you should be objective and not offensive. I haven't disagreed or discarded any of the facts as known. I've simply drawn a different conclusion. There's a big difference.

And I never said anyone was a rabid, evil beast, just that they should have more faith in Katherine and not be so quick to judge. Things are never as straightforward as they appear on the surface and fans should remain open minded.

Great respect for an Ivy league education. You are proud of your resume, damn good.!!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Yay for the love again in here, thanks everyone. I know this is something everyone feels passionate about, I've lost my cool about it a couple of times. But we're all here to discuss what is happening and we all want to protect the kids.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

What saddens me is that there are fans that discount what Michael Jackson, his staff (Evvy Tavesci - a long time trusted staff member and supporter of Michael Jackson. She works for MJJ Productions to this DAY) and his lawyers had to say about Melissa Johnson. Melissa Johnson (According to legal documents filed in the past DECADE) was advised by Michael's lawyers to stop harassing Michael Jackson and Evvy Tavesci:

Melissa Johnson REFUSED to apologize to Michael Jackson. She stated (Which is recorded by the courts):

Back to her illegal entry of Neverland. Ms. Johnson clearly didn't see that she was trespassing or harassing Michael Jackson. Her own words:

These are Melissa Johnson's words - Not Michael's, Not MJ's assistant Evvy, but her own words in a rambling 5 page letter. The question that must be asked is would Michael want this woman (who has blatantly violated copyright infringement laws, exploited Michael's name, image and charitable works, and more importantly harassed himself as well as staff) around HIS CHILDREN?

Nothing and no one can justify what is going on here. Melissa Johnson and the usurped HTWF has nothing to do with Michael Jackson and therefore should have nothing to do with his children because MICHAEL JACKSON, his staff and his attorneys 9 years ago clearly stated, "her behavior and attempted communications with Mr. Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Jackson and his employees."

One must ask, what would Michael want in this situation?
This is an excellent post...all that you have posted is factual and it should leave no doubt in peoples minds as to what kind of people Katherine is exposing the children to...Melissa Johnson stalked Michael and is now trying to get to his children. That itself is creepy
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm afraid that, if there are no big medias who speak about this Bad business of Katherine and Mann and the others vultures and porn producers, nobody will know what's happen...
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm sorry, but you are implying I don't know how to do research. I have a degree from an Ivy league school. I know how to research and analyze facts.

As a moderator you should be objective and not offensive. I haven't disagreed or discarded any of the facts as known. I've simply drawn a different conclusion. There's a big difference.

And I never said anyone was a rabid, evil beast, just that they should have more faith in Katherine and not be so quick to judge. Things are never as straightforward as they appear on the surface and fans should remain open minded.



No problem. Hopefully, I did not come across as offensive either. It's easy to do when you are passionate about something.

Passionate about Melissa Johnson? That's all you've been posting about...Whether or not Melissa Johnson was harassing MJ or not.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Very sad and repulsive to wonder how the media are supposed to be making a difference in this matter, the same ones that did him wrong over and over and continue to s*** on his memory, and are weirdly fascinated with MJ's children.

What a terrible real nightmare. .. Seeking the help of the media, esp Jackson-related?.. Don't know what's more horrid in all this. Honestly don't. ..
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Thank you Trish and staff. Very clear, and reasonable. I hope we are back on-track now, because this is a serious issue. The facts about Melissa Johnson are documented, and are clear (thanks, Trish, for providing quotes and sources, so that should end a lot of the circular arguments here. Hopefully?).

So, in terms of the SERIOUS issue? The GMA show is OVER now (but the videos remain on Youtube, and that is sad). But, as far as we know, the connection of those children, through Katherine, with Mann and Johnson remains. We know that the estate has addressed it (ongoing lawsuits against them both), but there is only so much THEY can do. They are the financial managers of Michael's estate, and not really in the roles of watch-dogging the treatment of the children. The guardian ad litem has the charge of independently looking out for the children's financial interests, but not their emotional well being/safety. The one charged with THAT responsibility, is Katherine. So that makes this a bit of a mess, given her poor decisions of teaming up with Mann/Johnson. (I think the only reason SHE hasn't been sued, too, is courtesy on the parts of the executors.)

