Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

TMZ said that in the online chat. Did you actually see the documents anywhere?

Oxman has always maintained on TV, more than one time, that Michael supported both of his parents as people would want to do for their elderly parents. The money went to Katherine & then she gave Joe the money. I am sure they do have documentation of this, so it would seem the court might honor this.

Oxman needs to show bills, accountant papers...
he's a proven liar.

We don't know if the story is true, no statment from Katherine, accountants, etc... just Leonard Rowe & Oxman
Oxman needs to show bills, accountant papers...
he's a proven liar.

We don't know if the story is true, no statment from Katherine, accountants, etc... just Leonard Rowe & Oxman

The amount that MJ gave his mom from previous years I am sure would be easy to produce if they haven't already. I think what Oxman is claiming is true as Joe has always done extensive traveling. I am 100% sure that Oxman said that MJ supported both his parents on Nancy Grace show & others - can't provide a link as the transcripts don't go that far back on CNN. I never saw Rowe involved in this. Did I miss something? You can see Joe attending many MJ fan events (there are pics I have seen many times thru the years) at websites all over the world. He does have health issues, I believe he was in the hospital before the trial, some tab show showed Katherine & Marlon visiting him ath the hospital. It is correct that there is no statement from Katherine - but if she was getting more from MJ previously, such as $50,000- $60,000, then her allowance should be increased at least to that amount, if that is how it was always the way it worked in the family. I think Michael would want that to continue. Should be separate from the MJ kids. JMO.
source? for your information regarding Carol Davis, please.

I don't know the 'on air' interview or discussion to which this pertains. .....I have never heard anything about Brett Ratner trying to bankrupt MJ?? I need to read or see that from the source, please.....Thanks

:) I'd be glad to. I love sources myself. Unfortunately The Justice System.net is no longer online. Did you ever see her on the net during the trial? She was at the arraignment with Geragos before he was replaced by Mesereau. She did a little news spiel online. She has alot of spunk, I just loved her giving the news. Even the haters at the CTV board liked her.

When Trudy Greens name came up about the will, I remembered her name from that because she was the only female - so I googled her & checked the archives of several boards, so they are the links I have:


http://www.mjj2005.com/kopboard/index.php?showtopic=20380&hl=trudy green&st=40

There were some threads on here about what she said a couple days or weeks ago in the archives from when she originally said it, but I can't find then on here anymore. I don't know what happened. Wierd.

This is just about Carol Davis & Justice System.net



I don't actually know what the actual evidence was about Ratner, someone said there was something at trial. I don't remember it though & haven't found it. Unfortunately sometimes things get repeated as fact, but its not there. Malnik, Koppelman & Branca did work together & wanted MJ to do a deal about selling part of the sony catalog, Randy had Stabler, Dash & Prescient doing a deal but Ron Burkle told MJ not to sign anything during the trial which is what he did.

But Ratner is connected heavily to Al Malnik & this is what Al has said about him:

Enlisting the help of Hollywood film director Brett Ratner (whom Malnik lovingly calls his 11th son), Malnik aimed to impress this special woman, Nancy.
“I am blessed to have found the girl of my dreams. Nancy is the most amazing person, the most amazing wife, the most amazing mother. She is truly inspirational,” Malnik says, the love for his wife prevailing through his every word. With the help of Ratner, Malnik devised a way to capture Nancy’s heart. “In order to really impress her, my little godson had to make a movie for the film festivals, so we decided to make a movie that featured Nancy. So Shareef and the whole family, and Brett brought his whole crew from NYU down here, and I was living on a ranch that I had built in Boca Raton and we made a movie called The Good Life. Unfortunately, my plans for Nancy did not quite work out, because if she was going to sleep there, she insisted on having her mother and two sisters present on the ranch while we made the movie. But eventually, true love came to bloom, and in 1995 we were married. Thirteen years later, we have six more kids, which gives me a total of 11 if I’m going to include Brett.”
Malnik’s relationship with Ratner is one of mutual respect and love. “Brett is so special. Since Brett was a baby, he has been so special. And, seeing Brett grow up and achieve everything that he has-everyone thinks he’s at the top of his game, but I don’t. Brett is at the bottom of his game. Brett has so much more capabilities that he is going to find himself in his future achievements that are just amazing. Brett is so capable of not only directing or producing or writing, but he is also very capable of running, and ultimately owning a major studio.”
Their resulting bond also has led to some joint business ventures. “Brett and I are working on some documentaries together-we did one on Brett, and we’ll do a series with other directors. We are also planning some movies that might go directly to DVD, but that’s still in the planning stages.”

