Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The only comfort I can take from all this is that the kids are incredbly smart kids-their body language in interviews suggests they are aware of this all but they obviously enjoy helping others, which is what their father instilled in them.

Same here... Thank goodness for that.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

don,t know if has already been posted,here is a link to the full gma video,if anyone is interested,

thank you for that. The interviewer says...without their veils...they are normal kids. They WERE these same NORMAL kids with the veils too....the only difference is their father DIDNT parade them infront of the media...and they didnt need to be on national tv for all to see to do the charity work that they did do with Michael...for LEGIT charities. THIS is just exploitation of these children thats all it is!!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

... Just by seeing that woman in black for the 1st time, before learning she was The Melissa Johnson, you can just tell her presence Screams of fakeness!.... ): Her uttering that fake 10,000 dollars sum (where would they have that from anyway?..), made my stomach turn. Wow...

God help those 3 children. .. How horridly strong could this Mann spell over Katherine and the family be that they can't remove themselves from it?

What a mess this whole thing is... Have not they learned, has not Katherine learned from hers children's past that history repeating is Not the thing that should happen?... But the Last of things?.. Those children, it's beautiful they're comfortable with being among people and helping, but there's no need to get the cameras rolling for that, no need to bind them to contracts with horrible people to get money for the family. Do they not care about Michael's wishes at all?.. How can this be? How can one Not learn from past mistakes? It made me sick after Robin Roberts finished her segment, there were these 2 reporters on her right and left that looked... don't know, but the fascination on one of those' face was unsettling, let's just say that.

Why can't Katherine just be a grandmother that is only concerned with her and her grandchildren's health and welfare?.... What horrors can money do to one's mind, God, that's simply unbelievable. I hope something can happen that will erase this fake organization off the map, that's using children for personal profits. And that something can be done so the Man and Assoc's can just go away...

Just hope at some point Diane can step in and be a mother-figure in the children's lives...
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

God help those 3 children. .. How horridly strong could this Mann spell over Katherine and the family be that they can't remove themselves from it?

He just came with a check, and they let him in....Nothing else.

Anything for money for the Jacksons.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't post much, never did, but I used to visit daily. I don't anymore because it reminds me of my sadness. When I saw the GMA interview I had to check to see if the fans were aware of what is really happening. Thankfully they do. Vintage Pop is Mann's business front, and Heal The World is the exploitation of Michael Jackson memory for self serving purposes in my opinion. If the current owners of HTW cared so much they would not be using the same name and same logos or close to them.

That being said, the real solution is to encourage fans to do what they are currently doing which is to denounce all of Mr. Mann's endeavors. Post suspicions about his activities on his websites, facebook pages, and tweets. Continue the campaign to NOT SUPPORT his activites, no matter which Jackson Family member he draws in to try and legitimize his efforts.

I can see where Katherine Jackson is coming from. At the first estate hearing the Judge said that the living expenses would be for her and Michael's children. The estate is still in probate so they can't give her large sums of cash at this time. They are remanded by the court to cover the living expenses. Mrs Jackson has dozens of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that she wants to support and assist. Mann promised a quick cash infusion. It's not for me to judge her financial decisions.

If Mann cannot make money off his endeavors he will stop exploiting Michael Jackson and his family. Do not support him and continue to make everyone aware of his exploits.

Michael laid the foundation of his legacy via the Michael Jackson Trust. When it was revealed in court that the Executors were accepting below normal fees for running such a complicated trust I was impressed. When they showed in court that they hired professional firms to handle contract and financial business of the estate that was also impressive. They would not have been criticized for desolving the Estate, paying minimal on the debt, taking their cut, and calling it quits. That was the recommendation of several pundits. Instead they are working to maintain something that will support Michael's children for life, which is what Michael wanted.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I can see where Katherine Jackson is coming from. At the first estate hearing the Judge said that the living expenses would be for her and Michael's children. The estate is still in probate so they can't give her large sums of cash at this time. They are remanded by the court to cover the living expenses. Mrs Jackson has dozens of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that she wants to support and assist. Mann promised a quick cash infusion. It's not for me to judge her financial decisions.


Thank you for your post, pug. When you post you have some thing worthwhile to say:yes:.

