Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25 Interview Post 208

Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

She was selling out children 40/45 years ago for the sake of mighty dollar, she is doing the same with different players now all in the name of LOVE, love my ass the only thing she seems capable of loving is the holy $$, and nothing else.
Over these 4 decades she doesn't seem to have learned a damn thing, what a shame.

Throughout Michael's life people sold him out, but in hindsight those people were 'only' selling him out, this woman is selling out his soul. Those children were his soul, he was living for them, yet his own mother is repeatedly selling out his soul. How can such actions ever be excused or justified?!
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nice lil interview, the kids looked like they had fun and really enjoyed helping . The situation is akward because obviously katherine and the estate aren't on the same page, it'll be interetsing to see how this plays out. In a perfect world they'd come to an agreement and make this one less drama to deal with.
WHY do you always agree with ANYTHING Jackson?? I understand that you are a huge Jackson fan..that is fine and that is your right. But this time..Katherine has royaly F"D up ...it all is NOT as simple as you make it out to be. Michael's children's futures are at stake here..they are surrounded by leeches on a daily bases.now they exposed to Mann the porn king. HOW is that ok??
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nice lil interview, the kids looked like they had fun and really enjoyed helping . The situation is akward because obviously katherine and the estate aren't on the same page, it'll be interetsing to see how this plays out. In a perfect world they'd come to an agreement and make this one less drama to deal with.

In my opinion, the "situation" is only akward because certain members of the Jackson clan do not have access to Michael's money. I'm sure it ain't akward for Katherine to have the Estate taking care of all of her personal needs.

The "situation" would NOT be akward if those same members would just respect the Will of Michael Jackson and move on with their lives.

The "situation" would NOT be akward if Howard Mann would mind his business. It's bad enough some family members are upset they were not not included in Michael's Will, now comes Howard Mann, a NON-family member" adding his 2-cent. Calling the Estate GREEDY, like GREED is not on his own mind. LOL!

How this plays out, will come on the day that Howard Mann delivers his OWN lawsuit to Katherine Jackson, because her 3-grandchildren no longer want to honor the contract their grandmother signed binding them to a contract for the rest of their lives. (Like sooner or later that "for life" clause will not become a cause of contention.)

In a perfect world, folks would just move along and make sure their OWN lives were on track.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The Estate has been extremely patient with Katherine Jackson's nonsense, honest to God if I were in their place I'd sue her for defamation and slander, for all the lies she's been putting out by herself and her porn pal mouthpiece.
Michael gave her the right, and privilege to take care of his kids, he didn't give her the right to sell them out every 7 weeks to the highest bidder. He'd be utterly disgusted, and she wouldn't be having the guts to pull any of this mess if he were still living.
A part of me is glad that he did not have to see this extremely ugly side of his own mother, another part of me feels for him for being as naive as he was. He didn't deserve this nor do his children deserve this. They don't deserve to be sold to the highest bidder, just as they didn't deserve to loose their father when they did. Like I stated earlier, Michael dying when he did was the best thing that happened to them (the tribe), it opened a lot of doors, and career opportunities for them, Michael leaving parentless children behind was/is an added bonus for them, which they don't shy away of exploiting.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This is so wrong on many levels 1. in the video clip they show Heal The World Foundation gi9ving this organisation $10,000 dollars if its fake where did this money come from? Also this woman Rob in keeps saying how normal the kids are. Was she expecting them to be weird? I dont like the way the kids are being used for money. I think sadly this will always happen :(.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

Nice lil interview, the kids looked like they had fun and really enjoyed helping . The situation is akward because obviously katherine and the estate aren't on the same page, it'll be interetsing to see how this plays out. In a perfect world they'd come to an agreement and make this one less drama to deal with.

