Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

she will make a fortune of suing them , but then these people will reveal their sources and guess who are the sources ? yeah katherine's offspring .
as legal guardian of those children her priority is them, not fighting against every stupid thing said about Michael. someone else should have that job. if she wants to address them as his mother she will. if she chooses not to that is her decision.
Don't you get it!

Through all the "side points" you continue to merge with this very very problematic issue, neither one adresses my point of contention. Which is on this TOPIC. Furthermore---I respect this board and therefore the rules. I don't need to "call anyone out". They know very well who they are. Can't you see the attempts at defense right before you. The repetition of their drivel is enough to cut an album full of nonsensical noise. You see, pointing them out is needless. Everyone here can read. Scroll back up the screen. It's effortless. And if I may, there is NO defense for their juvenile actions. So that point is moot. But I shall continue until the seige is no more.

Keep WATCHIN'.......

you are the one making the accusations. why don't you have the courage to point out the remarks? and point out who is making them. because you give the impression you are accusing everybody here, otherwise. i have seen one statement against Randy Jackson, from somebody. at least, have the courage to quote the post, and point that out. because you and i agree on that. i don't know what Randy is doing..i don't know what any family member is really doing. all i see, is that a will is written. and that is to be respected. but if you are going to keep posting, it should have a purpose...and it demands that you provide an example. or else it will look like you are accusing people, unwarrantingly, the way you don't want to be accused, unwarrantingly.
I passionately urge someone with the rank/file authority to end these tabloid inspired, scurrilous attacks on Ms. Jackson. If not, unfortunately I can predict my future of being banned from this forum.I hastingly state here and now that the next time this instigating individual insults Mother Katherine, he/she will be afforded no more courtesy. This is beyond cold, cruel, ridiculous. Who the f888 does this character think they're toying with?

Games are for children. He/she is messing with blood.

Keep WATCHIN'.......

might was well say who it is, or you can't order anyone to do anything.
as legal guardian of those children her priority is them, not fighting against every stupid thing said about Michael. someone else should have that job. if she wants to address them as his mother she will. if she chooses not to that is her decision.

exactly , those kids should be her priority , refuting claims that target those kids & their father's reputation should also be her priority because the kids are and will be exposed to the things that are written and said about them . Instead, the family support whoever doubt those kids are mj's .
this is not speculation , this is a fact .
someone always got something to say about Michael. the fact is he dealt with that all his life, and that is something the children will have to deal with and no matter how many suits she filed against folks who make bs up there will always be more things said. she got better things to do, like raising these children and preparing them best as she can for what they will deal with.
back you are talking about me , I know that . please answer my questions why Oxman and Rowe are still very close to the family ? why oxman is allowed to say the things he said about the kids and mj ? why rowe was allowed to say mj was an out of this world junkie over and over ? why did katherine support her sons attempt to replace AEG with an a starting up company from the middle east ? why did the family first claim there was no will ? why then there was a new will in 2007? why then they agreed that was the will ut mj signed it under "undue influence" which means MJ was psychologically dominated by Branca for the last 12 years of his life ? why then the will is forged and mj did not sign it at all ? what is so wrong with the will that the family seems very desperate to challenge ?
someone always got something to say about Michael. the fact is he dealt with that all his life, and that is something the children will have to deal with and no matter how many suits she filed against folks who make bs up there will always be more things said. she got better things to do, like raising these children and preparing them best as she can for what they will deal with.

yeah , but a simple shut up to Oxman and get the hell out of my house will be enough gesture the family is not behind and support his "stories" , the same applies to Rowe and Latoya .
Question #1: Have you or have you not read this thread.

qUESTION #2: Again, see question 1.

The point of my post was to show you that I actually READ your post and responded in kind. Can I be afforded the same "luxury"? Rules?
And the beat goes on. You will STOP with the quarreling, and stop it right NOW. It should be possible to have a civilized discussion without maligning one-another. It is entirely appropriate to conduct a reasonable discussion with kindness, not MEANNESS toward those who do not share an opinion. This is a very public board, and not a private argument. This is not directed at any, one, person. However, it will STOP. The level of discourse on MJJC has DROPPED significantly. If this is not corrected and if there remains so little self-control, staff will step in, and you will NOT like it. Far better for you to control yourselves? REALLY!

