Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

please tell me who those people are cuz it surely ain't his family and it wasn't frank dileo. so who is saying this? anyone trying to get rid of branca is doing it so THAT THEY can take his place.

there is no proof he's done anything wrong, they wanna say it w/o showing anything.

there is NO concern for mike. if there was, then all this pettyshit would wait until the trial or at least an arrest. but noooooooo she can'tmake do on over 80 grand a month? grandpa wants money, brother wants tribute...it's sickening.
A lawyer named al manik mentioned a 3rd will, and he no longers mentions it he should be questioned in court, and maybe he will, I read raymone bain knew of the conspiracy and had or have doccuments,carol davis of the justice systems had a list of conspirators john branca is the first name on her list and other laywers michael had trusted were conspiring againt him, its more than just the jackson family that know about the conspiracy. I dont know how to post the article's I have seen it posted somwhere on here aswell.
Looks like so many ppl think that money should be only under John’s Branca control.Why? Kids do not stay with Branca, they stay with Katherine and Katherine is MJ MOTHER. Everybody please keep it in mind. Probably the Will is fake and I understand Katherine’s concerns. Branca was "hired" two weeks before Mj passed which is more than strange. Everybody knows it but nobody saw a copy of his contract. Everybody here wants to bash the family, but Branca and others are saits in white jackets? Sure why not? None of them want money and they care a lot about kids? LOL God bless Katherine.

This has already been explain to death. Just because they are family does not mean you trust them with money. I love many in my family, but I would not leave them in charge of my finances, especially if I am dead and no longer have a say in the matter. This have nothing to do with 'bashing' the family, this has to do who can handle money and the Jackson's have proven time and time again that they do not make the best financial decisions. Do that make them bad people, no. There is alot people in the world who are nice, but can't manage a money.

Also, no one still have not explain why it is so important that Brance was hire weeks before Michael died. He was in the will so his rehiring was no necessary. Not everything in life is plan, there is such a thing as bad timing and who would had guess moments.

You also have not explain if the will is fake, why is the second will exactly the same except it is missing one of the children. Why would anyone even bother making two fake wills that are the same. Brance did not even write the second will, his law office did. So, unless the entire law office is in on the plot, I fail to see how the will really can be fake.

Also, Michael never said anything really bad about his family even when they screwed him. Just because he did not say it in public does not equal to it did not happen. He hated the Victory Tour and was angry by how his brothers were using him and the fans. Did he said that in public, no. However, more than a couple people had said this has happen and I really do not see why they would lie about something regarding a tour that happen 20 years ago. Also, but Michael's own actions, he never tour with them again, which is very telling. So, once again, if you are basing your suspicion off the catalogue you have to use that same thinking against the family. It works both ways.

Yes Katherine is the mother and have concerns. Given what happen I do not blame her. However, Michael is the one who wrote the will and if he wanted his mother to have say in his finances, she would be there as an executive. Since she is not, Michael did not want her near the money, it is as simple as that.

Saying Michael was naive and trusted the wrong people is a naive statement in itself. Michael was worth billions when he died and you do not become rich by being a fool and naive. He has been in the business since he was a child and knew how people work. Did he have the wrong people around him, of course he did, but have we all. We have all have people who we have trusted screw us and left us to dry. The only different is that Michael's leeches tend to talk too much and write books. The ones who really care about Michael's well being were the ones who stood in the background and handle business, so most people do not know they exist.
if deb's association w/ schaffel is bad, then what was mike's? how about konizter and wiesner and malnik? cuz he hung w/ all of them.

her and mark share the same lawyer, i believe.
Michael's associatiion with Marc Schaffel was bad...and he dropped him. Right along with the Dieter Weisner. Yeah, Michael was a magnet for low-lifes; but after he saw what they were about he let them go. It would have been better if he would have sensed that BEFORE allowing these types of people around him.

I will NEVER forget during the beginning of Michael's trial, Schaffel, Weisner and Debbie Rowe were PURPOSELY seen at the Ivy Restaurant, front and center. Come on, it wasn't a coincidence. Debbie turned on both of them as well as Sneddon when she got on the stand. I know the argument is she cared about Michael; but Tom Mesereau had loads of info on Debbie to present in court if she was going to start something on that stand.

Now once again, she's with Marc Schaffel. Why is he still buzzing around Debbie? Why is Debbie still allowing Marc to buz around her? What are they planning? Why is that Roger Freidman story came out a few days ago about Debbie allegedly heading to court because she claims she hasn't seen the kids?