I have no qualms about The children being interviewed along with their grandma.
They will always be in the limelight. I applaud thier effort to want to carry
on their fathers charitable legacy.

but they shouldnt be used in $$ making schemes or used publically by family
as pawns to be pitted againt thier own fathers estate. That is so WRONG _
They are still minors and to young to understand what is happening
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

WHY do you always agree with ANYTHING Jackson?? I understand that you are a huge Jackson fan..that is fine and that is your right. But this time..Katherine has royaly F"D up ...it all is NOT as simple as you make it out to be. Michael's children's futures are at stake here..they are surrounded by leeches on a daily bases.now they exposed to Mann the porn king. HOW is that ok??
I don't agree with everything, there are many thing the jacksons do that i don't undertsand and i feel is wrong but what would be the use of me cursing them and bringing negativity to every thread like some members. I don't think Katherine should work with Mann but i think her heart is in the right place and the same with Michael's children. Michael's kids will always be surrounded by leeches but they aren't the only ones. They seeme like level headed kids and they have their money waiting for them so i don't think it's necessary for me to get so worried about their future, i think they'll be fine. As for this charity I hoping that this charity really is benefiting some underprivilaged kids.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I also feel bad for Jermaine's 2 minor children.

Why weren't they involved in this "charity" event? Any other time they are clumped together with Michael's 3 children. Now all of a sudden they are M.I.A.

I guess since they are NOT part of Katherine's contract with Howard Mann, there was no need for them to be there.

I wonder how they feel about all of this.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

This is so wrong on many levels 1. in the video clip they show Heal The World Foundation gi9ving this organisation $10,000 dollars if its fake where did this money come from? ...

The new HTW foundation is not a fake org _ They are just NOT The same HTW foundation
of Michael. Mellisa Johnson highjacked the name after MJ let it go in 2002 and tried to use
Michaels nameto promote it. Fans though tis was the same HTW and that MJ supported it.

The estate said they coudlnt use his name and image to promote it. A judge agreed.
Howard man with Katherines permission is now using the children as pawns to promote
it and his own $$ making schemes which the estate has also filed a suite against.

He is Using MJ name illegally for his own gain according to estate _
and he is NOW using PPB as pawns against their fathers estate
with granma's permission _ I cant belivee she would do that _Im SAD
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't agree with everything, there are many thing the jacksons do that i don't undertsand and i feel is wrong but what would be the use of me cursing them and bringing negativity to every thread like some members. I don't think Katherine should work with Mann but i think her heart is in the right place and the same with Michael's children. Michael's kids will always be surrounded by leeches but they aren't the only ones. They seeme like level headed kids and they have their money waiting for them so i don't think it's necessary for me to get so worried about their future, i think they'll be fine. As for this charity I hoping that this charity really is benefiting some underprivilaged kids.
Now if Katherine was having the children go work for a REPUTABLE charity..I would agree with you that her heart is in the right place. BUT..she knows about the past of Mann....she knows the estate does NOT approve...she also THINKS that by putting Prince on the board that it will make people donate to that charity and help legalize it again. Katherine is NOT a stupid woman...you are NOT giving her enough credit. I will NOT ever give her the benefit of the doubt EVER again. She KNOWS what he is doing here is wrong. ITs not the childrens financial future I am worried about..its them getting entangled with scum bags like Mann at a young age that I am concerned about. Grandma has sold out her own grandchildren.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

maybe someone should personally call Katherine Jackson up and tell her that there are two different organizations...cant imagin that she hasn't gotten that message yet...
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

please refrain from personal attacks towards other members
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

yeah I figured that .. I was about to state does she even care? Obviously she does not.

I can't in good conscience say she doesn't care. That is not true. I spoke to her, and she was very patient and empathetic ..and I got the impression she had ABSOLUTELY no say in how Katherine is raising the children.

Her power is limited to the estate and the kids' financial future.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

The new HTW foundation is not a fake org _ They are just NOT The same HTW foundation
of Michael. Mellisa Johnson highjacked the name after MJ let it go in 2002 and tried to use
Michaels nameto promote it. Fans though tis was the same HTW and that MJ supported it.

The estate said they coudlnt use his name and image to promote it. A judge agreed.
Howard man with Katherines permission is now using the children as pawns to promote
it and his own $$ making schemes which the estate has also filed a suite against.

