Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

She never ever gave up her parental rights
well, she gave up her rights in 2000 or 2001, she just got them back in 2005 because there was something wrong with the procedure

Q. When is the last time you saw the children?
A. I think it was either August or October of last year when I gave up my visitation rights.

Q. Have you communicated with either of the children --
A. No.

Q. -- over the past year?
A. Not at all.

Q. Do you wish to communicate with the children?
A. No.

Q. Do you ever have the desire to call the children over the telephone?
A. No.

Q. Do you have a desire to send any cards or letters to the children?
A. No.

Q. Do you want the court to terminate your parental right?
A. Yes.
well, she gave up her rights in 2000 or 2001, she just got them back in 2005 because there was something wrong with the procedure

I remember this, and well, it's very complicated. I hate to say this, but it is my belief that MJ saw Debbie Rowe as a glorified surrogate mother and wanted complete control over his babies. Debbie did love MJ unconditionally - but he did not feel the same for her.

After Debbie had complications with Paris during her pregnancy, she couldn't have another child - which I'm sure pissed off MJ, and simply did not want her around the kids. What happened? We may never know. They both eventually agreed to certain terms and stuck by them. Then Blanket was born from another mom who remains on his birth certificate as "unknown."

Katherine, thankfully, is more open and forthcoming than MJ was. While Debbie has the legal and moral right to demand custody, she allowed Katherine to have custody of the kids, because AGAIN, Debbie respected MJs wishes - and Debbie does see the kids 2 times a week.

From my understanding, they've always known who their mom is & had limited contact with her during their early childhood.

It is what it is.
There's nothing strange about Debbie and MJ's relationship if you know the whole story.

Initially she was going to be a surrogate mother and her identitity will be kept hidden (very similar to Blanket's mother). When she got pregnant a nosy co-worker assumed that she was pregnant from MJ (she was saying that the child were from a friend - and this co-worker assumed that the friend was MJ). Later this co-worker tipped the tabloid media with the pregnancy story. After that they did not deny it.

So she's acting like expected. It's not like they were madly in love, married had kids and later they divorced and she left the kids completely. It was never intended that she would be a part of their lives.
There's nothing strange about Debbie and MJ's relationship if you know the whole story.

Initially she was going to be a surrogate mother and her identitity will be kept hidden (very similar to Blanket's mother). When she got pregnant a nosy co-worker assumed that she was pregnant from MJ (she was saying that the child were from a friend - and this co-worker assumed that the friend was MJ). Later this co-worker tipped the tabloid media with the pregnancy story. After that they did not deny it.

So she's acting like expected. It's not like they were madly in love, married had kids and later they divorced and she left the kids completely. It was never intended that she would be a part of their lives.

Whaat?? :bugeyed I missed that.

Just b/c we don't see her on tv or in magazines heading over to Havenhurst doesn't mean she's not seeing the kids. They may be taking them over to Deb's place or to an established mtg place. I hope that Deb is keeping up with whats going on regarding what Randy + co are doing.
yea mr. loose lips went to tmz and said the family would fight tooth and nail for htose kids. joe did a press conf. saying she won't have nothing to do w/ those kids. so honestly, if i was her at that moment, i would've just taken them. but she didn't. she honoured mj's wishes. :doh:
Debbie has to shut up forever. She is not their mother she sold those kids.This is it. The question with Debbie has to be closed by now. Kids are big enough to make their own decision where they want to be.
Read Rabbi's book and you will see WHAT MJ said about Debbie. He didn't want her to be around those kids because the nature of their relationships was NOT appropriate for kids to have her beside them.
please don't try to prove ur point by using a piece of poo as ur source, honestly...what mj 'said' about a lot of things can be contradicted by what he said at a different time. he wasn't being michael w/ the rabbi and those that knew him, know that. bits and pieces, yes. completely? nope
Regardles the children belong with their grandmother NOt Debbie
Michael didnt want Debbie to have those children.

she was left completly out of the will by Michael
becuase she was already being compensated ..
she didnt want to be a mother - she wanted MJ to have children
she doesnt want the publicity that goes alaong with it either,

Dont make MONEY the prioroty here .
there is more to be concerned about then how the money is managed
those children are not going to be hurting for money ..