Al Malnik, though he tries to come off all warm & fuzzy, is not a nice guy. He has mafia connections & I think he's scary myself. There are pages on him - he did claim a 2003 will & was the executor & backed off it. Something fishy there.
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I don't actually know what the actual evidence was about Ratner, someone said there was something at trial.
i dont beleive it came up during the trial it was just some random info that did the rounds at the time. it included a long list of ppl the ones mentioned above and tbh from what i remember it got pretty much brushed off as B.S after a while as there was no real evidence to support it.
Rowe said michael did not hire branca back and he did not trust branca, and i believe rowe, dr tohme was fired by michael but dr tohme acted like he was still representing michael he was trying to get the auction items returned to him, he was doing what he wanted to do regardless of the fact michael fired him, yes I believe dr tohme hired branca even if he was fired at that time, dr tohme did not accept the fact that michael had fired him and continued to represent michael through mjjproduction
if mike had any reason to NOT trust branca, he would've removed him as an executor and appointed someone else. he did not. he had 7 yrs to do so. in fact, he actually had 12 yrs since the 97 will also had branca on it. all they did was add the two youngest to the will, nothing else changed.

i LOVE how this will was valid when they wanted thekids and wanted debbie to step back and not make a bid to take them...honour mike's wishes they said.

i LOVE how it was valid when they found out they got money per month, over $80 grand and katherine got 40%

it was only INVALID once they realized she was a short term beneficiary and she couldn't will her 40% away to them. it went back to the kids.

suddenly there were rumours that they weren't mike's kids...klien and lester came forward, w/ the support of oxman, who works for randy btw, and again, the family never countered those rumours.

so when it's a disadvantage to them, it's not true and it's not real. it's sad and pathetic. they need to realize that he gave that to his mother cuz he knew she would use it ot support them but that he's gone and they need to fend for themselves.

what do u think this is doing to the kids? they lvoe them and all but they're fighting to get a chunk of their dad's money meaning less money for the three....great message to send
very true soso .

mj was supporting his mother , from the documents it is very clear joe never ever received a penny from mj directly . so the court has to determine whether mj's estate should be held responsible for katherine choice to give joe half of her money or not .

no document suggest mj was aware he was indirectly supporting joe except Rowe and Oxman statements . you bet joe and Oxman will testify that michael owed Rowe money . so there is a conflict of interest here .

Katherine might very well say that was indeed the situation but she will ask that her allowance be increased to pay joe what he wants .

Randy might come and claim he was indirectly supported by mj, Jermaine might come and say the same , you gotta rememebr when jermaine told Larry King that since his mom was getting money , it meant all of them were getting money .

the money joe received from interviews and the reality tv will be presented to court to refute his claims that he had no other means to live off. Branca knows if he did allow joe to get what he wants , hundreds of people who used to get money from mj , will be asking for allowance . My prediction is Branca will fight joe .
It is not mj's problem that katherine was giving joe half of her money . she can't list joe as "expenses" she wants the estate to pay for . but we know katherine , she will do exactly that.
she may do that but joe won't win a damn thing. ESPECIALLY after he said he knew he wasn't in the will and wasn't bothered by that. he said that immediately after the details came out.
you know what is good about this new claims by joe ?the fact that he proves he is part of everything katherine has been doing since mj's death .

joe and katherine wanted to be named administrators 3 days after mj's death. not only katherine as londel claimed . when Branca prouced the will, BOTH OF THEM OBJECTED AND THEIR OBJECTION WAS DENIED .
if mike had any reason to NOT trust branca, he would've removed him as an executor and appointed someone else. he did not. he had 7 yrs to do so. in fact, he actually had 12 yrs since the 97 will also had branca on it. all they did was add the two youngest to the will, nothing else changed.

i LOVE how this will was valid when they wanted thekids and wanted debbie to step back and not make a bid to take them...honour mike's wishes they said.