Carry on, but with dignity, please.

we are not asking them to spend their lives in courts defending mj but at least don't support the people who spread these stories about him . is this too much to ask ?

how come Oxman says publically Lester told the truth and mj lied about that and he end up invited to mj's funeral and set infront of Liz taylor .? How come Rowe who called mj junkie and was actually fired by mj be called to deliever a speech at mj's funeral ?

why ??????????????????????
they live their lives how they see fit. we don't even know that any of that even happened. we weren't there. if it did occur we don't know what they did or did not gesture. they don't have to put all their business public if they don't want to. those who trying to put their business public, we don't know its being said true.
Oxman is on record saying that , Oxman is on record supporting any gesture the kids were not mj's and oxman WAS at the funeral . so what is the thing we don't know about ?

the family agreed to the movie deal wit Sony and AEG, they allowed AEG to organize the memorial, they invited Phillips to the funeral , yet they were suspicious of AEG and their role in mj's death when the estate wanted to sign a deal with them for the memorabilia . the judge asked them to present their offer , that's DOCUMENTED .

the lawyers for katherine presented an offer which was not even close to the AEG and the judge became MAD at them . he told the lawyer " katherine jackson should stop acting like these things belong to her ", "this is the last thing the estate needs"

we are not speculating , that what happened in court .
i was referring to your saying a simple get out of my house etc... by Katherine. we don't know what Katherine has or has not said to people in her home, and furthermore, we don't need to know.
How come Rowe who called mj junkie and was actually fired by mj be called to deliever a speech at mj's funeral ?

why ??????????????????????
good question. ppl like friedman at the memorial while fans were stood outside for example.kinda sums up mikes life. even now the parasites get to sit in on his death.
Au contraire.....

This is NOT...a case of "guilt-tripping". It is a case of dispicable innuendo being camoflauged with "concerns" over "perceived" wishes of Michael Jackson. Mother Katherine IS an indisputable Trustee for one reason---Brother Michael trusted her. The veiled slights towards Ms. Jackson have been focused squarely on monetary gain by either family members or perimeter sharks. And in these reprehensible escapades, there have been too numerous to mention occassions where assumptions about "when she passes" have been cast. Unacceptable---sure! Guilt tripping---absolutely not. I shall repeat myself to help anyone not yet in the mindset of understanding the breadth of some of this propaganda being leveled against this family, especially Mother Katherine, to open your heart and try imagining her burden. Multiply your hurt as a fan by an indeterminate factor. After you do so, see if you are content with continuing this campaign of damn near blasphemy, when you don't know what's NOT known. If you can---your heart is cold.

Have you ever heard that saying " Mother knows BEST"?

It was coined for a reason, for they are----> Words to live by!

Keep WATCHIN'.......

This is words of wisdom..
Randy is on twitter so he must be here too, telling us to shut up because mj's mama knows better , will land on deaf ears . we will not shut up . at least Randy can be sure many fans don't believe his story and won't sympathise with the family's attempt to control the estate when mj himself refused to allow them to do that . Between Blanket and Oxman , I will proudly side with Blanket . you want to go down Back , go down yourself . I'm asking the mods here if I'm crossing the line please tell me .
Randy is on twitter so he must be here too, telling us to shut up because mj's mama knows better , will land on deaf ears . we will not shut up . at least Randy can be sure many fans don't believe his story and won't sympathise with the family's attempt to control the estate when mj himself refused to allow them to do that . Between Blanket and Oxman , I will proudly side with Blanket . you want to go down Back , go down yourself . I'm asking the mods here if I'm crossing the line please tell me .


Back is not going down anywere !! Backs words is so true... And your are not try to tell here that you think Back is Randy..?? Are you? Go dreaming.. *s


Back is not going down anywere !! Backs words is so true... And your are not try to tell here that you think Back is Randy..?? Are you? Go dreaming.. *s


Given my share share with my own family, I will like to add this.

If, god forbid, I die before my mom and I had a lot of money that I would like to stay around for my kids, I can honestly say I would not leave my mom in charge of my estate. I would leave it in the hands of lawyers who specialize in the field.

I love my mom, but she is terrible with money, that is a fact. Even if she means well, she does not have what it take to run a business.