Those children have NO relationship with Debbie
it would be devastating for them_ Liker giving the
to strangers to raise _ They love thier grandma
and their cousins _ Thats where they belong

Thats where Michael wanted them PERIOD
regardless of what anyone else here thinks or says against Michael wishes
honey she don't need to be in the will. if we wanna play that way, then everyone was out of the will cept his mama and his chillun.

mj also wanted diana ross to have those kids. the woman who couldn't even defend him....her son made it to the memorial,what was her excuse?

sorry but dna trumps a will.
my reply was to the other poster saying debbie will get blanket and like I informed them michael don't have to share with the world who his mother is.

I know a few people that are married and don't have both parents on the birth certificate, it's easy to do that.
no one has claimed him b/c there is no one to do so. i realze the whole 'separate egg and donor' thing was a rumor but it makes sense. the woman who bore him could actually fight to keep him IF he were hers....y allow that loophole? that's y the scenario fits
well, she gave up her rights in 2000 or 2001, she just got them back in 2005 because there was something wrong with the procedure
the judge wouldn't sign off on it b/c it didn't make sense. both parties knew and didn't request to try to do it again. so blah.

kinda hard to visit ur kids when their father is all over the globe making it pretty difficult to do so. also kind of hard to do it in a hotel room w/ the nanny in the way.

i have a feeling that, god forbid, if miss katherine passes before they are of age, deb will try to get them. sorry but she's the one holding that family together and if she's being manipulated, in all her grief, damn those that are doing it.

she was willing to walk away when they had their father. he's gone now, he can no longer protect them so the situation has very much changed.

we can obviously tell, katherine is not like michael
the judge wouldn't sign off on it b/c it didn't make sense. both parties knew and didn't request to try to do it again. so blah.

kinda hard to visit ur kids when their father is all over the globe making it pretty difficult to do so. also kind of hard to do it in a hotel room w/ the nanny in the way.

i have a feeling that, god forbid, if miss katherine passes before they are of age, deb will try to get them. sorry but she's the one holding that family together and if she's being manipulated, in all her grief, damn those that are doing it.

she was willing to walk away when they had their father. he's gone now, he can no longer protect them so the situation has very much changed.

we can obviously tell, katherine is not like michael

See? This is one of the many reasons why I love you.

See? This is one of the many reasons why I love you.

i love u too and can i tell u that i hit tha flo' when i saw ur siggy at work for the first time. chile...lawd hammercy....shitty hittin me from beyond. sex on legs...shhh dont tell tito
i love u too and can i tell u that i hit tha flo' when i saw ur siggy at work for the first time. chile...lawd hammercy....shitty hittin me from beyond. sex on legs...shhh dont tell tito


You know Tito hides all that juice UNF behind the guitar!!
I shall be brief but to the point.

These veiled slights and the utter disrespect towards Mr. Jackson's family members, particularly Ms. Katherine Jackson, should seriously be addressed and furthermore, not tolerated here in this prestigious forum. Regardless of opinions about certain issues, either way, there are surely details that few are privvy to that may help to broaden each of your perspectives accordingly. I can personally say that reading certain responses levelled at Mr. Jackson's Mother has left me baffled, for it is no secret that he would be trully devastated to witness any fan/supporter/confidant besmirching his Mother in ANY circumstance. I've even seen some disgraceful utterances about Ms. Jackson's "intent" throughout this very trying ordeal. Though I choose not to broadcast the emotions and passions I have in this regard, I will say that "enraged" puts it lightly. Deference should be entertained where it is most definitely lacking.

To conclude, I'd say-----> put yourself in the shoes of another and try your best to walk their path while adjusting to the hand they're dealt before you assume and assume and assume and assume and assume and ASSume yourself into an oblivious state; unwilling to see things you saw before. Words can be very hurtful and I'm sure you're aware of this!

As Bono would say, "I knew more THEN than I know NOW"---in this CIrcumsTanc-E of many blinding lights.

Keep WATCHIN'.......
Look who's back!

Yeah...I've pretty much been saying the same thing for awhile...but then you reach a point and sorta get tired and you don't say much anymore...that's the way things are I guess ....seems like no one's listening and no one cares, so what do you do?