i LOVE how it was valid when they found out they got money per month, over $80 grand and katherine got 40%

it was only INVALID once they realized she was a short term beneficiary and she couldn't will her 40% away to them. it went back to the kids.

suddenly there were rumours that they weren't mike's kids...klien and lester came forward, w/ the support of oxman, who works for randy btw, and again, the family never countered those rumours.

so when it's a disadvantage to them, it's not true and it's not real. it's sad and pathetic. they need to realize that he gave that to his mother cuz he knew she would use it ot support them but that he's gone and they need to fend for themselves.

what do u think this is doing to the kids? they lvoe them and all but they're fighting to get a chunk of their dad's money meaning less money for the three....great message to send
True words

very true soso .

mj was supporting his mother , from the documents it is very clear joe never ever received a penny from mj directly . so the court has to determine whether mj's estate should be held responsible for katherine choice to give joe half of her money or not .

no document suggest mj was aware he was indirectly supporting joe except Rowe and Oxman statements . you bet joe and Oxman will testify that michael owed Rowe money . so there is a conflict of interest here .

Katherine might very well say that was indeed the situation but she will ask that her allowance be increased to pay joe what he wants .

Randy might come and claim he was indirectly supported by mj, Jermaine might come and say the same , you gotta rememebr when jermaine told Larry King that since his mom was getting money , it meant all of them were getting money .

the money joe received from interviews and the reality tv will be presented to court to refute his claims that he had no other means to live off. Branca knows if he did allow joe to get what he wants , hundreds of people who used to get money from mj , will be asking for allowance . My prediction is Branca will fight joe .
It is not mj's problem that katherine was giving joe half of her money . she can't list joe as "expenses" she wants the estate to pay for . but we know katherine , she will do exactly that.

you know what is good about this new claims by joe ?the fact that he proves he is part of everything katherine has been doing since mj's death .

joe and katherine wanted to be named administrators 3 days after mj's death. not only katherine as londel claimed . when Branca prouced the will, BOTH OF THEM OBJECTED AND THEIR OBJECTION WAS DENIED .

The problem with Katherine is just that, there is a conflict of interest when it comes to her and Michael's children and her own middle aged children.
I just hope everything works out fine to the best benefit of MJ's kids. Everyone else can beat it.
:) I'd be glad to. I love sources myself. Unfortunately The Justice System.net is no longer online. Did you ever see her on the net during the trial? She was at the arraignment with Geragos before he was replaced by Mesereau. She did a little news spiel online. She has alot of spunk, I just loved her giving the news. Even the haters at the CTV board liked her.

When Trudy Greens name came up about the will, I remembered her name from that because she was the only female - so I googled her & checked the archives of several boards, so they are the links I have:

http://www.mjj2005.com/kopboard/index.php?showtopic=5048&hl=trudy green&st=0

http://www.mjj2005.com/kopboard/index.php?showtopic=20380&hl=trudy green&st=40

There were some threads on here about what she said a couple days or weeks ago in the archives from when she originally said it, but I can't find then on here anymore. I don't know what happened. Wierd.

This is just about Carol Davis & Justice System.net



I don't actually know what the actual evidence was about Ratner, someone said there was something at trial. I don't remember it though & haven't found it. Unfortunately sometimes things get repeated as fact, but its not there. Malnik, Koppelman & Branca did work together & wanted MJ to do a deal about selling part of the sony catalog, Randy had Stabler, Dash & Prescient doing a deal but Ron Burkle told MJ not to sign anything during the trial which is what he did.

But Ratner is connected heavily to Al Malnik & this is what Al has said about him:

Enlisting the help of Hollywood film director Brett Ratner (whom Malnik lovingly calls his 11th son), Malnik aimed to impress this special woman, Nancy.
“I am blessed to have found the girl of my dreams. Nancy is the most amazing person, the most amazing wife, the most amazing mother. She is truly inspirational,” Malnik says, the love for his wife prevailing through his every word. With the help of Ratner, Malnik devised a way to capture Nancy’s heart. “In order to really impress her, my little godson had to make a movie for the film festivals, so we decided to make a movie that featured Nancy. So Shareef and the whole family, and Brett brought his whole crew from NYU down here, and I was living on a ranch that I had built in Boca Raton and we made a movie called The Good Life. Unfortunately, my plans for Nancy did not quite work out, because if she was going to sleep there, she insisted on having her mother and two sisters present on the ranch while we made the movie. But eventually, true love came to bloom, and in 1995 we were married. Thirteen years later, we have six more kids, which gives me a total of 11 if I’m going to include Brett.”
Malnik’s relationship with Ratner is one of mutual respect and love. “Brett is so special. Since Brett was a baby, he has been so special. And, seeing Brett grow up and achieve everything that he has-everyone thinks he’s at the top of his game, but I don’t. Brett is at the bottom of his game. Brett has so much more capabilities that he is going to find himself in his future achievements that are just amazing. Brett is so capable of not only directing or producing or writing, but he is also very capable of running, and ultimately owning a major studio.”
Their resulting bond also has led to some joint business ventures. “Brett and I are working on some documentaries together-we did one on Brett, and we’ll do a series with other directors. We are also planning some movies that might go directly to DVD, but that’s still in the planning stages.”

Al Malnik, though he tries to come off all warm & fuzzy, is not a nice guy. He has mafia connections & I think he's scary myself. There are pages on him - he did claim a 2003 will & was the executor & backed off it. Something fishy there.

Thank you for the links.........will read later, when I have time to sit down for a bit!
there's also a conflict between her other grandchildren. if she wanted mj to support his own brothers, she'll want mj's kids to help support their cousins.
there's also a conflict between her other grandchildren. if she wanted mj to support his own brothers, she'll want mj's kids to help support their cousins.
Exactly! Not just that but not to forget that MJ's kids are half as old or even up to 20/30 years younger than them. Except for Jaffar and Jermajesty most of the cousins are either in their early 20s e.g. Genevieve, Steveanna,Jourydyn, Jeremy, Jaimy, late teens i.g Randy Jr, and Donte or way older as in their late 20s/late 30s.
well actually those are the cousins she prolly wants help supporting since they still live at the house except for gen.

their other cousins,believe it or not, all have jobs or are actively working on careers. but it's those inthehouse that are going on outings and benefiting from all the things the mj3 are doing b/c they are going along w/ them.

how is it htat alejandra can't feed her kids yet theyc an go to karate and universal studios?
if mike had any reason to NOT trust branca, he would've removed him as an executor and appointed someone else. he did not. he had 7 yrs to do so. in fact, he actually had 12 yrs since the 97 will also had branca on it. all they did was add the two youngest to the will, nothing else changed.

i LOVE how this will was valid when they wanted thekids and wanted debbie to step back and not make a bid to take them...honour mike's wishes they said.

i LOVE how it was valid when they found out they got money per month, over $80 grand and katherine got 40%

it was only INVALID once they realized she was a short term beneficiary and she couldn't will her 40% away to them. it went back to the kids.

suddenly there were rumours that they weren't mike's kids...klien and lester came forward, w/ the support of oxman, who works for randy btw, and again, the family never countered those rumours.

so when it's a disadvantage to them, it's not true and it's not real. it's sad and pathetic. they need to realize that he gave that to his mother cuz he knew she would use it ot support them but that he's gone and they need to fend for themselves.

what do u think this is doing to the kids? they lvoe them and all but they're fighting to get a chunk of their dad's money meaning less money for the three....great message to send
I get it you trust branca, i dont trust him, and people close to michael said michael did not trust branca and michael did not hire him back, you may not believe in the conspiracy theory to understand that the will could be a fraud there was another will a different lawyer mention it before and now he is silent about it, he should be questioned, and maybe he will, there suppose to be doccuments that show branca was fired during the timeline, and michael was in new york, so if they have this information and more it will show branca for what he is.the real truth will come out, and you seem to think the jackson family only want the money and there is no concern for michael, what happened to michael it was homicide! the jackson family and many many fans believe it was murder and dr murray ,branca, aeg, dr tohme, sony and rest of the gang are responsible
if mj ddint trust him he wouldnt have kept him as executor.either changed it or wrote a new will.bain talked about asking mj if he were gonna make a new will when shewas with him. he said no the one he had was fine.

