Justin Timberlake, King of Pop?!

lol, Michael didn't say that. That's a quote that's been floating around on the internet from Fred Astaire about Michael.

Even putting Justin Timberlake and King Of Pop in the same sentence is a SIN!

Justin is not even pop.
He is not a king of music.



Even putting Justin Timberlake and King Of Pop in the same sentence is a SIN!

Justin is not even pop.
He is not a king of music.



if u don't like the thread, don't post in it.
hmmmmmmmmm i said it's tired...u said it's a sin.

i've posted and added substance, u're posting to say close the thread....hypocrisy or diversion ?
the "close the thread" post was meant in a funny way. but i do however think that threads like this are pointless to the bone and that fans stressing over who is the king of pop is ridiculous.
^^^ True, but so far the thread has stayed within MJJC rules, therefore there's no reason to close it.
michael's above "titles"
that's all i will say. i mean, the media can go on giving any tom, dick, or harry any sort of title but what michael has...not everyone can develope....let alone have. he is like a mass package of talent. dancing, singing, writing, chereography, directing, guiding, .. and lol... climbing trees ;)

hehe. but seriously, i don't think anyone shoul get upset if JT is being called KOP now. He has talent, it's true. I mean, even Miley Cyrus has talent. But the thing is...they haven't put it to great use. They are, as I have stated earlier, controled by corporate companies and the absolute NEED to make money and earn fame.
When Michael worked he did it because it was his passion. It was what feuled is everyday life...what made him happy. And you could see that.
I'll say it again, Michael Jackson is above any sort of title. He's a myth to many people because they never knew someone of such soul and spirit could exist.

y would people stress over a title?

that's why i asked - what is the need of the thread.

people hate on MJ cuz he has achieved so much, and that's why they wanna take the title from him.

be it the title KING OF POP or... MASTER OF DANCE or whatever - they don't want him to lose the title - they want to deny his talent. and talent-wise MJ vs. JT... yeah right.
i reckon it gives people something to do. obviously they got time on their hands if they're contributing to a thraed that gives them prickles.
Instead of everyone getting their panties twisted, maybe they should look at it in an optimistic way: people are clamoring for another celebrity the magnitude of MJ. Maybe you should look at the "King Of Pop" title in a present tense instead of all time tense. Then, when MJ makes his comeback, you can recrown him.

Not really a big deal, MJ will be on the top when and if he decides to put himself out there.
When you say "King of Pop" you automatically think Michael Jackson. It doesn't matter who you are, that title is instantly associated with Michael, as associtated with him as his own name. So it's really stupid to try and give it to anyone else.
Well, yeah... but that's kinda why they're saying Justin Timberlake the new "King Of Pop", they're saying is he the new Michael Jackson....

I'm not saying I agree with it or whatever, but obviously they are looking for a star of his (MJ's) magnitude. Maybe it's stupid to MJ fans, but obviously there are lots of people who are teens now and the only studio album MJ has put out in their lifetime in Invicible, so Timberlake may very well be the MJ of their generation. I mean, people are always going to draw the comparison, so it's best to look at it as a compliment.
Well considering "Invincible" out performed Justin's albums, I'd say the comparison, in terms of popularity, isn't justified, no pun intended. Just from a talent stand point, it's REALLY not justified. I can't really see it as a compliment when it's sort of blatently obvious that they're trying to replace Michael when Michael is still very much an active artist and is truly irreplaceable.
I heard Rihanna being called the Queen of Pop the other day, Im not taking this off topic, its to establish the fact that these titles are thrown around by the media and other outlets far too easily, what ever happened to earning those kind of titles or acolades through years of hard work and high sales, NOW they are thrown around to whoever is the "hit thing" at the time...soon we'll be saying another guy isnt the King of Pop, and Michael is still the best, probably be Chris Brown in a few months.
Michael Jackson is like a real King.

If I said I'm the King of England you would all say that I'm nuts and that the monarch is Queen Elizabeth II...the same principle applies.

Justin can call himself the King of Pop, but we all know it's Michael.
I heard Rihanna being called the Queen of Pop the other day, Im not taking this off topic, its to establish the fact that these titles are thrown around by the media and other outlets far too easily, what ever happened to earning those kind of titles or acolades through years of hard work and high sales, NOW they are thrown around to whoever is the "hit thing" at the time...soon we'll be saying another guy isnt the King of Pop, and Michael is still the best, probably be Chris Brown in a few months.

im soo sorry to say this , but LMAO at them referring to Rhianna as the queen of pop, wtf?? :lol:
IMO is pointless for us to get all worked up over this, it's silly and the only people who actually want to believe there's a new KOP is the media, everyone knows there's only one KOP and there will never be another one.

The other day I was an electronics shop, and there was some VH1 show on the TV screens, they were talking about Chris Brown and how he was the new King of Pop, and some random guy shouted 'BULLSHIT' out loud, LOL, goes to show that people don't take this kind of stuff seriously and neither should we.
I can't understand why we keep discussing this issue again, and again. I think we all agree that Justin Timberlake in no way can beat Michael Jackson ... II think everyone knows that, fans or not! That's just a fact... Michael is a true legend!