Just Go back to your own little corner and hope that everyone will see the light eventually.:doh:
...Sorry you all...you read too many tabloids. The things you say are far from the truth...What the family wants is justice! I would have everything given to Kat to control instead of some industry driven lawyers. MJs kids...well Kat's kids now are well looked after and what does it matter who gets what.

I hope the will is legit because if it's not, then it will go to court and I would not want the judge to decide. Its a long process...can take years. Even then, it would be the kids who would get Everything if they are alive...relatively speeking Kat deserves everything she gets now...even more. She is MJs mother.

MJ loved his family...including Deb as a friend. Maybe he did not want to mix business with pleasure.
Originally Posted by back
I shall be brief but to the point.

These veiled slights and the utter disrespect towards Mr. Jackson's family members, particularly Ms. Katherine Jackson, should seriously be addressed and furthermore, not tolerated here in this prestigious forum. Regardless of opinions about certain issues, either way, there are surely details that few are privvy to that may help to broaden each of your perspectives accordingly. I can personally say that reading certain responses levelled at Mr. Jackson's Mother has left me baffled, for it is no secret that he would be trully devastated to witness any fan/supporter/confidant besmirching his Mother in ANY circumstance. I've even seen some disgraceful utterances about Ms. Jackson's "intent" throughout this very trying ordeal. Though I choose not to broadcast the emotions and passions I have in this regard, I will say that "enraged" puts it lightly. Deference should be entertained where it is most definitely lacking.

To conclude, I'd say-----> put yourself in the shoes of another and try your best to walk their path while adjusting to the hand they're dealt before you assume and assume and assume and assume and assume and ASSume yourself into an oblivious state; unwilling to see things you saw before. Words can be very hurtful and I'm sure you're aware of this!

As Bono would say, "I knew more THEN than I know NOW"---in this CIrcumsTanc-E of many blinding lights.

Keep WATCHIN'.......

Look who's back!

Yeah...I've pretty much been saying the same thing for awhile...but then you reach a point and sorta get tired and you don't say much anymore...that's the way things are I guess ....seems like no one's listening and no one cares, so what do you do?

Just Go back to your own little corner and hope that everyone will see the light eventually.:doh:

Well unfortunately, a lot - if not MOST of MJs trouble began with his family.

And I certainly do not want innocent children to suffer from the insecurities and GREED from the grown-ups that are allegedly living under the same roof as them.
what bothers me it's the jacksons give the impression that Branca is not the right person for to be the excecutor of the estate more because they won't be able to win money from the estate than scare that Branca won't honestly run it
So does the jacksons prefer someone than they can control than someone chosen by mj, they seem to do not understand that mj's estate is only for HIS children not for them.
haha the same family who filed chapter 11. the same family or person who cannot make bills on 28 thousand a month? r u serious? it does not take 60 thousand a month to raise three NON-SPOILED children. i don't care where u are. it's insane.
Well unfortunately, a lot - if not MOST of MJs trouble began with his family.

And I certainly do not want innocent children to suffer from the insecurities and GREED from the grown-ups that are allegedly living under the same roof as them.
im saying.....! and the church said AMEN!

the last thing we need is for them to put their frustration and anger they had from mj into those children. they're being raised by someone who thought mike should support them all b/c he had themoney. it waswrong of him to be rich and they weren't and that's guilt no one should feel. :no:
Show me a perfect family out there,anywhere and I will then rest my case.

well the lasttime i swept the grammy's, i didn't come home to find that my family was on tv talking smack about me. did u?

cuz they're the ones pushing the drug angle....i'd love for this to be a fake will cuz all it will do is go back to the 97 one...WHICH IS THE SAME DAMN WILL cept paris and blankito weren't on it cuz them wasn't hurr yet.

they're wasting money they don't have runnin they mouth w/ evidence that doesn't exist

sorrybut that judge knows about randy. that's y his ass wasn't allowed to be called as a witness for the memb. madness

You know Tito hides all that juice UNF behind the guitar!!
oh u ain't neva lied...ooooof that man. but on the real. this is all sad b/c they're fighting and wastingmoney for no reason. if the wills are invalid, she gets nothing and loses the children. her son is too stupid to realize that and won't listen to anyone.
what bothers me it's the jacksons give the impression that Branca is not the right person for to be the excecutor of the estate more because they won't be able to win money from the estate than scare that Branca won't honestly run it
So does the jacksons prefer someone than they can control than someone chosen by mj, they seem to do not understand that mj's estate is only for HIS children not for them.

