****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**** Next event MARCH 23rd


the worst is that some fans are supporting him

Many fans,even some friends of mine who truly love M, have a very superficial knowledge about him and the complexity of his legal situation (not that it's an obligation to),but they read "justice" and take for granted oxman is the good guy of the situation.
If you're going to preach about justice,it really doesn't take much to google a name...otherwise just listen to his music because doing nothing is better than supporting oxman.
There's also a thread on this in The fans take action forum.
[It isn't totally offtop]
I am a fan for over 15 years now, but I must admit I got lost now in what's happening. What I observed last night on this pre-twitter event really bothers me: fans against fans, words against words... I can only imagine, what is Mr Oxman about, just as more ppl who weren't supporting Michael for some time (or never) and now they're looking for justice for him. This whole situation is bad for us, then I know it's not only me, who doesn't know what to do. I need to do sth, but I don't know what. There are fans claiming KO and co. are murders, there are fans glorifying them for what we saw on TII, there are fans visiting FL every month and the others claiming the first one are just 'selling their t-shirts there' and then there ale also fans still believing Michael is alive. All groups are dissing each other. What has happened to us? I know we all mean well, we're all looking for justice for Michael, but sometimes I guess we just don't even see how some ppl are using us, grieving fans to achieve their goals (yes, I am thinking about Mr Oxman here)
[To be clear: I respect all the fans, 'cause I know what we're going trough. I just got lost in all this :(]
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We are just lost :(

People are struggling since Michael's passing, that's what happened. Its a natural process of grief-we're all angry. I have days where I just want to smash something I'm so angry about it and its hard not to snap. I see a picture of Murray and I boil with rage and I have had the biggest arguments with people over it. Not fans but other people. But we all need to be united, the arguing just doesn't help and its a time where all fans need to be united in togetherness for justice, justice for the man that each and every one of us love. We're never going to agree of course got but we just have to 'agree to disagree' and move on. I know its easier said that done but we need to try at least. For Michael.
[It isn't totally offtop]
I am a fan for over 15 years now, but I must admit I got lost now in what's happening. What I observed last night on this pre-twitter event really bothers me: fans against fans, words against words... I can only imagine, what is Mr Oxman about, just as more ppl who weren't supporting Michael for some time (or never) and now they're looking for justice for him. This whole situation is bad for us, then I know it's not only me, who doesn't know what to do. I need to do sth, but I don't know what. There are fans claiming KO and co. are murders, there are fans glorifying them for what we saw on TII, there are fans visiting FL every month and the others claiming the first one are just 'selling their t-shirts there' and then there ale also fans still believing Michael is alive. All groups are dissing each other. What has happened to us? I know we all mean well, we're all looking for justice for Michael, but sometimes I guess we just don't even see how some ppl are using us, grieving fans to achieve their goals (yes, I am thinking about Mr Oxman here)
[To be clear: I respect all the fans, 'cause I know what we're going trough. I just got lost in all this :(]
Oh, it's not so off topic. I just want to say to ALL of you ... :group: I love you guys. I'm seeing this too, so often... fans against fans. I hope it's just a phase caused by grief and anger, but I also worry that if we don't resolve this now the gulf between us all will grow. There's no reason to be hating on each other. Any large group of people will never agree on everything. Deep inside I believe we're all a family and it hurts so bad to see the family on the edge of being torn apart. So I want to say to you all... whether you believe it was an accident or murder, whether you believe in conspiracies, hoaxes or think all those folks are nuts, whether you love TII or hate it, like KF or can't stand her, on and on ... please come together. We're united by LOVE. Our love for Michael and, if we can remember this, our love for each other. And that's what Michael wanted so much... for us to love each other, to heal the world together, to stand together... the whole planet. I did the #Justice4MJ Twitter event and will do them in the future (schedule allowing) because a) I want justice for Michael and b) I want us to stand together, to remember we're together, not apart! This is also why I believe so strongly in Major Love Prayer (thousands of MJ fans unite every month on the 25th to send love energy). It's not just about changing the world, but reminding us how it feels to be one. We can still be that. :heart:
im very confuse my self there are 2 twitter on my page one is Justice 4 MJ and another one is jutics4MJJ im so confuse in witch one is real and which onei s working with Sony AEG i dont know who to believe any more this is really getting to mei dont want to support Sony or AEG with there agenda if i follow ether one they have to show me some kind of prof that there not working with AEG or sony to take away the estate form the kids because i know that what AEG and Sony want
I saw this too and said WTF??? I too did the first twitter, wrote letters to Cooley, went to FB and wrote to Jerry Brown. I will continue to do everything for Michael but I refuase to part of those who want to bicker.
I know I am still struggling along here, lost my damn job cause I was so depressed but hey, the goog Lord will make a way for me and all of the fans , Michael's children and his family. Michael is already blessed and has his wings.
I really do not thinlk he would approve of all of this madness.
However, I will continue twitting on the second twitter date , 23 March and I hope to go to court on the 5th too.
So, please folks, it's all for L.O.V.E. that's all I can say.
done with rant.:better::angel:
I saw this too and said WTF??? I too did the first twitter, wrote letters to Cooley, went to FB and wrote to Jerry Brown. I will continue to do everything for Michael but I refuase to part of those who want to bicker.
I know I am still struggling along here, lost my damn job cause I was so depressed but hey, the goog Lord will make a way for me and all of the fans , Michael's children and his family. Michael is already blessed and has his wings.
I really do not thinlk he would approve of all of this madness.
However, I will continue twitting on the second twitter date , 23 March and I hope to go to court on the 5th too.
So, please folks, it's all for L.O.V.E. that's all I can say.
done with rant.:better::angel:

Any rant to do with loving MJ is so totally understood..............:yes:
With the love of course
Righteous anger is allowed!
I do twitter like this.............
It showed trending topic last time we did it!
Would show pic if I could................might try to show it to encourage you all..............
We all love and want justice for MJ thats why we are here!:wub:
Love to you.
Any rant to do with loving MJ is so totally understood..............:yes:
With the love of course
Righteous anger is allowed!
I do twitter like this.............
It showed trending topic last time we did it!
Would show pic if I could................might try to show it to encourage you all..............
We all love and want justice for MJ thats why we are here!:wub:
Love to you.

So,so true!:)
Clarification about the two twitter events

Hello All,

First of all, we are so sorry that some groups are cousing confusion among the fans, we are aware of that, and we're try to handle this matter.

Just for make it clear, our group, "a plan to seek justice for michael jackson", is the one which created the first twitter event. We are aware that some groups, tried to take credit of our first event, and are now promoting the event of march 25.

Even so, as both the events' aim is seeking justice for mj, we don't discourage people from attending both the events. But if you have to choose one, we want just you to know that the event of the 23rd is the one organized by us.

We don't want to feed wars among fans, we are just working so hard to try to give the possibility to all the fans to take part of this, and to speak their mind.

We have nothing, but this aim at heart.

Thank you all.
Any rant to do with loving MJ is so totally understood..............:yes:
With the love of course
Righteous anger is allowed!
I do twitter like this.............
It showed trending topic last time we did it!
Would show pic if I could................might try to show it to encourage you all..............
We all love and want justice for MJ thats why we are here!:wub:
Love to you.

As you said hun it did work last time and was trending for a long time. What I do on these Twitter event days is end every tweet with #justice4MJ. We'll get it trending again on Monday.
Re: Clarification about the two twitter events

Hello All,

First of all, we are so sorry that some groups are cousing confusion among the fans, we are aware of that, and we're try to handle this matter.

Just for make it clear, our group, "a plan to seek justice for michael jackson", is the one which created the first twitter event. We are aware that some groups, tried to take credit of our first event, and are now promoting the event of march 25.

Even so, as both the events' aim is seeking justice for mj, we don't discourage people from attending both the events. But if you have to choose one, we want just you to know that the event of the 23rd is the one organized by us.

