****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**** Next event MARCH 23rd

I think the problem is that those are in two different days, so people are getting confused on when actually doing the twitting thing.
Is it so? :mello:

Yes, you're right, that is the problem. As they are saying that the second twitter event is on 25, they are causing confusion among the fans. Actually the event of the 25th is the third.

I want to clear up that even if they are trying to ruin our event (which I don't understand, because we are not doing this for us, but for Michael), we incourage everyone to join both the events.
Ok sorry more confusion hear :mello: Are people implying that the people who are doing the twitter event for Michael on the 25th are working for sony :unsure:

I can't answer this question, because I don't know the answer.

We never, ever said that they are working for Sony.

I don't know where this info comes from...someone can tell me?
Lets just remember this is for justice for Michael. The rest is just semantics imo.
Yes, you're right, that is the problem. As they are saying that the second twitter event is on 25, they are causing confusion among the fans. Actually the event of the 25th is the third.

I want to clear up that even if they are trying to ruin our event (which I don't understand, because we are not doing this for us, but for Michael), we incourage everyone to join both the events.

But this is exactly what is annoying me, they are in no way trying to ruin your event and have said on many occasions to tweet for both events!! Stop accusing them off things they are not doing!

I can't answer this question, because I don't know the answer.

We never, ever said that they are working for Sony.

I don't know where this info comes from...someone can tell me?

Someone said in this thread not sure who that they may be working for sony now I know these people and to say that is bang out of order!

Lets just remember this is for justice for Michael. The rest is just semantics imo.

But calling people out for trying to ruin any event that is promoting Justice for Michael to me is unfair and untrue and it is getting on my nerves!
This is for Michael. It doesn't matter what date it is done and if we can get it trending for two days then fantastic! On Twitter atm #MJis is trending so we can easily do it.
But this is exactly what is annoying me, they are in no way trying to ruin your event and have said on many occasions to tweet for both events!! Stop accusing them off things they are not doing!

Someone said in this thread not sure who that they may be working for sony now I know these people and to say that is bang out of order!

But calling people out for trying to ruin any event that is promoting Justice for Michael to me is unfair and untrue and it is getting on my nerves!

Well, if you say this, I think you are not aware of what is going on.
I really don't want to get into this matter now, as it's not the most important thing IMO. And I think that the fans are not interested in this.

I posted here just to make it clear that there is one more Twitter event before the one of 25 march, in order to give you all the possibility to join. That's all.

We received a lot of emails from people who are confused about the two events, so I tried to clarify this here too.

it's the same guy who is selling t-shirts and caps for $25 each :


Mr Brian Oxman is NOT SELLING T-SHIRTS or CAPS! He just thought that these items would help the fans visually spread our mission of Justice for Michael especially at rallies or protest.
Mr.Oxman is allowing the company selling these items to offer them through his
website, however he is not involved with their sale or distribution and he
receives NO PROFITS!
What difference does that make who is doing when, it is not a popularity contest, we are all here for one person MICHEAL JACKSON period. As fans we will do whatever it takes to help him but this back and forth and confusing fans with allegations is not necessary, we can twit on both days. What I don’t like is calling the other group who are working hard as well for the same cause names. It reminded me of what MJ had to go through with the media lies; so please let us be adult and do what we need to do. Thank you.

Mr Brian Oxman is NOT SELLING T-SHIRTS or CAPS! He just thought that these items would help the fans visually spread our mission of Justice for Michael especially at rallies or protest.
Mr.Oxman is allowing the company selling these items to offer them through his
website, however he is not involved with their sale or distribution and he
receives NO PROFITS!

these items are not approved by the estate, they are using his name and image. So, he's "committing" something illegal

Mr Brian Oxman is NOT SELLING T-SHIRTS or CAPS! He just thought that these items would help the fans visually spread our mission of Justice for Michael especially at rallies or protest.
Mr.Oxman is allowing the company selling these items to offer them through his
website, however he is not involved with their sale or distribution and he
receives NO PROFITS!

well someone profits from the sale of those shirts _ on Brian's website. while I believe in justice for Michael
and I will tweet on both the 23rd and 25th. I will not join the event featuring Brian Oxman on the stream

I have no respect for Brian Oxman and I dont trust his judgement. Yes he does profit and gain from
this weather you want to belive it or not.. He is a KNOWN publicity hound and has never been respected
in the fan base .. That was one of the main reasons he was fired from representing Michael Jackson during his
trial. Tom Mez didnt like him either becuase of his shenanigans. You tout him as being famous as the Jackson
family attorney on your event site which he is NOT - Most fans know that. but he uses that for HIS publicity

This is what Brian is really all about ..
this is posted from his very own website ... Its says a lot

Need an interesting speaker for your organization or charity fundraiser?
Brian Oxman will WOW your audience with his personal insights in
celebrity scandals and mysteries. :doh:
Presentation topics:
Celebrity Scandal
The Life and death of Michael Jackson.