I don't fully trust her I don't care if she had 6 children for Michael. I want to believe she's on the up and up; but she and Marc together?---I don't care how you slice it, something smells.
if deb's association w/ schaffel is bad, then what was mike's? how about konizter and wiesner and malnik? cuz he hung w/ all of them.

her and mark share the same lawyer, i believe.
Michael's associatiion with Marc Schaffel was bad...and he dropped him. Right along with Dieter Weisner. Yeah, Michael was a magnet for low-lifes; but after he saw what they were about he let them go. It would have been better if he would have sensed that BEFORE allowing these types of people around him.

I will NEVER forget during the beginning of Michael's trial, Schaffel, Weisner and Debbie Rowe were PURPOSELY seen at the Ivy Restaurant, front and center. Come on, it wasn't a coincidence. Debbie turned on both of them as well as Sneddon when she got on the stand. I know the argument is she cared about Michael; but Tom Mesereau had loads of info on Debbie to present in court if she was going to start something on that stand.

Now once again, she's with Marc Schaffel. Why is he still buzzing around Debbie? Why is Debbie still allowing Marc to buz around her? What are they planning? Why is that Roger Freidman story came out a few days ago about Debbie allegedly heading to court because she claims she hasn't seen the kids?

I don't fully trust her I don't care if she had 6 children for Michael. I want to believe she's on the up and up; but she and Marc together?---I don't care how you slice it, something smells.
Michael's associatiion with Marc Schaffel was bad...and he dropped him. Right along with the Dieter Weisner. Yeah, Michael was a magnet for low-lifes; but after he saw what they were about he let them go. It would have been better if he would have sensed that BEFORE allowing these types of people around him.

I will NEVER forget during the beginning of Michael's trial, Schaffel, Weisner and Debbie Rowe were PURPOSELY seen at the Ivy Restaurant, front and center. Come on, it wasn't a coincidence. Debbie turned on both of them as well as Sneddon when she got on the stand. I know the argument is she cared about Michael; but Tom Mesereau had loads of info on Debbie to present in court if she was going to start something on that stand.

Now once again, she's with Marc Schaffel. Why is he still buzzing around Debbie? Why is Debbie still allowing Marc to buz around her? What are they planning? Why is that Roger Freidman story came out a few days ago about Debbie allegedly heading to court because she claims she hasn't seen the kids?

I don't fully trust her I don't care if she had 6 children for Michael. I want to believe she's on the up and up; but she and Marc together?---I don't care how you slice it, something smells.
actually he dropped him and then got him back again. same w/ dieter. when dieter sued and he did the depo it was said theyw re hugging and talking about old times.

as for her meeting at the ivy w/ them, she was trying to see her kids and was getting NO response from mike. he cut off her alimony w/o no good cause reason and he knew it. it was a good plan and idea b/c to stop themoney and to prevent her from seeing her kids meant she had no motive to be nice to him on the stand.

all of it was a game to trick the state. it workes. b/c she sunk their case even more and theycouldn't even impeach her. she never had any intention of slamming mike. u could tell that the minute she sat down andlooked at him. it was all a joke.

like dimond said, they took her for dinner the night before and she served them for breakfast. she can go and take those kids whenever seh wants. she was relying on a promise.

mike made executors for a reason. he had hismother as a short term beneficiary for a reason. the same people crying foul and saying it's a fake will were the same ones telling debbie omg u better abide by mike's final wishes. so it's only realwhen it benefits them. how funny
as for her meeting at the ivy w/ them, she was trying to see her kids and was getting NO response from mike. he cut off her alimony w/o no good cause reason and he knew it. it was a good plan and idea b/c to stop themoney and to prevent her from seeing her kids meant she had no motive to be nice to him on the stand.

I didn't know that. Very interesting. Action tells more than words.....

Thank you Soso.
Soso Deaf;2361081 mike made executors for a reason. he had hismother as a short term beneficiary for a reason. the same people crying foul and saying it's a fake will were the same ones telling debbie omg u better abide by mike's final wishes. so it's only realwhen it benefits them. how funny[/QUOTE said:
The double standard is so funny to the point of stupid. When it comes to naming the guardian, Michael's wishes are clear and you should respect the will. When it comes to the money the will is fake and Michael's was too drugged up to be in his right mind. Yeah, it all perfect sense.
it is funny. they want everyone to realize mike wanted his kids w/ his mama YET the will is fake. if it's fake, the kids get all the money, deb gets her kids, and we call it a day
well, though i don't understand Debbie, i don't think she is a bad woman. u know she never say anything negative to Mike. i just thinks someimes she is too tough.
i mean her character is very tough. she seems very very independent. she said she didn't like taking care of kids and she likes freedom. but i believe she loves her own kids. i believe debbie will not fight for cusotody. perhaps she just wants to see her kids and knows whether they are happy.
Looks like so many ppl think that money should be only under John’s Branca control.Why? Kids do not stay with Branca, they stay with Katherine and Katherine is MJ MOTHER. Everybody please keep it in mind. Probably the Will is fake and I understand Katherine’s concerns. Branca was "hired" two weeks before Mj passed which is more than strange. Everybody knows it but nobody saw a copy of his contract. Everybody here wants to bash the family, but Branca and others are saits in white jackets? Sure why not? None of them want money and they care a lot about kids? LOL God bless Katherine.