I agree with everything you said but my particular grouse is that Michael is STILL expected to support people who should be supporting themselves. That just rubs me the wrong way. There is a reason why he did not take care of them in his will.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The point is Katherine is not putting the childrens best interest first, those children she's guardian for.
She's putting money first... maybe for supporting the rest of her family.
And while she's doing that she tramps on her dead sons wishes like an elephant.

I really think Michael was in dangerous denial about who his mom really was when he decided to give her guardian ship. It probably was too much pain to see her like she really is. Now he does for sure. But he's not here anymore. Someone has to step up for these children and their best interest.
What Katherine is doing there is not! Ppl need to see the truth! Not doing so brought these children into this mess and they do deserve so much better!

I've written a few emails today. So thank you so much to the ppl here providing stuff for us to do. Only watching this getting worse and worse is frusterating!

I'd wish someone would have been there to give Michael a true childhood! That time I was a stupid and a tool to this whole heartless business where ppl don't care about selling children for their own (financial) interest. I'm not anymore!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't post much, never did, but I used to visit daily. I don't anymore because it reminds me of my sadness. When I saw the GMA interview I had to check to see if the fans were aware of what is really happening. Thankfully they do. Vintage Pop is Mann's business front, and Heal The World is the exploitation of Michael Jackson memory for self serving purposes in my opinion. If the current owners of HTW cared so much they would not be using the same name and same logos or close to them.

That being said, the real solution is to encourage fans to do what they are currently doing which is to denounce all of Mr. Mann's endeavors. Post suspicions about his activities on his websites, facebook pages, and tweets. Continue the campaign to NOT SUPPORT his activites, no matter which Jackson Family member he draws in to try and legitimize his efforts.

I can see where Katherine Jackson is coming from. At the first estate hearing the Judge said that the living expenses would be for her and Michael's children. The estate is still in probate so they can't give her large sums of cash at this time. They are remanded by the court to cover the living expenses. Mrs Jackson has dozens of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that she wants to support and assist. Mann promised a quick cash infusion. It's not for me to judge her financial decisions.

If Mann cannot make money off his endeavors he will stop exploiting Michael Jackson and his family. Do not support him and continue to make everyone aware of his exploits.

Michael laid the foundation of his legacy via the Michael Jackson Trust. When it was revealed in court that the Executors were accepting below normal fees for running such a complicated trust I was impressed. When they showed in court that they hired professional firms to handle contract and financial business of the estate that was also impressive. They would not have been criticized for desolving the Estate, paying minimal on the debt, taking their cut, and calling it quits. That was the r she thinecommendation of several pundits. Instead they are working to maintain something that will support Michael's children for life, which is what Michael wanted.

thank you so much for this posts...and yes it is VERY sad that Mann continues to USE the Jackson family....when it comes to CHILDREN...this is were the buck STOPS. Melissa Johnson KNOWS exactly what she is doing..she thinks that by getting Katherine and Michael's children on board with her charity that it will help legitimize it. I think she is in for a rude awakening with her thinking. If she thinks we are not on to her SHE IS SADLY MISTAKEN.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't post much, never did, but I used to visit daily. I don't anymore because it reminds me of my sadness. When I saw the GMA interview I had to check to see if the fans were aware of what is really happening. Thankfully they do. Vintage Pop is Mann's business front, and Heal The World is the exploitation of Michael Jackson memory for self serving purposes in my opinion. If the current owners of HTW cared so much they would not be using the same name and same logos or close to them.

That being said, the real solution is to encourage fans to do what they are currently doing which is to denounce all of Mr. Mann's endeavors. Post suspicions about his activities on his websites, facebook pages, and tweets. Continue the campaign to NOT SUPPORT his activites, no matter which Jackson Family member he draws in to try and legitimize his efforts.

I can see where Katherine Jackson is coming from. At the first estate hearing the Judge said that the living expenses would be for her and Michael's children. The estate is still in probate so they can't give her large sums of cash at this time. They are remanded by the court to cover the living expenses. Mrs Jackson has dozens of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that she wants to support and assist. Mann promised a quick cash infusion. It's not for me to judge her financial decisions.

If Mann cannot make money off his endeavors he will stop exploiting Michael Jackson and his family. Do not support him and continue to make everyone aware of his exploits.

