****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**** Next event MARCH 23rd

Just do both days!! Tweet it everyday if you want to! I just think it is a little bit petty some things people are saying thats all! I will be tweeting both days in the hope it makes some difference! :)

Amen darlin:agree:
This is about justice for MJ afterall.
Lets stand united as united we stand divided we fall..........
I tweeted tonight and will do again on 25th! :yes:
( my bday) lol shhhhhh dont mention that as I am still 21 lol:doh:
Twitter has blocked #justice4MJ trending topic. It was at number 4 /5 for 3 hours from 7pm to 10pm UK time, both world wide and Uk and then suddenly it was gone. Fans around the world have been tweeting for hours, have a look here,http://www.ustream.tv/channel/justi...tter.com&utm_source=3398389&utm_medium=social but no matter how many #justice4mj tweets there are, its not a trending topic any more. Approx 14,000 tweets yet no trending topic. Very strange that other trending topics show less real time results than #justice4mj !!

I even tweeted tonight earlier that it smelt of a rat.:doh:
I am suspicious.............sorry hope not to cause a prob by saying this but it is suspicious!!:(
go to http://wthashtag.com and search the real time stats of the trending topics and you will be shocked. I just searched the number 4 world wide trending topic #its reallyannoying. That has 3,200 tweets compared with nearly 16,000 #justice4mj
a little personal note - I had the chance to listen to a part of your ustream yesterday and I'm personally disappointed. I'm not going to go into details here (pm me if interested) but IMO you should differentiate between justice versus conspiracy and defamation.