it is funny. they want everyone to realize mike wanted his kids w/ his mama YET the will is fake. if it's fake, the kids get all the money, deb gets her kids, and we call it a day

It is funny. If they'd have simply accepted the will as it is , it would be very telling as it "appears" to be in their favor. So if they were really in it for themselves, wouldn't they obviously back down and take what they get? What's the purpose in fighting is the question to be asked. Maybe it isn't simply self interests and greed as the will in its present form would satisfy these motives, IMHO.
the will does not at all satisfy the family , the will gives everything to mj's kids and provide for katherine as long as she is alive and the amount katherine is entitled to is determined by the executors .

the kids have a separate attorney who is looking for them , and soon that attorney is going to ask for documentation of every penny spent on these kids .

even the bills paid at Encino. the executors told the judge they would reconsider the amount of allowance given to the kids and katherine at some point because they knew there were others benefiting from these payments there .

reread the will, mj gave Branca and co full authorization to invest the money and funds of his estate as they wish . and as Oxman said the more assets , the more work for the executors, the more executor's fees and attorney's fees and the best for the kids on the long run , THEY DON'T NEED MILLIONS NOW . a million dollar a year is more than enough for those kids and their granmam . but a million dollar is not enough for 50 jacksons for sure .
the will does not at all satisfy the family , the will gives everything to mj's kids and provide for katherine as long as she is alive and the amount katherine is entitled to is determined by the executors .

the kids have a separate attorney who is looking for them , and soon that attorney is going to ask for documentation of every penny spent on these kids .

even the bills paid at Encino. the executors told the judge they would reconsider the amount of allowance given to the kids and katherine at some point because they knew there were others benefiting from these payments there .

reread the will, mj gave Branca and co full authorization to invest the money and funds of his estate as they wish . and as Oxman said the more assets , the more work for the executors, the more executor's fees and attorney's fees and the best for the kids on the long run , THEY DON'T NEED MILLIONS NOW . a million dollar a year is more than enough for those kids and their granmam . but a million dollar is not enough for 50 jacksons for sure .
Agree :clapping:
the will does not at all satisfy the family , the will gives everything to mj's kids and provide for katherine as long as she is alive and the amount katherine is entitled to is determined by the executors .

the kids have a separate attorney who is looking for them , and soon that attorney is going to ask for documentation of every penny spent on these kids .

even the bills paid at Encino. the executors told the judge they would reconsider the amount of allowance given to the kids and katherine at some point because they knew there were others benefiting from these payments there .

reread the will, mj gave Branca and co full authorization to invest the money and funds of his estate as they wish . and as Oxman said the more assets , the more work for the executors, the more executor's fees and attorney's fees and the best for the kids on the long run , THEY DON'T NEED MILLIONS NOW . a million dollar a year is more than enough for those kids and their granmam . but a million dollar is not enough for 50 jacksons for sure .
Ok, I see. But who is paying the executor and attorney fees? The executors or...?
the estate.executors get something like a 2% fee

They must make money other ways too. And if its just not alot of money , why not let a Jackson have a seat at the table - it would have brought a lot of good will IMO. And if its just not alot of money, then why was Howard Weitzman so happy to have won? I have never seen the man happier & I have seen him many times over the years on TV. McClain, I thought I read, wasn't that healthy either.
well, well, well since they are legally appointed as executors now, many family lovers will have to continue to bitch and moan
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They must make money other ways too. And if its just not alot of money , why not let a Jackson have a seat at the table - it would have brought a lot of good will IMO. And if its just not alot of money, then why was Howard Weitzman so happy to have won? I have never seen the man happier & I have seen him many times over the years on TV. McClain, I thought I read, wasn't that healthy either.

the executors will make alot of money , no question about that . but they will get what they are RIGHTFULLY owed , and based on their performance so far they deserve every penny they are getting .

