Katherine Jackson: Statement About Attorney

williamorange thanks for the other long post, very informative.
Seems like the construction of the will is in itself good - incentives for executors to make money, especially
i hope there is a way for branca and mcclain to choose their successors so in case they are too ill or die, there is someone already appointed b/c there is no way in hell someone in this family can have a seat at the ta ble. janet is the ONLY one who doesn't need the money but she's busy and has her own career and her own life.

Prince, Paris & Blanket will be of age soon - shouldn't they have control & not Branca & McClain. All in IMO, but Merv Griffin's son's contesting his father's will because the executors are losing value in the estate & I believe the executor's argument was it didn't matter if they were or not, there was a no contest rule. To me that is a dumb thing to put in a will - it is for the executors to rip people off. It is something that is just begging for people to abuse.
Here is the most important thing to remember here. These were Michael's wishes. It is not up to us or his family to change what Michael wanted. He had the advice of business people and his own lawyers and did what he felt best.

Only Michael knows for sure what his wishes were. He made the decision to give his mother support while she is still alive and if he did not want his family to have any say in his estate, then he should be allowed to make that decision. Plain and simple.

I think Katherine is doing the smart thing. The only thing that will come of legal fighting is that the lawyers will make a lot of money and expect the 'estate' to pay their legal bills for them.

These children were legally his children; no matter what any speculation is or is not; these were his children. He raised them and loved them. He wanted them taken care of. I am sure they have a long road ahead of them and it will not be 'easy' for them to face all of the challenges ahead.
Prince, Paris & Blanket will be of age soon - shouldn't they have control & not Branca & McClain.
they will get the estate at the ages mj said so in his will.u will always need lawyers to help them out.what does a lay person know about running a billion $ empire and making deals.it cant just be handed over to someone who has no clue and isnt a lawyer. so even at say 25 Jr gets ownership he will still need lawyers to do the deals for him

To me that is a dumb thing to put in a will - it is for the executors to rip people off.
that makes no snense cause then they are ripping themsleves off.its of no use to the executors for the estate to lose money. after all they get a % of the money it makes
yea. so probably by age 25 or 30 the kids will get control but they can't do it on their own. an entertainment lawyer/biz lawyer like branca will have to help them. lmp didn't want to deal w/ all that and chose to just sell her rights to her father's name and image and be done w/ it. i think she still retains a paltry 10% but i could be wrong.
they will get the estate at the ages mj said so in his will.u will always need lawyers to help them out.what does a lay person know about running a billion $ empire and making deals.it cant just be handed over to someone who has no clue and isnt a lawyer. so even at say 25 Jr gets ownership he will still need lawyers to do the deals for him

One of my fears is, Randy or Jermaine will then convince the kids to kick out Branca and McClain and put one of them or someone they know in charge to run things for them.
Angie by that time , Randy and jermaine will do something very stupid and piss prince off and he might very well kick their asses out of encinio .
it won't be. it's up to branca and mcclain if they want to support him. he knows it's a long shot cuz he's been talking crap about them since mike died
Angie by that time , Randy and jermaine will do something very stupid and piss prince off and he might very well kick their asses out of encinio .

Yeah that's true

One of my fears is, Randy or Jermaine will then convince the kids to kick out Branca and McClain and put one of them or someone they know in charge to run things for them.

No worries hun, you can't fake and hide your true colors/feelings for years and years and these three are real smart
yea u can't fake it for that long. and them chillun ain't stupid

true, true.
it won't be. it's up to branca and mcclain if they want to support him. he knows it's a long shot cuz he's been talking crap about them since mike died

the appeal is about the executors' nominations, not the allowance
if deb's association w/ schaffel is bad, then what was mike's? how about konizter and wiesner and malnik? cuz he hung w/ all of them.

her and mark share the same lawyer, i believe.

I think Deb's association with Schaffel is bad, at the very least questionable. I don't know if she is sending a message to Klein or KJ. Something is wierd. I am sure he will be writing a book or selling MJ stories soon.

As far as Schaffel's association with MJ - it was bad & that's he dropped him the first time. Barresi was the one who exposed that, he said so in a DD interview during the trial, Barresi actually worked with DD; who hired Barresi to spread the word about Schaffel? Somebody did as he wouldn't do it for free, he likes to make money on everything. He gets a thrill about it. I am sure Barresi is working for someone in this mess, I'd like to know who. My guess is Weitzman, because Barresi helped bert Fields get off.

Schaffel was only brought back because I am sure MJ was blackballed, there was noone else & he did do a good job on the rebuttal.

Remember Carol Davis mentioned these people as part of a conspiracy:

John Branca
Trudy Green
Howard Kaufman
Charles Koppelman
Brett Ratner
Al Malnik
Tommy Mottola

IMO Trudy Green & Kaufman are mentioned because of the blackballing, not illegal as far as I know. Perhaps MJ's private investigators found some linkage between them & Bashir. Bain talked about how no artists would work with MJ on his charity single in the recent Sister2sister magazine.

I think there are still questions about Green & the will that will come up again as since she signed it, was reportedly fired by RF at that time. I don't see her in any pics at his appearances.

I think Jermaine's Vienna tribute was sabotaged by someone in the industry - why was LKL's wife going to do it & then she backed out all of a sudden?