We don't know what the Jackson/Mann/Johnson "triad" have planned NEXT? Do we? And therefore, the situation is not OVER. The executors would be well within their rights at this point, to sue Katherine along with Mann and Johnson, for the same infractions.

So here's another idea. . . .WHY do you think Katherine and Joe, and Johnson (AND her husband), are perpetuating this charity that has NOTHING to do with Michael's charity? I've done a lot of work with non-profits, and know that when they grow to a certain size, there is an executive director, and staff. When donations are gathered, the director and staff are paid FIRST, as "operating expenses." So I'd say probably an audit of this charity is in order, to see if there is disproportionate payment? I know that with Schmuley Boteach (remember HIM?) and his involvement with the ill-fated Heal the Kids foundation, he paid himself a HUGE salary, and I don't believe any money actually went for charitable causes? Did it? I'm not backtracking to Schmuley here, but just pointing out that abuses of that type are surely possible.

Carry on. . . . .
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The children is question here are the children of Michael Jackson..not the children of some random person on the street...THESE children are being exposed to very bad people...in case you dont know...there are porn kings, thieves, and liars. Katherine is choosing to do business with these people..when she signed that contact with Mann..that involved the children...These people dont give a shit about Michael Jackson's children..they just want to make money off of him and now his children. Katherine has cleared the way for this to happen. noone said that Katherine didn't love her grandchildren. You make the point that Michael had the kids visiting this place before..yes he did..but he did it in silence....he didnt need to have camera's there in order to have it documented..that is what Michael was teaching his children. Mann is using Katherine to exploit the children..

sooo because they are michael jackson's children that makes them better than other kids? im sorry but i dont agree with this because a child is a child-no matter who their parents are!!!

maybe you didnt mean it that way but thats how it sounds
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

sooo because they are michael jackson's children that makes them better than other kids? im sorry but i dont agree with this because a child is a child-no matter who their parents are!!!

maybe you didnt mean it that way but thats how it sounds
whether you acknowledge/agree with this or not, the fact that they are michael jackson's kids does put them above random kids period. the same way madonna's kids are above random kids the same way michael jackson's
the fact that those children are michaels turns them to targets. perverts like Mann and lunatics like Johnson don't give a phuck about random kids but they sure do want to be associated to Michael's if you are too blind to see this than it's your bad.
nobody is saying their lives are more precious than other random kid's lives, the fact that are michaels puts them above all the jermajesty;s, jaffars, or any other kids deal with it.
the simple fact that they are his puts them over other kids and makes them special just like with the obama kids, madonna's kids, suri etc
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

nobody is saying their lives are more precious than other random kid's life, the fact that are michaels puts them above all the jermajesty;s, jaffars, or any other kids deal with it.

I wouldn't say "above". Just in a very unique and complicated position.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I wouldn't say "above". Just in a very unique and complicated position.
their status does put them above all the others, it's a fact, just like the kids of madonna, obama etc all of their kids are put above others due to their parents status etc, and this isn't even a big deal, it's just the plain unchangeable reality. some here may not like it but it's still the truth
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

sooo because they are michael jackson's children that makes them better than other kids? im sorry but i dont agree with this because a child is a child-no matter who their parents are!!!

maybe you didnt mean it that way but thats how it sounds
These particular children in question are high profile children...the are the children of The King of Pop...people have had an interest in just getting photos of these children since the day they were born...correct?? Michael protected his children from people like Mann. and Johnson. Any parent in their right mind would. Katherine has exposed these kids to the very type of people that Michael kept them away from. TO THE PEOPLE...Michael kept them away from.,,and look what happened...they have been exploited multiple times...first Oprah..then this Robin lady...not to mention all the other schemes that the estate ha stepped in and put a stop to. I to have children...and I wouldnt want my own kids exposed to creeps lke these. so by saying I am very concerned about PPB...I think we have every right to be. If Michael wanted them exposed in the manner in which they have been since June 25th.....they would of been before that...he was a smart man..Michael KNEW the kind of slimeballs that tried to get at HIM daily..he wasn't about to put his own children in that same position. Unfortunately..now they have been.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25



Passionate about Melissa Johnson? That's all you've been posting about...Whether or not Melissa Johnson was harassing MJ or not.

