Justin Timberlake, King of Pop?!

Michael's still the King of Pop because when you think of what "pop" stands for, it means "popular" or "popularity", and Michael still outsells everyone. He's sold more then Usher, Justin, Chris, or whoever else in this decade alone with only one new release and with practially zero promotion. Nobody can compete with Michael.

ONCE again...thats why its no need for fans to post crap about JT or any of these artists out now if there going to get mad about it. It is really no discussion and isn't worth bringing up. We know AND everyone else knows Michaels the King of Pop etc, so there is no need for fans to get upset over fake hype because thats just what it is. It doesn't mean anything.
you're right a lot of his fans are from his boy-band days, which makes them about 25 something lol and he's made a lot of new fans of all races, genders and age :) can't deny that lol

he's rude? please show me where?
i read people say he's rude, but that normally comes from tabloids and well we all know you can't trust them lol

blogs? haha people who have nothing better to do lol

i guess actions speak louder than words, so lets wait for his next album and see how well thats recieved.
ok if we want to forgo blogs then how about media? reporters and people trying to interview him for things say he's a divo.and has outrageous demands.

fanwise.....he was in italy i think, and spit wine from the restaurant on the roof onto fans below. he refused to sign autographs and told fans to leave him alone.

if u don't thank ur public when they're around, then you'll push them away. thanking them from a stage means nothingif you think you're too good to be arond them when they're near u.

hell, even mj signs autographs and takes pics w/ people so what makes jt so good?
ok if we want to forgo blogs then how about media? reporters and people trying to interview him for things say he's a divo.and has outrageous demands.

fanwise.....he was in italy i think, and spit wine from the restaurant on the roof onto fans below. he refused to sign autographs and told fans to leave him alone.

if u don't thank ur public when they're around, then you'll push them away. thanking them from a stage means nothingif you think you're too good to be arond them when they're near u.

hell, even mj signs autographs and takes pics w/ people so what makes jt so good?

so you pretty much believe what the tabloids say?

is that the same with MJ?

or double standards?
OMG if I had been drinking when I read this topic, Id have spat the water all over the screen,

to be the King of Pop, you have to dominate popular music. Noone in the current climate of music dominates anything, they come and go like next weeks trash (im referring to their "hits" or "music")

He might be the big hit popstar of the moment but he is a couple of hundred million sales away from taking anyones throne. long way to go pal! LMAO
so you pretty much believe what the tabloids say?

is that the same with MJ?

or double standards?
no double standard my friend!:cheers: i believe what the fans say.

it's one thing for the media to say he's a rude crass person. it's highly another for someone who's devoted time, emotion, and money into him to say it as well. they ahve more at stake and i reckon it'd take more from him to make them upset

as far as this thread goes, this goes on every few wks, justin this or justin that vs mj and it's high time we put a stop to it.

he's not a bad singer. he'snot a bad dancer but he isn't michael. he's not like michael. he' sjustin.

just like usher is usher and chris b is chris b. fans who are speaking negatively about him must feel he's a threat. fans who think he's stupid are using that as an excuse to call his fans stupid and that needs to stop.

tehre's a way to speak about this and still be respectful. i haven't gone at the bloke, im just posting what i've heard, seen, and read. i listen to some of his songs, i don't mind him but i don't think he deserves the right tobe compared to someone so great so early in his SOLO career.:agree:
no double standard my friend!:cheers: i believe what the fans say.

it's one thing for the media to say he's a rude crass person. it's highly another for someone who's devoted time, emotion, and money into him to say it as well. they ahve more at stake and i reckon it'd take more from him to make them upset

as far as this thread goes, this goes on every few wks, justin this or justin that vs mj and it's high time we put a stop to it.

he's not a bad singer. he'snot a bad dancer but he isn't michael. he's not like michael. he' sjustin.

just like usher is usher and chris b is chris b. fans who are speaking negatively about him must feel he's a threat. fans who think he's stupid are using that as an excuse to call his fans stupid and that needs to stop.

tehre's a way to speak about this and still be respectful. i haven't gone at the bloke, im just posting what i've heard, seen, and read. i listen to some of his songs, i don't mind him but i don't think he deserves the right tobe compared to someone so great so early in his SOLO career.:agree:

good post!
spesh the red bit :)

.......I think this thread should end with this
i don't believe justin would do it.

i don't believe ANYONE would do it.

the tabloids are just to damn boring.

btw, what is the term "double standards" for ? lol
Can he sing???WeLLLLLLLLLL...
I notice when I saw Justin singing "Summer Love" live on his tour...He used playback in some parts of performances.
How years old Justin have?MJ never used playback when he has the same age of Justin.AND Michael dance more than Justin!AND "the King of the Ego" cant sing without playback?

KING OF POP??Ohhh,yes!!!!He wiil pratice alot!