there suppose to be doccuments that show branca was fired during the timeline,
those claims came from oxman the day after he was gonna bring the info to court. guess what he never showed up. oxman is as credible as.

theres no evidence of anyone other than mj hiring back branca.he was bringing his old team back together. without evidence its no more than a conspiracy theory. if ppl have legit evidence then fine but just saying somethingwith having nothing to back it up makes the argument irrelevent
well actually those are the cousins she prolly wants help supporting since they still live at the house except for gen.

their other cousins,believe it or not, all have jobs or are actively working on careers. but it's those inthehouse that are going on outings and benefiting from all the things the mj3 are doing b/c they are going along w/ them.

how is it htat alejandra can't feed her kids yet theyc an go to karate and universal studios?
I know they for sure are... I just want those kids to grow up asap and decide if they wanna support/stay or do whatever they wanna do with THEIR money.
Once Prince and Paris are around 15/16 things will be a lot clearer for them, they are still kids now.. who've been shielded and protected all their lives by their father. I doubt they're aware of the amount of shadiness going on in their own family let alone outsiders.
I think some of the Jacksons are hurt that the money reverts back to these children eventually.
Randy conspired to force mj to sell the catalogue during the most difficult time of his life, Randy gave a green light to his team of accountants and lawyers to steal mj's money and when mj sued them Randy had the nerve to back their claims and even accused his brother of cheating him out of his money . Randy stole from fans via MJJsource , jermaine is in bed with colony. joe is supporting rowe and allocco claims , oxman randy's pal is calling mj every name under the sun, oxman publicly supported lester and said katherine did not believe for a second that mj's twine Blankito was his son . oxman said he "bought" blanket from a Mexican woman two days after he was born . oxman was invited to the funeral and sat infront of Liz Taylor .
Randy conspired to force mj to sell the catalogue during the most difficult time of his life, Randy gave a green light to his team of accountants and lawyers to steal mj's money and when mj sued them Randy had the nerve to back their claims and even accused his brother of cheatig him out of his money . Randy stole from fans via MJJsource , jermaine is in bed with colony. joe is supporting rowe and allocco claims , oxman randy's pal is calling mj everyname under the sun, oxman publically supported lester and said katherine did not believe for a second that mj's twine Blankito was his son . oxman said he "bought" blanket from a mixican woman two days after he was born . oxman was invited to the funeral and sat infront of Liz Taylor .

Sad isn't it? But they're allowed to behave the way they do after all they're family.
Randy conspired to force mj to sell the catalogue during the most difficult time of his life, Randy gave a green light to his team of accountants and lawyers to steal mj's money and when mj sued them Randy had the nerve to back their claims and even accused his brother of cheating him out of his money . Randy stole from fans via MJJsource , jermaine is in bed with colony. joe is supporting rowe and allocco claims , oxman randy's pal is calling mj every name under the sun, oxman publicly supported lester and said katherine did not believe for a second that mj's twine Blankito was his son . oxman said he "bought" blanket from a Mexican woman two days after he was born . oxman was invited to the funeral and sat infront of Liz Taylor .

and the list could go on and on
Branca helped MJ obtain the catalouge , mj's financial ruin started when Branca left. Branca services were terminated in 2003 because of weizner and konitzer . they convinced mj he was not trustful, they stole 960.000 from mj and caused him alot of trouble .

Branca was never removed as an executor. a newer will would have been with the man who managed mj during the trial Randy or with the lawyer who was in charge from 2007 after Randy got the booot which was Londel . it is very fair to assume that many here believe mj thought Manlik was "criminal" and mj also thought he was part of the conspiracy, the last time mj saw manlik was in 2003 and he talked with him once or twice during the trial, so the 2003 will, should have been replaced by a will who should have been in Randy's or Londel's custody . if there was anyone hiding a new will, it must have been Randy or Londel, and you know why? maybe mj did not leave 40% of the profits to his mama in this will .
There is so much hate toward those children even from fans side, they think it's their fault that their father didn't leave anything to his grown siblings.
How low must a person be to think like this in the first place? That way of thinking alone says a lot about the person to whom the thoughts belong too.
the thought that the family feels they must prove mini me Blankit is not mj's son tells me they really will act the same whether those kids are mjs or not . it is an excuse nothing more nothing less .