Michael, obviously, felt the same way about his mom. I am certain he loved his mom, however, love does not run the estate. MJ's mom does not have a good record with money, that is a fact. So, why would he leave her in charge of his estate. Especially with a husband like Joe lurking around. Not to mention most of the siblings are, to be blunt, lazy as hell.

Mother knows best is nice, but this is the real world and not Leave it to Beaver. Mrs. Jackson maybe a nice woman, but nice does not equal business woman. She cannot say no to her children, which drove Michael crazy when they came begging for money. If she could say no, do you really think all those kids, along with their mothers, would be all in that house while their daddy's away selling news stories about their dead uncle?

I think Michael knew what he was doing and we should respect that. You said have respect for the Jackson family, because we do not know them and have no right to judge. That is true, but you should then respect the will and accept that Michael knew his own family much better than all of you who watch E True Hollywood Stories.
Given my share share with my own family, I will like to add this.

If, god forbid, I die before my mom and I had a lot of money that I would like to stay around for my kids, I can honestly say I would not leave my mom in charge of my estate. I would leave it in the hands of lawyers who specialize in the field.

I love my mom, but she is terrible with money, that is a fact. Even if she means well, she does not have what it take to run a business.

Michael, obviously, felt the same way about his mom. I am certain he loved his mom, however, love does not run the estate. MJ's mom does not have a good record with money, that is a fact. So, why would he leave her in charge of his estate. Especially with a husband like Joe lurking around. Not to mention most of the siblings are, to be blunt, lazy as hell.

Mother knows best is nice, but this is the real world and not Leave it to Beaver. Mrs. Jackson maybe a nice woman, but nice does not equal business woman. She cannot say no to her children, which drove Michael crazy when they came begging for money. If she could say no, do you really think all those kids, along with their mothers, would be all in that house while their daddy's away selling news stories about their dead uncle?

I think Michael knew what he was doing and we should respect that. You said have respect for the Jackson family, because we do not know them and have no right to judge. That is true, but you should then respect the will and accept that Michael knew his own family much better than all of you who watch E True Hollywood Stories.

thank you. it's twisted when people use the word 'love' to twist things. and the word 'respect', as well.

my mom is my treasure. and i do not want her to leave her money matters to ME!!

Michael, the financial wizard, showed his love for his family, by making SURE that they are all set for LIFE. and only HE knew how to do it. this is a guy who financially survived a WORLD full of "financial wizards" and sue happy "wizards", to keep an empire strong for a long time. while others were financially falling in the toilet. including, american companies and banks who subscribe to forbes magazine. and many of THOSE people thought Michael was far from a financial wizard.

this is a tragedy. this whole debate...this thread. everybody is being asked the impossible. and everybody is f'ing falling apart, here. that's another reason why the old business/family adage stands.(don't mix business with family) and we still never seem to learn it. the governments of the world instituted the necessity of the will, thousands of years ago, to prevent these debates, and all this mess..remember?

i have not had a disparaging word about any of Michael's family members. the only person, whose words i am paying attention to, as i have, my whole life, and during his whole career, when it comes to all things, Michael...is Michael.

people always say, don't mix business with pleasure..and..don't mix business with family. now we see why. this debate is why we see why. and we never seem to learn it. and that is why the old adage stands. it's worth repeating.

i am making the complete divide here. the complete separation. so many people tell me that when people are suing Michael...that..it's just business. while i laugh at that...i will say this. in this thread..i'm talking strictly business. i'm thinking about nothing else. i am making the separation. it doesn't take rocket science. so, because i am doing that, there is no subject matter for me to disrespect.
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Randy is on twitter so he must be here too, telling us to shut up because mj's mama knows better , will land on deaf ears . we will not shut up . at least Randy can be sure many fans don't believe his story and won't sympathise with the family's attempt to control the estate when mj himself refused to allow them to do that . Between Blanket and Oxman , I will proudly side with Blanket . you want to go down Back , go down yourself . I'm asking the mods here if I'm crossing the line please tell me .

Thanks for bringing some common sense to these endless discussions.

Just the thought of Rowe speaking at MJ's funeral makes my stomach turn.

Poor MJ, even his own mother cannot stand up for him.