Michaels lip synched many performances since the early 70s.

no double standard my friend!:cheers: i believe what the fans say.

it's one thing for the media to say he's a rude crass person. it's highly another for someone who's devoted time, emotion, and money into him to say it as well. they ahve more at stake and i reckon it'd take more from him to make them upset

as far as this thread goes, this goes on every few wks, justin this or justin that vs mj and it's high time we put a stop to it.

he's not a bad singer. he'snot a bad dancer but he isn't michael. he's not like michael. he' sjustin.

just like usher is usher and chris b is chris b. fans who are speaking negatively about him must feel he's a threat. fans who think he's stupid are using that as an excuse to call his fans stupid and that needs to stop.

tehre's a way to speak about this and still be respectful. i haven't gone at the bloke, im just posting what i've heard, seen, and read. i listen to some of his songs, i don't mind him but i don't think he deserves the right tobe compared to someone so great so early in his SOLO career.:agree:

Couldn't have put it better.
^ Yeah, most of MJ's television performances were lip-synced except for his first years with the Jackson 5 because there were SOME live performances from 1969 to 1975 and don't forget the Jacksons variety show. :) He also sung live with his brothers during Motown 25 in 1983 before lip-syncing his most famous performance. :yes: But yeah, just because Justin lip-syncs doesn't mean that makes Michael any better.

Right now though I can't say that none of the guys have done enough yet to become "kings of pop". Usher had a good chance after 2004 and Justin has tried twice but it never truly gelled compared to how Michael was doing it which in reality was a different time as Ne-Yo would say.
They just don't the talent to take Michael's title, plain and simple. If someone critisizes them artistically, it's not because they feel threatened, it's because they see weaknesses in their talent and are airing an opinion.
If everyone went around exploiting peoples "weaknesses" no one would ever get anywhere.
Negative opinions... On anyone thats not Michael.
u know what? i've been thinkin. what if there are people who have negative opinions on anyone who isn't Michael? so what. this is an MJ fansite. if u don't like it..u can go elsewhere.
What insults? I wasn't insulting anyone. I was just saying that anyone over the age of 12 who is actually a fan of Timberlake has issues (meaning they need to broaden their horizens in terms of knowledge of talent), because they do. And you missed my point about the adults at the show. I don't know what your issue is with me not being impressed with Justin. He's a minimal talent with minimal success given the massive promotion he gets.

And you just insulted a good deal of Justin Timberlake fans here who are over 12. Nice job. :)
tigerlilly....breathe for a moment....there are ways to express how u feel about someone w/o insulting them, their talent, or their fanbase....

that being said, if u don't like him, you've more than gotten your point across....it's becomming a big condescending from a few people...yes this is an mj board...no jt is NOT the kop but it doesn't mean he's not talented.

it just means that some people are turned off by his ego. other by the fact that a lot of media entities WANT him to be the 'next' kop...but that's like replacing the godfather of soul or 'the king' and that can't happen.

so fans hold on tight cuz mj's 'crown or title' ain't going nowhere.....doesn't mean jt doesn't got the skills. give him time and we'll see where he'll go. but let's be respectful while arguing our points. ok?
u know what? i've been thinkin. what if there are people who have negative opinions on anyone who isn't Michael? so what. this is an MJ fansite. if u don't like it..u can go elsewhere.
damn right it's an MJ fansite and if fellow fans have a differing opinion, you don't tell them to piss off; they have every right to voice it - it keeps a less embarrassing balance in place. and usually those fans at defence are more knowledgeable of the topic than the random basher of anything non-MJ.

but on the other extreme, you get muppets who just think they're somehow bigger than the community they participate in (and at times, live on, lol) and look for every opportunity to stir things up. they're usually personally frustrated individuals, and you just got to pity them.

still, what awesome replies over a bloody myspace bulletin. shame we can't get as many responses in more constructive threads..
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damn right it's an MJ fansite and if fellow fans have a differing opinion, you don't tell them to piss off; they have every right to voice it - it keeps a less embarrassing balance in place. and usually those fans at defence are more knowledgeable of the topic than the random basher of anything non-MJ.

but on the other extreme, you get muppets who just think they're somehow bigger than the community they participate in (and at times, live on, lol) and look for every opportunity to stir things up. they're usually personally frustrated individuals, and you just got to pity them.

still, what awesome replies over a bloody myspace bulletin. shame we can't get as many responses in more constructive threads..