Michael laid the foundation of his legacy via the Michael Jackson Trust. When it was revealed in court that the Executors were accepting below normal fees for running such a complicated trust I was impressed. When they showed in court that they hired professional firms to handle contract and financial business of the estate that was also impressive. They would not have been criticized for desolving the Estate, paying minimal on the debt, taking their cut, and calling it quits. That was the recommendation of several pundits. Instead they are working to maintain something that will support Michael's children for life, which is what Michael wanted.

^^After reading your thoughtful and insightful post, I wish you would post more frequently. I especially agreed with your points on the role of the Estate. Thank you so much.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't post much, never did, but I used to visit daily. I don't anymore because it reminds me of my sadness. When I saw the GMA interview I had to check to see if the fans were aware of what is really happening. Thankfully they do. Vintage Pop is Mann's business front, and Heal The World is the exploitation of Michael Jackson memory for self serving purposes in my opinion. If the current owners of HTW cared so much they would not be using the same name and same logos or close to them.

That being said, the real solution is to encourage fans to do what they are currently doing which is to denounce all of Mr. Mann's endeavors. Post suspicions about his activities on his websites, facebook pages, and tweets. Continue the campaign to NOT SUPPORT his activites, no matter which Jackson Family member he draws in to try and legitimize his efforts.

I can see where Katherine Jackson is coming from. At the first estate hearing the Judge said that the living expenses would be for her and Michael's children. The estate is still in probate so they can't give her large sums of cash at this time. They are remanded by the court to cover the living expenses. Mrs Jackson has dozens of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that she wants to support and assist. Mann promised a quick cash infusion. It's not for me to judge her financial decisions.

If Mann cannot make money off his endeavors he will stop exploiting Michael Jackson and his family. Do not support him and continue to make everyone aware of his exploits.

Michael laid the foundation of his legacy via the Michael Jackson Trust. When it was revealed in court that the Executors were accepting below normal fees for running such a complicated trust I was impressed. When they showed in court that they hired professional firms to handle contract and financial business of the estate that was also impressive. They would not have been criticized for desolving the Estate, paying minimal on the debt, taking their cut, and calling it quits. That was the recommendation of several pundits. Instead they are working to maintain something that will support Michael's children for life, which is what Michael wanted.

You may not post alot but you hit the nail right on the head with this!:clapping:

I can see where Katherine Jackson is coming from. At the first estate hearing the Judge said that the living expenses would be for her and Michael's children. The estate is still in probate so they can't give her large sums of cash at this time. They are remanded by the court to cover the living expenses. Mrs Jackson has dozens of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that she wants to support and assist. Mann promised a quick cash infusion. It's not for me to judge her financial decisions.

Thank you for your post, pug. When you post you have some thing worthwhile to say:yes:.

I agree with everything you said but my particular grouse is that Michael is STILL expected to support people who should be supporting themselves. That just rubs me the wrong way. There is a reason why he did not take care of them in his will.[/QUOTE]

He sure did leave them out of his WILL for a reason......MJ did'nt intend for the gravy train to continue after his passing and some people for some reason don't want to acknowledge that.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I'm sorry but the Mann contract with Katherine is not to her benefit. It is to his benefit and I do not believe he has given her any large infusion of cash. She is getting more from the estate. I don't understand why she chose to go about her struggle with the exe.cutors this way. She had the right in the beginning to have their positions questioned and she withdrew now she is working very hard against the..
The Michael Jackson Accountability Network
February 27, 2011

