Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

I would like to seriously query when it is that someone that has the authority to do so, will put an end to this cyclic effort to malign "the Jackson Family"; especially its Matriarch, Ms. Katherine. The trend is becoming both dispicable and unbearable. Everyone is entitled to opinions galore, but the fact remains that circumstances are at play which I'm sure few are privvy to.This thread and others constantly read like the "Hard Copies" and "Inside Editions" of yester-year. Very much unbecoming of this forum, which has continued to remain dignified even when other "communities" chose to turn their backs on Mr. Jackson. They preferred fanning the flames of tabloid fodder, while this one chose respect and dignity.Now it could be understood, due to these differing opinions ,that questions are abound to be raised over a whole host of issues. But sensitivities to certain subject matters must remain paramount. Specifically the constant raising or insinuations of Ms. Jackson's "exit". How would you feel if someone kept hinting towards such a scenario about YOUR Mother. Unbelievable and very much idiotic if you try to dignify it.

This must stop!

Her honor shall be defended AGRESSIVELY. I refuse to allow Mother Jackson to be continuously disrespected at a place Mr. Jackson personally complimented on.

Deflecting attention from prior archived statements regarding this topic and attempting to build cases by malicously defaming Michael Jackson's Brothers and Sisters or other bloodline does nothing to solidify your position. It just emits a vibe of cold-hearted callousness.

If I may, the issue appears to revolve around money. I ask anyone to consider the situation from this simple premise.

(f) denotes family

Dianne Dimond or Sister Latoya(f)

Dieter Weisner or Brother Jermaine(f)

MJJCommunity(f) or TMZ

Conrad Mur[derer] (the taker of life) or Mother Katherine ((f)--the bearer of life).

If a choice HAS to be made on who can or should benefit financially from bloodline after they are physically no more--regardless of other nitpicky details--would it be family or outsiders?

Please, Enlighten me!

Keep WATCHIN'.......

I agree with your post whole heartedly. It is like Hard Copy. Pretty hateful toward the Jackson family.
in the eyes of the law she is which is all that matters not your obviously biased opinion. and yes she sold the kids to mj that was the deal she was a surrogate. millions of woman do it and thank god she did cause its those kids that prob kept mj here aslong as he was
you know what I really dislike hearing this comment about michael. As if to say if michael had of not had his kids that he would be some strung out suicidal mental case with NO will to live and woulda just upped and blown his brain out:smilerolleyes:. To be quite honest its an insult to michael's mental state. Michael joseph jackson has been through many hardships and rough times and survived them BEFORE his kids were born. So to say something like that is just wrong. I completely disagree when ppl say that about michael.

Don't get me wrong I understand how children make you want to do right in life and can be their parents light in dark times, but please lets not go their on michael mental state "if" he hadn't of had the kids, cuz to honest YOU DON"T KNOW that.:no: What an insult!:doh:
There's nothing strange about Debbie and MJ's relationship if you know the whole story.

Initially she was going to be a surrogate mother and her identitity will be kept hidden (very similar to Blanket's mother). When she got pregnant a nosy co-worker assumed that she was pregnant from MJ (she was saying that the child were from a friend - and this co-worker assumed that the friend was MJ). Later this co-worker tipped the tabloid media with the pregnancy story. After that they did not deny it.

So she's acting like expected. It's not like they were madly in love, married had kids and later they divorced and she left the kids completely. It was never intended that she would be a part of their lives.
why folk up on here continue to act as if those two kids where madly in love and broke up and michael just upped and took the kids from D. Rowe is beyond me. Deb knew WHAT it was. Womb for sale! Nothing more nothing less. In my eyes she is no diff from what blanket's mother is. So lets stop pretending. And that's why she is sticking to her agreement. Cuz she know! Michael shoulda just did the same thing for all three and that woulda nipped all of that alimony in the bud.
honey she don't need to be in the will. if we wanna play that way, then everyone was out of the will cept his mama and his chillun.

mj also wanted diana ross to have those kids. the woman who couldn't even defend him....her son made it to the memorial,what was her excuse?

sorry but dna trumps a will.
soso sweets, we are not talking about law we are talking about what michael wanted. We are using the will as michael's voice. Of course it wouldn't hold up in a court of law. as for ross michael threw me for a hot minute but at the of the day all im saying is, its what he wanted and she made it to the funeral if im am correct! :mello: Point is he didn't state mrs rowe. DB got the boot up the butt, per mike's wishes.

