Justin Timberlake, King of Pop?!

Justin is a disrespectful little bitch and would be lucky to have 1/1000 of Michael's talent. It's okay, even with his label pushing him to high heaven, nobody gives a crap about him and that's reflected in his record sales. Same for all the other wanna be's. Anyone who feels threatened by them doesn't understand how talented Michael is.
^^^^ actually when he did rolling stone, he refused the interview UNLESS they put king of pop at thebottom. he denied it after a backlash but rs peeps called him out. lame-o

whats your source for this, cause i've never heard about it before??

wannabestartinsomthin21, he nearly had a sell out tour in 2007, so people do care about him, stop being so bitter.
I wanna see if Justin can have a fascinating career after the age of 30 that's when the trust test comes either you sink or swim.
whats your source for this, cause i've never heard about it before??

wannabestartinsomthin21, he nearly had a sell out tour in 2007, so people do care about him, stop being so bitter.

I'm not bitter. His ALBUM sales ain't all that considering how much his label pushes him. Stop being so sensitive. The only people who care about him are 12 year old's and he's limited to arena's.
whats your source for this, cause i've never heard about it before??

wannabestartinsomthin21, he nearly had a sell out tour in 2007, so people do care about him, stop being so bitter.
oh man, i can search for it. it's been ages tho since that issue came out. there were articles about it to. and i did say not to quote me on it! lol

it was going around at the time issue was released cuz some peoplelooked at him sideways for thinking he was mj
Oh for god's sake, I'm sick and tired of reading threads like "Is Justin the new King Of Pop?" "Is Usher the new King Of Pop?" "Is my cat the new King Of Pop?"

Steven Colbert said it best, "Michael Jackson has not unsurped his throne." Give it a rest, this thread has been done so many times already.
I'm not bitter. His ALBUM sales ain't all that considering how much his label pushes him. Stop being so sensitive. The only people who care about him are 12 year old's and he's limited to arena's.

I went to his concerts when he came to england, everyone was there, black, white, young, old... even a dog! lol
and he his done 2 club tours, which did sell out lol i'm not being sensitive, i'm just sticking up for the truth :p
^^ He might sell out concerts, but he hasn't had the reception that Michael has.

I understand it, though. Whether you like him personally or not, the man is extremely talented.
^^ He might sell out concerts, but he hasn't had the reception that Michael has.

I understand it, though. Whether you like him personally or not, the man is extremely talented.

lol everyone knows he hasn't had the same reception as michael, no one ever has lol or ever will.
Justinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!Yahhhhhhh hooooooooo!!!



Please,child...Grow up,eat more bean,rize...ok???

Justin King of Pop?Well...maybe in other incarnation....
^^^^ actually when he did rolling stone, he refused the interview UNLESS they put king of pop at thebottom. he denied it after a backlash but rs peeps called him out. lame-o

really u mean jt did that?
I went to his concerts when he came to england, everyone was there, black, white, young, old... even a dog! lol
and he his done 2 club tours, which did sell out lol i'm not being sensitive, i'm just sticking up for the truth :p

Yeah, old parent's taking their 12 year olds, lol. You know those little brats can't go by themselves, haha. Anyone over the age of 12 going because they're a fan has issues, lol.
Yeah, old parent's taking their 12 year olds, lol. You know those little brats can't go by themselves, haha. Anyone over the age of 12 going because they're a fan has issues, lol.

You know i'm right, so you've resuted to insults, very grown up of you.
You should really get your facts straight before trying to prove a point cause your just looking silly now.
Your credabilty just went straight down the toilet.

oh yeah, the club tour was over 18's, so sorta pisses on your bonfire :)
What insults? I wasn't insulting anyone. I was just saying that anyone over the age of 12 who is actually a fan of Timberlake has issues (meaning they need to broaden their horizens in terms of knowledge of talent), because they do. And you missed my point about the adults at the show. I don't know what your issue is with me not being impressed with Justin. He's a minimal talent with minimal success given the massive promotion he gets.
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let's not deny the fact that a lot of his audience came from his boy band days....

let's also not deny the fact that the media, blog-wise, is starting to turn on sir justin...he's a d-bag, plain and simple. not a nice guy, has a major ego, and he's rude.

can he sing? yes. can he dance? not bad . is he the king of anything other than his own house? no
let's not deny the fact that a lot of his audience came from his boy band days....

let's also not deny the fact that the media, blog-wise, is starting to turn on sir justin...he's a d-bag, plain and simple. not a nice guy, has a major ego, and he's rude.

can he sing? yes. can he dance? not bad . is he the king of anything other than his own house? no

you're right a lot of his fans are from his boy-band days, which makes them about 25 something lol and he's made a lot of new fans of all races, genders and age :) can't deny that lol

he's rude? please show me where?
i read people say he's rude, but that normally comes from tabloids and well we all know you can't trust them lol

blogs? haha people who have nothing better to do lol

i guess actions speak louder than words, so lets wait for his next album and see how well thats recieved.
Can he sing???WeLLLLLLLLLL...
I notice when I saw Justin singing "Summer Love" live on his tour...He used playback in some parts of performances.
How years old Justin have?MJ never used playback when he has the same age of Justin.AND Michael dance more than Justin!AND "the King of the Ego" cant sing without playback?

KING OF POP??Ohhh,yes!!!!He wiil pratice alot!

If we have to be frank, you can't be a "king of pop" unless you've ruled the industry for a number of years.

The first king of pop was probably Bing Crosby in the 1930s, followed by Frank Sinatra in the 1940s, Nat "King" Cole in the early-1950s, Elvis in the mid-1950s through 1960s, Stevie Wonder in the 1970s, MJ in the 1980s and 1990s, now to be frank, no male artist this decade has ever gotten to wear that crown tightly since, it keeps changing every year, lol.
To be a King of Pop,Soul,Rock or whatever isn't only sale zillions cd's,appear in thousands magazines or be the number one in charts of Billboard.To be a King need more than this...
The king of "soul" is occupied by too many, lol.
So is the king of "rock".

But the king of "pop" can always be evolving. Right now, it's still MJ, lol.
To be a King of Pop,Soul,Rock or whatever isn't only sale zillions cd's,appear in thousands magazines or be the number one in charts of Billboard.To be a King need more than this...

I think you need to have some sort of impact on pop culture to have any big title like that. Now Michael's had an immeasurable impact on pop culture and continues to so yeah he definitely more than deserves the title. I don't see anyone toping Michael or what he's accomplished anytime soon though so Michael remains the reigning King lol.
Michael's still the King of Pop because when you think of what "pop" stands for, it means "popular" or "popularity", and Michael still outsells everyone. He's sold more then Usher, Justin, Chris, or whoever else in this decade alone with only one new release and with practially zero promotion. Nobody can compete with Michael.