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I totally agree with that It doesn't really care who is doing it.
Infact, I have not event told nothing about them. I just clarified about the dates of the two events. Then I have been asked questions, so I answered.

We have not called names the other group, we are only defending our group from their unfounded attacks.

E.g. their last post on twitter: " Please understand that the other group on the 23, is are trying to confuse fans and make them think the event of 25, has been canceled "

Can you onestly say this is a fair behaviour?? I am here, incouraging all of you to join both events, even they are constantly attacking us (on twitter, by pm and so on), and this is what they say????

Well, I don't want to talk about this matter again. We have not to defend ourselves from something we didn't do.
You are free to believe who you want. but first you have to listen both the versions of the story.

Last thing. I don't want to distract you from the only important thing in all this mess.
Let's fight to seek justice for MJ, and let's do it being united,not divided.
Can we please keep on topic of the twitter events now please? :flowers:
I totally agree with that It doesn't really care who is doing it.
Infact, I have not event told nothing about them. I just clarified about the dates of the two events. Then I have been asked questions, so I answered.

We have not called names the other group, we are only defending our group from their unfounded attacks.

E.g. their last post on twitter: " Please understand that the other group on the 23, is are trying to confuse fans and make them think the event of 25, has been canceled "

Can you onestly say this is a fair behaviour?? I am here, incouraging all of you to join both events, even they are constantly attacking us (on twitter, by pm and so on), and this is what they say????

Well, I don't want to talk about this matter again. We have not to defend ourselves from something we didn't do.
You are free to believe who you want. but first you have to listen both the versions of the story.

Last thing. I don't want to distract you from the only important thing in all this mess.
Let's fight to seek justice for MJ, and let's do it being united,not divided.

Right Stacy I am sorry but I cant PM this poster as the site will not let me......... They said what I have put in red because who ever (I am not saying it is you) is organizing this twitter event on the 23d Off March E mailed a load off people saying the event on the 25th had been canceled I know this for a fact, now that is bang out off order and not needed, Its also Pathetic, Now yes this is about Michael I could not agree more so stop with the childishness and concentrate on that alone, I will be tweeting both days for Michael not for anyone else or to make any group more popular, I am doing it for Michael!!!! You say lets do it together, Yes lets stop trying to sabotage anyone elses efforts!!
Guys, can somebody explain this situation? Who are these groups? I will be twitting anyway but I am confused about it. Which group is which?
This is the last thing i say about this matter:

No one of the organizers of the event have never sayd that the event of the 25 has been cancelled. If they received that mail (i'm not even sure they received it) they didn't receive it from us.
We can't have the control of all the members of our group, if someone of them have sent such mail, it's not our fault.
We can't be responsible for all the members of our group actions, we are all adult people.
Guys, Remember: TODAY IS THE DAY !!!

Let's do it for Michael, let's do it for JUSTICE!

Twitter Rally - 12.00 pm/pst
Ustream - 8.00 pm/pst

Will you be there???
Remember to take off the privacy settings of your twitter account for the event, otherwise your tweets will be visible only to your followers. thank you!
The twitter rally will begin at 12pm PST followed by our ustream live event with Brian Oxman at 8 pm PST. If you have privacy settings on your twitter account remember to take them off for the event.
Please make sure you sign into ustream chat through social stream in order for #JUSTICE4MJ along for our show to automatically trend on twitter.
If you haven't created a ustream account yet,please go ahead and do so now.
This is the link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/justice-for-mj-brian-oxman-speaks-out-to-fans

THANK YOU so much for your support in helping seek justice for Michael.Its time to show Dr.Murray,Aeg,and Sony who's bad !! We are Michael's voice now so remember there's nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice together as one
Its trending now whoop whoop. In the end of the day we must all come together for justice for Michael. That is the goal here.
Thank you all Guys for your help...keep it trending !!!!

I'm in twitter jail right now....
As you said hun it did work last time and was trending for a long time. What I do on these Twitter event days is end every tweet with #justice4MJ. We'll get it trending again on Monday.

Yeah I've just come out of twitter after spending 2 and a half hrs tweeting #justice4MJ.............:wub:
At least MJ sees our love and efforts..............all we can do is hope and pray for justice for our angel.:yes::angel:
Twitter has blocked #justice4MJ trending topic. It was at number 4 /5 for 3 hours from 7pm to 10pm UK time, both world wide and Uk and then suddenly it was gone. Fans around the world have been tweeting for hours, have a look here,http://www.ustream.tv/channel/justi...tter.com&utm_source=3398389&utm_medium=social but no matter how many #justice4mj tweets there are, its not a trending topic any more. Approx 14,000 tweets yet no trending topic. Very strange that other trending topics show less real time results than #justice4mj !!
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