*note to self* I need to start putting all my replys in ONE post.:doh:
why folk up on here continue to act as if those two kids where madly in love and broke up and michael just upped and took the kids from D. Rowe is beyond me. Deb knew WHAT it was. Womb for sale! Nothing more nothing less. In my eyes she is no diff from what blanket's mother is. So lets stop pretending. And that's why she is sticking to her agreement. Cuz she know! Michael shoulda just did the same thing for all three and that woulda nipped all of that alimony in the bud.

MJF, you just made me lmao... not the Boom shocka locka... dead...
Girl I just read all 50/11 of your post.. lmao... but I agree with what you are saying....
I believe some of you think that Michael Joseph JACKSON doesn't share DNA with the rest of the JACKSONS..
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MJF lol u a mess....but dna don't lie...and she has more rights to those kids than the family does. only if she wasn't alive would this NOT be an issue....

ALSO it's funny they used the will as a way to tell debbie thru the media to step back and NOT fight for the kids cuz it's what mj wanted....now suddenly the will is not legit. well if we use that logic, she can go and take the kids now, right?
Now don't get it twisted im not saying they should mooch (which some have when they have talent to make their own cash) but some of yall acting like yall don't want the J's to get one red cent of his money. And I ask...Is it THAT bad! :doh:

Apparently Michael thought it was since he didn't leave them "a red cent" as you say.

MJ gave MILLIONS to his brothers. He paid their child support - he helped them outta bankruptcy - he supported their kids & paid for the educations.

WTF, now you expect Paris, Mike Jr. & Blanket to keep supporting grown azz men & women who could support themselves with the money that MJ busted his azz for 45 years and specifically wanted them to have???

Enough already!
why folk up on here continue to act as if those two kids where madly in love and broke up and michael just upped and took the kids from D. Rowe is beyond me. Deb knew WHAT it was. Womb for sale! Nothing more nothing less. In my eyes she is no diff from what blanket's mother is. So lets stop pretending. And that's why she is sticking to her agreement. Cuz she know! Michael shoulda just did the same thing for all three and that woulda nipped all of that alimony in the bud.

We all know it was a deal - and they both stuck to their ends. What's crazy is that now you have a house full of Jacksons who are trying to get their hands on what MJ specifically left for them.

And if the Jacksons achieve to invalidate both wills, the children will inherit everything, Katherine loses her inheritance & loses custody.

California law says that the next-of-kin of the children is Debbie - THEIR MOTHER, who never gave up her parental rights despite you call her a "womb for sale." And Blanket will go with his big bro & sis BY LAW, because they are his "next-of-kin."
nope...hence the empty wallet all the time. but girl i gets them on sale! whuuuuuuuut!?!?!?!?!?

sorry but if randy keeps it up, he'll ensure hismama don't have the chillun or the money
Apparently Michael thought it was since he didn't leave them "a red cent" as you say.

MJ gave MILLIONS to his brothers. He paid their child support - he helped them outta bankruptcy - he supported their kids & paid for the educations.

WTF, now you expect Paris, Mike Jr. & Blanket to keep supporting grown azz men & women who could support themselves with the money that MJ busted his azz for 45 years and specifically wanted them to have???