We don't want to feed wars among fans, we are just working so hard to try to give the possibility to all the fans to take part of this, and to speak their mind.

We have nothing, but this aim at heart.

Thank you all.

Have to say I'm confused, I changed the title of this thread twice already. :lol: Thanks for the clarification. :)
Re: Clarification about the two twitter events

Have to say I'm confused, I changed the title of this thread twice already. :lol: Thanks for the clarification. :)

I know, and I'm really, really sorry for this.

Anyway thank you so much for the cooperation and support.

If you have any other questions about the event I am more than willing to answer them :)
Re: Clarification about the two twitter events

I know, and I'm really, really sorry for this.

Anyway thank you so much for the cooperation and support.

If you have any other questions about the event I am more than willing to answer them :)

Hey it's not your fault, no worries. :flowers:
there's something else i would like to add, as i saw some comments about Brian Oxman

Well, actually Mr.Oxman and Joe Jackson are fighting to seek justice4MJ.
This is not all about Joe receiving money from the will.There is a lot of injustice being done and BO's main goal is to encourage fans world wide to take action before its too late !
We want to point out that Oxman is giving us his time 100% for free. He has not organized this event, we did, and he agreed to join us, as he sees we are working hard to get justice for Michael.
If you want to join us for our show, of course you are more than welcome to attend.
We are all working for the same cause which is to seek justice4MJ. So let's focus on this goal.
We want also to point out that we are totally disappointed too of this fights among fans.
we were and still are accused of totally infounded things. those people who are attacking us are also making confusion among fans.
What we are just trying to do is to defend our work for justice in order to make ours and yours efforts being effective.
We have no other aim than this.
I am asking this question because I think accusing people off such a thing, and also accusing them off trying to cause any sort of hassle to other peoples twitter events is ridiculous! If u look on there facebook page you will see they take no credit for the last twitter event and praise them for there efforts!! Not that it matters who gets recognition for the events as it is not about that it is about Justice for Michael which is what we all want!!
Re: Clarification about the two twitter events

Hello All,

First of all, we are so sorry that some groups are cousing confusion among the fans, we are aware of that, and we're try to handle this matter.

Just for make it clear, our group, "a plan to seek justice for michael jackson", is the one which created the first twitter event. We are aware that some groups, tried to take credit of our first event, and are now promoting the event of march 25.

Even so, as both the events' aim is seeking justice for mj, we don't discourage people from attending both the events. But if you have to choose one, we want just you to know that the event of the 23rd is the one organized by us.

We don't want to feed wars among fans, we are just working so hard to try to give the possibility to all the fans to take part of this, and to speak their mind.

We have nothing, but this aim at heart.

Thank you all.

I am glad you came here too to clarify this mess. Your idea was great and it work great, so that's GREAT. Sorry other people messed up things, more now, creating a "second" event. That's how a good idea gets destroyed :no:

As you say, as far as it helps the search for justice, it's good to encourage fans to participate. However, it is very, very childish from some people to encourage fans to take part in an event you didn't organize and then receiving all the clapping and congratulations, without making clear it was not your idea, but some other's. It would be so much better for us if we could work together and recognize each other efforts. Instead, once again figthing :doh:

It's hard for me to understand the participation of Mr. Oxman, anyway, but it is even harder why fans are now trying to gather as many fans as possible.

At a point, I feel there are also too many people trying to get US to follow them, being those newly arrived fans, old time fans, relatives of MJ, people who used to work with Michael, lawyers, companies, etc.

Sad... it seems like we, his fans, are also part of the booty :no:

(you already know my point, justice4mjj ;) )
would love to know how a second event is destroying this one surely the more people that tweet this the better! :unsure:
I think the problem is that those are in two different days, so people are getting confused on when actually doing the twitting thing.
Is it so? :mello:
brian oxman don't care about fans or justice. He has hidden agendas. Don't forget how many he said about MJ or his kids (their DNA).

Now he's selling t-shirts or caps without the approval of the estate
Just do both days, that's the easiest way and it seems that the people who have organised the events have just said both days.