Justin Timberlake, King of Pop?!

and at times, you just can't think of one good reason for them to be controversial in the first place.

i remembered this from another thread, i'll quote instead of jacking it word for word:

Agree. I dunno why some fans make threads regarding other artists and MJ when they already know the answer. All it does is upset themselves and other fans.

And you just insulted a good deal of Justin Timberlake fans here who are over 12. Nice job. :)

Not really. If you are a 35 plus adult classifing any of these mainstream artists in a legendary category similar to the likes of Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder, Oh yea you need to go back in time and listen to some real music.
Sorry if my realness offends.
I'm 16 yrs old just 4 years older than 12 and would never dare say something as ridiculous as that. I'm not saying anyone has said that in this thread because I haven't read the whole thread and won't waste my breathe with it because the whole concept of the thread is ridiculous but just speaking generally. Even if a 12 year old thinks that way its ridiculous lol but its understandable because all they've watched in their little 12 years of life is singers like JT and others.
anyways, back on topic, I appreciate Justins work, music and his dance, I love the My Love routine but I think calling him the King of Pop puts him in shoes that dont fit and he certainly cant fill.....at the moment, things may change, who knows what the future holds?

But to call anyone in the current music climate the King of Pop, leaves them with very little credibility
Well I do believe that he is the CLOSEST thing to a [new] King of Pop.

Obviously NOBODY can replace Michael Jackson, (he's the one and only; like Britney when she's bald) but I honestly think Chris Brown desreves this 'title' or whatever you may call it, more than JT does.

:hmmm: Anyone else agree? Disagree?
I think Usher comes closet, despite the last album. Chris Brown hasn't really achieved anything yet.
Well I do believe that he is the CLOSEST thing to a [new] King of Pop.

Obviously NOBODY can replace Michael Jackson, (he's the one and only; like Britney when she's bald) but I honestly think Chris Brown desreves this 'title' or whatever you may call it, more than JT does.

:hmmm: Anyone else agree? Disagree?

Disagree there is nobody that even comes dangerously close. Michael was not called the King of Pop for nothing and he didn't get that title over night. He earned it and with that made contributions to the music industry and innovation. Which Usher, JT, Chris Brown, Neyo, Omarion, whoever have not done and cannot do again because its already been done period. So just throwing around the King of Pop title doesn't mean anything.
Yeah Usher's the only competitor. If things goes right on his next album, out next year, he'll probably be alright.

I think now that he split from that man whore, he might be all right, still.
o true! God that girl took his career down.

lmao!!! good one!
None of them are talented enough to replace Michael, plain and simple. To talk as though they are is insulting to Michael's level of talent and shows a lack of understanding for how grand it really is. It's insulting to Michael period to suggest that he's replaceable at all.

And what, Usher split from his wife already?
nobody is stepping to Michael Jackson like that. sales, hits,ringtones, don't make you the king. it's not even up for discussion IMO because I saw and heard MJ during his Prime/Peak,etc... and nobody sense is touching his throne on that level. i like a whole lot of artists,etc... but there is only one michael Jackson.
if we can have an intelligent discussion WITHOUT insulting other members or artists, MAYBE this would actually be enjoyable to read.
tigerlilly....breathe for a moment....there are ways to express how u feel about someone w/o insulting them, their talent, or their fanbase....

that being said, if u don't like him, you've more than gotten your point across....it's becomming a big condescending from a few people...yes this is an mj board...no jt is NOT the kop but it doesn't mean he's not talented.

it just means that some people are turned off by his ego. other by the fact that a lot of media entities WANT him to be the 'next' kop...but that's like replacing the godfather of soul or 'the king' and that can't happen.

so fans hold on tight cuz mj's 'crown or title' ain't going nowhere.....doesn't mean jt doesn't got the skills. give him time and we'll see where he'll go. but let's be respectful while arguing our points. ok?

Its not about the King of Pop title with JT, well at least for me.
There should be no discussion about whether or not JT OR any of these stars out now is near Michaels status or will be the next King of Pop. I find it ridiculous because IT is ridiculous. None of the artists out now have made contributions to music, innovation OR damn near original. They cannot do or even come close to want Michael has done because it has ALREADY been done and cannot be done again.

Am I bashing because I say this?
Am I being disrespeful to artists out now or JT?
Am I being honest with stating the facts based on the history of popular music industry
Its not a matter of dissing why fans feel this way. Its the TRUTH, its just based on facts and the fact of the matter is all these artists haven't done anything to be deserving of the same success and status as Michael Jackson period and I'm tired of fans trying to make a comparision when there is nothing to compare with these artists out now.

Like you said it doesn't necessarily mean artists out now like, JT is not talented even though I personally find him mediocre at best, just an average artist that just so happens to be mainstream which makes him popular, typical... Thats how it is with most of the mainstream artists out now.

if we can have an intelligent discussion WITHOUT insulting other members or artists, MAYBE this would actually be enjoyable to read.

To answer you question about fans respecting each others opinions, I wish that could be so but when you have fans constantly making threads like this, its going to make some fans upset and there is going to be a clash of opinions. I think its a waste of time to make threads like this or discuss them because we know Michael is the one and only KOP, legend, greatest entertainer etc, why compare him to artists that rank below him? There is no comparision
if anyone gets upset abuot a thread on THE INTERNET...then they need to really re-evaluate things...that's first....

and second, it's not that big a deal in the great scheme of things. does it really matter to win an argument that no one will remember in two days?

no he's not the kop just like he can't be the godfather of soul or the king....but he is talented.

what's being disputed is fans thinkinghis fans are stupid, they think he's stupid, and if others don't feel the same way, to hell w/ them and to hell w/ respecting them.

this is the first and ONLY warning. keep it respectful y'all do this every so often, threads about justin are played out. so are threads about ursher and breezy....
:)first of all Im really shocked to see that this thread never got closed.:D

JT is not even average singer and when it comes to talent,then don't hope for it.That era of talented artists is gone,today we live in world where talent is the least thing needed in any artist.Now only those Artists can make something creative who were still alive in 80's and ya it doesnt matter what 12 yr old kids like cuz their choices keep changing time after time.So you cant take example of 12 yrs. old kids.

To be a king you have to dominate something,what JT dominates???to be a true king first of all he need to sell atleast 600 million records in coming 15 yrs. and then give away atleast 500 million $$ to charity.He must win atlast 9-10 Grammy's in one yr. and do atleast 3 tours and each of the tour must be attended by 5 million fans.And ofcourse its must for him to release a album which could sell atleast 110 million copies then he will be the KING!!!!!!!yay

So those were few small things JT has to do to become our KING:tease:

Now seriously titles really cant change,these things are really part of personality of any artist,Like JB is Godfather of Soul,Elvis is King of Rock n Roll and Mike is King Of Pop.

So ppl get over it,I dont care whose fans anybody is.I think everybody got right to have choices but its not good to throw up your opinions on other's face.But ya atleast we can advice those ppl who listen to crappy music of today about the real great music out there.i would put Smokey Robinson on top of any new artist out there today:clapping:.

Bottom Line is:

King Of Pop = Michael Jackson

Justin sucks, Chris Brown is the KING!!! NOT ONLY FOR POP BUT FOR MUSIC IN GENERAL!!!!
“Oh, God! That boy moves in a very exceptional way. That’s the greatest dancer of the century”
quote Michael Jackson on Justin
can i suggest something?

close the thread.

what is the purpose of losing nerves and discussing this?

we all know Michael Jackson is the one and only King of Pop and that's why we are here.

Respect to other artists, but why constantly paying attention to what stupid tabloids say...?