Branca, Koppelman, Malnik are mentioned because they were working on a deal during the trial to sell part of the catalog. Malnik has mafia ties too. Malnik also had the same doctor as MJ, Dr. Farschian. Malnik is extremely scary IMO & I was glad when MJ ditched him. Mottola is an obvious mention because of sony. Ratner is mentioned because he introduce MJ to Koppelman thru Koppelman's son, did Ratner introduce him to Malnik? (I think so)

Konitzer was supposed to be a Sony plant as I recall.

RF – mj intro to C Koppelman thru Ratner via Brian Koppelman


[FONT=&quot]Even in the depressed music industry, catalogs are prized for the steady revenue they generate from public performances and other licensing fees. Sony/ATV is particularly valuable because it controls famous Beatles compositions such as "Yesterday" and "Hey Jude" and is valued by people who have recently looked at the company at more than $1 billion. Mr. Jackson could resolve his debt crisis by shedding all or part of his stake.

This spring, that's exactly what some of his closest advisers were urging. The group included longtime associates such as entertainment attorney John G. Branca, veteran music-industry executive Charles A. Koppelman and Miami attorney Alvin I. Malnik. A long list of buyers has expressed interest in the business, according toseveral people involved with the matter. Sony itself has had its eye on Mr. Jackson's stake for years and ex-Beatle Paul McCartney has closely followed the company's history, according to a person close to him.

Even after the sale to Fortress, which forestalled a bigger financial crisis, these advisers continued to urge the singer to sell. They are worried about an estimated $10 million legal tab in the criminal case and a possible bankruptcy filing.

To his advisers, Mr. Jackson has expressed an emotional tie to the Sony/ATV asset -- he bought it partly out of love for the Beatles -- and has resisted that advice. Instead, he turned to a longtime friend, Mr. Burkle. As managing partner of closely held Yucaipa Cos. LLC, a private investment firm, Mr. Burkle has little music-industry experience.

According to Jesse Jackson, who has allied himself with Mr. Burkle, the billionaire adviser agreed to analyze the situation. Mr. Burkle has told the singer the debt crunch could be resolved in a way that would avoid a sale, according to a person close to Mr. Burkle.

I thought Joe Jackson was the one who was said to have called Jesse Jackson during the trial, but that was so long ago - not sure about that.

During the trial or was it before?, Koppelman was all over TV saying how MJ would have a fine future, many more years left, etc. At the time, I was very impressed by him actually. He has helped Martha Stewart, but at what price?
One of my fears is, Randy or Jermaine will then convince the kids to kick out Branca and McClain and put one of them or someone they know in charge to run things for them.
is that even possible?and if it is i doubt the kids will have that power for many years to come jerm and others will be old men then. not that it stops joe
carol davis did a lot but she couldn't prove how those people were in on any plot to do anything. especially brett ratner
saturday, the kids were Malnik's kids. I find the timing fishy.
oxman said that branca called the Department of Justice about Malnik. And Malnik said in a n interview he was executor in 2003 or 2004
i do wonder how/why the malniks have come back on the scene. didnt the wife say they hadnt had contact with mj since 03?.heck do the kids even remember each other.i guess u always have to be suspicious
not talking about the kids im talking about malnik.the kids didnt get back into the jacksons life on their own or fly to L.A themselves.
Kids are innocent. Malnic is Malnic but his kids are his kids. they are beautiful and cute kids.
Kids are how one raises them to be. agreed all are born innocent but they develop and become what the parents want them to become. Best example the Arzizo's.

The timing is fishy indeed, I hope it's nothing more but kids wanting to see one another. I don't want crooks and leeches to follow MJ's kids as they did with him.
perhaps Grace let them be with 3 kids. Grace is Nancy malnic's good friend.

I find this disturbing to be quite honest. imo I don't believe she should be given ANY authority who should be coming in and out of those childrens life. She's NOT their MOTHER or GUARDIAN. She's their babysitter and should know her place.....
I find this disturbing to be quite honest. imo I don't believe she should be given ANY authority who should be coming in and out of those childrens life. She's NOT their MOTHER or GUARDIAN. She's their babysitter and should know her place.....

i wouldnt go that far. its only someones opinion. your post acts as if its provern true
i wouldnt go that far. its only someones opinion. your post acts as if its provern true

You're right, we all post our thoughts based on assumption. I apologize if I came across a certain way. :)

Whatever will be, will be.....
i do wonder how/why the malniks have come back on the scene. didnt the wife say they hadnt had contact with mj since 03?.heck do the kids even remember each other.i guess u always have to be suspicious

Well, I DO remember Al Malnik saying he's got "papers" on Blanket which Michael "allegedly" signed during their association in 2003 (pre-allegations). Sooooo, perhaps the family is playing nice to keep Godfather Al on their good side? ;D If Malnik has a genuine document, he could be using it in the way Lester only wishes he could. The courts always give more credence to things that are put in writing so Malnik may have more of a standing as far as getting "visitation" time for his kids. Just a theory. If Grace and Nancy are good buddies, it could also be as simple as the kids wanting to keep in touch and the adults in charge allowing it...especially since the Malniks haven't thrown MJ under any buses (unlike Lester).
papers about what? i lose track saying he should get custody
The only thing I recall is that Al is a godfather to one or all of the kids. But I don't have any idea if that's true or who was the source for that "fact", if indeed it is a fact.