He is Using MJ name illegally for his own gain according to estate _
and he is NOW using PPB as pawns against their fathers estate
with granma's permission _ I cant belivee she would do that _Im SAD

sums it up nicely.

some ppl have excuses for everything. will there be an excuse when bashir comes round for tea or dimond?.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I can't in good conscience say she doesn't care. That is not true. I spoke to her, and she was very patient and empathetic ..and I got the impression she had ABSOLUTELY no say in how Katherine is raising the children.

Her power is limited to the estate and the kids' financial future.

How about THIS, then, in terms of the kids' financial future? Apparently Prince has been "placed" on the board of directors of a fraudulent charity. That charity could be subject to lawsuits if they collect donations, i.e. FRAUD. Prince is a minor and might not be impacted. Or, would he? She could at least look in to THAT?
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I admit that some times we go overboard in our criticism of members of the Jackson family. And there are certain issues that pertain to the children's upbringing that I feel as fans we need not to stick our noses into.

BUT once you put those children in the public domain, then for me it is fair game! And once you are clearly and OBVIOUSLY violating HOW MICHAEL JACKSON would have wanted those children raised (as it relates to the media and their privacy) then Imma gonna have my say!! And let NONE of us here pretend we do not know that Michael WOULD NOT HAVE WANTED HIS YOUNG CHILDREN PARADED IN THE MEDIA.

This opens the doors for all kind of sickos out there to talk about those children, to discuss them, dissect them, commodify them. There are CHILDREN first and foremost. Let them be children.

This perverse desire to assure the world that they are 'normal' and in so doing to make a buck off of them is vulgar, distasteful, reprehensible and IN VERY POOR TASTE.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

A lot of things happen related to MJ that makes me quite angry , yet I can deal with them. I remain calm and reasonable , able to continue my emotions.

This blatant use of Michael's kids for some people's financial gain makes me sad, really really sad. I sit down and cry (and people know me know that I really do not show much emotion). I'm sorry but I don't think that neither Michael nor his kids deserve this.

:cry: True, nor Michael Jackson, nor his kids deserve this.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

BUT once you put those children in the public domain, then for me it is fair game! And once you are clearly and OBVIOUSLY violating HOW MICHAEL JACKSON would have wanted those children raised (as it relates to the media and their privacy) then Imma gonna have my say!! And let NONE of us here pretend we do not know that Michael WOULD NOT HAVE WANTED HIS YOUNG CHILDREN PARADED IN THE MEDIA.

This opens the doors for all kind of sickos out there to talk about those children, to discuss them, dissect them, commodify them. There are CHILDREN first and foremost. Let them be children.

This perverse desire to assure the world that they are 'normal' and in so doing to make a buck off of them is vulgar, distasteful, reprehensible and IN VERY POOR TASTE.

well said
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

My initial reactions -

1] Prince is on the board??????

2] If they said 'normal' one more time ...

3] The suggestion/implication that those children are 'normal' because Katherine Jackson was able to 'save' them is offensive to me.

I find it offensive too big time,
And going they have iPad and toys like mj never gave thing excuse me, he gave them proper care look at them he never trade them for money he was always there with them like a shirt you can't go wideout.
If someone would have tell me this would take place on Katherine watch I would say lies,
I can't believed I am saying this but where the hell is debbie Rowe she gave birth to them why is she so silent about the whole thing, I know she must care and she still has rights and she did love ?
God what a mess it's all Murray fault, full blame for him.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I admit that some times we go overboard in our criticism of members of the Jackson family. And there are certain issues that pertain to the children's upbringing that I feel as fans we need not to stick our noses into.

BUT once you put those children in the public domain, then for me it is fair game! And once you are clearly and OBVIOUSLY violating HOW MICHAEL JACKSON would have wanted those children raised (as it relates to the media and their privacy) then Imma gonna have my say!! And let NONE of us here pretend we do not know that Michael WOULD NOT HAVE WANTED HIS YOUNG CHILDREN PARADED IN THE MEDIA.

This opens the doors for all kind of sickos out there to talk about those children, to discuss them, dissect them, commodify them. There are CHILDREN first and foremost. Let them be children.