Enough already!
Oh My! I have the perfect solution! Why don't some of you go take Katherine's 40% and bury at forest lawn or somewhere else, just lock in a safe somewhere , where no one will get access to it! It'll have great use there. Isn't that what you want? I'm sorry but isn't money meant to be used and spent???
I don't know why MJ's family and his finances are of anyone's concern outside of that family.
I would understand all of this commotion , if it were outsiders, who had absolutely nothing to do with his formation and upbringing, mishandling MJ's money, but his family? Come on, That is none of anyone's concern..is anyone on here a Jackson? :scratch:

Fans should be more concerned about this whole murder investigation thats gone a little too quiet if you ask me...thats what should be the prime focus as of now, letting everyone know that we haven't forgotten that the world's biggest superstar was murdered and we have the murderer being tried for child support payments.:ermm:
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First of all this quote here below, is quite rude:

Oh My! I have the perfect solution! Why don't some of you go take Katherine's 40% and bury it next to MJ at forest lawn. It'll have great use there.

Second of all, with regards to this quote below:

I don't know why MJ's family and his finances are of anyone's concern outside of that family.
I would understand all of this commotion , if it were outsiders, who had absolutely nothing to do with his formation and upbringing, mishandling MJ's money, but his family? Come on, That is none of anyone's concern..is anyone on here a Jackson? :scratch:
No, I am NOT a Jackson - but I am a fan of MJ since 5 years old in 1976 when I first heard Body Language.

I've adored MJ and seen his struggles & his triumphs and supported him every step of the way. All he's ever been is a good son & a good brother. But if you know your history correct, you'll see that the Jacksons have bled him dry time & time again, as if he is supposed to pay pennance to them for being so talented & brilliant and they aren't. Why should someone so gifted & an instrument of GOd as Micahel is, have to pay for the sins of his family? Hasn't he sacrificed enough for them?

And thirdly, to address your quote here:

Fans should be more concerned about this whole murder investigation thats gone a little too quiet if you ask me...thats what should be the prime focus as of now, letting everyone know that we haven't forgotten that the world's biggest superstar was murdered and we have the murderer being tried for child support payments.:ermm:
We are. There's a lot at work, there are even private boards & chatrooms that are helping the LAPD at this very moment regarding MJs case. And the closer they dig, the closer it gets to Michael's inner circle.

So don't tell me WTF I have to do & how to feel.

I don't like seeing my hero (nor his children) being financially abused, yet again.
I am sorry if I came off rude to you. Didn't mean to come off this way. Pardon my sarcasm. I'm just as outraged as you are.

But aren't some of you being a bit rude to Michael Jackson's family too?

I'm sorry they didn't have a perfect track record over the past few years because unlike normal people they've been under a magnifying glass ever since who knows when!

Why not ask them to walk on eggshells as well (pardon the sarcasm).
not all normal people are thieves and liars and conspire against their siblings, that's why normal people who do such things end up in jail . i have a feeling some "special" people are gonna end up in jail very soon . so they got to feel what it means to be "normal".
not all normal people are thieves and liars and conspire against their siblings, that's why normal people who do such things end up in jail . I have a feeling some "special" people are gonna end up in jail very soon . So they got to feel what it means to be "normal".

I am sorry if I came off rude to you. Didn't mean to come off this way. Pardon my sarcasm. I'm just as outraged as you are.

But aren't some of you being a bit rude to Michael Jackson's family too?

I'm sorry they didn't have a perfect track record over the past few years because unlike normal people they've been under a magnifying glass ever since who knows when!

Why not ask them to walk on eggshells as well (pardon the sarcasm).

Dear friend,

As you saw in another thread where you sing praises to Joe Jackson's parenting skills ( :bugeyed ), I am no fan of Joe Jackson.

I support any Jackson family member who hasn't taken advantage, stolen money from, physically & mentally abused for decades, made a career by selling MJs information (and the MJ babies' info) to the paparazzi and tabloids of/about Michael Jackson.
Hate is even more disgusting.

Don't play the sensitive card b/c no one said it was disgusting when an ally of yours wished death upon someone.