Look, the reason why there is a will is that MJs fortunes are divided according to his wishes. I do not think Branca or Kat can change that unless the will is not legit. But before they know what is the exact amount...they need to pay of debts or what ever...I am not sure but it could be that there might be some differences in thinking there.

I don't think there is a problem in who gets what...its how much are the assets and how the estate is taken care of and what way. There I would want someone from the family to have a STRONG influence on things...the people involved must make good business decisions regarding it not to tarnish MJ name. If Branca can not be trusted or not willing to listen then...he needs to be changed. Who better to protect MJs legasy than the family. I would not trust anyone else.
ah i think everyone is missing the bigger picture...lemme throw it out there and see if it takes....

branca made it clear he won't sell the atv....katherine cannot will her share to anyone, it goes back to the mj3......branca has to come up w/ enough cash to pay off the debt. he's got like a yr to do so and that's what they're trying to do so that they don't have to sellthe catalogue to come up w/themoney.

if certain members of the fam are near that estate trust or at the table, they can influence to sell the catalogue...leaving his kids w/ nothing really that will generate cash per yr. yes mj's estate willbut that catalogue willmake them billionaires. w/o it, it's a much harder road.

the catalogue is the key. everyone worried about dileo orsony coming after it. it's the family.
ah i think everyone is missing the bigger picture...lemme throw it out there and see if it takes....

branca made it clear he won't sell the atv....katherine cannot will her share to anyone, it goes back to the mj3......branca has to come up w/ enough cash to pay off the debt. he's got like a yr to do so and that's what they're trying to do so that they don't have to sellthe catalogue to come up w/themoney.

if certain members of the fam are near that estate trust or at the table, they can influence to sell the catalogue...leaving his kids w/ nothing really that will generate cash per yr. yes mj's estate willbut that catalogue willmake them billionaires. w/o it, it's a much harder road.

the catalogue is the key. everyone worried about dileo orsony coming after it. it's the family.

Why would they want to sell the catalogue? I think the Family is trying to make sure, it wont get sold!
Why would they want to sell the catalogue? I think the Family is trying to make sure, it wont get sold!

not so sure cause if atv is sold let say 1 billion they pay the debt about 300 million so they have 700 million and Katherine may take 280 million before tax they could not win this kind an amount if they keep the catalague.
When you have certain jackson who doesn't think that the children have some jackson DNA I won't be very surprise if some push for this option
ha but that certainjackson is a moron b/c it doesn't matter...dna has nothing to do w/it. those are his kids but even if they weren't, he willed it to them so that has no standing and no judge anywhere will take his side on his lunatic theories. moron thru and thru

the catalogue, for right now, is safe but if others are brought in, i can't say the same. they want her to have as much money as she can before she dies so they can get it or so that she can spend it on them b/c after that, it goes back to thekids. whatever is in her trust that is not spent goes back to the kids
not so sure cause if atv is sold let say 1 billion they pay the debt about 300 million so they have 700 million and Katherine may take 280 million before tax they could not win this kind an amount if they keep the catalague.
When you have certain jackson who doesn't think that the children have some jackson DNA I won't be very surprise if some push for this option

Michael fought long and hard to keep the catalogue. He was proud of it. If the catalogue was to be sold, it would have been sold by now.

There are other ways of making money. This TII thing is one of them. 90% of the profits goes to MJs estate. The Beatles songs were rereleased just now.
ha but that certainjackson is a moron b/c it doesn't matter...dna has nothing to do w/it. those are his kids but even if they weren't, he willed it to them so that has no standing and no judge anywhere will take his side on his lunatic theories. moron thru and thru

the catalogue, for right now, is safe but if others are brought in, i can't say the same. they want her to have as much money as she can before she dies so they can get it or so that she can spend it on them b/c after that, it goes back to thekids. whatever is in her trust that is not spent goes back to the kids

Judge does not decide who gets what by "taking someone's side". He does it based on law...there is a law for this you know. The reason why there is a will is to avoid this because you do not want this to happen. What ever the value of the estate is, Kat gets her share based on what ever is in that will, the charities get their share and the kids rest. That's it. Trustees can not do against the will either. However this depends on the trust itself and how it was set up.
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