This perverse desire to assure the world that they are 'normal' and in so doing to make a buck off of them is vulgar, distasteful, reprehensible and IN VERY POOR TASTE.

Absolutely. And just WAIT for the ghost-written "tell all "books from his CHILDREN! The line must be drawn somewhere. So lets start DRAWING.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I don't agree with everything, there are many thing the jacksons do that i don't undertsand and i feel is wrong but what would be the use of me cursing them and bringing negativity to every thread like some members. I don't think Katherine should work with Mann but i think her heart is in the right place and the same with Michael's children. Michael's kids will always be surrounded by leeches but they aren't the only ones. They seeme like level headed kids and they have their money waiting for them so i don't think it's necessary for me to get so worried about their future, i think they'll be fine. As for this charity I hoping that this charity really is benefiting some underprivilaged kids.

I agree. I honestly don't think Katherine has bad intentions, she is just not a good business woman and never has been. I can imagine it wasn't hard for a smooth talker like Mann to suck her into these shady deals, under the guise of "preserving Michael's legacy". She probably really thinks she is doing that, and maybe PPB want to help her in that respect. I can't help thinking there's a whole lot of manipulation going on with Katherine and PPB, like people convincing them that the Estate is not on their side and they should distance themselves from it and start initiatives on their own to show their independence. Katherine is too naive and trusting (like Michael was) so she attracts these kinds of leeches. The children are too young to fully comprehend what is happening, although from their Oprah and GMA appearances they didn't really seem to enjoy being interviewed. I wouldn't be surprised if they showed more resistance to being used like this in the near future.

Anyway, on a positive note, I'm glad to hear that the children are doing OK and I hope Paris gets her part in the school play. I'm sure Michael would be proud :) They just seem like typical youngsters to me, Prince mentioning gym and lunch break as his favourite subjects lol. Blanket looked kind of uncomfortable being there.
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Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I find it offensive too big time,
And going they have iPad and toys like mj never gave thing excuse me, he gave them proper care look at them he never trade them for money he was always there with them like a shirt you can't go wideout.
If someone would have tell me this would take place on Katherine watch I would say lies,
I can't believed I am saying this but where the hell is debbie Rowe she gave birth to them why is she so silent about the whole thing, I know she must care and she still has rights and she did love ?
God what a mess it's all Murray fault, full blame for him.

I think you're reading too much into this. I interpreted this more as "see, they're just like other teenagers". Which is not a bad thing, I'm actually glad they are stressing this. Some people seem to think that celebrities, and their children, are like aliens who have nothing in common with "normal" people. I don't see it as a stab at Michael or his children, I've seen this type of "look how normal they are!" comments with loads of other celeb kids/families.
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

It's heartbreaking to see that strangers care about them while their own only think about the money the can make by exploiting them. Not surprised to see the usual suspects downplaying this extremely tacky move of Katherine SMDH
Re: Katherine PP&B on GMA 2/25

I agree. I honestly don't think Katherine has bad intentions, she is just not a good business woman and never has been. I can imagine it wasn't hard for a smooth talker like Mann to suck her into these shady deals, under the guise of "preserving Michael's legacy". She probably really thinks she is doing that, and maybe PPB want to help her in that respect. I can't help thinking there's a whole lot of manipulation going on with Katherine and PPB, like people convincing them that the Estate is not on their side and they should distance themselves from it and start initiatives on their own to show their independence. Katherine is too naive and trusting (like Michael was) so she attracts these kinds of leeches. The children are too young to fully comprehend what is happening, although from their Oprah and GMA appearances they didn't seem to really enjoy being interviewed. I wouldn't be surprised if they showed more resistance to being used like this in the near future.

Anyway, on a positive note, I'm glad to hear that the children are doing OK and I hope Paris gets her part in the school play. I'm sure Michael would be proud :) They just seem like typical youngsters to me, Prince mentioning gym and lunch break as his favourite subjects lol. Blanket looked kind of uncomfortable being there.
that is a cop-out...Katherine KNOWS exactly what is going on...she has been TOLD by the estate about this charity....she is NOT stupid....give her credit for that for God sake...she didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. She is 80 years old. She knows right from wrong.