By mjanwatch
Fans Call for an End to the Exploitation of Michael Jackson’s Children. The Fans are Watching!
We at M.J.A.N. (the Michael Jackson Accountability Network) and many of Michael Jackson’s supporters and fans are calling for an end to what is felt to be the exploitation of his children for the financial gain of the Jackson family. As revealed on the Good Morning America (GMA) program on February 25, 2011, Mrs. Jackson has involved her grandchildren with two questionable enterprises that are subject to ongoing lawsuits by the Jackson Estate. The lawsuits are against Howard Mann and his company “Vintage Pop,” and against the Heal the World Foundation, originated by Melissa Johnson. This would seem to place the children in direct opposition to the estate charged with managing their own financial interests.
On the GMA program, Michael Jackson’s children, Prince, Paris, and “Blanket,” were seen wearing Heal the World Foundation t-shirts, and giving a donation to the L.A. Family Transitional Center. The donation was said to come from “Vintage Pop” (Mrs. Jackson and Mann’s joint venture to market Michael Jackson products), and the Heal the World Foundation.
The lawsuit against Howard Mann was filed with the Central District California Federal Court, and alleges: “copyright infringement, false designation of origin, false endorsement, cyber-squatting, cyber piracy, misappropriation of likeness, declaratory relief, unfair competition and accounting.”
The Heal the World Foundation, originated by Melissa Johnson, is also subject to a lawsuit that includes copyright infringement, among other allegations. This foundation has no connection to Michael Jackson’s Heal the World charity, which was discontinued in 2002.
Despite the fact that Mann has a background in pornography, and that there is an ongoing lawsuit against him, the children were apparently required to appear on the program to promote Mann’s enterprises, and those of the Heal the World Foundation. Given that they are minor children, it is doubtful that they had any choice about appearing for this interview. The children were clearly uncomfortable, and particularly so when interviewer, Robin Roberts, referred to them as “normal” (as if it was expected that they would not be “normal?”).
In the two lawsuits, the estate asserts that it is the sole-owner of Michael’s “brand name.” Therefore, any sales of products by anyone OTHER than the estate, have the potential of harming the children financially. It seems now that the children are being asked/required to participate in something that is ultimately not in their best interests. If they want to support a charity, there are many other charities their father supported. In a signed statement, Katherine and Joseph Jackson give the impression that this is the same charity that Michael founded – but as the Estate’s lawsuit alleges, it is not. (http://www.teammichaeljackson.com/tmj_027.htm)
The association of the children with the Heal the World Foundation is profoundly troubling on a number of levels. There are questions about the legitimacy of the charity, its use of the Michael Jackson “brand,” and as the lawsuit alleges (http://www.rosespeaks.com/downloads/Jackson/world/2-18-10-MOTION-Preliminary-Injunction.pdf), its founder, Melissa Johnson, has had a history of stalking Michael Jackson and was considered to be a “threat” to his safety. Many Michael Jackson fans and supporters, including those at M.J.A.N., are deeply concerned that Mrs. Jackson would choose to bring her grandchildren into contact with Johnson.
It is no secret what Michael Jackson would have wanted for his three children, as they grow toward adulthood. Despite his celebrity, he was extremely careful to shield them from the public eye and to allow them the time and space to enjoy something he never had – a childhood. It seems clear that their appearance on the GMA show is yet another attempt by Mrs. Jackson for financial gain through the marketing of her son’s children.
It is feared that the same public scrutiny and media damage once endured by Michael Jackson, now will plague his children, as well, despite his best efforts to shield them from such abuses. Many fans and Jackson supporters believe that the California Department of Children and Family Services should investigate the use of these children to promote business-ventures that are currently the subjects of lawsuits. It is possible that the children will be emotionally damaged when they discover that the Heal the World charity is not one sanctioned by the Jackson estate.
Michael Jackson’s intentions for his children were clear, and this is NOT it. It is hoped that the executors of the Jackson estate, and/or California D.C.F.S., will take action to see that exploitation of these children does not occur in the future. Many of Michael’s fans and supporters, including those at M.J.A.N., are outraged, and are putting the Jackson family on notice about potential exploitations of Prince, Paris, and Blanket. There is something terribly wrong with this picture, and we ARE watching you.

spread the link!!!!
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Thank you XthunderX2 & MJAN. I will share everywhere.

More fan groups are coming out AGAINST Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson.

United we stand..... "There's nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one. MJ taught us that.

Statement From MJFC

(26-2-2011) There has been quite a bit of chatter among the fans the last couple of days about Michael Jackson's children and the Heal The World Foundation due to the children's recent interview on Good Morning America (GMA). Until now, MJFC has remained silent on the issue but, we feel it is our duty to keep you, the fans, completely informed so that you are armed with all the information.

During the GMA interview, Prince, Paris and Blanket were seen handing over a check to the L.A. Housing Corporation on behalf of the HTW Foundation in contuation of their father's charitable actions.

Although MJFC supports Mr. Jackson's children and want only the best for them, we can not and will not go against Michael Jackson's name or memory. And the fact is that the current HTW Foundation is IN NO WAY connected to Michael Jackson or the wonderful foundation that he created in 1992. The current HTW Foundation and it's President, Melissa Johnson, were exposed by CBS News on August 11, 2009 and are now being sued by the Michael Jackson Estate. The story by CBS News called into question the legitimacy of the charity’s connection to Mr. Jackson since his foundation dissolved back in 2002 and Ms. Johnson's foundation only began in 2008.