Like actually appreciating the art of music or dancing in other artists including MJ. There's always 100 replies to controversial threads. It's sickening.
Like actually appreciating the art of music or dancing in other artists including MJ. There's always 100 replies to controversial threads. It's sickening.
and at times, you just can't think of one good reason for them to be controversial in the first place.

i remembered this from another thread, i'll quote instead of jacking it word for word:

People don't like "good" news or positive stories. Why do you think tabloids or news programs stay in business? If you watch the news, it's all negative - robberies, fires, murders, etc. Nothing about people planting trees or starting a group to help troubled youth. That's "boring" to the general public. What's more popular with kids - Grand Theft Auto or Mister Rogers Neighborhood? If I put up a thread saying "So & So sucks/overrated/is a loser" or "So & So is great/saves animals/helps people" - which one will get the most views or comments?
EXACTLY! We all love controversy and WILL reply to bullsh*t and b*tch-assed ness because that's what gets people to comment. No we can't ever be positive, we either have to be OFFICIALLY BLIND to trouble or be defensive when someone dares try to post their opinion. These threads about who's better than whom, like who gives a f**k? I mean, I didn't know forums were a popularity contest. :doh:
If everyone went around exploiting peoples "weaknesses" no one would ever get anywhere.

well not everyone looks at their weaknesses, I look at their strengths, now lets examine it, Michael was the first guy to be called the King of Pop, why because he dominated the industry, changed music video as we know it today, revolutionised a sound and continues to develop that, and on top of that he has won countless awards around the world and sold more than any other artist.

Compare that to Justins accolades and yes he does have some, but nothing near to what Michael had in his prime. Yes sales arent as huge these days but does Justin create the type of hysteria now, that Michael created in the 80s and still to this day can? No, simple, so he isnt the King of Popular Music, Noone in the current music climate as I mentioned is capable of calling themselves that, and whoever does is failing to realise that to be the heir to that throne, you have to dominate the world of music and Justin hasnt come close to doing that.
But Michael technically wasn't even the first guy to be the king of popular music, lol.

There were other "kings of pop" who ruled popular music decades before MJ was a fixture, sure when he came around, it automatically fell into his lap because of "Thriller" because that's because of him wanting for everybody to focus on him and that worked. This is what some young stars don't seem to understand nowadays.

That saying, he wasn't the first. I don't think Liz Taylor or even Bob Jones or even US fans should take all the credit for naming him "the king of pop" when TECHNICALLY he was the king of pop in 1983 onwards.

He didn't need an "official" coronation. It's like Elvis or James Brown or Marvin Gaye or Aretha, they don't really need titles, they were indeed dominant rulers of their craft.

MJ follows a line of "pop kings" from Bing Crosby to Frank Sinatra to Nat Cole to Elvis Presley to Stevie Wonder, etc., etc. Producers and music impresarios like Phil Spector and Berry Gordy ruled popular music in the sixties due to their revolutionary developments of popular music. The Beatles were among the first pop groups to totally dominate popular culture. Only reason he's somehow "maintain" it is not because of his consistent success, which really hasn't singles-wise, but due to his legacy after releasing "Thriller". The album continues to sell based off nostalgia and respect. THAT'S why he's remained the king of pop to me.

That's why so many people are out there name-dropping him every chance they get because he's up there. He was the king of pop in not just music but in CULTURE during the 1980s. He WAS the 1980s and people have tried to use his template.

But that said, I just don't see how anyone can get out of socket over stupidity when we have threads dedicated to artists whose legacies people sometimes don't read about. I bumped up Motown, rock 'n' roll, Frankie Lymon and other threads for a reason. There's a reason WHY Michael is where he is, it wasn't something totally self-made.
But Michael technically wasn't even the first guy to be the king of popular music, lol.

There were other "kings of pop" who ruled popular music decades before MJ was a fixture, sure when he came around, it automatically fell into his lap because of "Thriller" because that's because of him wanting for everybody to focus on him and that worked. This is what some young stars don't seem to understand nowadays.

That saying, he wasn't the first. I don't think Liz Taylor or even Bob Jones or even US fans should take all the credit for naming him "the king of pop" when TECHNICALLY he was the king of pop in 1983 onwards.

He didn't need an "official" coronation. It's like Elvis or James Brown or Marvin Gaye or Aretha, they don't really need titles, they were indeed dominant rulers of their craft.

MJ follows a line of "pop kings" from Bing Crosby to Frank Sinatra to Nat Cole to Elvis Presley to Stevie Wonder, etc., etc. Producers and music impresarios like Phil Spector and Berry Gordy ruled popular music in the sixties due to their revolutionary developments of popular music. The Beatles were among the first pop groups to totally dominate popular culture. Only reason he's somehow "maintain" it is not because of his consistent success, which really hasn't singles-wise, but due to his legacy after releasing "Thriller". The album continues to sell based off nostalgia and respect. THAT'S why he's remained the king of pop to me.

That's why so many people are out there name-dropping him every chance they get because he's up there. He was the king of pop in not just music but in CULTURE during the 1980s. He WAS the 1980s and people have tried to use his template.

But that said, I just don't see how anyone can get out of socket over stupidity when we have threads dedicated to artists whose legacies people sometimes don't read about. I bumped up Motown, rock 'n' roll, Frankie Lymon and other threads for a reason. There's a reason WHY Michael is where he is, it wasn't something totally self-made.

You make some good points but he was the first person I can remember being called that, he surpassed the beatles and elvis's records set in popular culture, which cemented his legacy as the King of Pop forever, he changed the way people presented their music to the world, in turn boosting sales in music, if Thriller hadnt came out, who knows where the music industry would be just now.