Justin Timberlake, King of Pop?!

like that thing about him spilling wine on fans... no way.

i am not some fan or anything,but justin doesn't seem like that, he seems like a nice guy.
He seems pretty arrogant and like a jerk to me, just from what I've seen. And before you ask what I mean by that, I just mean by the way he presents and carry's himself and the way he comes across to me, from some of his words and actions. And before you ask what words and actions, like him leaving Janet high and dry during the Superbowl. His insults towards Michael don't exactly make me like him (and yes, he's said some insulting things about Michael), and just his overall manner.
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Well one time he called him crazy (as in he had lost his mind crazy), then another time during an interview he kept putting emphasis on Quincy Jones while discussing Thriller, as though trying to make out as though Quincy had more to do with the success of the album then Michael (if you had heard his tone and the context of it you would know that's what he was trying to do), and then on some show he did a skit where he looked at the camera with a big grin on his face and said "Hi, I'm the black Michael Jackson". Now I'm sure someone will come in and say those aren't a big deal, but to me they are and it came across as rude and insuting to me.
What are some of the insults?

Justin has made some crack remarks about Michael, (probably not as bad as other artists or comedians) but he has said some along with positive things BUT that is beside the point.
The fact of the matter is...
Justin Timberlake is a very mediocre artist that is overrated which goes for the rest of popular music today period.
Well one time he called him crazy (as in he had lost his mind crazy), then another time during an interview he kept putting emphasis on Quincy Jones while discussing Thriller, as though trying to make out as though Quincy had more to do with the success of the album then Michael (if you had heard his tone and the context of it you would know that's what he was trying to do), and then on some show he did a skit where he looked at the camera with a big grin on his face and said "Hi, I'm the black Michael Jackson". Now I'm sure someone will come in and say those aren't a big deal, but to me they are and it came across as rude and insuting to me.

changing mind .... now.

i reckon it gives people something to do. obviously they got time on their hands if they're contributing to a thraed that gives them prickles.

hooray for prickles!! :lol:

damn right it's an MJ fansite and if fellow fans have a differing opinion, you don't tell them to piss off; they have every right to voice it - it keeps a less embarrassing balance in place. and usually those fans at defence are more knowledgeable of the topic than the random basher of anything non-MJ.

but on the other extreme, you get muppets who just think they're somehow bigger than the community they participate in (and at times, live on, lol) and look for every opportunity to stir things up. they're usually personally frustrated individuals, and you just got to pity them.

still, what awesome replies over a bloody myspace bulletin. shame we can't get as many responses in more constructive threads..

Post of the thread/board
They past these titles around too freely. The even called rhianna the "new queen of pop"
In the end Mike will go down in history as the king of pop and Jt will just go down (I dont mean that in a bad way but hes hardly going to be known for years to come in the future, as he is right now anyway)
They past these titles around too freely. The even called rhianna the "new queen of pop"
In the end Mike will go down in history as the king of pop and Jt will just go down (I dont mean that in a bad way but hes hardly going to be known for years to come in the future, as he is right now anyway)

The Rhianna thing is a joke. I've never even heard a Rhianna song, and I know she's not fit for the title of Queen of Pop. Maybe Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera will be one day, but Rhianna..no way. :no:

And I'd like to know what Justin has done to change music to be called King Of Pop? All he's done is make a living copying off of Michael.
Who cares really? lol. Seriously you guys give Justin wayyyyyy too much attention on here. As far as his talent and music go, Justin is not worthy of all this attention he gets on MJ fan sites if you ask me.
To be honest it baffles me how some folks continue to beat the same dead horse. Every day. Every month. Every year.

This KOP claim has been around for years and every year some fans and dare I say, the same fans continue to rip each other's head on this subject.

Are we that insecure regarding to Michael's position as The King of Pop that it requires us to beat the same horse again and again and again and again and again?