What a crying shame!
Hmm..... I would say poor Michael Jacksons family... Ppl are constantly watching their every single steps they take..... And how much do ppl really knows ?? The most of what ppl knows is from the medias and how trusteble are they ?
Im sure they will deal with it all in the best way they can.... and if they do mistakes.. let them do that and let them learn from that..
Why attack his family in this way ?? What about all the good and nice things thay do ?
Hmm..... I would say poor Michael Jacksons family... Ppl are constantly watching their every single steps they take..... And how much do ppl really knows ?? The most of what ppl knows is from the medias and how trusteble are they ?
Im sure they will deal with it all in the best way they can.... and if they do mistakes.. let them do that and let them learn from that..
Why attack his family in this way ?? What about all the good and nice things thay do ?

Who is attacking the family. I gave you my honest opinion on what is already known fact about the family and I even base it on mines.

Sorry, having your 79 years old mother raise your kids with your baby momma when you out selling stories about your dead brother is not cool. I do not care if it was the Jackson, the Clintons, or even Obamas, you do not do stuff like that.

I do have some prejudgement, there is no hiding that, but ever opinion is base on what I have seen with my own eyes, not some tabloid.

Unless they have some solid proof that the will is somehow wrong, they should honor the will and let the mother go back to raising all those kids. I also doubt they the will is forge since they had not directly challenge it since it was brought out. All we heard was noise about this and that, but not came out of it, unless they are waiting or something.

Given the Jackson' known track record, none of them save for Janet, is to be trusted around money. If you think I am basing this on tabloid trash, answer me this. How is that despite all the royalties the brothers get off those Jackson 5 CDs, that they are still broke?

When you have the answer, please reply.
It seems you have all the answers yourself.. so no need to answer you ! Go ahead and think what you want...
It seems you have all the answers yourself.. so no need to answer you ! Go ahead and think what you want...

I agree with this.

Some of these threads don't seem to be about informed/what if/or wondering why opinions anymore, everyone seems to be the "all-knowing" now based on what?

More and more I read comments that render me speechless and not in a very nice way. Especially the ones towards Mrs. Jackson. Put yourself in her shoes, a mother dealing with unimaginable grief from the loss of her second child with people coming at her from all directions for all kind of reasons. You can say you would do/say/or act a certain way if that was you but unless you yourself are put in the same position you just don't know what you would do.....
back , we are fans of MJ whetehr you like it or not . and we are CONCERNED about mj'e legacy and his kids . we have the RIGHT to be concerned . I'm still waiting for Katherine to address Klien, Lester , Oxman , Latoya claims that those kids are not MJ's kids .

I'm still waiting for her to say that Oxman lied when he quoted her as saying " I know a jackson by looking and Blanket ain't no jackson"

instead of defending mj , Oxman gave a statement to the press in which he completely supported Lesters claims and the very next week Lester told the media he was still very friendly with Randy and the family has no ill feelings toward him .

I'm still waiting her to address Ian Haleprin claims .

instead of spending a fortune on lawyers to fight for more money to be distributed to her , she should have hired lawyers to go after those people who are making these claims against mj .
All great questions William. If someone was out there talkin' smack about MY kid, I sure as heck wouldn't let them within a mile of my kid's funeral!

And Oxman's comment about Blanket was WAY over the top, not to mention stupid. Blanket looks just like MJ did when MJ was a kid! Even a blind man could see that, literally, by feeling his way over Blanket's face.

So much of Katherine's behavior just doesn't make sense to me. I understand the money part because I think she was constantly pressured by MJ's siblings since "Michael has so much money," so she'd make the call and beg MJ for money. But what is left NOW is for MJ's kids, and I can't see Katherine telling her own kids "no" when they pressure her for MJ's money. And I don't see this, (or your opinion on it,) as an "attack" on Katherine at ALL. Quite the opposite. She's an 80 year old woman being pressured by her other children. That makes her a "mom" in my book, one who is being pulled in 10 different directions through no fault of her own.

But her NOT refuting Oxman's claims, (someone who is so close to the family, rather than just some tabloid,) I will just never get that!
If the family take the estate, Michael's kids will never see a penny from the estate!
If the family take the estate, Michael's kids will never see a penny from the estate!
If branca has his way he will bankrupct the estate like he wanted michael to file for bankruptcy before, so sony can get the catalogue thats what i think brnca goal is, Im glad the jackson family are fighting for the truth. that will get branca out.