No One's Fooled. Don't spread hate and then act like a lamb later on.
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Oh My! I have the perfect solution! Why don't some of you go take Katherine's 40% and bury at forest lawn or somewhere else, just lock in a safe somewhere , where no one will get access to it! It'll have great use there. Isn't that what you want? I'm sorry but isn't money meant to be used and spent???

I don't know why MJ's family and his finances are of anyone's concern outside of that family.

the first comment is vile and reprehensible. For an MJ fan to write such a thing, you make me nauseous.

As for the second comment, Randy Jackson doesn't seem to agree with you. He just took the battle for MJ's money to the public/fans with a new twitter account promising to speak truth directly to the fans. His truth, of course.

We can all guess what is coming.
look his mama filed for bank. his daddy did, too. his brother can't afford to take care of his chillun, his baby brother got his chillun w/ his mama just like the other brother.

am i worried about tito or jackie or rebbie or jan ormarlon? hell naw. but jermaine, joe, and randy...them is a mess. katherine and la toya are easily manipulated.
speaking of Marlon lil bitty self

Businessman: Marlon Jackson Visits Atlanta Attorney Daniel R. Meachum in his office


Besides Michael, Marlon was always my favorite Jackson 5 brother because they were closer to my age until Randy joined the group, then he was closer to my age.
Marlon Jackson, 52, visited attorney Daniel R. “Meach” Meachum in his Atlanta office last week.
Mr. Meachum has more than 20 years of experience in complex litigation, premises liability, products liability, and entertainment and sports law. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science from North Carolina Central University and completed law school at Howard University.
He’s a good looking man too. I wonder if he’s married? You can hit him up on his Twitter page and find out.
Photo by Horace Henry
Source: Eddie Rhodman, Jr.
Destined for Success Management, LLC
Personal Management-Publicist for Athletes


Lord I hope Marlon is just visiting a friend and this is a photo-op or seeking advice about something here in Atlanta....

*Sorry for jumping off topic*
I just saw this and starting thinking to myself "Plz Marlon don't put your hand in this whole dirty mess"
As for the second comment, Randy Jackson doesn't seem to agree with you. He just took the battle for MJ's money to the public/fans with a new twitter account promising to speak truth directly to the fans. His truth, of course.

We can all guess what is coming.

what is his twitter account?

ps: I think Marlon's visit to an attorney is irrelevenat. most attorneys cannot work at other states.
Who wants someone's death?
What are you talking about?

And don't make fun about someone's sensitivity and emotions.
It's rude. Again.
And Katherine was appointed the guardian of her son's children.

Who's looking out for MJs kids, if Katherine is being misled?

Because from where I'm standing, Katherine is working on behalf of HER children and not MICHAEL's children.

And that's WRONG.
I haven't read the whole thread, but it really makes you wonder if she is being manipulated by all the brothers and Joe. God I hope not. :sad:

It makes me nervous wondering if she is going to challenge the validity of the will. That could invalidate her inheritance if I'm not mistaken.
I haven't read the whole thread, but it really makes you wonder if she is being manipulated by all the brothers and Joe. God I hope not. :sad:

It makes me nervous wondering if she is going to challenge the validity of the will. That could invalidate her inheritance if I'm not mistaken.

By invalidating the will, not she loses her inheritance, but also loses custody of the children.

Debbie Rowe granted custody to Katherine to respect MJs wishes & sees the kids 2 times a week.
By invalidating the will, not she loses her inheritance, but also loses custody of the children.

Debbie Rowe granted custody to Katherine to respect MJs wishes & sees the kids 2 times a week.
I would hate to see Katherine lose custody, but if those kids are in an unhealthy environment, and Katherine is always going to act in the interest of her own kids, instead of MJ's, then maybe losing custody wouldn't be such a bad thing. I hate to say that, but I don't think those kids are in the best of environments!

But I can't see them with Debbie either, because she doesn't seem interested in raising children. :scratch: