Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

the same family who was talking smack about her immediately after mj died? saying she better not come after the kids?

well IF she's seeing them and taking them out or doing things with them, she's doing a better job on staying private than the family is at this time


The children need to be protected and their aunt & uncles need to STFU and get jobs that don't include depriving their niece & nephews of a safe & happy private life for $$$$$$$$.
sorry, i don't know Americnan Law
if katherine passes and Kids speak out that they want to be with Grace, can Grace gets custody ?
Could the Jacksons be the most embarassing / tacky family in America? I'm thinking yes.
sorry, i don't know Americnan Law
if katherine passes and Kids speak out that they want to be with Grace, can Grace gets custody ?

Very unlikely.

Grace is not a blood relative nor someone that MJ mentioned in the will.

Legally speaking, Grace is just an employee who's job is to care for the children.
i think it's been confirmed that the will from 1997 is IDENTICAL to this one except for the addition of paris and blanket.

only if they declare that one invalid does it go to last case scenario involving the state of cali and new executors...i don't get it at all. IF the two execs were the witnesses how is that a conflict. im sure there were others there.

they're doing all they can to both honour his legacy and to make money to get that debt down. so what's the issue?

I just would like to see it for myself.

I am sure if the Jacksons have the evidence that there is lying about the will, they will have already given it to the police for investigation. Everything could be innocent, could be just some sort of money fraud, or could be related to MJ murder.
no mike said that in reference to debbie. she can'thandle it. and bashir said "she can'thandle her kids?" and mj said yes. it was too much for her.

what he initially said about blankets mother contradicted what he later said about her. so the birth cert confirmes that it was not a relationship. it was a surrogate. I HATE TALKING ABOUT THEIR BIOLOGY/MATERNITY/PATERNITY so let's come off of that.

basing this on the fact that debbie can get two of thekids, means that she can get the youngest b/c her next of kin is blanket's next of kin. that's the LAW.

so this figment of fans' imagination of a mother for blanket does not exist. she had two yrs....he's almost 8. too late now.

deb can go in and get those kids. she's their next of kin. she was trusting katherine to do right. they need to fall back b/c thelast thing these kids need is to be moved again.

I'm talking about when michael travel to las vegas to finish is interview with martin bashir he talks about blanket mother.

I don't know about Law...but isn;t there a way that the estate can freeze all this money? A way that THEY know the money is being spent on Katherine's needs and the children's? $65,000 a month is a RIDICULOUS amount for child support. With 3 kids, I think the realistic amount would be $3,000 + $5,000 + Katherine's needs(being food, her mortgage). I mean, as much as I question Katherine - Michael Loved her. I see Katherine as a puppet for her grown ass kids, not a crazy greedy person for herself.

The kids are in serious danger. If Randy, Jermaine and ect get their way, Mike's kids will end up with nothing by the time their 19. I hope they don't win that stupid case of "the Will is fake". Everyone in that family seems to believe it. Harvey Levin said all 3 witnesses said they were in the room when Micheal signed it, so that case will be thrown out the window anyway.

I wonder why Debbie is nowhere to be found in all this? She went bat crazy when Micheal died wanting to see the kids. Then she disappeared. Not even requesting visitation rights. What's going on here?
Very unlikely.

Grace is not a blood relative nor someone that MJ mentioned in the will.

Legally speaking, Grace is just an employee who's job is to care for the children.

Grace was fired by Micheal, so she's not even suppose to be THERE with the kids to begin with.
Mistty, I know what you are talking about, he said 2 different things about Blanket's mother.. Some ppl caught on, others didn't... However on the BC his mom is listed as unknown.. So I guess even if he did "know" her, they worked out a deal for her not to be involved..

As for the situation with Mrs. Jackson and the whole estate thing.. Mrs. Jackson doesn't seem dumb, so I wld assume she isn't all about listening to Randy.. I think she is doing this cuz she wants to, and she has every right since it's her son..

I personally hope everything works out, cuz in the end it's there family not mine.. I hope the kid's money isn't touched and that none of MJ's money get in the wrong hands... Hell none of us are in the loop so we are going off of what the media gives us.. Now we didn't believe everything the media wrote about MJ, does that rule apply to his family?? Hmm for some of you it seems as though it doesn't...
Yes he speaks about Blanket's mother however he listed her on Blanket's birth certificate as "Unknown" or left the field blank: http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_documents/0629_prince_m_birth_2_wm.pdf

Michael used a surrogate mother for Blanket. He is/was the sole parent of the child.

my reply was to the other poster saying debbie will get blanket and like I informed them michael don't have to share with the world who his mother is.

I know a few people that are married and don't have both parents on the birth certificate, it's easy to do that.
maybe you ppl could go a little easy on the old lady, she has enough on her plate , what with the papparazzi trying to kill her grandkids and just losing her beloved son. cut her a break.
the same family who was talking smack about her immediately after mj died? saying she better not come after the kids?

well IF she's seeing them and taking them out or doing things with them, she's doing a better job on staying private than the family is at this time

Whaat?? :bugeyed I missed that.

I wonder why Debbie is nowhere to be found in all this? She went bat crazy when Micheal died wanting to see the kids. Then she disappeared. Not even requesting visitation rights. What's going on here?

Just b/c we don't see her on tv or in magazines heading over to Havenhurst doesn't mean she's not seeing the kids. They may be taking them over to Deb's place or to an established mtg place. I hope that Deb is keeping up with whats going on regarding what Randy + co are doing.
Surrogate gave birth to Blanket with an anonymous donor egg.

So there will be no claim for Blanket.

Debbie, however, can claim Blanket, as she is the mother of Blanket's siblings and her children are Blanket's next of kin.

That is NOT true
please show a reliable source that a surrogate didnt use her own egg.

that was a tabloid rumor .. and never verified
There is no legal mother of record for Blanket. His birth certificate says "Unknown" for the mother. Therefore, his legal next of kin are his siblings Prince & Paris. If the 2002 will is invalidated, the 1997 will would be probated. Unfortunately for Katherine and the Jackson Family, the terms of the 1997 will so happens to be identical to the 2002 will. The only exception is that Paris and Blanket were not in that will. The courts will then abide by the 40% 40% 20% split and add Paris and Blanket to the terms as they are Michael's children. John Branca and John McClain would still be Executors as they are named executors in the 1997 will.

If the 1997 will for whatever reason is invalidated, the courts would give 100% of Michael's estate to the children. The children would then be appointed another Guardian Ad Litem (most likely an attorney) who will oversee the estate until the children are of legal age to administer it themselves. Then the situation becomes dicey because if the wills are invalidated, that means guardianship (Michael's wishes) are invalidated as well. Which mean the State of California would seek their next of kin, which happens to be Debbie Rowe, NOT Katherine Jackson.

Debbie Rowe, much like Larry Birkhead could become very powerful if the wills are invalidated. She could get custody of her children, get custody of Blanket, and legally administer Michael Jackson's estate until the children are of age.

I pray for Katherine because she is being led astray on this one.
Debbie rowe did not want custody of the kids, i believe she is a good person, i dont believe she will ask for custody of the kids when the kids love there grandmother and want to be with her. no body really know what all there evidence is, and katherine was with michael in 2005 about the estate trustee. katherine has been on the inside of michael business with the estate.
Regardles the children belong with their grandmother NOt Debbie
Michael didnt want Debbie to have those children.

she was left completly out of the will by Michael
becuase she was already being compensated ..
she didnt want to be a mother - she wanted MJ to have children
she doesnt want the publicity that goes alaong with it either,

Dont make MONEY the prioroty here .
there is more to be concerned about then how the money is managed
those children are not going to be hurting for money ..

Those children have NO relationship with Debbie
it would be devastating for them_ Liker giving the
to strangers to raise _ They love thier grandma
and their cousins _ Thats where they belong

Thats where Michael wanted them PERIOD
regardless of what anyone else here thinks or says against Michael wishes
right now , the jacksons have no chance in hell in getting near the decision table . their actions speak desperation on their part .

Notice it is no longer MJ was under "undue influence" becaue they probably figured out it was not gonna work out , now it is MJ did not sign the will . well, what about the 1997 will .

notice that they don't even have the 1997 will . because under law Branca is only obligated to hand the newest one . How do they will explain the one from 1997 ?

all they want is for Branca to allow Randy as an executor , that's it , and Branca is saying NO WAY . they will make his life a living hell , but they will not succeed in appointing Randy as a third executor .
you will have to wait and see they way this plays out, and god willing maybe this will uncover the conspiracy that i believe envolve branco and the gang. that was behind michael murder. and about the will of 1997 being the same and updated to ad blanket, the will singnature could be forgery michael was in new york and the will say he was in los angeles on july 7 2002, there were rumors of another will dont know if they have evidence of this or not, but londell say the have evidence and he seem confident of what they have.
Regardles the children belong with their grandmother NOt Debbie
Michael didnt want Debbie to have those children.

she was left completly out of the will by Michael
becuase she was already being compensated ..
she didnt want to be a mother - she wanted MJ to have children
she doesnt want the publicity that goes alaong with it either,

Dont make MONEY the prioroty here .
there is more to be concerned about then how the money is managed
those children are not going to be hurting for money ..

Those children have NO relationship with Debbie
it would be devastating for them_ Liker giving the
to strangers to raise _ They love thier grandma
and their cousins _ Thats where they belong

Thats where Michael wanted them PERIOD
regardless of what anyone else here thinks or says against Michael wishes

I agree with you completely and I hope and pray for Katherine - that she is not being led astray. It was wonderful to see her smile the other night after Dancing With The Stars. I want her to be happy with her beautiful grandkids whom she adores. I just don't want her to make a mistake in haste, that could potentially cost her everything.

If there is something wrong with Branca, then it will all be revealed. As it stands, Michael wanted Branca involved and he never once changed that. From 1997 to his death, his will remained unchanged. I just hope that the family can accept that and leave it be, unless they TRULY have evidence to show that Branca is unfit to be executor. Otherwise, they are wasting Katherine's time and money.

I'm afraid that if this tug of war keeps up, that the victim in all of this will not only be Katherine, but Michael's children. I hope it all ends amicably.
Debbie rowe did not want custody of the kids, i believe she is a good person, i dont believe she will ask for custody of the kids when the kids love there grandmother and want to be with her. no body really know what all there evidence is, and katherine was with michael in 2005 about the estate trustee. katherine has been on the inside of michael business with the estate.

It doesn't matter. The law is the law and Debbie Rowe never once gave up her parental rights. If those wills are invalidated, Katherine will lose everything and the estate will be 100% the children. Their next of kin is Debbie Rowe, not Katie. Katherine could lose everything. That is why she must be very careful and not be led astray by family and/or outside forces.
Regardles the children belong with their grandmother NOt Debbie
Michael didnt want Debbie to have those children.

she was left completly out of the will by Michael
becuase she was already being compensated ..
she didnt want to be a mother - she wanted MJ to have children
she doesnt want the publicity that goes alaong with it either,

Dont make MONEY the prioroty here .
there is more to be concerned about then how the money is managed
those children are not going to be hurting for money ..

Those children have NO relationship with Debbie
it would be devastating for them_ Liker giving the
to strangers to raise _ They love thier grandma
and their cousins _ Thats where they belong

Thats where Michael wanted them PERIOD
regardless of what anyone else here thinks or says against Michael wishes

good post Qbee:yes:
It seems that thus far, every indication is that Debbie wants what's best for Michael's children. Unless there is strife in Hayvenhurst that is harming them emotionally (and we don't have that information), I'd expect that Debbie would leave the children with Katherine, regardless of which will, or both, or none, is invalidated.
I shall be brief but to the point.

These veiled slights and the utter disrespect towards Mr. Jackson's family members, particularly Ms. Katherine Jackson, should seriously be addressed and furthermore, not tolerated here in this prestigious forum. Regardless of opinions about certain issues, either way, there are surely details that few are privvy to that may help to broaden each of your perspectives accordingly. I can personally say that reading certain responses levelled at Mr. Jackson's Mother has left me baffled, for it is no secret that he would be trully devastated to witness any fan/supporter/confidant besmirching his Mother in ANY circumstance. I've even seen some disgraceful utterances about Ms. Jackson's "intent" throughout this very trying ordeal. Though I choose not to broadcast the emotions and passions I have in this regard, I will say that "enraged" puts it lightly. Deference should be entertained where it is most definitely lacking.

To conclude, I'd say-----> put yourself in the shoes of another and try your best to walk their path while adjusting to the hand they're dealt before you assume and assume and assume and assume and assume and ASSume yourself into an oblivious state; unwilling to see things you saw before. Words can be very hurtful and I'm sure you're aware of this!

As Bono would say, "I knew more THEN than I know NOW"---in this CIrcumsTanc-E of many blinding lights.

Keep WATCHIN'.......

Unless there is strife in Hayvenhurst that is harming them emotionally (and we don't have that information),

well, Oxman , Lester ( both on behalf of Randy ) and Latoya come to mind .
debbie need to get them chillun NOW. lol sorry but this is a mess. she made sure joe was out of the picture but i bet she had no idea she had to keep jermaine and randy out, as well. and can she? since their children live at the house and are close to the kids now? this is one big damn mess. rndy need to go and sit down.

Debbie has to shut up forever. She is not their mother she sold those kids.This is it. The question with Debbie has to be closed by now. Kids are big enough to make their own decision where they want to be.
Read Rabbi's book and you will see WHAT MJ said about Debbie. He didn't want her to be around those kids because the nature of their relationships was NOT appropriate for kids to have her beside them.
debbie need to get them chillun NOW. lol sorry but this is a mess. she made sure joe was out of the picture but i bet she had no idea she had to keep jermaine and randy out, as well. and can she? since their children live at the house and are close to the kids now? this is one big damn mess. rndy need to go and sit down.

Yes every body has their own opinions of debbie thanks to the fucking media when the truth gets out like i said before every body will look down. She loves her kids but sadly I don't see her getting close to them as of right now the Jackson are focus on Justice for Michael. At the end of the day YES she can snatch her kids any time but off the strength Michael and the way things went down she has respect for Mrs.Jackson so it is what it is people are watching and talking I wish they could handle their business behind close doors cause the media having a field day. Katherine only doing what she feels is right for her son that's understandable but her kids needs to fall back and let their mother handle it. The truth is so serious that's all i'm saying for now u all will see
Debbie has to shut up forever. She is not their mother
in the eyes of the law she is which is all that matters not your obviously biased opinion. and yes she sold the kids to mj that was the deal she was a surrogate. millions of woman do it and thank god she did cause its those kids that prob kept mj here aslong as he was
the bottom line is this whole issue is being cause by certain jackson with agendas. even now they cant respect mj wishes. no wonder he stayed clear of them
I shall be brief but to the point.

These veiled slights and the utter disrespect towards Mr. Jackson's family members, particularly Ms. Katherine Jackson, should seriously be addressed and furthermore, not tolerated here in this prestigious forum. Regardless of opinions about certain issues, either way, there are surely details that few are privvy to that may help to broaden each of your perspectives accordingly. I can personally say that reading certain responses levelled at Mr. Jackson's Mother has left me baffled, for it is no secret that he would be trully devastated to witness any fan/supporter/confidant besmirching his Mother in ANY circumstance. I've even seen some disgraceful utterances about Ms. Jackson's "intent" throughout this very trying ordeal. Though I choose not to broadcast the emotions and passions I have in this regard, I will say that "enraged" puts it lightly. Deference should be entertained where it is most definitely lacking.

To conclude, I'd say-----> put yourself in the shoes of another and try your best to walk their path while adjusting to the hand they're dealt before you assume and assume and assume and assume and assume and ASSume yourself into an oblivious state; unwilling to see things you saw before. Words can be very hurtful and I'm sure you're aware of this!

As Bono would say, "I knew more THEN than I know NOW"---in this CIrcumsTanc-E of many blinding lights.

Keep WATCHIN'.......

First of all, I love your light siggy.

Second of all, I love Mother Katherine, but I am highly suspicious of the dealings at Havenhurst, particularly when most of Katherine's children and husband are yapping at every chance they get to talk about the kids.

By doing that, they are endangering the children each time they get.

And I said this in another post: If I were the ad-litem lawyer for the children, I'd demand non-disclosure agreements on EVERYONE living in Havenhurst and anyone who comes in contact with the children. No one should be allowed to speak about the children unless they are the legal custodian, i.e., Ms. Katherine Jackson or their ad-litem attorney. That's it.

And I hope that they lazy bunch that live in Havenhurst catch a clue and stop making money by selling information & interviews to the tabloids & paparazzi.
Debbie has to shut up forever. She is not their mother she sold those kids.This is it. The question with Debbie has to be closed by now. Kids are big enough to make their own decision where they want to be.
Read Rabbi's book and you will see WHAT MJ said about Debbie. He didn't want her to be around those kids because the nature of their relationships was NOT appropriate for kids to have her beside them.

Doesn't matter, even Michael is in the wrong with this one. Debbie did what Michael asked her to do. And she did. They both came to an agreement together and they both complied with it.

She never ever gave up her parental rights - and legally she is the mother and has every right to the kids just as much as he does.