The lawsuit filed by the Michael Jackson Estate against Ms. Johnson and the foundation states, "the Defendants' acts of infringement and unfair competition have been committed with the intent to cause confusion, mistake and to deceive." As evidenced by the resulting confusion since the interview, this would seem to be the case.

The Estate executors have a probate court's authority to protect Mr. Jackson's image and likeness and they also have a moral obligation to protect his legacy. Their complaint, which was filed in federal court in Los Angeles, indicates that the foundation's claim of a link to the Jackson legacy is causing confusion among those who want to license Mr. Jackson's name. It is clearly also causing confusion among Mr. Jackson's fan base, which MJFC feels is unfortunate.

Again, we will continue to support Mr. Jackson's children in their future endeavors. However, we do not support the current HTW Foundation.

The MJFC Team

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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Jackson Family Declaration on Heal the World Foundation


Right. And if you look at the Estate's lawsuit, you can see that the Jackson's statement is factually INCORRECT. This is NOT the same charity.

Oh, and I see that MJFC has now issued a statement in support of the children, and AGAINST Howard Mann. Well, good!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Right. And if you look at the Estate's lawsuit, you can see that the Jackson's statement is factually INCORRECT. This is NOT the same charity.

Oh, and I see that MJFC has now issued a statement in support of the children, and AGAINST Howard Mann. Well, good!

WEll, the Jacksons have ZERO credibility..so...not surprised their own statement is full of lies.

Autumn, will the MJAN's statement be sent out to the media...or is it just for the fans? I think this should be out....That is the only way the Jacksons will hear about it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

WEll, the Jacksons have ZERO credibility..so...not surprised their own statement is full of lies.

Autumn, will the MJAN's statement be sent out to the media...or is it just for the fans? I think this should be out....That is the only way the Jacksons will hear about it.

There will also be a press-release on the PRWeb. (shorter statement)

Uhm, oh, trust me on this? They have ALREADY "heard it."
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

There will also be a press-release on the PRWeb. (shorter statement)

Uhm, oh, trust me on this? They have ALREADY "heard it."


I am sharing this everywhere, while watching the Oscars. This is how important this is to me.

We need to have this PLASTERED EVERYWHERE.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

There will also be a press-release on the PRWeb. (shorter statement)

Uhm, oh, trust me on this? They have ALREADY "heard it."

cool.. they need to hear it Katherine included.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Maybe Jermaine and Randy will tweet back. Glad this information is making its away around cyberspace.
I dont think we should hold our breath waiting for them to respond...I have heard from other fans that they have been blocked.....I guess they cannot handle the truth...to bad...they show their true colors when they do things like that.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

^I'm guessing the 3T will also be mum about it.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I've been reading through these messages and I've never seen a more judgmental group of people. First of all, it's not a fake charity as many are saying. They are a legal charity with tax exempt status. It is Michael who lost his tax exempt status for failing to file proper accounting for years in a row. They clearly state on their website that they are in litigation with the Jackson estate and not allowed to use his name. There is nothing fake about them.

I, honestly, am happy to see that someone is trying to continue the great work that Michael started as I'm sure so is Katherine. She is cleary a very kind hearted person and it is sickening how all of you are judging her. She was with Michael everyday during his trial, supporting him 100%. Where were Branca and Mclain? Nobody had his back more than his mother.

And yes, Michael wanted to keep his children out of the spotlight, but once they were exposed at the memorial there was no hiding them anymore. At least when they make appearances like this we see a positive article on them on TMZ instead of a negative one. I think this was done very tastefully and put both the children and Michael in a positive light.

Don't forget that Katherine raised Michael. Michael turned out to be the sweet person he was because of the good influence of Katherine. He would tell you that himself.

Instead of coming on here and judging and criticizing a woman who clearly loved her son very much and loves her grandchildren it would be nice to see fans going out and doing some charity work themselves. There are better ways to honor Michaels legacy than constantly bemoaning his mother, whom he loved very much.
MJFan07;3272094 said:
I've been reading through these messages and I've never seen a more judgmental group of people. First of all, it's not a fake charity as many are saying. They are a legal charity with tax exempt status. It is Michael who lost his tax exempt status for failing to file proper accounting for years in a row. They clearly state on their website that they are in litigation with the Jackson estate and not allowed to use his name. There is nothing fake about them.