Branca and McClain stand to make tens of millions of dollars if they invested all the cash the estate generated in the last five months . mj's debts are well taken care of because of the plan mj put with sony and the creditors back in december 2007 .

they are not only executors they are attorney and producers so that means much more money and they are very professional and successful , their interest is as Oxman said to bring more assets to the estate , to invest and never allow the money to go out of the estate , to make it grow and flourish, that means more work for them, more fees to charge the estate for. should we get upset ? HELL NO . this strategy only means MUCH LARGER FINANCIAL EMPIRE to the three kids , and a very stable one . I'm not asking Branca to forget his interest and help the kids for free , HE IS NOT WORKING FOR FREE, Branca and co stand to make alot , they are making the estate stronger because it is in Branca and co Best interests . No problem at all , good for them as long as the kids money is protected and mj's legacy survives , nothing wrong with that .

on the other hand , Randy is broke, his children have lived with his mother all their lives , he did not support those kids , he is a thief and a proven one , he does not have a good reputation to try and protect like Branca and co, he is simply a leech who saw nothing wrong in conspiring against his brother during the darkest moments of his life for money .

he was driving average SUV when mj died , the day after mj's death Randy was driving a very lavish red sport car , I bet it was one of mj's cars . his brother was under the coroner's knife and he found time to go and choose one of his sport cars .

Randy does not benefit from keeping the assets and expanding the estate , because unlike the other executors , his mother stand to take 40 % of profits from the estate , so if they liquidated it , their will be no assets to administer , the cash will be distributed to the beneficiaries and his mama will collect almost 600 $ millions .

you may say they are two against one , but where is the guarantee that Mcclain or Branca or even both won't die from an accident , illness or step from being executors for whatever reason and Rnady end up one of two executors or even the sole executor . WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN ? he will definitely sell everything so his mother can get 40% of the estate .

keeping the estate and its assets is in Branca and co best interest and certainly the kids best interest

selling the estate and its assets is in the family best interest and the kids are the biggest losers .

I trust someone who benefit from keeping this estate and expanding its assets , I can't expect Randy to work against his OWN interests which contradict completely the kids interests .

I can't expect from someone who did not even cater to his own children , to have his niece and nephews best interests especially since he does not believe they are jacksons in the first place .
the executors will make alot of money , no question about that . but they will get what they are RIGHTFULLY owed , and based on their performance so far they deserve every penny they are getting .

Branca and McClain stand to make tens of millions of dollars if they invested all the cash the estate generated in the last five months . mj's debts are well taken care of because of the plan mj put with sony and the creditors back in december 2007 .

they are not only executors they are attorney and producers so that means much more money and they are very professional and successful , their interest is as Oxman said to bring more assets to the estate , to invest and never allow the money to go out of the estate , to make it grow and flourish, that means more work for them, more fees to charge the estate for. should we get upset ? HELL NO . this strategy only means MUCH LARGER FINANCIAL EMPIRE to the three kids , and a very stable one . I'm not asking Branca to forget his interest and help the kids for free , HE IS NOT WORKING FOR FREE, Branca and co stand to make alot , they are making the estate stronger because it is in Branca and co Best interests . No problem at all , good for them as long as the kids money is protected and mj's legacy survives , nothing wrong with that .

on the other hand , Randy is broke, his children have lived with his mother all their lives , he did not support those kids , he is a thief and a proven one , he does not have a good reputation to try and protect like Branca and co, he is simply a leech who saw nothing wrong in conspiring against his brother during the darkest moments of his life for money .

he was driving average SUV when mj died , the day after mj's death Randy was driving a very lavish red sport car , I bet it was one of mj's cars . his brother was under the coroner's knife and he found time to go and choose one of his sport cars .

Randy does not benefit from keeping the assets and expanding the estate , because unlike the other executors , his mother stand to take 40 % of profits from the estate , so if they liquidated it , their will be no assets to administer , the cash will be distributed to the beneficiaries and his mama will collect almost 600 $ millions .

you may say they are two against one , but where is the guarantee that Mcclain or Branca or even both won't die from an accident , illness or step from being executors for whatever reason and Rnady end up one of two executors or even the sole executor . WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN ? he will definitely sell everything so his mother can get 40% of the estate .

keeping the estate and its assets is in Branca and co best interest and certainly the kids best interest

selling the estate and its assets is in the family best interest and the kids are the biggest losers .

I trust someone who benefit from keeping this estate and expanding its assets , I can't expect Randy to work against his OWN interests which contradict completely the kids interests .

I can't expect from someone who did not even cater to his own children , to have his niece and nephews best interests especially since he does not believe they are jacksons in the first place .
well explained williamorange :clapping: but not everyone is able to see the light..
Great post, williamorange. Helps get rid of some of the myths around here. Although, I knew nothing about Randy's new car. Kind of sick when you think about it.
i hope there is a way for branca and mcclain to choose their successors so in case they are too ill or die, there is someone already appointed b/c there is no way in hell someone in this family can have a seat at the ta ble. janet is the ONLY one who doesn't need the money but she's busy and has her own career and her own life.
i think they chose the successors or at least it was said if a third exexutor came in (there was originary 3) then branca and mclain chose who it should be