Passionate about standing up for Katherine, whom I have the highest respect for. I think she is a remarkable woman and I can see why MJ loved her so much.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I think that everyone is/should be responsible for children. Teachers are required to report suspected abuse; a neighbor should not just walk by if he/she sees someone in the neighborhood abusing a child. In that sense, we ARE "our brothers' keepers," as long as we are balanced, and careful.

It's not that Michael's children are BETTER than other children, but that we loved Michael, and by association, we CARE about his children. And, his children face very special pressures, being the offspring of arguably the most famous person on the planet.

Children deserve protection. Adults deserve protection from false-accusations, of course. But with the Mann/Johnson situation, it's well documented that these are shady characters, IMO, and it's WRONG that these children are subjected to them/helping them to make money that actually is counter to their best interests, i.e. money does not go TO the children, but to Katherine, Joseph, Mann, and Johnson. We ARE watching that situation, through our love for Michael, in ways the general public is NOT.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Passionate about standing up for Katherine, whom I have the highest respect for. I think she is a remarkable woman and I can see why MJ loved her so much.

Can you also see why Michael did not leave her in charge of his business?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Passionate about standing up for Katherine, whom I have the highest respect for. I think she is a remarkable woman and I can see why MJ loved her so much.

By now, I'm sure we all understand that is your position, and you have every right to it. Most if not ALL of us "stood up for Katherine," until her choices and behaviors caused concern about the well-being of the children. I, for one, no longer "stand up for Katherine," and no amount of posts in her support can alter that opinion unless there is NEW information. Such as, she's seen the light and will no longer "exploit" (executors' term, actually) those children for her own financial gain and that of her family.

So, you have a right to your opinion, and by now, we all understand what that opinion is. Can we please move on, now? What about the future? I'm wondering what these people (Katherine/Mann/Johnson) will do NEXT, to involve Michael's children in their "enterprises?" Which, I sincerely hope they do NOT.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Very sad and repulsive to wonder how the media are supposed to be making a difference in this matter, the same ones that did him wrong over and over and continue to s*** on his memory, and are weirdly fascinated with MJ's children.

What a terrible real nightmare. .. Seeking the help of the media, esp Jackson-related?.. Don't know what's more horrid in all this. Honestly don't. ..

Media don't give a damn about Jacksons/MJ kids. Like Roger Friedman, media will use information to push their agenda. At the blink of an eye Roger Friedman was in full gear using PIMPING in the same sentence with MJ'S kids, that many on this board gleefully regurgitated.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Media don't give a damn about Jacksons/MJ kids. Like Roger Friedman, media will use information to push their agenda. At the blink of an eye Roger Friedman was in full gear using PIMPING in the same sentence with MJ'S kids, that many on this board gleefully regurgitated.
People on this (and various other NON MJ Boards) saw through the PIMPING way BEFORE Roger (or any other media person) opened his (their) loud filthy mouth(s).
There is NO WAY in HELL, people don't see the obvious unless they choose to not see, one has to either be extremely dumb and/or extremely ignorant to not see what's going on.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Media don't give a damn about Jacksons/MJ kids. Like Roger Friedman, media will use information to push their agenda. At the blink of an eye Roger Friedman was in full gear using PIMPING in the same sentence with MJ'S kids, that many on this board gleefully regurgitated.

I see you are continuing as before. . . . . despite posts by staff, and Trish's highly informative post? "Gleefully regurgitated" is disrespectful, and I'm reporting your post.

Everyone else? I'd say ignore this now? No responses, no arguments, right? (so try to hold tempers, please?)

carry on. . .
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Can you also see why Michael did not leave her in charge of his business?

Of course. She's an 80 year old woman, not a seasoned attorney. She shouldn't have those responsibilities thrown on her. However, the estate should have been more supportive of her book. There are virtually no positive books out there on Michael. They should have been super supportive of her on this in my opinion as it's important to Michael's legacy that such books are published, rather than the trash we typically find. Maybe had she received proper support from them she wouldn't have felt the need to look for another partner.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I see you are continuing as before. . . . . despite posts by staff, and Trish's highly informative post? "Gleefully regurgitated" is disrespectful, and I'm reporting your post.

Everyone else? I'd say ignore this now? No responses, no arguments, right? (so try to hold tempers, please?)

carry on. . .

I am compelled to not only read, but accept certain posts as gospel. Why would foolish me think i am a free person.???