Debbie going out with schaffel is not good at all. by the way I do believe schaffel was an ex lover of klien . Debbie who called schaffel out on the stand during the trial is again with him . I don't know what to think of her anymore .
the thought that the family feels they must prove mini me Blankit is not mj's son tells me they really will act the same whether those kids are mjs or not . it is an excuse nothing more nothing less .

Debbie going out with schaffel is not good at all. by the way I do believe schaffel was an ex lover of klien . Debbie who called schaffel out on the stand during the trial is again with him . I don't know what to think of her anymore .
I agree, so Shaffel is gay too? I thought he was just a gay porn producer..
I wish Debbie would be trustworthy but she isn't, her association with Shaffel is beyond shady, she's no better than Randy and co.
I'm really worrying about these kids, let's just hope the next 6 years till Prince is 18 go by fast. For their own sake.
I get it you trust branca, i dont trust him, and people close to michael said michael did not trust branca and michael did not hire him back, you may not believe in the conspiracy theory to understand that the will could be a fraud there was another will a different lawyer mention it before and now he is silent about it, he should be questioned, and maybe he will, there suppose to be doccuments that show branca was fired during the timeline, and michael was in new york, so if they have this information and more it will show branca for what he is.the real truth will come out, and you seem to think the jackson family only want the money and there is no concern for michael, what happened to michael it was homicide! the jackson family and many many fans believe it was murder and dr murray ,branca, aeg, dr tohme, sony and rest of the gang are responsible
please tell me who those people are cuz it surely ain't his family and it wasn't frank dileo. so who is saying this? anyone trying to get rid of branca is doing it so THAT THEY can take his place.

there is no proof he's done anything wrong, they wanna say it w/o showing anything.

there is NO concern for mike. if there was, then all this pettyshit would wait until the trial or at least an arrest. but noooooooo she can'tmake do on over 80 grand a month? grandpa wants money, brother wants tribute...it's sickening.
if deb's association w/ schaffel is bad, then what was mike's? how about konizter and wiesner and malnik? cuz he hung w/ all of them.

her and mark share the same lawyer, i believe.
if deb's association w/ schaffel is bad, then what was mike's? how about konizter and wiesner and malnik? cuz he hung w/ all of them.

her and mark share the same lawyer, i believe.
Michael was naive he couldn't see through people right away. however I do not doubt BRanca, him being the executor is for the best.
Randy conspired to force mj to sell the catalogue during the most difficult time of his life, Randy gave a green light to his team of accountants and lawyers to steal mj's money and when mj sued them Randy had the nerve to back their claims and even accused his brother of cheating him out of his money . Randy stole from fans via MJJsource , jermaine is in bed with colony. joe is supporting rowe and allocco claims , oxman randy's pal is calling mj every name under the sun, oxman publicly supported lester and said katherine did not believe for a second that mj's twine Blankito was his son . oxman said he "bought" blanket from a Mexican woman two days after he was born . oxman was invited to the funeral and sat infront of Liz Taylor .
You want to bash randy and the jackson family no matter what, even if it is untrue. michael gave a statement to raymone bain saying that randy had not stolen any money from him the rumor was a lie, randy never backed there claims it is a lie .. michael never said randy stole money from mjjsource, raymone bain never said that, some people started that, and that dont make it true.
you cant blame randy for what oxman says, about branca he wanted michael to file for bankruptcy even if branca help michael obtain the catalouge branca was conspiring against michael for sony wanting him to sell half of the catalouge to sony are the hole thing, I dont know of randy trying to sell the catalogue, nor did michael say anything against randy regarding this, michael was breaking his ties with branca for wanting him to file for bankruptcy and michael worked out a deal with birken that kept him from following branca idea that would have cost him is catalogue.
Looks like so many ppl think that money should be only under John’s Branca control.Why? Kids do not stay with Branca, they stay with Katherine and Katherine is MJ MOTHER. Everybody please keep it in mind. Probably the Will is fake and I understand Katherine’s concerns. Branca was "hired" two weeks before Mj passed which is more than strange. Everybody knows it but nobody saw a copy of his contract. Everybody here wants to bash the family, but Branca and others are saits in white jackets? Sure why not? None of them want money and they care a lot about kids? LOL God bless Katherine.
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