The executors of the Michael Jackson Estate clearly would not agree with you. The problem is not with the "legitimacy" of the charity, but the fact that it's not actually the same charity that Michael founded. But, the statement released by Joseph and Katherine Jackson clearly gives the impression that it IS. The lawsuit by the executors also alleges that the founder of this charity (Melissa Johnson) was STALKING Michael, and that the executors believe she was a threat to Michael. IMO, it's very WRONG for Katherine to involve the children with this woman.

The executors are charged with ensuring the children's financial well-being, and they are doing exactly that. The executors issued a statement, as follows.

“The current Heal the World Foundation has no relation to Michael Jackson’s charity that touched so many lives before becoming inactive several years before Michael’s death… The estate does not believe Michael’s children should be used to exploit a foundation that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The executors of the Michael Jackson Estate clearly would not agree with you. The problem is not with the "legitimacy" of the charity, but the fact that it's not actually the same charity that Michael founded. But, the statement released by Joseph and Katherine Jackson clearly gives the impression that it IS. The lawsuit by the executors also alleges that the founder of this charity (Melissa Johnson) was STALKING Michael, and that the executors believe she was a threat to Michael. IMO, it's very WRONG for Katherine to involve the children with this woman.

The executors are charged with ensuring the children's financial well-being, and they are doing exactly that. The executors issued a statement, as follows.

I went to their website. They clearly state that they are not allowed to use Michael Jackson's name and are being sued by the estate. Nothing misleading about that to me.

And IMO the execturs are looking out for their own financial interests, not the children. I, for one, think it's wonderful that the children want to continue in their father's footsteps. There are many things in this world far more important than money. The charity stands for the same things that Michael stood for, which were all wonderful things.

I think fans need to get off their high horse. I can't say for sure, but my guess is Michael would be very disappointed in how harshly the fans are judging his mother, the same way he was often harshly and unfairly judged.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I've been reading through these messages and I've never seen a more judgmental group of people. First of all, it's not a fake charity as many are saying. They are a legal charity with tax exempt status. It is Michael who lost his tax exempt status for failing to file proper accounting for years in a row. They clearly state on their website that they are in litigation with the Jackson estate and not allowed to use his name. There is nothing fake about them.

I, honestly, am happy to see that someone is trying to continue the great work that Michael started as I'm sure so is Katherine. She is cleary a very kind hearted person and it is sickening how all of you are judging her. She was with Michael everyday during his trial, supporting him 100%. Where were Branca and Mclain? Nobody had his back more than his mother.

And yes, Michael wanted to keep his children out of the spotlight, but once they were exposed at the memorial there was no hiding them anymore. At least when they make appearances like this we see a positive article on them on TMZ instead of a negative one. I think this was done very tastefully and put both the children and Michael in a positive light.

Don't forget that Katherine raised Michael. Michael turned out to be the sweet person he was because of the good influence of Katherine. He would tell you that himself.

Instead of coming on here and judging and criticizing a woman who clearly loved her son very much and loves her grandchildren it would be nice to see fans going out and doing some charity work themselves. There are better ways to honor Michaels legacy than constantly bemoaning his mother, whom he loved very much.

Point is:

1) if you want to do charity then don't use someone you can't ask anymore!
This charity IS using Michael Jackson!

2) if you want to support any charity then don't exploit underage children for it to the cost of their privacy! Just go there and work yourself!
This is disgusting even more since she's the mother of their only parent and KNOW how much that very parent suffered during his childhood cuz you did already then let the children work for your own wealth.

3) If you simply don't care about the above, if you show so obviously NO INTEREST in the wishes of your dead son, many here are fans of, then don't hope for financial gain coming from them!

If you're able to put up with these points you're not in danger to be criticized! If you do, you shouldn't wonder that you are... really! Michael Jackson fans are sometimes crazy but thanks god not as dumb as these ppl must think they are!
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

MJFan who do you think Howard Mann is looking out for?is it just the executors looking out for themselves? Everytihing youu described about Katherine was before Michael died. Her actions at present are what is in question. I don't agree with people calling HTW fake either but it is certainly fraudalant in its intention.